Пример #1
        private void MetadataTrack_DataCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack sender, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            DataCue cue  = (DataCue)args.Cue;
            string  data = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(cue.Data.ToArray());

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cue entered: " + data);
Пример #2
        private void metadata_id3_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg      = new StringBuilder();
            object        customValue = null;

            timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("contentId", out customValue);
            string contentId = (string)customValue;

            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} ID3 DataCue CueEntered raised.");
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;

            if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null && dataCue.Data.Length >= 10)
                // The payload is the raw ID3 bytes found in a TS stream
                // Ref: http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure
                var dr                   = DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
                var header_ID3           = dr.ReadString(3);
                var header_version_major = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_version_minor = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_flags         = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_tagSize       = dr.ReadUInt32();
                // TODO: Use the ID3 bytes for something useful.

                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
                logMsg.Append($"{header_ID3}, {header_version_major}.{header_version_minor}, {header_flags}, {header_tagSize}");
Пример #3
 private void TimedText_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack sender, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     Debug.WriteLine("Cue Entered");
     Debug.WriteLine("Cue start time was  " + args.Cue.StartTime + " " + args.Cue.Duration);
     start += args.Cue.StartTime;
     args.Cue.StartTime = start;
     Debug.WriteLine("Cue start time is " + args.Cue.StartTime + " " + args.Cue.Duration);
Пример #4
        private void MetadataTrack_DataCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack sender, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            var     playbackList = _mediaPlayer.Source as MediaPlaybackList;
            DataCue cue          = (DataCue)args.Cue;

            OnPlaybackCueTriggered(new PlaybackCueTriggeredEventArgs()
                Segment = (int)playbackList.CurrentItemIndex,
                EventId = Convert.ToInt32(cue.Id),
                Time    = cue.StartTime
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// This function executes when a SpeechCue is hit and calls then <see cref="EhSpeechProgress(int)"/> in UI context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timedMetadataTrack">The timedMetadataTrack associated with the event.</param>
 /// <param name="args">the arguments associated with the event.</param>
 private async void EhCueReceived(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
     if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
         var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
         if (cue != null)
             // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Cue text:[{cue.Text}], Access={Dispatcher.CheckAccess()}");
                 new Action <int>(EhSpeechProgress),
Пример #6
        // </SnippetRegisterMetadataHandlerForID3Cues>

        // <SnippetID3CueEntered>
        private void metadata_ID3CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;

            if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null)
                // The payload is the raw ID3 bytes found in a TS stream
                // Ref: http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure
                var dr                   = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
                var header_ID3           = dr.ReadString(3);
                var header_version_major = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_version_minor = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_flags         = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_tagSize       = dr.ReadUInt32();

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ID3 tag data: major {header_version_major}, minor: {header_version_minor}");
Пример #7
        private void MetadataTrack_TextCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack sender, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            TimedTextCue cue = (TimedTextCue)args.Cue;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cue entered: " + cue.Id + " " + cue.Lines[0].Text);
 /// <summary>
 /// This function executes when a SpeechCue is hit and calls the functions to update the UI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timedMetadataTrack">The timedMetadataTrack associated with the event.</param>
 /// <param name="args">the arguments associated with the event.</param>
 private async void metadata_MarkCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
     if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
         var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
         if (cue != null)
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cue text:[" + cue.Text + "]");
             // Do something with the cue
             await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                       () =>
                 // Your UI update code goes here!
Пример #9
 private void MetadataTrack_CueExited(TimedMetadataTrack sender, MediaCueEventArgs args)
Пример #10
        // <SnippetLastProcessedAdId>

        // <SnippetEmsgCueEntered>
        private void metadata_EmsgCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;

            if (dataCue != null)
                string scheme_id_uri           = string.Empty;
                string value                   = string.Empty;
                UInt32 timescale               = (UInt32)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                UInt32 presentation_time_delta = (UInt32)dataCue.StartTime.Ticks;
                UInt32 event_duration          = (UInt32)dataCue.Duration.Ticks;
                UInt32 id           = 0;
                Byte[] message_data = null;

                const string scheme_id_uri_key = "emsg:scheme_id_uri";
                object       propValue         = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(scheme_id_uri_key, out propValue);
                scheme_id_uri = propValue != null ? (string)propValue : "";

                const string value_key = "emsg:value";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(value_key, out propValue);
                value = propValue != null ? (string)propValue : "";

                const string timescale_key = "emsg:timescale";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(timescale_key, out propValue);
                timescale = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : timescale;

                const string presentation_time_delta_key = "emsg:presentation_time_delta";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(presentation_time_delta_key, out propValue);
                presentation_time_delta = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : presentation_time_delta;

                const string event_duration_key = "emsg:event_duration";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(event_duration_key, out propValue);
                event_duration = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : event_duration;

                const string id_key = "emsg:id";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(id_key, out propValue);
                id = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : 0;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"scheme_id_uri: {scheme_id_uri}, value: {value}, timescale: {timescale}, presentation_time_delta: {presentation_time_delta}, event_duration: {event_duration}, id: {id}");

                if (dataCue.Data != null)
                    var dr = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);

                    // Check if this is a SCTE ad message:
                    // Ref:  http://dashif.org/identifiers/event-schemes/
                    if (scheme_id_uri.ToLower() == "urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml")
                        // SCTE recommends publishing emsg more than once, so we avoid reprocessing the same message id:
                        if (!processedAdIds.Contains(id))
                            dr.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
                            var scte35payload = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($", message_data: {scte35payload}");
                            // TODO: ScheduleAdFromScte35Payload(timedMetadataTrack, presentation_time_delta, timescale, event_duration, scte35payload);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"This emsg.Id, {id}, has already been processed.");
                        message_data = new byte[dataCue.Data.Length];
                        // TODO: Use the 'emsg' bytes for something useful.
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($", message_data.Length: {message_data.Length}");
Пример #11
        // </SnippetRegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues>

        // <SnippetEXTM3UCueEntered>
        private void metadata_EXTM3UCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;

            if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null)
                // The payload is a UTF-16 Little Endian null-terminated string.
                // It is any comment line in a manifest that is not part of the HLS spec.
                var dr = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
                dr.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf16LE;
                var m3uComment = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length / 2 - 1);
Пример #12
 // </SnippetImageSubtitleCueEntered>
 private void metadata_ImageSubtitleCueExited(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// This function executes when a SpeechCue is hit and calls the functions to update the UI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timedMetadataTrack">The timedMetadataTrack associated with the event.</param>
 /// <param name="args">the arguments associated with the event.</param>
 private async void metadata_SpeechCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
     if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
         var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
         if (cue != null)
             SpeakProgress?.Invoke((int)cue.StartPositionInInput, (int)cue.EndPositionInInput - (int)cue.StartPositionInInput + 1);
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// This function executes when a SpeechCue is hit and calls the functions to update the UI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timedMetadataTrack">The timedMetadataTrack associated with the event.</param>
 /// <param name="args">the arguments associated with the event.</param>
 private async void metadata_SpeechCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
     if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
         var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
         if (cue != null)
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Hit Cue with start:" + cue.StartPositionInInput + " and end:" + cue.EndPositionInInput);
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cue text:[" + cue.Text + "]");
             // Do something with the cue
             await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                       () =>
                 // Your UI update code goes here!
                 HighlightTextOnScreen(cue.StartPositionInInput, cue.EndPositionInInput);
                 FillTextBoxes(cue, timedMetadataTrack);
 private void metadata_TrackingEvents_CueExited(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();
     var contentId = (Guid)timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"];
     logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} TrackingEventCue CueExited raised.");
     var trackingEventCue = args.Cue as TrackingEventCue;
     if (trackingEventCue != null)
         logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {trackingEventCue.Id}, StartTime: {trackingEventCue.StartTime}, Duration: {trackingEventCue.Duration}");
        private void metadata_id3_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();
            var contentId = (Guid)timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"];
            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} ID3 DataCue CueEntered raised.");
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;
            if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null && dataCue.Data.Length >= 10)
                // The payload is the raw ID3 bytes found in a TS stream
                // Ref: http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure
                var dr = DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
                var header_ID3 = dr.ReadString(3);
                var header_version_major = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_version_minor = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_flags = dr.ReadByte();
                var header_tagSize = dr.ReadUInt32();
                // TODO: Use the ID3 bytes.

