private static bool Prefix(SongSelect __instance, string response) { if (MenuState.GetState() == MenuState.State.Launched) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override void OnUpdate() { //Tracking menu state menuState = MenuState.GetState(); //If menu changes if (menuState != oldMenuState) { //Updating state oldMenuState = menuState; //Put stuff to do when a menu change triggers here //Doing this in an effort to call this the less often possible. //It doesn't work at boot so going it at a menu change is reasonable I guess starThresholds = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <StarThresholds>(); } }
public static void ProcessQueue() { bool addedAny = false; MelonLogger.Log(requestQueue.Count + " in queue."); if (requestQueue.Count != 0) { foreach (string str in requestQueue) { QueryData data = new QueryData(str); SongList.SongData result = SearchSong(data, out bool foundExactMatch); if ((!hasCompatibleSongBrowser || foundExactMatch) && result != null) { // if we have web search we want to make sure we prioritize exact matches // over partial local ones MelonLogger.Log("Result: " + result.songID); if (!requestList.Contains(result.songID)) { requestList.Add(result.songID); addedAny = true; } } else if (hasCompatibleSongBrowser) { StartWebSearch(data); } else { MelonLogger.Log($"Found no match for \"{str}\""); } } requestQueue.Clear(); } if (addedAny && MenuState.GetState() == MenuState.State.SongPage) { RequestUI.UpdateFilter(); } RequestUI.UpdateButtonText(); }
public override void OnUpdate() { //Tracking menu state menuState = MenuState.GetState(); //If menu changes if (menuState != oldMenuState) { //Put stuff to do when a menu change triggers here if (menuState == MenuState.State.Launching) { chainStartEither = false; chainStartRight = false; chainStartLeft = false; chainStartNone = false; } //Updating state oldMenuState = menuState; } }
/// <summary> /// Makes sure the Song and Party buttons are only available if there is not currently /// an ongoing song search. /// </summary> public static void UpdateUI() { if (!Config.SafeSongListReload) { return; } if ((!searching || disabled || MenuState.GetState() != MenuState.State.MainPage) && !PlaylistDownloadManager.IsDownloadingMissing) { return; } disabled = true; if (soloButton == null) { soloButton = GameObject.Find("menu/ShellPage_Main/page/ShellPanel_Center/Solo/Button").GetComponent <GunButton>(); soloButtonLabel = GameObject.Find("menu/ShellPage_Main/page/ShellPanel_Center/Solo/Label").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); GameObject.Destroy(soloButtonLabel.gameObject.GetComponent <Localizer>()); } originalSoloButtonText = soloButtonLabel.text; soloButtonLabel.text = "Loading..."; soloButton.SetInteractable(false); if (!SongBrowser.modSettingsInstalled) { if (partyButton == null) { partyButton = GameObject.Find("menu/ShellPage_Main/page/ShellPanel_Center/Party/Button").GetComponent <GunButton>(); partyButtonLabel = GameObject.Find("menu/ShellPage_Main/page/ShellPanel_Center/Party/Label").GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); GameObject.Destroy(partyButtonLabel.gameObject.GetComponent <Localizer>()); } originalPartyButtonText = partyButtonLabel.text; partyButtonLabel.text = "Loading..."; partyButton.SetInteractable(false); } }
public override void OnUpdate() { //Tracking menu state menuState = MenuState.GetState(); //If menu changes if (menuState != oldMenuState) { //Put stuff to do when a menu change triggers here if (menuState == MenuState.State.LaunchPage) { MelonCoroutines.Start(GameplaySettingsMenuCoroutine()); } if (oldMenuState == MenuState.State.LaunchPage) { SP.SetPageActive(false, true); } //Updating state oldMenuState = menuState; } /* * if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F6)) * { * MelonCoroutines.Start(GameplaySettingsMenuCoroutine()); * } * * if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F4)) * { * SP.SetPageActive(false, true); * } */ }
public override void OnUpdate() { //Tracking menu state menuState = MenuState.GetState(); //If menu changes if (menuState != oldMenuState) { MelonLogger.Log("Menu: " + menuState.ToString()); if (menuState == MenuState.State.MainPage) { CheckCamera(); } if (menuState == MenuState.State.LaunchPage) { scriptExists = LoadCameraCues(); } if (menuState == MenuState.State.Launched && !KataConfig.I.practiceMode) { if (scriptExists) { LoadFOV(); } Camera thirdPersonCam =; startPointPos = thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position; startPointRot = thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; } if (oldMenuState == MenuState.State.Launched && menuState == MenuState.State.SongPage) { SetFOV(fovSetting); } oldMenuState = menuState; } //If playing a song if (menuState == MenuState.State.Launched && !KataConfig.I.practiceMode) { //Update