Пример #1
        public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
            if (!running)
                var ob = audioDecoder.GetOutputBuffer(index);

                ob.Limit(info.Offset + info.Size);

                byte[] decoded_data = new byte[info.Size];

                audioDecoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, false);

            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.error("Exception occured while playing audio stream: " + e);
Пример #2
        public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
            Java.Nio.ByteBuffer decodedSample = codec.GetOutputBuffer(index);

            // Just release outputBuffer, callback will handle rendering
            codec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, true);
Пример #3
    public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
        if (!running)
            var ob = audioEncoder.GetOutputBuffer(index);

            ob.Limit(info.Offset + info.Size);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[info.Size];
            ob.Get(buffer, 0, info.Size);
            audioEncoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, false);

            lock (outputBuffers)
        catch (Exception e)
            Logging.error("Exception occured while recording audio stream: " + e);
Пример #4
    public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
        if (!running)
            var ob = audioDecoder.GetOutputBuffer(index);

            ob.Limit(info.Offset + info.Size);

            byte[] decoded_data = new byte[info.Size];

            if (audioPlayer.Write(decoded_data, 0, decoded_data.Length) == 0)
                // TODO drop frames

            audioDecoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, false);
        catch (Exception e)
            Logging.error("Exception occured while playing audio stream: " + e);
        public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
            int min = 0;

                if (mBuffer == null)
                    while (!Thread.Interrupted() && !mClosed)
                        mIndex = mMediaCodec.DequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, 500000);
                        if (mIndex >= 0)
                            //Log.d(TAG,"Index: "+mIndex+" Time: "+mBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs+" size: "+mBufferInfo.size);
                            mBuffer = mBuffers[mIndex];
                        else if (mIndex == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputBuffersChanged)
                            mBuffers = mMediaCodec.GetOutputBuffers();
                        else if (mIndex == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputFormatChanged)
                            mMediaFormat = mMediaCodec.GetOutputFormat(mIndex);
                            Log.i(TAG, mMediaFormat.ToString());
                        else if (mIndex == (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                            Log.v(TAG, "No buffer available...");
                            //return 0;
                            Log.e(TAG, "Message: " + mIndex);
                            //return 0;

                if (mClosed)
                    throw new IOException("This InputStream was closed");

                min = length < mBufferInfo.Size - mBuffer.Position() ? length : mBufferInfo.Size - mBuffer.Position();
                mBuffer.Get(buffer, offset, min);
                if (mBuffer.Position() >= mBufferInfo.Size)
                    mMediaCodec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(mIndex, false);
                    mBuffer = null;
            catch (RuntimeException e)

            public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
                //var buffer = codec.GetOutputBuffer(index);

                codec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, true);
Пример #7
        public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
            Java.Nio.ByteBuffer decodedSample = codec.GetOutputBuffer(index);

            _audioTrack.Write(decodedSample, 4096, WriteMode.NonBlocking);

            codec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, true);
Пример #8
            public override void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec codec, int index, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info)
                ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.GetOutputBuffer(index);

                byte[] outputArray = new byte[outputBuffer.Remaining()];

                DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(outputArray, outputArray.Length, InetAddress.GetByAddress(new byte[] { 192, 168, 0, 31 }), 9482);


                codec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, false);
        private void flushMediaCodec(MediaCodec mc)
            int        index = 0;
            BufferInfo info  = new BufferInfo();

            while (index != (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                index = mc.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, 1000000 / FRAMERATE);
                if (index >= 0)
                    mc.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, false);
Пример #10
        override public void OnOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int outputBufferId, BufferInfo info)
            ByteBuffer  outputBuffer = mDecoder.GetOutputBuffer(outputBufferId);
            MediaFormat bufferFormat = mDecoder.GetOutputFormat(outputBufferId); // option A

            Console.WriteLine("decoded buffer format:" + bufferFormat.ToString());

            // bufferFormat is equivalent to mOutputFormat
            // outputBuffer is ready to be processed or rendered.

            Console.WriteLine("OnOutputBufferAvailable: outputBufferId = " + outputBufferId.ToString());
            byte[] decoded_data = new byte[info.Size];
            outputBuffer.Get(decoded_data, 0, info.Size);
            mDecoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, false);
            Console.WriteLine("call OnDecodeFrame from decoder!");

            Console.WriteLine("bufferFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KeyWidth)=" + bufferFormat.GetInteger(MediaFormat.KeyWidth).ToString() + " bufferFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.KeyHeight)=" + bufferFormat.GetInteger(MediaFormat.KeyHeight).ToString());
            mCallbackObj.OnDecodeFrame(decoded_data, bufferFormat.GetInteger(MediaFormat.KeyWidth), bufferFormat.GetInteger(MediaFormat.KeyHeight), bufferFormat.GetInteger(MediaFormat.KeyColorFormat));
Пример #11
        private Thread GetEncoderThread()
            var encoderThread = new Thread(() =>
                MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
                    while (!_disposed)
                        // Try to get an available pcm audio frame
                        int outIndex = _mediaCodec.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, 50000);
                        if (outIndex >= 0)
                            int lastIndex = outIndex;

