public ManageCategoriesListHolder(View itemView) : base(itemView) { Name = itemView.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textName); var menuButton = itemView.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.buttonMenu); menuButton.Click += delegate { MenuClick?.Invoke(this, AdapterPosition); }; }
public MenuItem AddItem(string text, MenuClick click = null) { var new_item = new MenuItem(); new_item.Text = text; new_item.Click = click; Items.Add(new_item); return(new_item); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="menuItem"></param> protected virtual void OnMenuClick(MenuItem menuItem) { var filepath = getFilepath(menuItem); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath)) { return; } MenuClick?.Invoke(menuItem, new MenuClickEventArgs(filepath)); }
public AuthenticatorListHolder(View view) : base(view) { Issuer = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textIssuer); Username = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textUsername); Code = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textCode); ProgressBar = view.FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.progressBar); RefreshButton = view.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.buttonRefresh); Icon = view.FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imageIcon); var menuButton = view.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.buttonMenu); view.Click += delegate { Click?.Invoke(this, AdapterPosition); }; menuButton.Click += delegate { MenuClick?.Invoke(this, AdapterPosition); }; RefreshButton.Click += delegate { RefreshClick?.Invoke(this, AdapterPosition); }; }
/// <summary> /// 引发 System.Windows.Forms.Form.MouseUp。 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">包含事件数据的 System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs。</param> protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); if (TitleBarMenuRect.Contains(e.Location) && TitleBarMenuState == TMouseState.Down) { TitleBarMenuState = TMouseState.Up; MenuClick?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); var contextMenuStrip = MenuLabel.ContextMenuStrip; if (contextMenuStrip != null) { contextMenuStrip.Closed -= ContextMenuStrip_Closed; contextMenuStrip.Closed += ContextMenuStrip_Closed; var point = PointToScreen(new Point(TitleBarMenuRect.Left + TitleBarMenuRect.Width / 2 - 3, TitleBarMenuRect.Top + TitleBarMenuRect.Height)); contextMenuStrip.Show(point); } } }
public override RecyclerView.ViewHolder OnCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { var layout = _viewMode switch { ViewMode.Compact => Resource.Layout.listItemAuthCompact, ViewMode.Tile => Resource.Layout.listItemAuthTile, _ => Resource.Layout.listItemAuth }; var itemView = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(layout, parent, false); var holder = new AuthenticatorListHolder(itemView); holder.ItemView.Click += delegate { ItemClick.Invoke(this, holder.AdapterPosition); }; holder.MenuButton.Click += delegate { MenuClick.Invoke(this, holder.AdapterPosition); }; holder.RefreshButton.Click += delegate { OnRefreshClick(holder.AdapterPosition); }; return(holder); }
public static void Initialize() { MenuMusic = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Menu\\MenuMusic"); MenuMusicInstance = MenuMusic.CreateInstance(); MenuMusicInstance.Volume = 0.3f; MenuMusicInstance.Pitch = -0.1f; MenuClick = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Menu\\MenuClick"); MenuClickInstance = MenuClick.CreateInstance(); MenuClickInstance.Volume = 1; MenuClickInstance.Pitch = 0.3f; IntroSong = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Intro\\IntroWav"); IntroSongInstance = IntroSong.CreateInstance(); IntroSongInstance.Volume = 0.8f; BattleSong = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\BattleSong"); BattleSongInstance = BattleSong.CreateInstance(); BattleSongInstance.Volume = 0.05f; NarratorFightSound = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\Fight"); NarratorFightSoundInstance = NarratorFightSound.CreateInstance(); ClarkPunch = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\ClarkPunch"); ClarkPunchInstance = ClarkPunch.CreateInstance(); YuriPunch = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\YuriPunch"); YuriPunchInstance = YuriPunch.CreateInstance(); YuriKick = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\YuriKick"); YuriKickInstance = YuriKick.CreateInstance(); ClarkKick = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\ClarkKick"); ClarkKickInstance = ClarkKick.CreateInstance(); BlockSound = EntryPoint.Game.Content.Load <SoundEffect>("IngameAudio\\Block"); BlockSoundInstance = BlockSound.CreateInstance(); }
public void RaiseMenuClick(string menuItemHeader, object tag) { MenuClick?.Invoke(this, menuItemHeader, tag); }
