public static void Merger() { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentA.pdf")); Aes256Security security = new Aes256Security("OwnerPassword", "UserPassword"); document.Security = security; document.Draw("PasswordProtectPDFMerger.pdf"); document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/PasswordProtectExistingPDF.pdf")); }
private static string BarcodeJobTicketPdf(string FullFileName, string JobName, string StockCode) { string pdfFullName = FullFileName.Replace(" .pdf", ".pdf"); ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document.AddLicense("DPS70NEDJGMGEGWKOnLLQb4SjhbTTJhXnkpf9bj8ZzxFH+FFxctoPX+HThGxkpidUCHJ5b88fg4oUJSHiRBggzHdghUgkkuIvoag"); var doc = new ceTe.DynamicPDF.Document(); var page = new ceTe.DynamicPDF.Page(); MergeDocument MyDocJobTicket = new MergeDocument(); PdfDocument pdfTemplate = new PdfDocument(FullFileName); var qrCode = new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Image(Encode.QR(JobName), 300, 50); qrCode.Height = 90; qrCode.Width = 90; MyDocJobTicket.Append(pdfTemplate); MyDocJobTicket.Pages[0].Dimensions.SetMargins(0); MyDocJobTicket.Pages[0].Elements.Add(qrCode); qrCode = new ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Image(Encode.QR(StockCode), 50, 405); qrCode.Height = 38; qrCode.Width = 38; MyDocJobTicket.Pages[0].Elements.Add(qrCode); MyDocJobTicket.FormFlattening = FormFlatteningOptions.Default; MyDocJobTicket.Draw(pdfFullName); MyDocJobTicket = null; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(FullFileName); fi.Delete(); return(pdfFullName); }
public static void Run(string outputPdfPath) { // Create an output document and set it's properties MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/fw9_18.pdf")); document.Creator = "StampPDF"; document.Author = "ceTe Software"; document.Title = "Stamp PDF"; // Create a template to place an image behind each page in the PDF Template backgroundTemplate = new Template(); document.Template = backgroundTemplate; backgroundTemplate.Elements.Add(new BackgroundImage(Util.GetResourcePath("Images/DPDFLogo_Watermark.png"))); // Create a label for the stamp and rotate it 20 degrees Label label = new Label("Stamped with Merger for .NET.", 0, 250, 500, 100, Font.Helvetica, 24, TextAlign.Center, RgbColor.Red); label.Angle = -20; // Create an anchor group to keep the label anchored regardless of page size AnchorGroup anchorGroup = new AnchorGroup(500, 100, Align.Center, VAlign.Top); anchorGroup.Add(label); // Create a stamp template and add the anchor group containing the label to it Template stampTemplate = new Template(); document.StampTemplate = stampTemplate; stampTemplate.Elements.Add(anchorGroup); // Outputs the stamped document to the current web page document.Draw(outputPdfPath); }
public void Merge(string sourceDirectory) { var coverPages = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, coverPageIdentifier); foreach (string coverPage in coverPages) { string fileName = coverPage.Substring(sourceDirectory.Length + 1); string filePrefix = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf("_") + 1); var bodyPage = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, filePrefix + bodyPageIdentifier).First(); string path = sourceDirectory + @"\" + fileName; PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(path); var pageCount = pdf.Pages.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(path, i, 1); document.Append(bodyPage); string planID = filePrefix + (i.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0')) + ".pdf"; string archivePath = sourceDirectory + @"\" + planID; document.Draw(archivePath); } } }
protected Arquivo inserirArquivosNaLista(string id, string opcao) { List <Arquivo> list_temp = new List <Arquivo>(); list_temp = (List <Arquivo>)Session[opcao]; Arquivo arq_temp = new Arquivo(); if (list_temp != null) { string nomeArquivo = montarFormatoGD(id, opcao + ext); int count = list_temp.Count; if (count >= 2) { MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(0).nome_Arquivo, diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(1).nome_Arquivo); if (count > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) { document.Append(diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(i).nome_Arquivo); } } document.Draw(nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Delete(diretorio + nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, diretorio + nomeArquivo); } arq_temp.nome_Arquivo = nomeArquivo; arq_temp.tipo_Arquivo = opcao; } return(arq_temp); }
public static void Run(string outputPdfPath) { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/fw9AcroForm_18_filled.pdf")); document.Form.Output = FormOutput.Flatten; document.Draw(outputPdfPath); }
// A simple Merge of two PDF files. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. static void Merge2Pdfs() { //Create MergeDocument object with source PDFs to Merge MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf"), GetResourcePath("doc-b.pdf")); //Save the merged PDF document.Draw("output-simple-merge.pdf"); }
public static void CombinePDF() { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentA.pdf")); document.Append(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentB.pdf")); document.Append(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentC.pdf"), 1, 2); document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/CombinePDFs.pdf")); }
public static void CombinePDFWithOptions() { MergeOptions options = MergeOptions.All; options.DocumentProperties = false; MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentA.pdf"), options); document.Append(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentB.pdf")); document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/CombinePDFWithOptions.pdf")); }