                            // Get the last available output buffer
                            while ((outIndex = this._mediaCodec.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, 0)) >= 0)
                                this._mediaCodec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(lastIndex, false);

                                lastIndex = outIndex;

                            ByteBuffer outputBuffer = _mediaCodec.GetOutputBuffer(lastIndex);
                            _audioTrack.Write(outputBuffer, outputBuffer.Limit(), WriteMode.NonBlocking);
                            _mediaCodec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(lastIndex, false);
                catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                    // Ignore Thread got interrupted from outside

            encoderThread.Daemon   = true;
            encoderThread.Priority = Thread.MaxPriority;
Пример #12
 * Work loop.
        private void doExtract(MediaExtractor extractor, int trackIndex, MediaCodec decoder, CodecOutputSurface outputSurface)
            Stopwatch stopWatch    = new Stopwatch();
            const int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;

            ByteBuffer []         decoderInputBuffers = decoder.GetInputBuffers();
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            int inputChunk             = 0;
            int decodeCount            = 0;
            var frameTimestamps        = new List <long>();

            bool outputDone = false;
            bool inputDone  = false;

            //speed vs accuracy tradeoffs https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34132444/google-mobile-vision-poor-facedetector-performance-without-camerasource
            //reducing bitmap resolution helps the most and thats ok because i'm not using them after
            var detector = new FaceDetector.Builder(Application.Context)
                           .SetTrackingEnabled(true)        //tracking enables false makes it much slow wtf?!?!
                           .SetProminentFaceOnly(true)      // no diff
                                                            //.SetMinFaceSize((float)0.1) //small performance gain when removed
                           .SetMode(FaceDetectionMode.Fast) // tiny small performance gain

            while (!outputDone)
                // Feed more data to the decoder.
                if (!inputDone)
                    int inputBufIndex = decoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                        ByteBuffer inputBuf = decoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                        // Read the sample data into the ByteBuffer.  This neither respects nor
                        // updates inputBuf's position, limit, etc.
                        int chunkSize = extractor.ReadSampleData(inputBuf, 0);
                        if (chunkSize < 0)
                            // End of stream -- send empty frame with EOS flag set.
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0L, MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream);
                            inputDone = true;
                            //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "sent input EOS");
                            if (extractor.SampleTrackIndex != trackIndex)
                                //Log.w(TAG, "WEIRD: got sample from track " + extractor.getSampleTrackIndex() + ", expected " + trackIndex);

                            frameTimestamps.Add(extractor.SampleTime); //might need to play with offset here to get right sync from decoder
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, chunkSize, extractor.SampleTime, 0 /*flags*/);
                            //if (VERBOSE) {
                            //    Log.d(TAG, "submitted frame " + inputChunk + " to dec, size=" +
                            //            chunkSize);
                        //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "input buffer not available");

                if (!outputDone)
                    int decoderStatus = decoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        // no output available yet
                        //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "no output from decoder available");
                    else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                        // not important for us, since we're using Surface
                        //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "decoder output buffers changed");
                    else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                        //MediaFormat newFormat = decoder.OutputFormat;
                        //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "decoder output format changed: " + newFormat);
                    else if (decoderStatus < 0)
                        //fail("unexpected result from decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + decoderStatus);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                        //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "surface decoder given buffer " + decoderStatus + " (size=" + info.size + ")");
                        if ((info.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                            //if (VERBOSE) Log.d(TAG, "output EOS");
                            outputDone = true;

                        bool doRender = (info.Size != 0);

                        //could not get this working!!!
                        // As soon as we call releaseOutputBuffer, the buffer will be forwarded
                        // to SurfaceTexture to convert to a texture.  The API doesn't guarantee
                        // that the texture will be available before the call returns, so we
                        // need to wait for the onFrameAvailable callback to fire.