static void AddChildren(Assembly assem, Platform.ShellRightClickContextMenuClass menuClass, InfoStorageAttribute storage, IntPtr menu, dynamic children, List <string> selectedFiles, bool isRoot, MenuClick onClick) { for (var i = 0; i < children.Length; ++i) { dynamic item = children[i]; string name = Util.IsJsonProperty(item, "name") ? (string) : "New Menu Item"; // embed image into assembly and reference that System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = null; IntPtr subMenu = IntPtr.Zero; if (Util.IsJsonProperty(item, "imageResource")) { var resources = assem.GetManifestResourceStream((string)item.imageResource + ".resources"); var rr = new System.Resources.ResourceReader(resources); string resourceType; byte[] resourceData; rr.GetResourceData("image.bmp", out resourceType, out resourceData); // For some reason the resource compiler adds 4 bytes to the start of our data. bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(new System.IO.MemoryStream(resourceData, 4, resourceData.Length - 4)); } if (Util.IsJsonProperty(item, "children")) { subMenu = menuClass.CreateSubMenu(); AddChildren(assem, menuClass, storage, subMenu, item.children, selectedFiles, false, onClick); } int position = i + 1; if (isRoot) { position = Util.IsJsonProperty(item, "position") ? (int)item.position : position; } if (menu == IntPtr.Zero) { // root element if (subMenu == IntPtr.Zero) { uint id = menuClass.InsertMenuItem(name, position, (List <string> s) => { onClick(item, selectedFiles); }); if (bmp != null) { menuClass.SetMenuItemBitmap(id, bmp); } } else { menuClass.InsertSubMenu(subMenu, name, position, bmp); } } else { // sub menu if (subMenu == IntPtr.Zero) { menuClass.InsertMenuItemIntoSubMenu(menu, name, position, bmp, (List <string> s) => { onClick(item, selectedFiles); }); } else { uint id = menuClass.InsertSubMenuIntoSubMenu(menu, subMenu, name, position); if (bmp != null) { menuClass.SetMenuItemBitmap(id, bmp); } } } } }
public static void BuildMenu(Assembly assem, Platform.ShellRightClickContextMenuClass menuClass, InfoStorageAttribute storage, List <string> list, MenuClick onClick) { try { // filter file extensions if required var filter = new List <string>(storage.FileExtensionFilter); var filesList = storage.ExpandFileNames ? BuildFileList(filter, list) : list; if (filesList.Count > 0) { string menuFormatJson = storage.MenuFormat; var jsonReader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(); dynamic menuFormatObject = jsonReader.Read <dynamic>(menuFormatJson); dynamic menuFormatObjectChildren = menuFormatObject.children; AddChildren(assem, menuClass, storage, IntPtr.Zero, menuFormatObjectChildren, filesList, true, onClick); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + e.StackTrace, "Error whilst creating menu"); } }
void IMenuHandler.Handle(MenuClick click) { MessageBox.Show("Menu button was clicked"); }
/// <summary> /// Обработчик события Нажатия кнопки Меню. /// </summary> protected virtual void BtnMenu_OnClick() { MenuClick?.Invoke(); }
static void AddChildren( Assembly assem, Platform.ShellRightClickContextMenuClass menuClass, InfoStorageAttribute storage, IntPtr menu, dynamic children, List<string> selectedFiles, bool isRoot, MenuClick onClick ) { for ( var i=0; i<children.Length; ++i ) { dynamic item = children[ i ]; string name = Util.IsJsonProperty( item, "name" ) ? (string) : "New Menu Item"; // embed image into assembly and reference that System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = null; IntPtr subMenu = IntPtr.Zero; if ( Util.IsJsonProperty( item, "imageResource" ) ) { var resources = assem.GetManifestResourceStream( (string)item.imageResource + ".resources" ); var rr = new System.Resources.ResourceReader( resources ); string resourceType; byte[] resourceData; rr.GetResourceData( "image.bmp", out resourceType, out resourceData ); // For some reason the resource compiler adds 4 bytes to the start of our data. bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap( new System.IO.MemoryStream( resourceData, 4, resourceData.Length-4 ) ); } if ( Util.IsJsonProperty( item, "children" ) ) { subMenu = menuClass.CreateSubMenu(); AddChildren( assem, menuClass, storage, subMenu, item.children, selectedFiles, false, onClick ); } int position = i+1; if ( isRoot ) { position = Util.IsJsonProperty( item, "position" ) ? (int)item.position : position; } if ( menu == IntPtr.Zero ) { // root element if ( subMenu == IntPtr.Zero ) { uint id = menuClass.InsertMenuItem( name, position, ( List<string> s ) => { onClick( item, selectedFiles ); } ); if ( bmp != null ) { menuClass.SetMenuItemBitmap( id, bmp ); } } else { menuClass.InsertSubMenu( subMenu, name, position, bmp ); } } else { // sub menu if ( subMenu == IntPtr.Zero ) { menuClass.InsertMenuItemIntoSubMenu( menu, name, position, bmp, ( List<string> s ) => { onClick( item, selectedFiles ); } ); } else { uint id = menuClass.InsertSubMenuIntoSubMenu( menu, subMenu, name, position ); if ( bmp != null ) { menuClass.SetMenuItemBitmap( id, bmp ); } } } } }
public static void BuildMenu( Assembly assem, Platform.ShellRightClickContextMenuClass menuClass, InfoStorageAttribute storage, List<string> list, MenuClick onClick ) { try { // filter file extensions if required var filter = new List<string>( storage.FileExtensionFilter ); var filesList = storage.ExpandFileNames ? BuildFileList( filter, list ) : list; if ( filesList.Count > 0 ) { string menuFormatJson = storage.MenuFormat; var jsonReader = new JsonFx.Json.JsonReader(); dynamic menuFormatObject = jsonReader.Read<dynamic>( menuFormatJson ); dynamic menuFormatObjectChildren = menuFormatObject.children; AddChildren( assem, menuClass, storage, IntPtr.Zero, menuFormatObjectChildren, filesList, true, onClick ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { MessageBox.Show( e.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + e.StackTrace, "Error whilst creating menu" ); } }