Пример #1
        public IActionResult ResendShackmeetNotification([FromBody] MeetDto meetDto)

                // Verify input exists
                if (meetDto == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new BadInputResponse()));

                var meet = this.dbContext.Meets.SingleOrDefault(m => m.MeetId == meetDto.MeetId);

                if (meet == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse("meetId", "Shackmeet does not exist.")));

                // Use the username of the authenticated user so they can only mess with their own shackmeets.
                var currentUsername = this.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;

                if (meet.OrganizerUsername != currentUsername)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Only the organizer can resend notifications.")));

                if (meet.LastAnnouncementPostDate.HasValue && meet.LastAnnouncementPostDate.Value.AddHours(18) < DateTime.Now)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("You may only resend notifications every 18 hours.")));


                // Update meet
                meet.IsCancelled = true;


                // Send cancellation notifications
                var usersToShackmessage = meet.Rsvps.Where(r => r.User.NotifyByShackmessage).ToList();
                var usersToEmail        = meet.Rsvps.Where(r => r.User.NotifyByEmail).ToList();

                var notificationHelper = new NotificationHelper(this.appSettings, this.chattyService);

                //foreach (var user in usersToShackmessage)
                //  notificationHelper.SendShackMessage(user, )

                return(Ok(new SuccessResponse()));
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log error
                this.logger.LogError("Message: {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

                return(BadRequest(new CriticalErrorResponse()));
Пример #2
        public IActionResult CancelShackmeet([FromBody] MeetDto meetDto)

                // Verify input exists
                if (meetDto == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new BadInputResponse()));

                // Load meet with related RSVPs and users (for use with notifications)
                var meet = this.dbContext
                           .Where(m => m.MeetId == meetDto.MeetId)
                           .Include(m => m.Rsvps)
                           .ThenInclude(r => r.User)
                           .SingleOrDefault(m => m.MeetId == meetDto.MeetId);

                // Verify meet exists
                if (meet == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse("meetId", "Shackmeet does not exist.")));

                // Use the username of the authenticated user so they can only mess with their own shackmeets.
                var currentUsername = this.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;

                if (meet.OrganizerUsername != currentUsername)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Only the organizer can cancel a shackmeet.")));


                // Update meet
                meet.IsCancelled = true;


                // Send cancellation notifications
                //var users = meet.Rsvps.Where()

                return(Ok(new SuccessResponse()));
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log error
                this.logger.LogError("Message: {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

                return(BadRequest(new CriticalErrorResponse()));
Пример #3
        public IActionResult GetShackmeet(int meetId)

                // Verify meet exists
                var meet = this.dbContext
                           .Include(m => m.Rsvps)
                           .SingleOrDefault(m => m.MeetId == meetId);

                if (meet == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Shackmeet does not exist.")));

                // Load RSVPs
                var rsvpDtos = meet.Rsvps.Select(r => new RsvpDto
                    Username     = r.Username,
                    MeetId       = r.MeetId,
                    RsvpType     = r.RsvpType,
                    NumAttendees = r.NumAttendees

                // Map data to DTO
                var meetDto = new MeetDto
                    MeetId            = meet.MeetId,
                    OrganizerUsername = meet.OrganizerUsername,
                    Name              = meet.Name,
                    Description       = meet.Description,
                    EventDate         = meet.EventDate,
                    LocationName      = meet.LocationName,
                    LocationAddress   = meet.LocationAddress,
                    LocationState     = meet.LocationState,
                    LocationCountry   = meet.LocationCountry,
                    LocationLatitude  = meet.LocationLatitude,
                    LocationLongitude = meet.LocationLongitude,
                    Rsvps             = rsvpDtos

            catch (Exception e)
                // Log error
                this.logger.LogError("Message: {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

                return(BadRequest(new CriticalErrorResponse()));
Пример #4
        public void ChangeMeet(MeetDto dto)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.Id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(ExMessage.MustNotBeNullOrEmpty(nameof(dto.Id)));
            var meet = _repository.First(dto.Id);

            meet.Subject = dto.Subject;
            meet.Body    = dto.Body;
            //meet.StartTime = dto.StartTime;
            //meet.EndTime = dto.EndTime;
            meet.Place        = dto.Place;
            meet.NeedFeedback = dto.NeedFeedback;
            meet.ModifiedTime = DateTime.Now;

            meet.StartTime = dto.StartTime.Date.AddHours(dto.StartHour).AddMinutes(dto.StartMinute);
            if (dto.EndTime != null && dto.EndHour != null && dto.EndMinute != null)
                meet.EndTime = dto.EndTime.Value.Date.AddHours(dto.EndHour.Value).AddMinutes(dto.EndMinute.Value);

            var signors = new EntitySet <MeetSignfor>();

            foreach (var signor in dto.Signors)
                if (signors.Any(i => i.SignorId == signor.Key))

                var newMeetSignfor = new MeetSignfor
                    Id           = ConfigHelper.NewGuid,
                    SignorId     = signor.Key,
                    SignorType   = (int)MeetSignorType.Org, //暂时默认内部
                    IsRemind     = false,
                    State        = (int)MeetSignforState.WaitSign,
                    ModifiedTime = DateTime.Now


