public void ActiveMenu(Menus typeMenu) { DesactiveMenu(); MenuInterface menuInt = null; GameObject menuSelected = null; switch (typeMenu) { case Menus.MAIN_MENU: menuSelected = mainMenu; break; case Menus.CHOOSE_AGENT_MENU: menuSelected = chooseAgentMenu; break; case Menus.END_GAME_MENU: menuSelected = endGameMenu; break; } if (menuSelected != null) { menuSelected.SetActive(true); menuInt = menuSelected.GetComponent <MenuInterface>(); menuInt.InitMenu(); } }
void Start() { menu = GetComponent <MenuInterface>(); txtDescription = transform.Find("Menu/TabDescription/Text").GetComponent <Text>(); txtStats = transform.Find("Menu/TabStats/Text").GetComponent <Text>(); tabSpell = transform.Find("Menu/TabSpell"); align = tabSpell.GetComponent <GridLayoutGroup>(); txtDescription.text = ""; foreach (SpellCaster cast in player.spells) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(menuSpellCasePrefab.gameObject,, Quaternion.identity, tabSpell); if (obj) { MenuSpellCase spell; if (spell = obj.GetComponent <MenuSpellCase>()) { spell.LoadSpell(cast); spell.locked = true; } MenuHoverEvent hover = obj.AddComponent <MenuHoverEvent>(); hover.OnHoverEnterEvent += OnHoverEnter; hover.OnHoverExitEvent += OnHoverExit; } } LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(tabSpell.GetComponent <RectTransform>()); align.enabled = false; }
//Remove when rewritting menu private static void Interface_AddMenuButtons(Orig_AddMenuButtons orig, Main main, int selectedMenu, string[] buttonNames, float[] buttonScales, ref int offY, ref int spacing, ref int buttonIndex, ref int numButtons) { MenuHelper.AddButton(Language.GetTextValue("UI.Achievements"), delegate { Main.MenuUI.SetState(AchievementsMenu); Main.menuMode = 888; }, selectedMenu, buttonNames, ref buttonIndex, ref numButtons); //Achievements MenuHelper.AddButton(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MenuMods"), MenuModes.Mods, selectedMenu, buttonNames, ref buttonIndex, ref numButtons); //Mods if (ModCompileHelper.DeveloperMode) { MenuHelper.AddButton("haha test menu used for tests hahaha", delegate //Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MenuModSources") { //bool ret = (bool)ReflectionSystem.DeveloperModeReady.Invoke(null, new object[1]); //Main.menuMode = ret ? (int)MenuModes.ModSources : (int)MenuModes.DeveloperModeHelp; MenuInterface.SetState(LanguageSettings); Main.menuMode = (int)MenuModes.LanguageSettings; }, selectedMenu, buttonNames, ref buttonIndex, ref numButtons); //Mod Sources MenuHelper.AddButton("Modding Tools", MenuModes.ModdingTools, selectedMenu, buttonNames, ref buttonIndex, ref numButtons); //Modding Tools (note: very cringe because there isn't a back button) MenuHelper.AddButton(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MenuModSources"), MenuModes.ModSources, selectedMenu, buttonNames, ref buttonIndex, ref numButtons); //Mod Sources } MenuHelper.AddButton(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MenuModBrowser"), MenuModes.ModBrowser, selectedMenu, buttonNames, ref buttonIndex, ref numButtons); //Mod Browser offY = 220; //Y offset with all buttons. Higher lowers the buttons on screen for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { buttonScales[i] = 0.82f; //Button scale for all buttons } spacing = 45; //The spacing between each button. Don't touch }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; var ad = new AccountsData(); var sd = new StaffData(); var message = new UserMessage(); bool allInputsValid = ValidateInputs(username, password); //check all users inputs are valid var accountInfo = ad.GetAccountPassword(username, password); //get account password from database bool passwordMatch = accountInfo.Item1; //return if passwords matched between input and hashed stored password Int32.TryParse(accountInfo.Item2, out var staffId); //get the staffs id that's trying to log in if (allInputsValid && passwordMatch) { //if everything's valid, get all that staffs information, store in a data structure var staff = sd.GetStaffInformation(staffId, username, password); //reset login data and hide login component SetupTextBoxes(); Hide(); //bring the logged in menu up, user is now logged in var menuInterface = new MenuInterface(staff, this); menuInterface.ShowDialog(); } else if (allInputsValid) { message.Show("Your password does not match the password we have stored for your account."); } }