                        decoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, doRender);

                        if (doRender)
                            //outputSurface.awaitNewImage(); //could not get callback to work and even so do not want to wait 2.5 seconds for each frame, might need to revist

                            outputSurface.mTextureRender.checkGlError("before updateTexImage");
                            //Log.Info("innerSTOPWATCH_begin!!!!:", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
                            //can't call face detector this way its too slow or maybe there is a busy loop???
                            //_FaceFetchDataTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => CreateFaceframes(detector, outputSurface.GetFramebitmap(), decodeCount, frameTimestamps[decodeCount])));
                            //if (decodeCount % 2 ==0) //doesn't help that much and messes with rating algo
                            CreateFaceframes(detector, outputSurface.GetFramebitmap(), frameTimestamps[decodeCount]);
                            //Log.Info("innerSTOPWATCH_end!!!!:", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());


            Log.Info("inner STOPWATCH!!!!:", string.Format("numberofframes = {0}, totaltime = {1}", decodeCount, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
Пример #13
        public void decode(byte[] array)
            if (bConfigured == false)

            var nalType = array[4] & 0x1f;

//Console.WriteLine("nal:" + nalType);
            if (nalType == 7)
                //sps = array.ToArray();
                if (array.Length != sps.Length)
                    sps = array.ToArray();
            if (nalType == 8)
                //pps = array.ToArray();
            if (bConfigured == false)

            //Make sure keyframe is first.
            if (nalType == 5)
                bWaitForKeyframe = false;
                //pps = array.ToArray();
            if (bWaitForKeyframe)

            if (bConfigured)
                    ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers       = codec.GetInputBuffers();
                    ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers      = codec.GetOutputBuffers();
                    int          dequeueInputBuffer = codec.DequeueInputBuffer(-1L);
                    if (dequeueInputBuffer >= 0)
                        //Send data to decoder.
                        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = inputBuffers[dequeueInputBuffer];
                        codec.QueueInputBuffer(dequeueInputBuffer, 0, array.Length, 0L, 0);

                    //Show decoded frame
                    MediaCodec.BufferInfo BufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
                    int i = codec.DequeueOutputBuffer(BufferInfo, 0L);
                    while (i >= 0)
                        /*if (picSurface == null)//Only if not using display surface.
                         * {
                         *  ByteBuffer byteBuffer2 = outputBuffers[i];
                         *  if (buffer == null || buffer.Length != BufferInfo.Size)
                         *  {
                         *      buffer = new byte[BufferInfo.Size];
                         *  }
                         *  byteBuffer2.Get(buffer);
                         *  //do something with raw frame in buffer.
                         * }*/

                        codec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(i, true);

                        i = codec.DequeueOutputBuffer(BufferInfo, 0L);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MainActivity.getActivity().notifyUser("VideoDecoder decode exception " + ex.Message, false);

                    //attempt to recover.
                    //codec = null;
                    //bConfigured = false;

            return;// ret;
Пример #14
        public void decode(byte[] array)
            if (bConfigured == false)

            var nalType = array[4] & 0x1f;
            if (nalType == 7)
                //sps = array.ToArray();
                if (array.Length != sps.Length)
                    sps = array.ToArray();
            if (nalType == 8)
                //pps = array.ToArray();
            if (bConfigured == false)

            if (bConfigured)
                    ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = codec.GetInputBuffers();
                    ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers = codec.GetOutputBuffers();
                    int dequeueInputBuffer = codec.DequeueInputBuffer(-1L);
                    if (dequeueInputBuffer >= 0)
                        //Send data to decoder. 
                        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = inputBuffers[dequeueInputBuffer];
                        codec.QueueInputBuffer(dequeueInputBuffer, 0, array.Length, 0L, 0);

                    //Show decoded frame
                    MediaCodec.BufferInfo BufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
                    int i = codec.DequeueOutputBuffer(BufferInfo, 0L);
                    while (i >= 0)
                        /*if (picSurface == null)//Only if not using display surface. 
                            ByteBuffer byteBuffer2 = outputBuffers[i];
                            if (buffer == null || buffer.Length != BufferInfo.Size)
                                buffer = new byte[BufferInfo.Size];
                            //do something with raw frame in buffer. 

                        codec.ReleaseOutputBuffer(i, true);

                        i = codec.DequeueOutputBuffer(BufferInfo, 0L);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //attempt to recover.
            return;// ret;
Пример #15
        private void DrainEncoder(MediaCodec encoder, MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo, int trackIndex, bool endOfStream)
            Debug.WriteLine($"DrainEncoder {endOfStream})");

            const int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;

            if (endOfStream)
                Debug.WriteLine("Sending EOS to encoder");

            ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            while (true)
                int encoderStatus = encoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                    // no output available yet
                    if (!endOfStream)
                        break;      // out of while
                        Debug.WriteLine("No output available, spinning to await EOS");
                else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                    encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                    MediaFormat newFormat = encoder.OutputFormat;
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Encoder output format changed: {newFormat}");

                    var isVideo = encoder == videoEncoder;

                    if (isVideo)
                        videoTrackIndex = muxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                        trackIndex      = videoTrackIndex;
                        audioTrackIndex = muxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                        trackIndex      = audioTrackIndex;

                    // now that we have the Magic Goodies, start the muxer
                    if (videoTrackIndex >= 0 && audioTrackIndex >= 0)
                        muxerStarted = true;
                else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: {encoderStatus}");
                    ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                    Debug.Assert(encodedData != null);

                    if ((bufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.CodecConfig) != 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Ignoring BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                        bufferInfo.Size = 0;

                    if (bufferInfo.Size != 0)