public static void MergeOption() { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentA.pdf")); MergeOptions options = MergeOptions.Append; options.Outlines = false; document.Append(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentB.pdf"), options); document.Append(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentC.pdf")); document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/MergeOption.pdf")); }
// Combines PDF documents. // This code uses the DynamicPDF Merger for .NET product. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. private static void CombinePDFs() { //Create MergeDocument object and append PDFs MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf")); document.Append(GetResourcePath("doc-b.pdf")); document.Append(GetResourcePath("doc-c.pdf"), 1, 2); //Save merged document document.Draw("output-combined.pdf"); }
// A simple merge and then appending another PDF. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. static void MergeAndAppendPdfs() { //Create MergeDocument object with source PDFs to Merge MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf"), GetResourcePath("doc-b.pdf")); //Append a PDF document document.Append(GetResourcePath("doc-c.pdf"), 1, 2); //Save the merged PDF document.Draw("output-with-append.pdf"); }
public static void Run() { PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/TimeMachine.pdf")); MergeDocument part1 = new MergeDocument(pdf, 1, 4); part1.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/TimeMachinePart1.pdf")); MergeDocument part2 = new MergeDocument(pdf, 5, 8); part2.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/TimeMachinePart2.pdf")); }
public static void Merger() { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentA.pdf")); Aes256Security security = new Aes256Security("OwnerPassword", "UserPassword"); security.AllowCopy = false; security.AllowPrint = false; document.Security = security; document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/EncryptExistingPDF.pdf")); }
public static void Merger() { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/DocumentA.pdf")); Template template = new Template(); PageNumberingLabel pageLabels = new PageNumberingLabel("%%CP%% of %%TP%%", 0, 0, 200, 20); template.Elements.Add(pageLabels); document.Template = template; document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/AddPageNumberToExistingPDF.pdf")); }
public static void Run(string outputPdfPath) { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/fw9AcroForm_18_filled.pdf")); document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_1[0]"].Output = FormFieldOutput.Remove; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Address[0].f1_8[0]"].Output = FormFieldOutput.Remove; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_2[0]"].Output = FormFieldOutput.Flatten; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Address[0].f1_7[0]"].Output = FormFieldOutput.Flatten; document.Draw(outputPdfPath); }
/// <summary> /// Método usado para deletar uma página especifica do documento. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void ImageButtonDeletePagina_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string nomeArquivo = LabelArquivo.Text; LabelErro.Text = ""; ImageAttention.Visible = false; //verificar se o nome nao esta nulo if (nomeArquivo.Equals("")) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "window.alert('Não existe arquivo');", true); } else { int page = Convert.ToInt16(TextBoxDeletePagina.Text); PdfDocument originalPDF = new PdfDocument(pathDir + nomeArquivo); //specify original file int totalpages = originalPDF.Pages.Count; if ((page > totalpages) || (page <= 0)) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "window.alert('Página fora do limite!');", true); } else if (totalpages == 1) { System.IO.File.Delete(pathDir + nomeArquivo); TableArquivo.Visible = false; string abaAtiva = retornaAbaAtiva(); Session.Add("postou_" + abaAtiva, "nao"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "window.alert('Página deletada com sucesso!');", true); } else if (totalpages != 1) { if (page == totalpages) { MergeDocument smallerPDF = new MergeDocument(originalPDF, 1, page - 1); smallerPDF.Draw(nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Delete(pathDir + nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, pathDir + nomeArquivo); } else { MergeDocument smallerPDF = new MergeDocument(originalPDF, 1, page - 1); int pagesAppend = totalpages - page; smallerPDF.Append(originalPDF, page + 1, pagesAppend); //append pages deleted plus one until page count; smallerPDF.Draw(nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Delete(pathDir + nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, pathDir + nomeArquivo); } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "window.alert('Página deletada com sucesso!');", true); } } }
public static void Run() { MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetPath("Resources/PDFs/fw9AcroForm_18.pdf")); document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_1[0]"].Value = "Any Company, Inc."; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_2[0]"].Value = "Any Company"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].FederalClassification[0].c1_1[0]"].Value = "1"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Address[0].f1_7[0]"].Value = "123 Main Street"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Address[0].f1_8[0]"].Value = "Washington, DC 22222"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_9[0]"].Value = "Any Requester"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_10[0]"].Value = "17288825617"; document.Draw(Util.GetPath("Output/AcroFormFilling.pdf")); }