private void OnTransitionStarted(MenuInterface ci) { if (Interactable) { Interactable = false; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(InteractableChanged, Interactable); } }
public void SetCurrentInterface(MenuInterface ci) { if (!_transitioning && ci != CurrentInterface) { _transitioning = true; _target = ci; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(TransitionStarted, CurrentInterface); } }
private void Start() { opponent = GetComponent <Opponent>(); parallax = GetComponent <Parallax>(); lobby = GetComponent <Lobby>(); menuInterface = GetComponent <MenuInterface>(); gameInterface = GetComponent <GameInterface>(); cameraLook = GetComponent <CameraLookAtPlayer>(); }
public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Interface Menu, Press any key to Continue:"); Console.ReadLine(); MenuInterface interfaceMenu = new MenuInterface(2); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.Text = "Main"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0] = new MenuItemInterface(2, 1); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].Text = "Show Date/ Time"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[0] = new MenuItemInterface(0, 2); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[0].Text = "Show Time"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[0].Invoker = new Time(); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[1] = new MenuItemInterface(0, 2); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[1].Text = "Show Date"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[1].Invoker = new Date(); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1] = new MenuItemInterface(2, 1); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].Text = "Version/ Count digits"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[0] = new MenuItemInterface(0, 2); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[0].Text = "Version"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[0].Invoker = new Version(); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[1] = new MenuItemInterface(0, 2); interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[1].Text = "Count Digits"; interfaceMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[1].Invoker = new CountDig(); interfaceMenu.Show(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Delegate Menu, Press any key to Continue:"); Console.ReadLine(); MenuDelegate delegateMenu = new MenuDelegate(2); delegateMenu.MainMenu.Text = "Main"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0] = new MenuItemDelegate(2, 1); delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].Text = "Show Date/ Time"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[0] = new MenuItemDelegate(0, 2); delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[0].Text = "Show Time"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[0].Choosed += Time.ShowTime; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[1] = new MenuItemDelegate(0, 2); delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[1].Text = "Show Date"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[0].SubMenu[1].Choosed += Date.ShowDate; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1] = new MenuItemDelegate(2, 1); delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].Text = "Version/ Count digits"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[0] = new MenuItemDelegate(0, 2); delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[0].Text = "Version"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[0].Choosed += Version.PrintVersion; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[1] = new MenuItemDelegate(0, 2); delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[1].Text = "Count Digits"; delegateMenu.MainMenu.SubMenu[1].SubMenu[1].Choosed += CountDig.DigCount; delegateMenu.Show(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Bye Bye"); }
public void ActivateMenu(Menu menuIndex) { int index = (int)menuIndex; DesactiveMenus(); MenuInterface mi = menus[index].GetComponent <MenuInterface>(); menus[index].SetActive(true); mi.InitMenu(); }