Пример #5
        public string AddMeet(MeetDto dto)
            //add meet
            var meet = Mapper.Map <Meet>(dto);

            meet.State     = (int)MeetState.WaitActivate;
            meet.StartTime = dto.StartTime.Date.AddHours(dto.StartHour).AddMinutes(dto.StartMinute);
            if (dto.EndTime != null && dto.EndHour != null && dto.EndMinute != null)
                meet.EndTime = dto.EndTime.Value.Date.AddHours(dto.EndHour.Value).AddMinutes(dto.EndMinute.Value);
            //add signfors
            var signors = new EntitySet <MeetSignfor>();

            foreach (var signor in dto.Signors)
                if (signors.Any(i => i.SignorId == signor.Key))

                var newMeetSignfor = new MeetSignfor
                    Id           = ConfigHelper.NewGuid,
                    SignorId     = signor.Key,
                    SignorType   = (int)MeetSignorType.Org, //暂时默认内部
                    IsRemind     = false,
                    State        = (int)MeetSignforState.WaitSign,
                    ModifiedTime = DateTime.Now

            meet.MeetSignfors = signors;

Пример #6
        public IActionResult UpdateShackmeet([FromBody] MeetDto meetDto)

                // Verify input exists
                if (meetDto == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new BadInputResponse()));

                // Load meet with related RSVPs and users (for use with notifications)
                var meet = this.dbContext
                           .Where(m => m.MeetId == meetDto.MeetId)
                           .Include(m => m.Rsvps)
                           .ThenInclude(r => r.User)
                           .SingleOrDefault(m => m.MeetId == meetDto.MeetId);

                // Verify meet exists
                if (meet == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse("meetId", "Shackmeet does not exist.")));

                // Use the username of the authenticated user so they can only mess with their own shackmeets.
                var currentUsername = this.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;

                if (meet.OrganizerUsername != currentUsername)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Only the organizer can update a shackmeet.")));

                // Get additional address info (and verify address)
                var addressInfo = this.googleMapsService.GetAddressInfo(meetDto.LocationAddress);

                if (!addressInfo.IsValid)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse("locationAddress", "Address does not correspond to a valid geocode location.")));


                // Update meet
                meet.Name                 = meetDto.Name;
                meet.Description          = meetDto.Description;
                meet.OrganizerUsername    = meetDto.OrganizerUsername;
                meet.EventDate            = meetDto.EventDate;
                meet.LocationName         = meetDto.LocationName;
                meet.LocationAddress      = meetDto.LocationAddress;
                meet.LocationState        = addressInfo.State;
                meet.LocationCountry      = addressInfo.Country;
                meet.LocationLatitude     = addressInfo.Latitude;
                meet.LocationLongitude    = addressInfo.Longitude;
                meet.WillPostAnnouncement = meetDto.WillPostAnnouncement;
                meet.IsCancelled          = false;

                // Validate fields
                var validator        = new MeetValidator();
                var validationResult = validator.Validate(meet);

                if (!validationResult.IsValid)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse(validationResult.Messages)));


                // Send update notifications

                return(Ok(new SuccessResponse()));
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log error
                this.logger.LogError("Message: {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

                return(BadRequest(new CriticalErrorResponse()));
Пример #7
        public IActionResult CreateShackmeet([FromBody] MeetDto meetDto)

                // Verify input exists
                if (meetDto == null)
                    return(BadRequest(new BadInputResponse()));

                // PRL
                int numRecentMeets = this.dbContext.Meets.Count(m => m.OrganizerUsername == meetDto.OrganizerUsername && m.TimestampCreate >= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5));

                if (numRecentMeets >= 2)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Slow your rolls.")));

                // Get additional address info (and verify address)
                var addressInfo = this.googleMapsService.GetAddressInfo(meetDto.LocationAddress);

                if (!addressInfo.IsValid)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse("locationAddress", "Address does not correspond to a valid geocode location.")));

                // Create new meet
                var meet = new Meet
                    Name                 = meetDto.Name,
                    Description          = meetDto.Description,
                    OrganizerUsername    = meetDto.OrganizerUsername,
                    EventDate            = meetDto.EventDate,
                    LocationName         = meetDto.LocationName,
                    LocationAddress      = meetDto.LocationAddress,
                    LocationState        = addressInfo.State,
                    LocationCountry      = addressInfo.Country,
                    LocationLatitude     = addressInfo.Latitude,
                    LocationLongitude    = addressInfo.Longitude,
                    WillPostAnnouncement = meetDto.WillPostAnnouncement,
                    IsCancelled          = false

                // Validate fields
                var validator        = new MeetValidator();
                var validationResult = validator.Validate(meet);

                if (!validationResult.IsValid)
                    return(BadRequest(new ValidationErrorResponse(validationResult.Messages)));


                // Send new shackmeet notifications

                return(Ok(new InsertSuccessResponse(meet.MeetId)));
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log error
                this.logger.LogError("Message: {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

                return(BadRequest(new CriticalErrorResponse()));