// Add password protection for an existing PDF. // This code uses DynamicPDF Merger for .NET product. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. private static void AddPasswordToExistingPDF() { //Create PdfDocument object with the existing PDF file and create MergeDocument using PdfDocument PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf")); MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(pdf); //Create Security object with passwords and set it to the Document Aes256Security security = new Aes256Security("owner", "user"); document.Security = security; //Save the Document document.Draw("output-existing-pdf.pdf"); }
public static void Run(string outputPdfPath) { // Create a merge document and set it's properties MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/DocumentA.pdf"), Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/DocumentB.pdf")); // Append additional PDF document.Append(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/DocumentC.pdf")); // Append 3 pages from an aditional PDF document.Append(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/DocumentD.pdf"), 1, 3); // Outputs the merged document to the current web page document.Draw(outputPdfPath); }
// Splits a PDF document into two. // This code uses the DynamicPDF Merger for .NET product. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the PdfDocument and MergeDocument classes. static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a PdfDocument using the source PDF PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf")); // Create MergeDocument and append the pages needed from main document to split MergeDocument part1 = new MergeDocument(pdf, 1, 2); part1.Draw("output-part1.pdf"); // Create MergeDocument and append the pages needed from main document to split MergeDocument part2 = new MergeDocument(pdf, 3, 2); part2.Draw("output-part2.pdf"); }
// Combines PDF documents with options. // This code uses the DynamicPDF Merger for .NET product. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. private static void CombinePDFsWithOptions() { //Create MergeOptions with different settings MergeOptions options = MergeOptions.Append; options.Outlines = false; //Create MergeDocument object MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(); // Append a document with options document.Append(GetResourcePath("doc-with-outline.pdf"), options); //Save document document.Draw("output-with-options.pdf"); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a merge document and set it's properties MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName, FileUpload2.PostedFile.FileName); string nomeArquivo1 = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); // Outputs the merged document to the current web page //document.DrawToWeb(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); document.Draw(nomeArquivo1); // Opens the PDF (Requires a PDF Viewer) //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(nomeArquivo1); // Put the file on a specific Path System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo1, "c://Temp//" + nomeArquivo1); }
// Encrypts an existing PDF document // This code uses the DynamicPDF Merger for .NET product. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. private static void EncryptExistingPDF() { //Create a MergeDocument object with the existing PDF MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf")); //Create Security object with passwords and other settings Aes256Security security = new Aes256Security("owner", "user"); security.AllowAccessibility = true; security.AllowFormFilling = false; //Set security to the Document document.Security = security; //Save document document.Draw("output-existing-pdf.pdf"); }
// A simple merge and appending two other PDFs with options. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument and MergeOptions classes. static void MergeWithOptions() { //Create MergeDocument with MergeOptions var document = new MergeDocument(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf"), MergeOptions.All); var optionsNoOutlines = MergeOptions.Append; optionsNoOutlines.Outlines = false; document.Append(GetResourcePath("doc-with-outline.pdf"), optionsNoOutlines); var optionsNoAnnotations = MergeOptions.Append; optionsNoAnnotations.PageAnnotations = false; document.Append(GetResourcePath("doc-with-note.pdf"), optionsNoAnnotations); document.Draw("output-with-options.pdf"); }
// This examples uses the DynamicPDF Merger for .NET Product // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF namespace for the Template class // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements namespace for the PageNumberingLabel element. // Use the ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger namespace for the MergeDocument class. private static void AddPageNumbersToExistingPDF() { //Create a MergeDocument object using the existing PDF MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(GetResourcePath("doc-a.pdf")); //Create a template bject Template template = new Template(); //Create a PageNumberingLabel and add it to the template PageNumberingLabel pageLabels = new PageNumberingLabel("%%CP%% of %%TP%%", 0, 0, 200, 20); template.Elements.Add(pageLabels); //Set template to the document document.Template = template; //Save document. document.Draw("output-existing-pdf.pdf"); }
protected void ImageButtonDeletePagina_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string nomeArquivo = LabelArquivo.Text; LabelErro.Text = ""; ImageAttention.Visible = false; //verificar se o nome nao esta nulo if (nomeArquivo.Equals("")) { LabelErro.Text = "Não existe arquivo"; ImageAttention.Visible = true; } else { int page = Convert.ToInt16(TextBoxDeletePagina.Text); PdfDocument originalPDF = new PdfDocument(pathDir + nomeArquivo); //specify original file int totalpages = originalPDF.Pages.Count; if ((page > totalpages) || (page <= 0)) { LabelErro.Text = "Página fora do limite"; ImageAttention.Visible = true; } else if (page == totalpages) { MergeDocument smallerPDF = new MergeDocument(originalPDF, 1, page - 1); smallerPDF.Draw(nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Delete(pathDir + nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, pathDir + nomeArquivo); } else { MergeDocument smallerPDF = new MergeDocument(originalPDF, 1, page - 1); int pagesAppend = totalpages - page; smallerPDF.Append(originalPDF, page + 1, pagesAppend); //append pages deleted plus one until page count; smallerPDF.Draw(nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Delete(pathDir + nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, pathDir + nomeArquivo); } } }