public void Initialize() { Models.Get <IGamestateModel>().StateChanged += OnGamestateChanged; Models.Get <IShuttersModel>().ShutterTransitionEnd += OnShuttersTransitionEnd; CurrentInterface = MenuInterface.Login; _transitioning = false; Models.Get <IGamestateModel>().SetState(Gamestate.MainMenu); }
public void setMenu(string menu) { main.Deactivate(); selectMenu.Deactivate(); controls.Deactivate(); settings.Deactivate(); stage.Deactivate();; end.Deactivate();; play.Deactivate(); switch (menu) { case "main": Debug.Log("set main"); currentMenu = main; currentMenu.Activate(); break; case "selectMenu": Debug.Log("set selectMenu"); currentMenu = selectMenu; currentMenu.Activate(); break; case "controls": Debug.Log("set controls"); currentMenu = controls; currentMenu.Activate(); break; case "settings": Debug.Log("set settings"); currentMenu = settings; currentMenu.Activate(); break; case "stage": Debug.Log("set stage"); currentMenu = stage; currentMenu.Activate(); break; case "play": Debug.Log("set play"); currentMenu = play; currentMenu.Activate(); break; case "end": Debug.Log("set end"); currentMenu = end; currentMenu.Activate(); break; } }
//temp function for fast login when testing components during development public void TempStaffSetupFastLogin() { try { var staff = new StaffAccounts("Jesse", "Harasym", "admin", "admin123", "*****@*****.**", "Administrator", 1, 10); var cs = new MenuInterface(staff, this); cs.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with fast login " + ex); } }
private void Main_DrawMenu(On.Terraria.Main.orig_DrawMenu orig, Main self, GameTime gameTime) { HookPreDrawMenu(); if (MenuInterface?.CurrentState != null && lastUpdateUIGameTime != null) { MenuInterface.Draw(Main.spriteBatch, lastUpdateUIGameTime); } try { orig(self, gameTime); } catch (Exception) { } HookPostDrawMenu(); }
void Start() { menu = GetComponent <MenuInterface>(); description = transform.Find("Menu/TabDescription/Text").GetComponent <Text>(); border = transform.Find("Menu/TabDescription/Border").GetComponent <Image>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { list[i].caseId = i; list[i].inv = this; MenuHoverEvent hove = list[i].gameObject.AddComponent <MenuHoverEvent>(); hove.OnHoverEnterEvent += OnHoverEnter; hove.OnHoverExitEvent += OnHoverExit; } equip.inv = this; MenuHoverEvent hover = equip.gameObject.AddComponent <MenuHoverEvent>(); hover.OnHoverEnterEvent += OnHoverEnter; hover.OnHoverExitEvent += OnHoverExit; }
public override void OnUpdate(GameTime gameTime) { if (Main.gameMenu) { if (previousMenuMode != Main.menuMode) { HookOnMenuModeChange(previousMenuMode); } lastUpdateUIGameTime = gameTime; if (MenuInterface?.CurrentState != null) { MenuInterface.Update(gameTime); } previousMenuMode = Main.menuMode; } }
private IEnumerator Transition(MenuInterface targetInterface, float duration = 1f) { var lerp = 0f; var startScrollPosition = Properties.ScrollView.horizontalNormalizedPosition; var targetScrollPosition = Properties.ScrollPositions[(int)targetInterface]; while (lerp < 1) { var delta = (1 / (duration / Time.deltaTime)); lerp = Mathf.Clamp(lerp + delta, 0, 1); var ease = Interpolation.EaseInOutQuad(lerp, 0, 1); var newPos = Mathf.Lerp(startScrollPosition, targetScrollPosition, ease); Properties.ScrollView.horizontalNormalizedPosition = newPos; yield return(null); } Presenter.AlertTransitionFinished(); }
public void AlertTransitionFinished() { CurrentInterface = _target; _transitioning = false; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(TransitionFinished); }
// Event listeners private void OnTransitionStarted(MenuInterface ci) { EventDispatcher.Broadcast(TransitionStarted, ci); }
void Start() { menu = GetComponent <MenuInterface>(); txt = transform.Find("Menu/TxtInfo").GetComponent <Text>(); }
private void Awake() { _menu = GetComponentInParent <MenuInterface>(); _button = GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); _button.onClick.AddListener(_menu.Hide); }
public MenuScene() { Background = new Background(); GUI = new MenuInterface(); }
// Updating view private void OnTransitionStarted(MenuInterface ci) { StartCoroutine(Transition(ci, 0.5f)); }