public void CanUseMemoryMonitor() { var monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); monitor.Value.Should().Be(0); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); using (monitor.Observe()) { } var value1 = monitor.Value; value1.Should().NotBe(0); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); using (monitor.Observe()) { var list = new List<long>(); for (var i = 0L; i < 10000L; i++) { list.Add(i); } } var value2 = monitor.Value; value2.Should().NotBe(0); (value1 < value2).Should().BeTrue(); }
public DataManager(DataManagerConfig config) { Debug.WriteLine(config.ToString()); Config = config; ComputerManager.Initialize(config); if (config.MonitorCpu) { _cpuMonitor = new CpuMonitor(); } if (config.MonitorGpu) { _gpuMonitor = new GpuMonitor(); } if (config.MonitorMemory) { _memoryMonitor = new MemoryMonitor(); } if (config.MonitorDisks) { _diskMonitor = new DiskMonitor(); } if (Config.MonitorMotherboard) { _motherboardMonitor = new MotherboardMonitor(); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); XZiar.Util.BaseViewModel.Init(); Common.ViewModelSyncRoot.Init(); MemMonitor = new MemoryMonitor(); imgCamera = (ImageSource)this.FindResource("imgCamera"); imgCube = (ImageSource)this.FindResource("imgCube"); imgPointLight = (ImageSource)this.FindResource("imgPointLight"); brshBlue = (SolidColorBrush)this.FindResource("brshBlue"); brshOrange = (SolidColorBrush)this.FindResource("brshOrange"); //Logger = new LogManager(cboxDbgLv, cboxDbgSrc, para, dbgScroll); wfh.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged += (o, e) => { if ((bool)e.NewValue == true) { wfh.TabInto(new System.Windows.Input.TraversalRequest(System.Windows.Input.FocusNavigationDirection.First)); } //Console.WriteLine($"kbFocued:{e.NewValue}, now at {System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.FocusedElement}"); }; System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.Focus(wfh); txtMemInfo.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, MemMonitor.GetTextBinding()); MemMonitor.UpdateInterval(1000, true); InitializeCore(); }
private static void GetMenoryAvaliable(ref MachineMonitorInfo info) { lock (info) { info.MemoryAvailable = (MemoryMonitor.GetMemoryInfo().AvailPhys / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } }
private static void GetMenoryTotal(ref MachineMonitorInfo info) { lock (info) { info.PhysicalMemory = (MemoryMonitor.GetMemoryInfo().TotalPhys / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } }
public void Start() { MemoryMonitor monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); monitor.Start(); Assert.IsNotNull(monitor.StartStatus); Assert.IsNull(monitor.EndStatus); }
public void NowAfterStartStop() { MemoryMonitor monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); monitor.Start(); monitor.Stop(); long usage = monitor.Now; }
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver <PerfTestResult> observer) { if (ignoreFirstRunDueToJITting) { this.setUpMethod(this.start); try { this.testMethod(); } catch (Exception ex) { } this.tearDownMethod(); } var time = new DurationMonitor(); var memory = new MemoryMonitor(); for (var i = this.start; i < this.end; i += this.step) { var ok = true; var descriptor = this.descriptorMethod(i); this.setUpMethod(i); // clean memory if (this.triggerGCBeforeEachTest) { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); } using (time.Observe()) using (memory.Observe()) { try { this.testMethod(); } catch (Exception ex) { ok = false; observer.OnNext(PerfTestResultFactory.Instance.FaultResult(descriptor, ex)); } } this.tearDownMethod(); if (ok) { observer.OnNext(PerfTestResultFactory.Instance.PerfResult(time.Value, memory.Value, descriptor)); } } return(new DisposableScope()); }
protected override void Initialize() { GS.Initialize(this); _fpsCounter = new FpsCounter(this); _memoryMonitor = new MemoryMonitor(this); Components.Add(_fpsCounter); Components.Add(_memoryMonitor); base.Initialize(); GS.Action(() => GS.GearsetComponent.Console.Inspect("Profiler", new ProfilerInpectorSettings(GS.GearsetComponent.Console.Profiler))); }
public SpriteMaster() { Self.AssertNull(); Self = this; Garbage.EnterNonInteractive(); //SteamHelper.Init(); MemoryMonitor = new(); var assemblyPath = Assembly.Location; assemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath); // Compress our own directory if (assemblyPath is not null) { DirectoryExt.CompressDirectory(assemblyPath, force: true); } }
public static void Start(bool serviceMode = false) { //检查授权 var bCheckSuccess = serviceMode ? CheckRegAsService() : CheckReg(); if (!bCheckSuccess) { Log.Error("检查授权失败!5秒后程序开始退出!"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Environment.Exit(0); } // 设置线程数 ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(20, 20); ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(200, 200); Log.Info("最小线程数20,最大200"); //初始化资源 ResourceManager.StartAllResource(); //启动系统内存和CPU监控 MemoryMonitor.Start(); }
public void CanUseMemoryMonitor() { var monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); monitor.Value.Should().Be(0); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); using (monitor.Observe()) { } var value1 = monitor.Value; value1.Should().NotBe(0); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); using (monitor.Observe()) { var list = new List <long>(); for (var i = 0L; i < 10000L; i++) { list.Add(i); } } var value2 = monitor.Value; value2.Should().NotBe(0); (value1 < value2).Should().BeTrue(); }
public List <MemoryAndCpuData> GetMemoryAndCpuData(DateTime checkDate) { return(MemoryMonitor.GetMemoryAndCpuData(checkDate)); }