public static void Run(string outputPdfPath) { // Create a document and set it's properties MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument(Util.GetResourcePath("PDFs/fw9AcroForm_18.pdf")); document.Creator = "AcroFormFill.aspx"; document.Author = "ceTe Software"; document.Title = "W-9 AcroForm Filler"; // Add content to the page document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_1[0]"].Value = "Any Company, Inc."; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_2[0]"].Value = "Any Company"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].FederalClassification[0].c1_1[0]"].Value = "1"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Address[0].f1_7[0]"].Value = "123 Main Street"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].Address[0].f1_8[0]"].Value = "Washington, DC 22222"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_9[0]"].Value = "Any Requester"; document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_10[0]"].Value = "17288825617"; string ssn = "265748".Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", ""); string ein = "521234567".Trim().Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", ""); if (ssn.Length >= 9) { document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].SSN[0].f1_11[0]"].Value = ssn.Substring(0, 1) + ssn.Substring(1, 1) + ssn.Substring(2, 1); document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].SSN[0].f1_12[0]"].Value = ssn.Substring(3, 1) + ssn.Substring(4, 1); document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].SSN[0].f1_13[0]"].Value = ssn.Substring(5, 1) + ssn.Substring(6, 1) + ssn.Substring(7, 1) + ssn.Substring(8, 1); } else if (ein.Length >= 9) { document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].EmployerID[0].f1_14[0]"].Value = ein.Substring(0, 1) + ein.Substring(1, 1); document.Form.Fields["topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].EmployerID[0].f1_15[0]"].Value = ein.Substring(2, 1) + ein.Substring(3, 1) + ein.Substring(4, 1) + ein.Substring(5, 1) + ein.Substring(6, 1) + ein.Substring(7, 1) + ein.Substring(8, 1); } // Uncomment to make form read only //document.Form.IsReadOnly = true; // Outputs the W-9 to the current web page document.Draw(outputPdfPath); }
protected Arquivo inserirArquivosNaLista(string id, string opcao) { List <Arquivo> list_temp = new List <Arquivo>(); list_temp = (List <Arquivo>)Session[opcao]; Arquivo arq_temp = new Arquivo(); if (list_temp != null) { string nomeArquivo = list_temp.ElementAt(0).nome_Arquivo; int count = list_temp.Count; if (count >= 2) { MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(0).nome_Arquivo, diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(1).nome_Arquivo); if (count > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) { document.Append(diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(i).nome_Arquivo); } } document.Draw(nomeArquivo); //Deletando os arquivos temporarios usados no merge for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!nomeArquivo.Equals((String)list_temp.ElementAt(i).nome_Arquivo)) { System.IO.File.Delete(diretorio + list_temp.ElementAt(i).nome_Arquivo); } } System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, diretorio + nomeArquivo); } arq_temp.nome_Arquivo = nomeArquivo; arq_temp.tipo_Arquivo = opcao; } return(arq_temp); }
protected void ImageButtonSalvar_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { //lembrar de adicionar o ID do cadastro ao nome na hora de adicionar ao banco String nameFile = ""; if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelPessoais")) { nameFile = "docsPessoais"; } else if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelTitulacao")) { nameFile = "titulacoes"; } else if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelPortaria")) { nameFile = "portarias"; } else if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelCI")) { nameFile = "cis"; } else if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelAviso")) { nameFile = "avisoFerias"; } else if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelRequerimento")) { nameFile = "requerimentos"; } else if (Session["abaAtiva"].ToString().Equals((string)"TabPanelOutros")) { nameFile = "outros"; } if (Session["postou_" + nameFile].ToString().Equals((string)"sim")) { string nomeArquivo = nameFile + ext; // Create a merge document and set it's properties MergeDocument document = MergeDocument.Merge(pathDir + nomeArquivo, FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); //string nomeArquivo1 = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); // Outputs the merged document document.Draw(nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Delete(pathDir + nomeArquivo); System.IO.File.Move(nomeArquivo, pathDir + nomeArquivo); } //se ainda nao postou o documento nao precisa fazer um merge else { try { FileUpload1.SaveAs(pathDir + nameFile + ext); //FileUpload1.SaveAs("C:\\Temp\\" + nameFile + ext); Session.Add("fileName", nameFile + ext); } catch (Exception ex) { LabelErro.Text = ex.Message; } } LabelArquivo.Text = nameFile + ext; LinkButtonVer.Visible = true; LinkButtonDelete.Visible = true; //levantar flag dizendo que o arquivo foi postado Session.Add("postou_" + nameFile, "sim"); } else { //Mostra o Erro quando não tem arquivo selecionado LabelErro.Text = "Selecione o arquivo"; } }