Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a byte[] containing an audio frame, return the audio MediaType.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <param name="compressionData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static MediaTypeWaveFormatEx AudioMediaTypeFromFrame(byte[] frame, out byte[] compressionData)
            if (frame == null)
                compressionData = null;

            BufferChunk bc         = new BufferChunk(frame);
            short       headerSize = bc.NextInt16();        //first short tells us the header size
            BufferChunk header     = bc.NextBufferChunk(headerSize);

            //The header contains a custom serialization of AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES followed by
            // AM_MEDIA_TYPE and an optional format type.

            BufferChunk AmSample2Properties = header.NextBufferChunk(48);

            MediaTypeWaveFormatEx amt = new MediaTypeWaveFormatEx();

            ReconstituteBaseMediaType((MediaType)amt, header);
            compressionData = null;
            if (amt.FormatType == FormatType.WaveFormatEx)
                ReconstituteAudioFormat(amt, header, out compressionData);
Пример #2
 public AudioTypeMonitor(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt, ulong duration, Guid guid, String cname, String name, long starttime, int streamID)
     this.mt       = mt;
     this.duration = duration;
     this.streamID = streamID;
     streams       = new Hashtable();
     streams.Add(guid, new StreamData(guid, cname, name, starttime, streamID));
Пример #3
 public ProfileData(MediaTypeVideoInfo videoMediaType, byte[] videoCodecData, MediaTypeWaveFormatEx audioMediaType, byte[] audioCodecData)
     this.videoMediaType = videoMediaType;
     this.videoCodecData = videoCodecData;
     this.audioMediaType = audioMediaType;
     this.audioCodecData = audioCodecData;
Пример #4
 public static void DebugPrintAudioFormat(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt)
     Debug.WriteLine("  AvgBytesPerSec=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.AvgBytesPerSec.ToString());
     Debug.WriteLine("  BitsPerSample=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample.ToString());
     Debug.WriteLine("  BlockAlign=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.BlockAlign.ToString());
     Debug.WriteLine("  Channels=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.Channels.ToString());
     Debug.WriteLine("  FormatTag=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.FormatTag.ToString());
     Debug.WriteLine("  SamplesPerSec=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec.ToString());
     Debug.WriteLine("  Size=" + mt.WaveFormatEx.Size.ToString());
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Assume that all the StreamMgrs provided are configured with the correct time range. Do not assume
        /// contiguous data, or compatible media types.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        public AudioMixer(StreamMgr[] audioMgr, LogMgr log)
            fileStreamPlayer = null;
            this.audioMgr    = audioMgr;
            this.log         = log;
            refTime          = long.MinValue;
            inbufs           = new ArrayList();

            if (audioMgr.Length == 0)

            /// Examine the uncompressed MT's for each audioMgr, and implement a voting system so that the
            /// media type that is dominant for this mixer is the one we use, and other incompatible MT's
            /// are ignored in the mix.  Log a warning at places where the MT changes.
            /// Remember that each audioMgr may itself have multiple FileStreamPlayers which have different uncompressed
            /// media types.
            /// Finally we need to make our uncompressed MT available to the caller for use in configuring the writer.
            /// Later on let's look at ways to convert any common uncompressed types so that they are compatible.
            AudioCompatibilityMgr audioCompatibilityMgr = new AudioCompatibilityMgr();

            foreach (StreamMgr astream in audioMgr)

            this.uncompressedMediaType = audioCompatibilityMgr.GetDominantType();
            String warning = audioCompatibilityMgr.GetWarningString();

            if (warning != "")
                log.ErrorLevel = 5;
            incompatibleGuids = audioCompatibilityMgr.GetIncompatibleGuids();