midi tick lastTick = ScoreKeeper.I.mLastTick; if (lastTick != oldLastTick) { if (camOK && scriptExists) { Camera thirdPersonCam =; CameraCue cameraCue = cameraCues[currentCameraCueIndex]; if (!ended && lastTick >= cameraCue.tick && timer <= cameraCue.tickLength && lastTick <= cameraCue.tick + cameraCue.tickLength) { timer += lastTick - oldLastTick; percent = timer / cameraCue.tickLength; Vector3 destinationPos = new Vector3(cameraCue.xPos, cameraCue.yPos, cameraCue.zPos); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position = startPointPos + (destinationPos - startPointPos) * percent; Vector3 destinationRot = new Vector3(cameraCue.xRot, cameraCue.yRot, cameraCue.zRot); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler( startPointRot.y + (destinationRot.y - startPointRot.y) * percent, startPointRot.x + (destinationRot.x - startPointRot.x) * percent, startPointRot.z + (destinationRot.z - startPointRot.z) * percent ); } if (!ended && lastTick >= cameraCue.tick + cameraCue.tickLength) { if (timer != 0) { Vector3 destinationPos = new Vector3(cameraCue.xPos, cameraCue.yPos, cameraCue.zPos); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position = destinationPos; Vector3 destinationRot = new Vector3(cameraCue.xRot, cameraCue.yRot, cameraCue.zRot); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(destinationRot.y, destinationRot.x, destinationRot.z); startPointPos = thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position; startPointRot = thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; timer = 0; if (cameraCues.Length > currentCameraCueIndex + 1) { currentCameraCueIndex += 1; } else { ended = true; } } } } oldLastTick = lastTick; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { Camera thirdPersonCam =; Vector3 homePos = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.4f, -2.6f); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position = homePos; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { Camera thirdPersonCam =; Vector3 homePos = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.4f, 22.4f); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position = homePos; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y)) { Camera thirdPersonCam =; Vector3 homePos = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.4f, -60.6f); thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position = homePos; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F)) { Camera thirdPersonCam =; Vector3 camPos = thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.position; MelonLogger.Log("Cam Pos: " + camPos.ToString()); Vector3 euler = thirdPersonCam.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; MelonLogger.Log("Cam Rot: " + euler.ToString()); } }
private static void ProcessWebSearchResult(string query, APISongList response) { QueryData data = webSearchQueryData[query]; bool addedLocalMatch = false; if (response.song_count > 0) { Song bestMatch = null; bool foundAny = false; bool foundBetter = false; bool foundExact = false; foreach (Song s in response.songs) { if ((data.Artist == null || s.artist.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "").Contains(data.Artist)) && (data.Mapper == null ||" ", "").Contains(data.Mapper)) && (s.title.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(data.Title) || s.song_id.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(data.Title.Replace(" ", "")))) { if (LookForMatch(data.Title, s.title, ref foundAny, ref foundBetter, ref foundExact)) { bestMatch = s; if (foundExact) { break; } } } } if (bestMatch != null) { // check if we already have that file downloaded QueryData matchData = new QueryData($"{bestMatch.title} -artist {bestMatch.artist} -mapper {}"); SongList.SongData s = SearchSong(matchData, out bool isExactMatch); if (isExactMatch) { MelonLogger.Log("Result: " + s.songID); if (!requestList.Contains(s.songID)) { requestList.Add(s.songID); addedLocalMatch = true; } } else if (!missingSongs.ContainsKey(bestMatch.song_id)) { missingSongs.Add(bestMatch.song_id, bestMatch); MelonLogger.Log("Result (missing): " + bestMatch.song_id); } } else { MelonLogger.Log($"Found no match for \"{data.FullQuery}\""); } } else { // check if we have a local match (can happen if // this particular map hasn't been uploaded or was taken down) SongList.SongData s = SearchSong(data, out bool _); if (s != null) { MelonLogger.Log("Result: " + s.songID); if (!requestList.Contains(s.songID)) { requestList.Add(s.songID); addedLocalMatch = true; } } else { MelonLogger.Log($"Found no match for \"{data.FullQuery}\""); } } if (addedLocalMatch && MenuState.GetState() == MenuState.State.SongPage) { RequestUI.UpdateFilter(); } webSearchQueryData.Remove(query); if (GetActiveWebSearchCount() == 0) { RequestUI.UpdateButtonText(); } }