                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
                logMsg.Append($"{header_ID3}, {header_version_major}.{header_version_minor}, {header_flags}, {header_tagSize}");
        private void metadata_extm3u_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();

            var contentId = (Guid)timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"];
            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} M3U8 DataCue CueEntered raised.");
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;
            if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null)
                // The payload is a UTF-16 Little Endian null-terminated string.
                // It is any comment line in a manifest that is not part of the HLS spec.
                var dr = DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
                dr.UnicodeEncoding = UnicodeEncoding.Utf16LE;
                var m3u8Comment = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length / 2 - 1);
                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
                // TODO: Use the m3u8Comment string.
        private void metadata_TrackingEvents_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg    = new StringBuilder();
            var           contentId = (Guid)timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties["contentId"];

            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} TrackingEventCue CueEntered raised.");
            var trackingEventCue = args.Cue as TrackingEventCue;

            if (trackingEventCue != null)
                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {trackingEventCue.Id}, StartTime: {trackingEventCue.StartTime}, Duration: {trackingEventCue.Duration}");
                // TODO: Use the reporing Uri.
Пример #19
        // </SnippetRegisterMetadataHandlerForWords>

        // <SnippetSpeechWordCueEntered>
        private void metadata_SpeechCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
            if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
                var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
                if (cue != null)
                    if (timedMetadataTrack.Label == "SpeechWord")
                        // Do something with the cue
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{cue.StartPositionInInput} - {cue.EndPositionInInput}: {inputText.Substring((int)cue.StartPositionInInput, ((int)cue.EndPositionInInput - (int)cue.StartPositionInInput) + 1)}");
Пример #20
        // </SnippetRegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles>

        // <SnippetImageSubtitleCueEntered>
        private async void metadata_ImageSubtitleCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
            if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle)
                var cue = args.Cue as ImageCue;
                if (cue != null)
                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() =>
                        var source = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                        await source.SetBitmapAsync(cue.SoftwareBitmap);
                        SubtitleImage.Source = source;
                        SubtitleImage.Width  = cue.Extent.Width;
                        SubtitleImage.Height = cue.Extent.Height;
                        SubtitleImage.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, cue.Position.X);
                        SubtitleImage.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, cue.Position.Y);
Пример #21
        private void metadata_extm3u_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();

            object customValue = null;

            timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("contentId", out customValue);
            string contentId = (string)customValue;

            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} M3U8 DataCue CueEntered raised.");
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;

            if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null)
                // The payload is a UTF-16 Little Endian null-terminated string.
                // It is any comment line in a manifest that is not part of the HLS spec.
                var dr = DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
                dr.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf16LE;
                var m3u8Comment = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length / 2 - 1);
                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
                // TODO: Use the m3u8Comment string for something useful.
Пример #22
        // </SnippetRegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues>

        // <SnippetChapterCueEntered>
        private async void metadata_ChapterCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
            if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Chapter)
                var cue = args.Cue as ChapterCue;
                if (cue != null)
                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        ChapterTitleTextBlock.Text = cue.Title;
Пример #23
 private void TimedText_CueExited(TimedMetadataTrack sender, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     Debug.WriteLine("Cue Exited");
Пример #24
        private void metadata_emsg_mp4_CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg      = new StringBuilder();
            object        customValue = null;

            timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("contentId", out customValue);
            string contentId = (string)customValue;

            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} mp4 emsg DataCue CueEntered raised.");
            var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;

            if (dataCue != null)
                // Ref: ISO/IEC 20009-1, Section Definition of Box Type: 'emsg'
                string scheme_id_uri           = string.Empty;
                string value                   = string.Empty;
                UInt32 timescale               = (UInt32)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
                UInt32 presentation_time_delta = (UInt32)dataCue.StartTime.Ticks;
                UInt32 event_duration          = (UInt32)dataCue.Duration.Ticks;
                UInt32 id           = 0;
                Byte[] message_data = null;

                const string scheme_id_uri_key = "emsg:scheme_id_uri";
                object       propValue         = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(scheme_id_uri_key, out propValue);
                scheme_id_uri = propValue != null ? (string)propValue : "";

                const string value_key = "emsg:value";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(value_key, out propValue);
                value = propValue != null ? (string)propValue : "";

                const string timescale_key = "emsg:timescale";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(timescale_key, out propValue);
                timescale = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : timescale;

                const string presentation_time_delta_key = "emsg:presentation_time_delta";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(presentation_time_delta_key, out propValue);
                presentation_time_delta = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : presentation_time_delta;

                const string event_duration_key = "emsg:event_duration";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(event_duration_key, out propValue);
                event_duration = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : event_duration;

                const string id_key = "emsg:id";
                propValue = null;
                dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(id_key, out propValue);
                id = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : 0;

                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
                logMsg.Append($"scheme_id_uri: {scheme_id_uri}, value: {value}, timescale: {timescale}, presentation_time_delta: {presentation_time_delta}, event_duration: {event_duration}, id: {id}");

                if (dataCue.Data != null)
                    var dr = DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);

                    // Check if this is a SCTE ad message:
                    // Ref:  http://dashif.org/identifiers/event-schemes/
                    if (scheme_id_uri.ToLower() == "urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml")
                        // SCTE recommends publishing emsg more than once, so we avoid reprocessing the same message id:
                        if (lastProcessedAdId != id)
                            lastProcessedAdId = id; // TODO: Requires robustness. Messages may be out of order, which would break this sample's logic.

                            dr.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
                            var scte35payload = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length);
                            logMsg.Append($", message_data: {scte35payload}");
                            ScheduleAdFromScte35Payload(timedMetadataTrack, presentation_time_delta, timescale, event_duration, scte35payload);
                            logMsg.AppendLine($"This emsg.Id, {id}, has already been processed.");
                        message_data = new byte[dataCue.Data.Length];
                        // TODO: Use the 'emsg' bytes for something useful.
                        logMsg.Append($", message_data.Length: {message_data.Length}");
Пример #25
        private void metadata_TrackingEvents_CueExited(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
            StringBuilder logMsg      = new StringBuilder();
            object        customValue = null;

            timedMetadataTrack.PlaybackItem.Source.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("contentId", out customValue);
            string contentId = (string)customValue;

            logMsg.AppendLine($"{contentId} TrackingEventCue CueExited raised.");
            var trackingEventCue = args.Cue as TrackingEventCue;

            if (trackingEventCue != null)
                logMsg.AppendLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {trackingEventCue.Id}, StartTime: {trackingEventCue.StartTime}, Duration: {trackingEventCue.Duration}");
Пример #26
 // </SnippetEmsgCueEntered>
 private void metadata_EmsgCueExited(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// This function executes when a SpeechCue is hit and calls the functions to update the UI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timedMetadataTrack">The timedMetadataTrack associated with the event.</param>
 /// <param name="args">the arguments associated with the event.</param>
 private async void metadata_SpeechCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
     // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks
     if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
         var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
         if (cue != null)
             await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                       () =>
                 if (timedMetadataTrack.Id == "SpeechSentence" || timedMetadataTrack.Id == "SpeechWord")
                     SpeechCueType type = timedMetadataTrack.Id == "SpeechSentence" ? SpeechCueType.Sentence : SpeechCueType.Word;
                     var arg            = new SpeechCueEventArgs(cue, type);
                     SpeechCueChanged?.Invoke(this, arg);