public bool PEGI() { bool changed = false; EditableMesh.inspected = edMesh; pegi.newLine(); if (edMesh != null) { if ("Mesh ".foldout(ref inspectMesh).nl()) { changed |= edMesh.Nested_Inspect().nl(); } } pegi.Space(); pegi.newLine(); changed |= target.PreviewShaderToggle_PEGI(); if ((!target.IsOriginalShader) && ("preview".select(45, ref meshSHaderMode.selected, meshSHaderMode.allModes).nl())) { meshSHaderMode.selected.Apply(); } pegi.Space(); pegi.newLine(); var previousTool = MeshTool; if ("tool".select(70, ref Cfg._meshTool, MeshToolBase.AllTools).nl()) { Grid.vertexPointMaterial.SetColor("_Color", MeshTool.VertColor); previousTool.OnDeSelectTool(); MeshTool.OnSelectTool(); } pegi.Space(); pegi.newLine(); "Mesh Name:".edit(70, ref target.meshNameHolder); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (((AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(target.GetMesh()).Length == 0) || (String.Compare(target.meshNameHolder, target.GetMesh().name) != 0)) && (icon.Save.Click("Save Mesh As {0}".F(target.GenerateMeshSavePath()), 25).nl())) { target.SaveMesh(); } #endif pegi.newLine();; MeshTool.PEGI(); pegi.newLine(); if ("Hint".foldout(ref showTooltip).nl()) { pegi.writeHint(MeshTool.Tooltip); } if ("Merge Meshes".foldout(ref showCopyOptions).nl()) { if (!selectedPainters.Contains(target)) { if ("Copy Mesh".Click("Add Mesh to the list of meshes to be merged").nl()) { selectedPainters.Add(target); } if (selectedPainters.Count > 0) { if (edMesh.UV2distributeRow < 2 && "Enable EV2 Distribution".toggleInt("Each mesh's UV2 will be modified to use a unique portion of a texture.", ref edMesh.UV2distributeRow).nl()) { edMesh.UV2distributeRow = Mathf.Max(2, (int)Mathf.Sqrt(selectedPainters.Count)); } else { if (edMesh.UV2distributeCurrent > 0) { ("All added meshes will be distributed in " + edMesh.UV2distributeRow + " by " + edMesh.UV2distributeRow + " grid. By cancelling this added" + "meshes will have UVs unchanged and may use the same portion of Texture (sampled with UV2) as other meshes.").writeHint(); if ("Cancel Distribution".Click().nl()) { edMesh.UV2distributeRow = 0; } } else { "Row:".edit("Will change UV2 so that every mesh will have it's own portion of a texture.", 25, ref edMesh.UV2distributeRow, 2, 16).nl(); "Start from".edit(ref edMesh.UV2distributeCurrent).nl(); } pegi.write("Using " + (edMesh.UV2distributeCurrent + selectedPainters.Count + 1) + " out of " + (edMesh.UV2distributeRow * edMesh.UV2distributeRow).ToString() + " spots"); pegi.newLine(); } "Will Merge with the following:".nl(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPainters.Count; i++) { if (selectedPainters[i] == null) { selectedPainters.RemoveAt(i); i--; } else { if (icon.Delete.Click(25)) { selectedPainters.RemoveAt(i); i--; } else { selectedPainters[i]; } } } if ("Merge!".Click().nl()) { foreach (var p in selectedPainters) { edMesh.MergeWith(p); } edMesh.Dirty = true; } } } else { if ("Remove from Copy Selection".Click().nl()) { selectedPainters.Remove(target); } } } pegi.newLine(); Grid.vertexPointMaterial.SetColor("_Color", MeshTool.VertColor); if ((!Application.isPlaying) && ("references".foldout(ref showReferences).nl())) { "vertexPointMaterial".write(Grid.vertexPointMaterial); pegi.newLine(); "vertexPrefab".edit(ref Grid.vertPrefab).nl(); "Max Vert Markers ".edit(ref vertsShowMax).nl(); "pointedVertex".edit(ref Grid.pointedVertex.go).nl(); "SelectedVertex".edit(ref Grid.selectedVertex.go).nl(); } EditableMesh.inspected = null; return(changed); }