            // Here we also want to collect a "native" (compressed) profile corresponding to one of the "compatible"
            // streams.  This is useful in case we need to recompress.  Note this profile can be created if we have
            // a stream ID.
            compatibleStreamID = audioCompatibilityMgr.GetCompatibleStreamID();

            this.bitsPerSample  = this.uncompressedMediaType.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample;
            this.bytesPerSample = bitsPerSample / 8;
            this.ticksPerSample = ((uint)Constants.TicksPerSec) / (this.uncompressedMediaType.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec * this.uncompressedMediaType.WaveFormatEx.Channels);
            limit = (long)((ulong)1 << (int)bitsPerSample) / 2 - 1;             //clip level

            buffers = new SampleBuffer[audioMgr.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++)
                buffers[i] = new SampleBuffer(audioMgr[i], ticksPerSample, incompatibleGuids, this.uncompressedMediaType.WaveFormatEx.Channels);
Пример #6
 private void init()
     this.audioMediaType = null;
     this.audioCodecData = null;
     this.videoMediaType = null;
     this.videoCodecData = null;
     this.videoCodecGuid = Guid.Empty;
     this.height         = 0;
     this.width          = 0;
     this.bitrate        = 0;
     this.bufferwindow   = 0;
Пример #7
        private static ProfileData AudioFrameToProfileData(byte[] aframe)
            if (aframe == null)

            byte[] audioCompressionData;
            MediaTypeWaveFormatEx amt = AudioMediaTypeFromFrame(aframe, out audioCompressionData);

            return(new ProfileData(amt, audioCompressionData));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a new ProfileData instance containing MediaTypes and codec private data as determined
        /// by the audio and video frames given.  One, but not both, frames may be null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aframe"></param>
        /// <param name="vframe"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ProfileData FramesToProfileData(byte[] aframe, byte[] vframe)
            if ((aframe == null) && (vframe == null))

            byte[] audioCompressionData;
            byte[] videoCompressionData;
            MediaTypeWaveFormatEx amt = AudioMediaTypeFromFrame(aframe, out audioCompressionData);
            MediaTypeVideoInfo    vmt = VideoMediaTypeFromFrame(vframe, out videoCompressionData);

            return(new ProfileData(vmt, videoCompressionData, amt, audioCompressionData));
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the type with the highest vote count.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MediaTypeWaveFormatEx GetDominantType()
            ulong maxduration = 0;
            MediaTypeWaveFormatEx dominantType = null;

            foreach (AudioTypeMonitor mon in audioTypeMonitors)
                if (mon.Duration > maxduration)
                    maxduration  = mon.Duration;
                    dominantType = mon.MT;
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Fill in the audio-specific parts of the MediaType from the data in the BufferChunk.
 /// Also return the compression data which is the remaining bytes at the end of the byte[].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mt"></param>
 /// <param name="bc"></param>
 /// <param name="compressionData"></param>
 public static void ReconstituteAudioFormat(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt, BufferChunk bc, out byte[] compressionData)
     mt.WaveFormatEx.FormatTag      = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
     mt.WaveFormatEx.Channels       = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
     mt.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec  = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
     mt.WaveFormatEx.AvgBytesPerSec = (uint)NextInt32(bc);
     mt.WaveFormatEx.BlockAlign     = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
     mt.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample  = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
     mt.WaveFormatEx.Size           = (ushort)NextInt16(bc);
     compressionData = new byte[mt.WaveFormatEx.Size];
     for (int i = 0; i < mt.WaveFormatEx.Size; i++)
         compressionData[i] = bc.NextByte();
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true if the type is compatible for PCM mixing.  Also return
        /// true if the type is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mt2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Matches(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt2)
            if ((mt == null) || (mt2 == null))
                return(true);                 //one of them is unassigned.
            if ((mt.MajorType == mt2.MajorType) &&
                (mt.SubType == mt2.SubType) &&
                (mt.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec == mt2.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec) &&
                (mt.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample == mt2.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample))

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Record the MediaType vote and stream details for this stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <param name="duration"></param>
        /// <param name="guid"></param>
        /// <param name="cname"></param>
        /// <param name="starttime"></param>
        public void Check(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt, ulong duration, Guid guid, String cname, String name, long starttime, int streamID)
            bool match = false;

            foreach (AudioTypeMonitor mon in audioTypeMonitors)
                if (mon.Matches(mt))
                    mon.AddToDuration(duration, guid, cname, name, starttime, streamID);
                    match = true;
            if (!match)
                audioTypeMonitors.Add(new AudioTypeMonitor(mt, duration, guid, cname, name, starttime, streamID));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare important fields to make sure the Audio MediaTypes are "compatible".  This is used
        /// with compressed audio to make sure we won't cause a Windows Media Writer object to
        /// except when we feed it stream samples from multiple RTP audio streams.
        /// By definition a null is compatible with any media type.
        /// Note: We do something similar for uncompressed samples in AudioTypeMonitor to validate MediaTypes
        /// prior to audio mixing.
        /// </summary>
        /// PRI2: It is not totally clear that we check the correct set of parameters to cover all cases.
        /// <param name="mt1"></param>
        /// <param name="mt2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CompareAudioMediaTypes(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt1, MediaTypeWaveFormatEx mt2)
            if ((mt1 == null) || (mt2 == null))

            if ((mt1.MajorType != mt2.MajorType) ||
                (mt1.SubType != mt2.SubType) ||
                (mt1.FormatType != mt2.FormatType))

            if ((mt1.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec != mt2.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec))

        public FileStreamPlayer(String filename, long start, long end, bool compressed, int streamID)
            this.streamID = streamID;
            this.filename = filename;
            this.start    = start;
            this.end      = end;
            this.duration = (ulong)(end - start);
            outOfData     = false;
            this.guid     = Guid.NewGuid();

            //create IWMSyncReader and open the file.
            uint   hr = WMFSDKFunctions.WMCreateSyncReader(null, 0, out reader);
            IntPtr fn = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(filename);


            //Verify that the file contains one stream.
            uint outputcnt;

            reader.GetOutputCount(out outputcnt);
            Debug.Assert(outputcnt == 1);

            //Extract the MediaType for the stream.
            uint   cmt = 0;
            IntPtr ipmt;
            IWMOutputMediaProps outputProps;

            reader.GetOutputProps(0, out outputProps);
            outputProps.GetMediaType(IntPtr.Zero, ref cmt);
            ipmt = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)cmt);
            outputProps.GetMediaType(ipmt, ref cmt);
            byte[] bmt = new byte[cmt];
            Marshal.Copy(ipmt, bmt, 0, (int)cmt);
            BufferChunk bc = new BufferChunk(bmt);

            byte[] cd;

            GUID majorTypeGUID;

            outputProps.GetType(out majorTypeGUID);
            if (WMGuids.ToGuid(majorTypeGUID) == WMGuids.WMMEDIATYPE_Video)
                vmt = new MediaTypeVideoInfo();
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteBaseMediaType((MediaType)vmt, bc);
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteVideoFormat(vmt, bc, out cd);
                //Note: This is a special case which we would like to generalize:  The default output format for the
                //12bpp video was found not to return any uncompressed samples.  Setting this particular case to RGB 24 fixed it.
                if ((!compressed) && (vmt.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.BitCount == 12))
            else if (WMGuids.ToGuid(majorTypeGUID) == WMGuids.WMMEDIATYPE_Audio)
                amt = new MediaTypeWaveFormatEx();
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteBaseMediaType((MediaType)amt, bc);
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteAudioFormat(amt, bc, out cd);

            //if compressed is set, retrieve stream samples
            if (compressed)
                reader.SetReadStreamSamples(1, 1);
Пример #15
 public ProfileData(MediaTypeWaveFormatEx audioMediaType, byte[] audioCodecData)
     this.audioMediaType = audioMediaType;
     this.audioCodecData = audioCodecData;