                        encodedData.Limit(bufferInfo.Offset + bufferInfo.Size);

                        muxer.WriteSampleData(trackIndex, encodedData, bufferInfo);
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Sent {bufferInfo.Size} bytes to muxer");

                    encoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

                    if ((bufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                        if (!endOfStream)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Reached end of stream unexpectedly");
                            Debug.WriteLine("End of stream reached");
Пример #16
         * Extracts all pending data from the encoder and forwards it to the muxer.
         * <p>
         * If endOfStream is not set, this returns when there is no more data to drain.  If it
         * is set, we send EOS to the encoder, and then iterate until we see EOS on the output.
         * Calling this with endOfStream set should be done once, right before stopping the muxer.
         * <p>
         * We're just using the muxer to get a .mp4 file (instead of a raw H.264 stream).  We're
         * not recording audio.
        private void drainEncoder(bool endOfStream)
            int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;

            if (VERBOSE)
                Log.Debug(TAG, "drainEncoder(" + endOfStream + ")");

            if (endOfStream)
                if (VERBOSE)
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "sending EOS to encoder");

            ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            while (true)
                int encoderStatus = mEncoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                    // no output available yet
                    if (!endOfStream)
                        break;                              // out of while
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
                else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputBuffersChanged)
                    // not expected for an encoder
                    encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputFormatChanged)
                    // should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
                    if (mMuxerStarted)
                        throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
                    MediaFormat newFormat = mEncoder.OutputFormat;
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);

                    // now that we have the Magic Goodies, start the muxer
                    mTrackIndex = mMuxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                    mMuxerStarted = true;
                else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                    Log.Warn(TAG, "unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " +
                    // let's ignore it
                    ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                    if (encodedData == null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus +
                                                   " was null");

                    if ((mBufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagCodecConfig) != 0)
                        // The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                        // the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "ignoring BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                        mBufferInfo.Size = 0;

                    if (mBufferInfo.Size != 0)
                        if (!mMuxerStarted)
                            throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasn't started");

                        // adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo (not needed?)
                        encodedData.Limit(mBufferInfo.Offset + mBufferInfo.Size);

                        mMuxer.WriteSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
                        if (VERBOSE)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "sent " + mBufferInfo.Size + " bytes to muxer");

                    mEncoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

                    if ((mBufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream) != 0)
                        if (!endOfStream)
                            Log.Warn(TAG, "reached end of stream unexpectedly");
                            if (VERBOSE)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "end of stream reached");
                        break;                              // out of while
         * Checks the video data.
         * @return the number of bad frames
        private int checkVideoData(VideoChunks inputData, MediaCodec decoder, OutputSurface surface)
            const int TIMEOUT_USEC = 1000;

            ByteBuffer[]          decoderInputBuffers  = decoder.GetInputBuffers();
            ByteBuffer[]          decoderOutputBuffers = decoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            int  inputChunk            = 0;
            int  checkIndex            = 0;
            int  badFrames             = 0;
            bool outputDone            = false;
            bool inputDone             = false;

