Пример #1
        private void CreateMediaJobs(MediaCreationQueue mediaQueue)
            foreach (MediaCreationManagement mediaCreation in mediaQueue)
                MediaJob job;

                job = new MediaJob(mediaCreation);

                job.Checked = __MediaObjectsState.SelectedMediaItems.Contains(mediaCreation);

                if (mediaCreation.ExecutionStatus.ExecutionStatus == ExecutionStatus.Creating &&
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaCreation.GetCreationPath( )))
                    job.Comments = "Media creation was interrupted.";


                if (mediaCreation.ExecutionStatus.ExecutionStatus == ( ExecutionStatus )StatusComboBox.SelectedValue)

            SetActiveMediaItem( );
Пример #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> RemoveMedia([FromBody] MediaJob mediaJob, CancellationToken token)
            if (mediaJob == null)
                return(Ok(new { Success = false }));
            await _mediatr.Send(new MediaPruneRequest(mediaJob), token);

            return(Ok(new { Success = true }));
Пример #3
        public JsonResult start(string[] assetIds, MediaJob mediaJob)
            string      directoryId = homeController.GetDirectoryId(this.Request);
            string      authToken   = homeController.GetAuthToken(this.Request, this.Response);
            MediaClient mediaClient = new MediaClient(authToken);

            MediaJobInput[] jobInputs = Workflow.GetJobInputs(mediaClient, assetIds);
            object          jobOutput = Workflow.SubmitJob(directoryId, authToken, mediaClient, mediaJob, jobInputs);

Пример #4
        private void UpdateSelectedMediaItems(MediaJob job)
            if (job.Checked && !__MediaObjectsState.SelectedMediaItems.Contains(job.MediaObject))
            else if (!job.Checked && __MediaObjectsState.SelectedMediaItems.Contains(job.MediaObject))

            UpdateUIButtons( );
Пример #5
 private static void SetCreatingMediaComment
     MediaCreationManagement mediaObject,
     MediaJob mediaJob
     if (mediaObject.ExecutionStatus.ExecutionStatus == ExecutionStatus.Creating &&
         string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaObject.GetCreationPath( )))
         mediaJob.Comments = "Creating media...";
         mediaJob.Comments = string.Empty;
Пример #6
        private void RefreshItem(ListViewItem item, MediaJob job)
            MediaJobsListView.SuspendLayout( );

                item.Text = job.MediaFileId;

                item.SubItems [Constants.ListViewColumns.PriorityIndex].Text       = job.Priority.ToString( );
                item.SubItems [Constants.ListViewColumns.NumberOfCopiesIndex].Text = job.NumberOfCopies.ToString( );
                item.SubItems [Constants.ListViewColumns.CreationDateIndex].Text   = job.CreationTime.ToLongDateString( ) + " " + job.CreationTime.ToLongTimeString( );
                item.SubItems [Constants.ListViewColumns.CreationErrorIndex].Text  = job.Comments;
                item.SubItems [Constants.ListViewColumns.MediaLocationIndex].Text  = job.MediaLocation;
Пример #7
        private void AddListViewItem(MediaJob job)
            ListViewItem item;

            item = new ListViewItem(job.MediaFileId);

            item.SubItems.Add(job.Priority.ToString( ));
            item.SubItems.Add(job.NumberOfCopies.ToString( ));
            item.SubItems.Add(job.CreationTime.ToLongDateString( ) + " " + job.CreationTime.ToLongTimeString( ));
            item.SubItems.Add(job.Comments).ForeColor = Color.Red;

            item.Tag     = job;
            item.Checked = job.Checked;
            item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;


Пример #8
        public JsonResult start(MediaAssetInput[] inputAssets, MediaJob mediaJob)
            string      authToken   = homeController.GetAuthToken(this.Request, this.Response);
            MediaClient mediaClient = new MediaClient(authToken);

            inputAssets = Workflow.MapInputAssets(mediaClient, inputAssets);
            Workflow.SetInputClips(mediaClient, inputAssets);
            using (DatabaseClient databaseClient = new DatabaseClient(false))
                foreach (MediaJobTask jobTask in mediaJob.Tasks)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobTask.ProcessorDocumentId))
                        JObject processorConfig = databaseClient.GetDocument(jobTask.ProcessorDocumentId);
                        jobTask.ProcessorConfig = processorConfig.ToString();
            object result = Workflow.SubmitJob(authToken, mediaClient, null, inputAssets, mediaJob);

Пример #9
        public void OnMediaObjectAdded(MediaCreationManagement mediaObject)
                MediaJob job;

                job = new MediaJob(mediaObject);

                SetCreatingMediaComment(mediaObject, job);


                if (mediaObject.ExecutionStatus.ExecutionStatus == ( ExecutionStatus )StatusComboBox.SelectedValue)
            catch (Exception exception)
                Messager.ShowError(this, exception);
Пример #10
        public JsonResult ingest(string storageAccount, bool storageEncryption, string inputAssetName, bool multipleFileAsset, string[] fileNames, MediaJob mediaJob)
            string      directoryId = homeController.GetDirectoryId(this.Request);
            string      authToken   = homeController.GetAuthToken(this.Request, this.Response);
            MediaClient mediaClient = new MediaClient(authToken);

            MediaJobInput[] jobInputs = Workflow.GetJobInputs(authToken, mediaClient, storageAccount, storageEncryption, inputAssetName, multipleFileAsset, fileNames);
            object          jobOutput = Workflow.SubmitJob(directoryId, authToken, mediaClient, mediaJob, jobInputs);

Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <MediaJob> Work(FileInfo file, ProgressWorker progress, bool thumb, bool icon)
            MediaJob mediaJobData = new MediaJob();

            // Load the image and get metadata
            using MagickImage image = new MagickImage(file.FullName);

            mediaJobData.File     = file;
            mediaJobData.Updated  = file.LastWriteTime;
            mediaJobData.Width    = image.Width;
            mediaJobData.Height   = image.Height;
            mediaJobData.Duration = 0;

            Dictionary <string, string> metaDic = metaDic = Media.GetMeta(file);

            mediaJobData.Title   = metaDic.ContainsKey("Object Name") ? metaDic["Object Name"] : file.Name;
            mediaJobData.Caption = metaDic.ContainsKey("Caption/Abstract") ? metaDic["Caption/Abstract"] : mediaJobData.Caption;

            // Make the thumbnail
            if (thumb)
                mediaJobData.Thumbnail = true;

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    Media.Dimension imageCrop = null;

                    if (Configuration.Get.UseFaceDetector)
                        // Check for faces
                        Media.Dimension face = Media.GetFaceCrop(file, image.Width, image.Height);

                        if (face != null)                         // If a face was detected, put it as the image crop
                            imageCrop = face;

                    if (imageCrop == null)                     // If no image crop is defined, use the default crop
                        // Compute new dimensions
                        imageCrop = Media.GetCroppedThumbnailDimensions(image.Width, image.Height, true);

                    // Crop image
                    image.Crop(new MagickGeometry(imageCrop.CropLeft, imageCrop.CropTop, imageCrop.CropWidth, imageCrop.CropHeight));

                    // Resize image to thumbnail
                    MagickGeometry thumbSize    = new MagickGeometry(imageCrop.Width, imageCrop.Height);
                    thumbSize.IgnoreAspectRatio = false;

                    // Write the thumbnail to disk
                    using (FileStream writeStream = file.GetAlternateDataStream(Media.GetThumbName(file), FileMode.Create).OpenWrite())


            if (icon)
                mediaJobData.Icon = true;

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    // Resize image to icon
                    MagickGeometry iconSize    = new MagickGeometry(Configuration.Get.Image.Icon.Width, Configuration.Get.Image.Icon.Height);
                    iconSize.IgnoreAspectRatio = false;

                    // Write the icon to disk
                    using (FileStream writeStream = file.GetAlternateDataStream(Media.GetIconName(file), FileMode.Create).OpenWrite())


Пример #12
        public async Task <Tuple <bool, MediaJob, MediaException> > EncodeMediaAsync(
            string title,
            string assetName,
            byte[] assetData,
            Action <string> progess,
            bool downloadAssets,
            CancellationToken token)
            _logger.LogInformation($"EncodeMediaAsync: {assetName} with file: {assetData.Length}");
            bool           isSuccess = false;
            MediaJob       result    = null;
            MediaException exception = null;

            IAzureMediaServicesClient client = await GetClient();

            // create unique name to prevent collisions with dup file names
            string uniqueness      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);
            string jobName         = $"job-{uniqueness}";
            string locatorName     = $"locator-{uniqueness}";
            string inputAssetName  = $"input-{assetName}{uniqueness}";
            string outputAssetName = $"output-{assetName}{uniqueness}";
            bool   stopEndpoint    = false;

                // Ensure that you have customized encoding Transform.  This is really a one time setup operation.
                progess("Creating Transform...");
                // var transform = await CreateCustomTransform(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, CustomTransform);
                var transform = await CreateBuiltinTransform(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultTransform);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Transform created...{transform.Description}");

                // Create a new input Asset and upload the specified local video file into it.
                progess("Creating input Asset...");
                var inputAsset = await CreateInputAssetAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName,
                                                             inputAssetName, assetName, assetData, token);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Input Asset created...{inputAsset.AssetId}");

                // Output from the Job must be written to an Asset, so let's create one
                progess("Creating output Asset...");
                var outputAsset = await CreateOutputAssetAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, outputAssetName, token);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Output Asset created...{outputAsset.AssetId}");

                // create job
                progess("Creating and Submitting Job...");
                var job = await SubmitJobAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultTransform, jobName, inputAsset.Name, outputAsset.Name, token);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Job created...{job.Name}");

                DateTime startedTime = DateTime.Now;

                //TODO: event hub
                // Polling is not a recommended best practice for production applications because of the latency it introduces.
                // Overuse of this API may trigger throttling. Developers should instead use Event Grid and listen for the status events on the jobs
                _logger.LogInformation("Polling job status...");
                progess("Polling job status...");
                job = await WaitForJobToFinishAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultTransform, jobName, progess, token);

                TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - startedTime;
                if (job.State == JobState.Finished)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Job finished: {elapsed}");
                    progess($"Job finished: {elapsed}");
                    var thumbnailList = await GenerateResults(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, outputAsset.Name, OutputFolder, progess, downloadAssets, token);

                    progess("Creating Stream endpoints...");
                    var locator = await CreateStreamingLocatorAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, outputAssetName, locatorName, token);

                    var streamingEndpoint = await client.StreamingEndpoints.GetAsync(_settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultStreamingEndpointName, token);

                    if (streamingEndpoint != null)
                        if (streamingEndpoint.ResourceState != StreamingEndpointResourceState.Running)
                            _logger.LogInformation("Streaming Endpoint was Stopped, restarting now..");
                            progess("Streaming Endpoint was Stopped, restarting now..");
                            await client.StreamingEndpoints.StartAsync(_settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultStreamingEndpointName, token);

                            // Since we started the endpoint, we should stop it in cleanup.
                            stopEndpoint = true;
                    _logger.LogInformation("Getting the Streaming manifest URLs for HLS and DASH:");
                    progess("Getting the Streaming manifest URLs for HLS and DASH:");
                    var streamUrls = await GetStreamingUrlsAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, locator.Name, streamingEndpoint, token);

                    _logger.LogInformation($"Retuning {streamUrls.Count} URLs");

                    isSuccess = true;
                    result    = new MediaJob(jobName, locatorName, inputAssetName, outputAssetName,
                                             stopEndpoint, streamUrls, thumbnailList.FirstOrDefault(), title);
                else if (job.State == JobState.Error)
                    _logger.LogInformation($"ERROR: Job finished with error message: {job.Outputs[0].Error.Message}");
                    _logger.LogInformation($"ERROR: error details: {job.Outputs[0].Error.Details[0].Message}");
                    exception = new MediaException(job.Outputs[0].Error.Message);
                    _logger.LogInformation("Cleaning up...");
                    await CleanUpAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultTransform, jobName,
                                       inputAssetName, outputAssetName, locatorName, stopEndpoint, DefaultStreamingEndpointName);
            catch (ApiErrorException e)
                _logger.LogError(e, e.Message);
                exception = new MediaException(e.Message, e);
                _logger.LogInformation("Cleaning up...");
                await CleanUpAsync(client, _settings.ResourceGroup, _settings.AccountName, DefaultTransform, jobName,
                                   inputAssetName, outputAssetName, locatorName, stopEndpoint, DefaultStreamingEndpointName);
            return(new Tuple <bool, MediaJob, MediaException>(isSuccess, result, exception));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <MediaJob> Work(FileInfo file, ProgressWorker progress, bool thumb, bool icon)
            MediaJob mediaJobData = new MediaJob();
            Dictionary <string, string> metaData = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            IMediaInfo mediaInfo = await FFmpeg.GetMediaInfo(file.FullName);

            IVideoStream          videoStream      = mediaInfo.VideoStreams.FirstOrDefault();
            IVideoStream          pictureStream    = mediaInfo.VideoStreams.FirstOrDefault();
            string                thumbTempFile    = Path.Combine(Configuration.Get.TempDir, Guid.NewGuid() + "_" + Media.GetThumbName(file));
            string                iconTempFile     = Path.Combine(Configuration.Get.TempDir, Guid.NewGuid() + "_" + Media.GetIconName(file));
            Func <string, string> iconTempFileFunc = (number) => { return("\"" + iconTempFile.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\""); };

            // Fill out metadata
            Dictionary <string, string> metaDic = metaDic = Media.GetMeta(file);

            mediaJobData.Title    = metaDic.ContainsKey("Object Name") ? metaDic["Object Name"] : file.Name;
            mediaJobData.Caption  = metaDic.ContainsKey("Caption/Abstract") ? metaDic["Caption"] : mediaJobData.Caption;
            mediaJobData.File     = file;
            mediaJobData.Updated  = file.LastWriteTime;
            mediaJobData.Width    = videoStream.Width;
            mediaJobData.Height   = videoStream.Height;
            mediaJobData.Duration = videoStream.Duration.TotalSeconds;

            // Calculate the thumbnail clip start and length
            double clipStart  = Configuration.Get.Video.ClipStart;
            double clipLength = Configuration.Get.Video.ClipLength;
            double duration   = videoStream.Duration.TotalSeconds;

            if (clipStart + clipLength > duration)
                clipStart = 0;                 // Requested clip exceeds video file's duration
            if (clipStart + clipLength > duration)
                clipLength = duration;                 // Extremely short video file

            // Set up the video thumbnail conversion
            if (thumb)
                Media.Dimension d = Media.GetCroppedThumbnailDimensions(videoStream.Width, videoStream.Height, false);
                mediaJobData.Thumbnail = true;

                IConversion thumbConversion = FFmpeg.Conversions.New()
                                              .AddParameter("-s " + ((int)d.Width).ToString() + "x" + ((int)d.Height).ToString())
                                              .AddParameter("-vcodec libx264")
                                              .AddParameter("-pix_fmt yuv420p")

                // Do the thumbnail conversion
                _ = thumbConversion.Start().ContinueWith((result) =>
                    using (FileStream input = File.OpenRead(thumbTempFile))
                        using (FileStream output = file.GetAlternateDataStream(Media.GetThumbName(file), FileMode.Create).OpenWrite())
                            int bufferLength = 1024;
                            byte[] buffer    = new byte[bufferLength];
                            int bytesRead    = 0;

                                bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
                                output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                            }while (bytesRead != 0);

            if (icon)
                mediaJobData.Icon = true;

                // Set up the icon conversion
                IConversion iconConversion = FFmpeg.Conversions.New()
                                             .ExtractNthFrame(1, iconTempFileFunc)
                                             .AddParameter("-s " + (Configuration.Get.Image.Icon.Width).ToString() + "x" + ((int)(((double)Configuration.Get.Image.Icon.Width / (double)videoStream.Width) * (double)videoStream.Height)).ToString());

                // Do the icon conversion
                _ = iconConversion.Start().ContinueWith((result) =>
                    using (FileStream input = File.OpenRead(iconTempFile))
                        using (FileStream output = file.GetAlternateDataStream(Media.GetIconName(file), FileMode.Create).OpenWrite())
                            int bufferLength = 1024;
                            byte[] buffer    = new byte[bufferLength];
                            int bytesRead    = 0;

                                bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
                                output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                            }while (bytesRead != 0);

            // Done
Пример #14
        public JsonResult upload(string[] fileNames, string storageAccount, bool storageEncryption, string inputAssetName,
                                 bool multipleFileAsset, bool publishInputAsset, MediaAssetInput[] inputAssets, MediaJob mediaJob)
            string      authToken   = homeController.GetAuthToken(this.Request, this.Response);
            MediaClient mediaClient = new MediaClient(authToken);

            inputAssets = Workflow.CreateInputAssets(authToken, mediaClient, storageAccount, storageEncryption, inputAssetName, multipleFileAsset, publishInputAsset, fileNames);
            object result = Workflow.SubmitJob(authToken, mediaClient, storageAccount, inputAssets, mediaJob);

Пример #15
        public SortedDictionary <string, DirItem> Process(bool overwrite)
            bool                               dirty                = false;
            ProgressWorker                     progress             = new ProgressWorker(workDirectory);
            List <Task <MediaJob> >            mediaProcessingTasks = new List <Task <MediaJob> >();
            SortedDictionary <string, DirItem> mediaList            = new SortedDictionary <string, DirItem>(); // New metadata
            SortedDictionary <string, DirItem> mediaListOld         = new SortedDictionary <string, DirItem>(); // Old cached metadata

            if (progress.GetProgress() > 0 && progress.GetProgress() < 100)


            // Retrieve existing media list if any
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(workDirectory.FullName, Configuration.Get.MetaFile)))
                mediaListOld = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SortedDictionary <string, DirItem> >(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(workDirectory.FullName, Configuration.Get.MetaFile)));

            // List directories in the dir
            foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in workDirectory.GetDirectories())
                // If the dir starts with a $ then we ignore it
                if (dir.Name.StartsWith('$'))

                // Try to identify the icon for a directory. It's basically whatever the first media file found is.
                FileInfo dirIcon = FindFirst(dir);
                if (dirIcon == null)

                string dirName = dirIcon.FullName.Substring(Configuration.Get.GalleryPath.Length + 1).Replace('\\', '/');

                if (!mediaListOld.ContainsKey(dirName) ||              // If the old media list doesn't contain this dir (because it's new), or
                    overwrite)                        // We're instructed to re-generate all data
                    // Update the information about this dir
                    String ext = dirIcon.Extension.ToLower().Trim('.');

                    // An image
                    if (Configuration.Get.Image.Ext.Contains(ext))
                        ImageWorker worker = new ImageWorker();
                        mediaProcessingTasks.Add(worker.Work(dirIcon, progress, false, true));

                    // A video
                    if (Configuration.Get.Video.Ext.Contains(ext))
                        VideoWorker worker = new VideoWorker();
                        mediaProcessingTasks.Add(worker.Work(dirIcon, progress, false, true));

                    mediaList.Add(dirName, new DirItem
                        Title   = dir.Name,
                        Type    = "dir",
                        Updated = DateTime.Now
                    // No updates, simply copy the old data to the new
                    mediaList.Add(dirName, mediaListOld[dirName]);

            // List files in the dir
            foreach (FileInfo file in workDirectory.GetFiles())
                if (!mediaListOld.ContainsKey(file.Name) ||              // If the old media list doesn't contain this file (because it's new), or
                    overwrite)                        // We're instructed to re-generate all data
                    // Update information about this file
                    String ext = file.Extension.ToLower().Trim('.');

                    // An image
                    if (Configuration.Get.Image.Ext.Contains(ext))
                        ImageWorker worker = new ImageWorker();
                        mediaProcessingTasks.Add(worker.Work(file, progress, true, false));

                    // A video
                    if (Configuration.Get.Video.Ext.Contains(ext))
                        VideoWorker worker = new VideoWorker();
                        mediaProcessingTasks.Add(worker.Work(file, progress, true, false));
                    // No updates, simply copy the old data to the new
                    mediaList.Add(file.Name, mediaListOld[file.Name]);

            // Async job processing
                // For every media processing task initiated above, wait for all of them to complete. They spin off their own
                // encoding jobs that are tracked via ProgressWorker, but should return media metadata relatively quickly

                foreach (Task <MediaJob> task in mediaProcessingTasks)
                    dirty = true;

                    MediaJob mediaJobData = task.Result;
                    string   ext          = mediaJobData.File.Extension.ToLower().Trim('.');
                    string   path         = "";
                    string   type         = "";

                    if (!mediaJobData.Icon)
                        path = mediaJobData.File.Name;
                        if (Configuration.Get.Image.Ext.Contains(ext))
                            type = "image";
                        else if (Configuration.Get.Video.Ext.Contains(ext))
                            type = "video";
                            type = "unknown";

                        mediaList.Add(path, new DirItem
                            Title   = mediaJobData.Title,
                            Type    = type,
                            Updated = DateTime.Now

                    using (FileStream fs = mediaJobData.File.GetAlternateDataStream(Configuration.Get.MetaFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate).OpenWrite())
                        fs.Flush();                         // delete the contents of the file first
                        byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new FileMeta()
                            Caption = mediaJobData.Caption
                        fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            catch (AggregateException e)
                // Error handling: Log all errors generated by the workers
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                for (int j = 0; j < e.InnerExceptions.Count; j++)
                    sb.AppendLine("\n-------------------------------------------------\n" + e.InnerExceptions[j].ToString());


            // Save our dir list to a file
            if (dirty)
                    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(workDirectory.FullName, Configuration.Get.MetaFile), JsonSerializer.Serialize(mediaList));
                catch (IOException e)


Пример #16
 private ListViewItem FindMediaItem(MediaJob mediaJob)
     return(MediaJobsListView.Items.OfType <ListViewItem> ( ).Where(n => (n.Tag == mediaJob)).FirstOrDefault( ));