public void ProcessCommand(NrCommandInterpreter.NrCommand command) { string strCommand = command.m_strCommand; switch (strCommand) { case "help": this.CommandHelp(); return; case "cls": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.ClearScreen(); return; case "list": { string text = command.m_arArg[0]; if (text != null) { if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map6 == null) { NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map6 = new Dictionary <string, int>(2) { { "char", 0 }, { "packet", 1 } }; } int num2; if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map6.TryGetValue(text, out num2)) { if (num2 != 0) { if (num2 == 1) { this.ShowPacketHistory(command); } } else { this.CommandCharList(); } } } return; } case "set": { List <string> arArg = command.m_arArg; string text = command.m_arArg[0]; switch (text) { case "mem.monitor": if (arArg.Count >= 2) { bool flag = Utility.ParseBoolean(arArg[1], false); if (flag) { if (MemoryMonitor.Start()) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("메모리 모니터링이 시작되었습니다. ({0}분 마다 메모리 검사 진행)", new object[] { MemoryMonitor.cycleTime }); } } else if (MemoryMonitor.Stop()) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("메모리 모니터링이 종료되었습니다."); } } break; case "mem.monitor.cycle": { int num3; if (arArg.Count >= 2 && int.TryParse(arArg[1], out num3)) { MemoryMonitor.cycleTime = num3; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Format(" => 모니터링 주기가 {0}분으로 설정되었습니다. 해당 설정은 게임 재시작시 적용됩니다.", num3)); } break; } case "mem.monitor.growup": { int num4; if (arArg.Count >= 2 && int.TryParse(arArg[1], out num4)) { MemoryMonitor.growUpAllowedSize = num4; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Format("평균 증가량이 {0}MB 보다 크면, 경고 화면을 보여줍니다.", num4)); } break; } case "showhide": { short charunique = Convert.ToInt16(command.m_arArg[1]); NrCharBase charByCharUnique = NrTSingleton <NkCharManager> .Instance.GetCharByCharUnique(charunique); if (command.m_arArg[2] == "true") { charByCharUnique.SetShowHide3DModel(true, true, true); } else { charByCharUnique.SetShowHide3DModel(false, false, false); } break; } case "charpos": { short charunique2 = Convert.ToInt16(command.m_arArg[1]); NrCharBase charByCharUnique2 = NrTSingleton <NkCharManager> .Instance.GetCharByCharUnique(charunique2); Vector3 localPosition = charByCharUnique2.Get3DChar().GetRootGameObject().transform.localPosition; localPosition.y = 150f; charByCharUnique2.Get3DChar().GetRootGameObject().transform.localPosition = localPosition; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(charByCharUnique2.Get3DChar().GetRootGameObject().name); break; } case "log": if (command.m_arArg[1].Contains("true")) { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.IsEnableLog = true; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("EnableLog", 1); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("log Enable."); } else { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.IsEnableLog = false; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("EnableLog", 0); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("log Disable."); } break; case "localwww": { string text2 = command.m_arArg[1]; if (text2 != null) { if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map7 == null) { NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map7 = new Dictionary <string, int>(2) { { "on", 0 }, { "off", 1 } }; } int num5; if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map7.TryGetValue(text2, out num5)) { if (num5 != 0) { if (num5 == 1) { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.localWWW = false; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LocalWWW", 0); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set local www off"); } } else { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.localWWW = true; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LocalWWW", 1); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set local www on"); } } } break; } case "basepath": NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath = command.m_arArg[1]; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("basepath set to " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath); break; case "ndt": { string a = command.m_arArg[1]; if (a == "off") { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache = true; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set to using Assetbundle Table"); } else { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache = false; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set to using NDT Table"); } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("UseNDT", (!NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache) ? 0 : 1); break; } case "cache": { string text2 = command.m_arArg[1]; switch (text2) { case "on": NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache = true; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("UseCache", 1); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set cache On"); break; case "off": NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache = false; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("UseCache", 0); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set cache Off"); break; case "clean": Caching.CleanCache(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("cleaning cache space..."); break; } break; } case "clear": PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("All PlayerPrefs are cleared."); break; case "sound": { string text2 = command.m_arArg[1]; if (text2 != null) { if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map9 == null) { NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map9 = new Dictionary <string, int>(2) { { "on", 0 }, { "off", 1 } }; } int num5; if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$map9.TryGetValue(text2, out num5)) { if (num5 != 0) { if (num5 == 1) { TsAudio.SetDisableDownloadAllAudio(true); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set sound off"); } } else { TsAudio.SetDisableDownloadAllAudio(false); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("set sound on"); } } } break; } case "framerate": { int targetFrameRate = int.Parse(command.m_arArg[1]); Application.targetFrameRate = targetFrameRate; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Set FrameRate {0}", new object[] { targetFrameRate.ToString() }); break; } } return; } case "clear": { string text = command.m_arArg[0]; if (text != null) { if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$mapB == null) { NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$mapB = new Dictionary <string, int>(1) { { "bundle", 0 } }; } int num2; if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$mapB.TryGetValue(text, out num2)) { if (num2 == 0) { if (command.m_arArg.Count >= 2) { string name = command.m_arArg[1]; Holder.ClearStackItem(name, false); } } } } return; } case "call": { string text = command.m_arArg[0]; switch (text) { case "bundle.clear": Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("called Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets()"); break; case "gc": GC.Collect(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("called garbage collection."); break; case "bundle.unload": if (command.m_arArg.Count >= 2) { string text3 = command.m_arArg[1]; Holder.RemoveWWWItem(text3, false); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("unload => \"{0}\"", new object[] { text3 }); } else { Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("called Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets()"); } break; } return; } case "quit": NrTSingleton <NrMainSystem> .Instance.QuitGame(false); return; case "show": { string text = command.m_arArg[0]; switch (text) { case "mem.growup": MemoryCollection.Print(MemoryCollection.Mode.NewlyLeakOnly); goto IL_1E8D; case "mem.leak": MemoryCollection.Print(MemoryCollection.Mode.AllLeaks); goto IL_1E8D; case "mem.all": MemoryCollection.Print(MemoryCollection.Mode.LoadedAll); goto IL_1E8D; case "mem.newl": MemoryCollection.Print(MemoryCollection.Mode.NewObjectOnly); goto IL_1E8D; case "mem.monitor": MemoryMonitor.Show(180f); goto IL_1E8D; case "mem.monitor.cycle": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Format(" => {0}분 마다 메모리 모니터링을 합니다. (현재 로딩되어 있는 오브젝트 수집 및 경고)", MemoryMonitor.cycleTime)); goto IL_1E8D; case "mem.monitor.growup": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Format("평균 증가량이 {0}MB 보다 크면, 경고 화면을 보여줍니다.", MemoryMonitor.growUpAllowedSize)); goto IL_1E8D; case "packet": this.ShowPacketInfo(command); goto IL_1E8D; case "bundle": { string text4; if (command.m_arArg.Count < 2) { text4 = Holder.DbgPrint_BundleList(); } else { text4 = Holder.DbgPrint_BundleList(command.m_arArg[1]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4)) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(text4); TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] {0}", new object[] { text4 }); } goto IL_1E8D; } case "bundlecnt": { string text5 = Holder.DbgPrint_BundleCount(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(text5); TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] {0}", new object[] { text5 }); goto IL_1E8D; } case "downloaded": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(Holder.DbgPrint_Downloaded()); goto IL_1E8D; case "bundleinfo": TsImmortal.bundleDbgPrint.enabled = !TsImmortal.bundleDbgPrint.enabled; goto IL_1E8D; case "char": this.CommandCharInfo(command); goto IL_1E8D; case "basepath": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath); goto IL_1E8D; case "cache": { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Cache Active : " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache.ToString()); long num6 = Caching.spaceFree / 1048576L; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(" Free space : " + num6.ToString() + "MB"); goto IL_1E8D; } case "autopath": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(NrTSingleton <NrAutoPath> .Instance.GetDebug()); goto IL_1E8D; case "quest": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(NrTSingleton <NkQuestManager> .Instance.GetDebugMsg()); goto IL_1E8D; case "config": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Local WWW : " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.localWWW.ToString()); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("BasePath : " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("LocalPath : " + Option.GetProtocolRootPath(Protocol.FILE)); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("WebPath : " + Option.GetProtocolRootPath(Protocol.HTTP)); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Cache Active : " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Loging Active : " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.IsEnableLog); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Audio Options : "); for (EAudioType eAudioType = EAudioType.SFX; eAudioType < EAudioType.TOTAL; eAudioType++) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(" - Audio " + eAudioType.ToString() + " : " + (!TsAudio.IsDisableDownloadAudio(eAudioType)).ToString()); } goto IL_1E8D; case "usetexture": TsMemLog.TextureByFormat(); goto IL_1E8D; case "camera": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Concat(new object[] { "UICamera Height: ", GUICamera.height, " Width: ", GUICamera.width })); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Concat(new object[] { "MainCamera Height: ", Screen.height, "Width: ", Screen.width })); goto IL_1E8D; case "fps": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("TargetFrameRate (FPS) = {0}", new object[] { Application.targetFrameRate }); goto IL_1E8D; case "version": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("UnityVersion = {0}", new object[] { Application.unityVersion }); goto IL_1E8D; case "log": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(string.Format("debugLog => {0}", (!NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.IsEnableLog) ? "Disabled" : "Enabled")); goto IL_1E8D; case "stage": { string str = StageSystem.ToStringStatus(); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(str); goto IL_1E8D; } case "dlginfo": NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(NrTSingleton <FormsManager> .Instance.GetDlgStatus()); goto IL_1E8D; case "monhp": if (Scene.IsCurScene(Scene.Type.BATTLE)) { string text6 = string.Empty; NkBattleChar[] charArray = NrTSingleton <NkBattleCharManager> .Instance.GetCharArray(); if (charArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < charArray.Length; i++) { NkBattleChar nkBattleChar = charArray[i]; if (nkBattleChar != null) { text6 += string.Format("{0} : {1} / {2}\r\n", nkBattleChar.Get3DName(), nkBattleChar.GetSoldierInfo().GetHP(), nkBattleChar.GetMaxHP(false)); } } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print(text6); } } goto IL_1E8D; case "path": { string text2 = command.m_arArg[1]; if (text2 != null) { if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$mapD == null) { NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$mapD = new Dictionary <string, int>(2) { { "on", 0 }, { "off", 1 } }; } int num5; if (NrCommandInterpreter.< > f__switch$mapD.TryGetValue(text2, out num5)) { if (num5 != 0) { if (num5 == 1) { GMCommand_Dlg.m_bShowNavPath = false; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Show Move Path : false"); } } else { GMCommand_Dlg.m_bShowNavPath = true; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Show Move Path : true"); } } } goto IL_1E8D; } case "qu": { TsQualityManager.Level qualitySettings = TsQualityManager.Level.LOWEST; string text2 = command.m_arArg[1]; switch (text2) { case "0": qualitySettings = TsQualityManager.Level.LOWEST; break; case "1": qualitySettings = TsQualityManager.Level.MEDIUM; break; case "2": qualitySettings = TsQualityManager.Level.HIGHEST; break; } CustomQuality.GetInstance().SetQualitySettings(qualitySettings); goto IL_1E8D; } case "tx": { string text2 = command.m_arArg[1]; switch (text2) { case "0": QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = 0; break; case "1": QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = 1; break; case "2": QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = 2; break; case "4": QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = 4; break; } goto IL_1E8D; } case "charinfo": { GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find(NrTSingleton <NkCharManager> .Instance.GetCharName()); if (gameObject != null) { Renderer[] componentsInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren; for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { Renderer renderer = array[j]; if (renderer != null) { if (renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================"); SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer; skinnedMeshRenderer.castShadows = false; skinnedMeshRenderer.receiveShadows = false; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("SkinQuality : " + skinnedMeshRenderer.quality); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("R Shadow : " + skinnedMeshRenderer.receiveShadows); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Update : " + skinnedMeshRenderer.updateWhenOffscreen); if (renderer.material != null) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Material : " +; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Shader Name : " +; if (renderer.material.mainTexture != null) { Texture2D texture2D = renderer.material.mainTexture as Texture2D; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Texture : " +; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("anisoLevel : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.anisoLevel); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("filterMode : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.filterMode); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("masterTextureLimit : " + Texture.masterTextureLimit); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("texelSize : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.texelSize.ToString()); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("width : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.width); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("height : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.height); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("mipMapBias : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.mipMapBias); if (texture2D != null) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("mipmapcount : " + texture2D.mipmapCount); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("format : " + texture2D.format); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Wrap : " + texture2D.wrapMode); } } } Color color = renderer.material.color; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("R : " + color.r); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("G : " + color.g); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("b : " + color.b); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("a : " + color.a); renderer.material.color = Color.white; color = renderer.material.color; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("CR : " + color.r); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("CG : " + color.g); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Cb : " + color.b); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("CA : " + color.a); } else if (renderer.material != null &&"Axe")) { Color color2 = renderer.material.color; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("CR : " + color2.r); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("CG : " + color2.g); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Cb : " + color2.b); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("CA : " + color2.a); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Material : " +; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Shader Name : " +; if (renderer.material.mainTexture != null) { Texture2D texture2D2 = renderer.material.mainTexture as Texture2D; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Texture : " +; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("anisoLevel : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.anisoLevel); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("filterMode : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.filterMode); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("masterTextureLimit : " + Texture.masterTextureLimit); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("texelSize : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.texelSize.ToString()); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("width : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.width); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("height : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.height); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("mipMapBias : " + renderer.material.mainTexture.mipMapBias); if (texture2D2 != null) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("mipmapcount : " + texture2D2.mipmapCount); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("format : " + texture2D2.format); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Wrap : " + texture2D2.wrapMode); } } } } } } UnityEngine.Object[] array2 = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Light)); UnityEngine.Object[] array3 = array2; for (int k = 0; k < array3.Length; k++) { UnityEngine.Object @object = array3[k]; if (@object is Light) { Light light = @object as Light; light.enabled = false; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================"); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Lighht: " +; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Lighht: " + light.enabled); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Shadow: " + light.shadows.ToString()); } } goto IL_1E8D; } case "ev": { int nMapIndex = NrTSingleton <NkCharManager> .Instance.GetMyCharInfo().m_kCharMapInfo.m_nMapIndex; MapTriggerInfo mapTriggerInfo = EventTriggerMapManager.Instance.GetMapTriggerInfo(nMapIndex); if (mapTriggerInfo == null) { return; } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================"); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("EventTrigger Name"); EventTrigger_Game[] trigger_Game = mapTriggerInfo.GetTrigger_Game(); for (int l = 0; l < trigger_Game.Length; l++) { EventTrigger_Game eventTrigger_Game = trigger_Game[l]; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("{0}", new object[] { }); } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================"); goto IL_1E8D; } case "evst": { int nMapIndex2 = NrTSingleton <NkCharManager> .Instance.GetMyCharInfo().m_kCharMapInfo.m_nMapIndex; EventTrigger_Game eventTrigger_Game2 = EventTriggerMapManager.Instance.GetEventTrigger(nMapIndex2, command.m_arArg[1]) as EventTrigger_Game; List <GameObject> eventConditionList = eventTrigger_Game2.EventConditionList; List <GameObject> stateConditionList = eventTrigger_Game2.StateConditionList; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("EventTrigger Name - {0} (Unique:{1})", new object[] {, eventTrigger_Game2.EventTriggerUnique }); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("\nEventCondition"); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================================"); foreach (GameObject current in eventConditionList) { EventTriggerItem_EventCondition component = current.GetComponent <EventTriggerItem_EventCondition>(); if (!(component == null)) { NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("{0} - State : {1}", new object[] {, component.Verify }); } } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("Event : {0}", new object[] { eventTrigger_Game2.IsVerifyEvent() }); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================================"); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("\nStateCondition"); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================================"); foreach (GameObject current2 in stateConditionList) { EventTriggerItem_StateCondition[] components = current2.GetComponents <EventTriggerItem_StateCondition>(); if (components != null) { EventTriggerItem_StateCondition[] array4 = components; for (int m = 0; m < array4.Length; m++) { EventTriggerItem_StateCondition eventTriggerItem_StateCondition = array4[m]; NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("{0} - State : {1}", new object[] {, eventTriggerItem_StateCondition.Verify() }); } } } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("State : {0}", new object[] { eventTrigger_Game2.IsVerifyState() }); NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("======================================"); goto IL_1E8D; } } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("don't show anything."); IL_1E8D: return; } } NrTSingleton <NrDebugConsole> .Instance.Print("sorry, can not interpret command."); }
public void NowBeforeStartStop() { MemoryMonitor monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); long usage = monitor.Now; }
public void StopBeforeStart() { MemoryMonitor monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); monitor.Stop(); }
public void UsageBeforeStartStop() { MemoryMonitor monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); long usage = monitor.Usage; }
public void Constructor() { MemoryMonitor monitor = new MemoryMonitor(); }
public MemoryEvaluator() { memMonitor = new MemoryMonitor(); }