            while (!outputDone)
                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "check loop");
                // Feed more data to the decoder.
                if (!inputDone)
                    int inputBufIndex = decoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                        if (inputChunk == inputData.NumChunks)
                            // End of stream -- send empty frame with EOS flag set.
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0L,
                            inputDone = true;
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "sent input EOS");
                            // Copy a chunk of input to the decoder. The first chunk should have
                            // the BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG flag set.
                            ByteBuffer inputBuf = decoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                            inputData.getChunkData(inputChunk, inputBuf);
                            int  flags = inputData.getChunkFlags(inputChunk);
                            long time  = inputData.getChunkTime(inputChunk);
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, inputBuf.Position(),
                                                     time, (MediaCodecBufferFlags)flags);
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "submitted frame " + inputChunk + " to dec, size=" +
                                          inputBuf.Position() + " flags=" + flags);
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "input buffer not available");
                if (!outputDone)
                    int decoderStatus = decoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                        // no output available yet
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "no output from decoder available");
                    else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputBuffersChanged)
                        decoderOutputBuffers = decoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "decoder output buffers changed");
                    else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputFormatChanged)
                        MediaFormat newFormat = decoder.OutputFormat;
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "decoder output format changed: " + newFormat);
                    else if (decoderStatus < 0)
                        fail("unexpected result from decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + decoderStatus);
                    else                                                                         // decoderStatus >= 0
                        ByteBuffer decodedData = decoderOutputBuffers[decoderStatus];
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "surface decoder given buffer " + decoderStatus +
                                      " (size=" + info.Size + ")");
                        if ((info.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream) != 0)
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "output EOS");
                            outputDone = true;
                        bool doRender = (info.Size != 0);
                        // As soon as we call releaseOutputBuffer, the buffer will be forwarded
                        // to SurfaceTexture to convert to a texture. The API doesn't guarantee
                        // that the texture will be available before the call returns, so we
                        // need to wait for the onFrameAvailable callback to fire.
                        decoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, doRender);
                        if (doRender)
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "awaiting frame " + checkIndex);
                            assertEquals("Wrong time stamp", computePresentationTime(checkIndex),
                            if (!checkSurfaceFrame(checkIndex++))
Пример #18
         * Extracts all pending data from the encoder and forwards it to the muxer.
         * <p>
         * If endOfStream is not set, this returns when there is no more data to drain.  If it
         * is set, we send EOS to the encoder, and then iterate until we see EOS on the output.
         * Calling this with endOfStream set should be done once, right before stopping the muxer.
         * <p>
         * We're just using the muxer to get a .mp4 file (instead of a raw H.264 stream).  We're
         * not recording audio.
        private void D(bool es)
            if (es)
                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "sending EOS to encoder");
                this.Progress.Invoke(new EncoderMinArgs(_bitsEncodedSoFar, _estimatedTotalSize, true));
            ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            while (true)
                int encoderStatus = mEncoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(_bfi, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                    // no output available yet
                    if (!es)
                        break;      // out of while
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
                else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputBuffersChanged)
                    // not expected for an encoder
                    encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputFormatChanged)
                    // should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
                    if (MuxerStarted)
                        throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");
                    MediaFormat newFormat = mEncoder.OutputFormat;
                    if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                        Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);

                    mTrackIndex           = _muxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                    LatestAudioTrackIndex = _muxer.AddTrack(LatestAudioInputFormat); // @TODO No processing on this yet
                    MuxerStarted = true;
                else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                    Log.Warn(TAG, "unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " +
                    // let's ignore it
                    ByteBuffer encoderBuffers = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                    if (encoderBuffers == null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus +
                                                   " was null");

                    if ((_bfi.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagCodecConfig) != 0)
                        // The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                        // the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "ignoring BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG");
                        _bfi.Size = 0;

                    if (_bfi.Size != 0)
                        if (!MuxerStarted)
                            throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasn't started");
                        // adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo
                        encoderBuffers.Limit(_bfi.Offset + _bfi.Size);

                        _muxer.WriteSampleData(mTrackIndex, encoderBuffers, _bfi);
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"Media player @ " +
                                                     $"{_mediaPlayer.Timestamp.AnchorMediaTimeUs} us while sT @ " +
                                                     $"{_outputSurface.WeakSurfaceTexture.Timestamp} & output buffer info @ {_bitsEncodedSoFar}");
                        if (_firstKnownBuffer == 0)
                            _firstKnownBuffer = (_bfi.PresentationTimeUs - GetMicroSecondsFromByteCount(_bfi.Size)); // calculate the first known buffer and use it to offset/align other tracks
                            if (InputUriToEncode != null)
                                this.StartAudioEncoder(_firstKnownBuffer, null, InputUriToEncode);
                                this.StartAudioEncoder(_firstKnownBuffer, LatestInputPath, null);
                            System.Console.WriteLine($"started draining @ {_bfi.PresentationTimeUs}");
                        } //we don't want to flood the system with EventArgs so only send once every 120 frames
                        if (_frameCount >= 120)
                            _frameCount = 0; Notify(_bitsEncodedSoFar, _estimatedTotalSize);

                    mEncoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

                    if ((_bfi.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream) != 0)
                        if (!es)
                            Log.Warn(TAG, "reached end of stream unexpectedly");
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "end of stream reached");
                        this.Progress.Invoke(new EncoderMinArgs(_bitsEncodedSoFar, _estimatedTotalSize, true, false));
                        break;      // out of while
         * Edits a stream of video data.
        private void editVideoData(VideoChunks inputData, MediaCodec decoder,
                                   OutputSurface outputSurface, InputSurface inputSurface, MediaCodec encoder,
                                   VideoChunks outputData)
            const int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;

            ByteBuffer[]          decoderInputBuffers  = decoder.GetInputBuffers();
            ByteBuffer[]          encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            int  inputChunk            = 0;
            int  outputCount           = 0;
            bool outputDone            = false;
            bool inputDone             = false;
            bool decoderDone           = false;

            while (!outputDone)
                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "edit loop");
                // Feed more data to the decoder.
                if (!inputDone)
                    int inputBufIndex = decoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                        if (inputChunk == inputData.NumChunks)
                            // End of stream -- send empty frame with EOS flag set.
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0L,
                            inputDone = true;
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "sent input EOS (with zero-length frame)");
                            // Copy a chunk of input to the decoder. The first chunk should have
                            // the BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG flag set.
                            ByteBuffer inputBuf = decoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                            inputData.getChunkData(inputChunk, inputBuf);
                            int  flags = inputData.getChunkFlags(inputChunk);
                            long time  = inputData.getChunkTime(inputChunk);
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, inputBuf.Position(),
                                                     time, (MediaCodecBufferFlags)flags);             // TODO: Not sure if it's MediaCodecBufferFlags, verify.
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "submitted frame " + inputChunk + " to dec, size=" +
                                          inputBuf.Position() + " flags=" + flags);
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "input buffer not available");
                // Assume output is available. Loop until both assumptions are false.
                bool decoderOutputAvailable = !decoderDone;
                bool encoderOutputAvailable = true;
                while (decoderOutputAvailable || encoderOutputAvailable)
                    // Start by draining any pending output from the encoder. It's important to
                    // do this before we try to stuff any more data in.
                    int encoderStatus = encoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        // no output available yet
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "no output from encoder available");
                        encoderOutputAvailable = false;
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                        encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output buffers changed");
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                        MediaFormat newFormat = encoder.OutputFormat;
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);
                    else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                        fail("unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
                    else                         // encoderStatus >= 0
                        ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                        if (encodedData == null)
                            fail("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
                        // Write the data to the output "file".
                        if (info.Size != 0)
                            encodedData.Limit(info.Offset + info.Size);
                            outputData.addChunk(encodedData, (int)info.Flags, info.PresentationTimeUs);
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output " + info.Size + " bytes");
                        outputDone = (info.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream) != 0;
                        encoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
                    if (encoderStatus != (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                        // Continue attempts to drain output.
                    // Encoder is drained, check to see if we've got a new frame of output from
                    // the decoder. (The output is going to a Surface, rather than a ByteBuffer,
                    // but we still get information through BufferInfo.)
                    if (!decoderDone)
                        int decoderStatus = decoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                        if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoTryAgainLater)
                            // no output available yet
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "no output from decoder available");
                            decoderOutputAvailable = false;
                        else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputBuffersChanged)
                            //decoderOutputBuffers = decoder.getOutputBuffers();
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "decoder output buffers changed (we don't care)");
                        else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodec.InfoOutputFormatChanged)
                            // expected before first buffer of data
                            MediaFormat newFormat = decoder.OutputFormat;
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "decoder output format changed: " + newFormat);
                        else if (decoderStatus < 0)
                            fail("unexpected result from decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + decoderStatus);
                        else                             // decoderStatus >= 0
                            if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                Log.Debug(TAG, "surface decoder given buffer " + decoderStatus + " (size=" + info.Size + "(");
                            // The ByteBuffers are null references, but we still get a nonzero
                            // size for the decoded data.
                            bool doRender = (info.Size != 0);
                            // As soon as we call releaseOutputBuffer, the buffer will be forwarded
                            // to SurfaceTexture to convert to a texture. The API doesn't
                            // guarantee that the texture will be available before the call
                            // returns, so we need to wait for the onFrameAvailable callback to
                            // fire. If we don't wait, we risk rendering from the previous frame.
                            decoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, doRender);
                            if (doRender)
                                // This waits for the image and renders it after it arrives.
                                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                    Log.Debug(TAG, "awaiting frame");
                                // Send it to the encoder.
                                inputSurface.SetPresentationTime(info.PresentationTimeUs * 1000);
                                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                    Log.Debug(TAG, "swapBuffers");
                            if ((info.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream) != 0)
                                // forward decoder EOS to encoder
                                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                                    Log.Debug(TAG, "signaling input EOS");
                                if (WORK_AROUND_BUGS)
                                    // Bail early, possibly dropping a frame.
            if (inputChunk != outputCount)
                throw new RuntimeException("frame lost: " + inputChunk + " in, " +
                                           outputCount + " out");
        private bool ExtractSomeAudioData(out bool endOfFile)
            endOfFile = extractionOutputDone;
            if (endOfFile)

            var hasExtractedData = false;

            int TimeoutUs = 20000;

            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();

            if (!extractionInputDone)
                int inputBufIndex = audioMediaDecoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TimeoutUs);
                if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                    Java.Nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer = audioMediaDecoder.GetInputBuffer(inputBufIndex);

                    //Read the sample data into the ByteBuffer.  This neither respects nor updates inputBuf's position, limit, etc.
                    int chunkSize = audioMediaExtractor.ReadSampleData(inputBuffer, 0);
                    if (chunkSize < 0)
                        //End of stream: send empty frame with EOS flag set
                        audioMediaDecoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0L, MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream);
                        extractionInputDone = true;
                        //Logger.Verbose("sent input EOS");
                        if (audioMediaExtractor.SampleTrackIndex != trackIndexAudio)
                            Logger.Warning(string.Format("got audio sample from track {0}, expected {1}", audioMediaExtractor.SampleTrackIndex, trackIndexAudio));

                        var presentationTimeMicroSeconds = audioMediaExtractor.SampleTime;
                        audioMediaDecoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, chunkSize, presentationTimeMicroSeconds, 0);

                    //do nothing: the input buffer queue is full (we need to output them first)

            int decoderStatus = audioMediaDecoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TimeoutUs);

            switch (decoderStatus)
            case (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater:
                Logger.Verbose("no output from decoder available");

            case (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged:
                MediaFormat newFormat    = audioMediaDecoder.OutputFormat;
                string      newFormatStr = newFormat.ToString();
                Logger.Verbose("audio decoder output format changed: " + newFormatStr);

            case (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged:
                //deprecated: we just ignore it

                if (decoderStatus < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("unexpected result from audio decoder.DequeueOutputBuffer: {0}", decoderStatus));

                if ((info.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                    Logger.Verbose("audio: output EOS");
                    extractionOutputDone = true;

                if (info.Size > 0)
                    hasExtractedData = true;
                    var buffer           = audioMediaDecoder.GetOutputBuffer(decoderStatus);
                    var presentationTime = TimeSpanExtensions.FromMicroSeconds(info.PresentationTimeUs);

                    if (StorageBuffer.CountDataBytes + info.Size <= StorageBuffer.Data.Length)
                        buffer.Get(StorageBuffer.Data, StorageBuffer.CountDataBytes, info.Size); // Read the buffer all at once
                        buffer.Clear();                                                          // MUST DO!!! OTHERWISE THE NEXT TIME YOU GET THIS SAME BUFFER BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN

                        if (StorageBuffer.CountDataBytes == 0)
                            StorageBuffer.PresentationTime = presentationTime;

                        StorageBuffer.CountDataBytes += info.Size;
                        Logger.Error("The storage buffer has reached full capacity. Current data will be dropped");

                audioMediaDecoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, false);

            endOfFile = extractionOutputDone;
Пример #21
        private void ResampleVideo(MediaExtractor extractor, MediaCodec decoder, SamplerClip clip)
            ByteBuffer[]          decoderInputBuffers  = decoder.GetInputBuffers();
            ByteBuffer[]          encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            int inputChunk             = 0;
            int outputCount            = 0;

            long endTime = clip.getEndTime();

            if (endTime == -1)
                endTime = clip.getVideoDuration();

            bool outputDoneNextTimeWeCheck = false;

            bool outputDone  = false;
            bool inputDone   = false;
            bool decoderDone = false;

            while (!outputDone)
                // Feed more data to the decoder.
                if (!inputDone)
                    int inputBufIndex = decoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                        if (extractor.SampleTime / 1000 >= endTime)
                            // End of stream -- send empty frame with EOS flag set.
                            decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0L, MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream);
                            inputDone = true;
                            // Copy a chunk of input to the decoder. The first chunk should have
                            // the BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG flag set.
                            ByteBuffer inputBuf = decoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];

                            int sampleSize = extractor.ReadSampleData(inputBuf, 0);
                            if (sampleSize < 0)
                                decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream);
                                decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, sampleSize, extractor.SampleTime, 0);


                // Assume output is available. Loop until both assumptions are false.
                bool decoderOutputAvailable = !decoderDone;
                bool encoderOutputAvailable = true;
                while (decoderOutputAvailable || encoderOutputAvailable)
                    // Start by draining any pending output from the encoder. It's important to
                    // do this before we try to stuff any more data in.
                    int encoderStatus = mEncoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        encoderOutputAvailable = false;
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                        encoderOutputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                        MediaFormat newFormat = mEncoder.OutputFormat;

                        mTrackIndex = mMuxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                        mMuxerStarted = true;
                    else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                        // fail( "unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus );
                    { // encoderStatus >= 0
                        ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                        if (encodedData == null)
                            // fail( "encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null" );
                        // Write the data to the output "file".
                        if (info.Size != 0)
                            encodedData.Limit(info.Offset + info.Size);

                            mMuxer.WriteSampleData(mTrackIndex, encodedData, info);
                        outputDone = (info.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0;

                        mEncoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

                    if (outputDoneNextTimeWeCheck)
                        outputDone = true;

                    if (encoderStatus != (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        // Continue attempts to drain output.
                    // Encoder is drained, check to see if we've got a new frame of output from
                    // the decoder. (The output is going to a Surface, rather than a ByteBuffer,
                    // but we still get information through BufferInfo.)
                    if (!decoderDone)
                        int decoderStatus = decoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                        if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                            decoderOutputAvailable = false;
                        else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                            // decoderOutputBuffers = decoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                        else if (decoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                            // expected before first buffer of data
                            MediaFormat newFormat = decoder.OutputFormat;
                        else if (decoderStatus < 0)
                            // fail( "unexpected result from decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + decoderStatus );
                        { // decoderStatus >= 0
                            // The ByteBuffers are null references, but we still get a nonzero
                            // size for the decoded data.
                            bool doRender = (info.Size != 0);
                            // As soon as we call ReleaseOutputBuffer, the buffer will be forwarded
                            // to SurfaceTexture to convert to a texture. The API doesn't
                            // guarantee that the texture will be available before the call
                            // returns, so we need to wait for the onFrameAvailable callback to
                            // fire. If we don't wait, we risk rendering from the previous frame.
                            decoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(decoderStatus, doRender);
                            if (doRender)
                                // Send it to the encoder.

                                long nSecs = info.PresentationTimeUs * 1000;

                                if (clip.getStartTime() != -1)
                                    nSecs = (info.PresentationTimeUs - (clip.getStartTime() * 1000)) * 1000;

                                nSecs = Java.Lang.Math.Max(0, nSecs);

                                mEncoderPresentationTimeUs += (nSecs - mLastSampleTime);

                                mLastSampleTime = nSecs;

                            if ((info.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                                // mEncoder.signalEndOfInputStream();
                                outputDoneNextTimeWeCheck = true;
            if (inputChunk != outputCount)
                // throw new RuntimeException( "frame lost: " + inputChunk + " in, " + outputCount + " out" );
         * Tries to obtain the SPS and the PPS for the encoder.
        private long searchSPSandPPS()
            ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers  = mEncoder.GetInputBuffers();
            ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            BufferInfo   info          = new BufferInfo();

            byte[] csd = new byte[128];
            int    len = 0, p = 4, q = 4;
            long   elapsed = 0, now = timestamp();

            while (elapsed < 3000000 && (mSPS == null || mPPS == null))
                // Some encoders won't give us the SPS and PPS unless they receive something to encode first...
                int bufferIndex = mEncoder.DequeueInputBuffer(1000000 / FRAMERATE);
                if (bufferIndex >= 0)
                    check(inputBuffers[bufferIndex].Capacity() >= mData.Length, "The input buffer is not big enough.");
                    inputBuffers[bufferIndex].Put(mData, 0, mData.Length);
                    mEncoder.QueueInputBuffer(bufferIndex, 0, mData.Length, timestamp(), 0);
                    if (VERBOSE)
                        Log.e(TAG, "No buffer available !");

                // We are looking for the SPS and the PPS here. As always, Android is very inconsistent, I have observed that some
                // encoders will give those parameters through the MediaFormat object (that is the normal behaviour).
                // But some other will not, in that case we try to find a NAL unit of type 7 or 8 in the byte stream outputed by the encoder...

                int index = mEncoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, 1000000 / FRAMERATE);

                if (index == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                    // The PPS and PPS shoud be there
                    MediaFormat format = mEncoder.OutputFormat;
                    ByteBuffer  spsb   = format.GetByteBuffer("csd-0");
                    ByteBuffer  ppsb   = format.GetByteBuffer("csd-1");
                    mSPS = new byte[spsb.Capacity() - 4];
                    spsb.Get(mSPS, 0, mSPS.Length);
                    mPPS = new byte[ppsb.Capacity() - 4];
                    ppsb.Get(mPPS, 0, mPPS.Length);
                else if (index == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                    outputBuffers = mEncoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                else if (index >= 0)
                    len = info.Size;
                    if (len < 128)
                        outputBuffers[index].Get(csd, 0, len);
                        if (len > 0 && csd[0] == 0 && csd[1] == 0 && csd[2] == 0 && csd[3] == 1)
                            // Parses the SPS and PPS, they could be in two different packets and in a different order
                            //depending on the phone so we don't make any assumption about that
                            while (p < len)
                                while (!(csd[p + 0] == 0 && csd[p + 1] == 0 && csd[p + 2] == 0 && csd[p + 3] == 1) && p + 3 < len)
                                if (p + 3 >= len)
                                    p = len;
                                if ((csd[q] & 0x1F) == 7)
                                    mSPS = new byte[p - q];
                                    JavaSystem.Arraycopy(csd, q, mSPS, 0, p - q);
                                    mPPS = new byte[p - q];
                                    JavaSystem.Arraycopy(csd, q, mPPS, 0, p - q);
                                p += 4;
                                q  = p;
                    mEncoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(index, false);

                elapsed = timestamp() - now;

            check(mPPS != null && mSPS != null, "Could not determine the SPS & PPS.");
            mB64PPS = Base64.EncodeToString(mPPS, 0, mPPS.Length, Base64Flags.NoWrap);
            mB64SPS = Base64.EncodeToString(mSPS, 0, mSPS.Length, