private async Task StartDownload() { isListViewDirty = true; if (mediaDownloadQueue.Count == 0) { TaskDialogHelper.ShowMessage(owner: Handle, icon: TaskDialogStandardIcon.Error, buttons: TaskDialogStandardButtons.Ok, caption: "No tracks are in the queue.", message: "You can add tracks by copying the URL to an album, artist, track, or playlist and pasting it into Athame."); return; } try { LockUi(); totalStatusLabel.Text = "Warming up..."; await mediaDownloadQueue.StartDownloadAsync(Program.DefaultSettings.Settings.SavePlaylist); totalStatusLabel.Text = "All downloads completed"; collectionStatusLabel.Text = GetCompletionMessage(); currentlyDownloadingItem = null; mediaDownloadQueue.Clear(); SetGlobalProgress(0); SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); this.Flash(FlashMethod.All | FlashMethod.TimerNoForeground, Int32.MaxValue, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { PresentException(ex); } finally { UnlockUi(); } }
private async void startDownloadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { isListViewDirty = true; if (mediaDownloadQueue.Count == 0) { using ( var td = CommonTaskDialogs.Message(owner: this, icon: TaskDialogStandardIcon.Error, caption: "No tracks are in the queue.", message: "You can add tracks by copying the URL to an album, artist, track, or playlist and pasting it into Athame.")) { td.Show(); } return; } try { LockUi(); totalStatusLabel.Text = "Warming up..."; await mediaDownloadQueue.StartDownloadAsync(); totalStatusLabel.Text = "All downloads completed"; collectionStatusLabel.Text = GetCompletionMessage(); currentlyDownloadingItem = null; mediaDownloadQueue.Clear(); SetGlobalProgress(0); SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); this.Flash(FlashMethod.All | FlashMethod.TimerNoForeground, Int32.MaxValue, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { PresentException(ex); } finally { UnlockUi(); } }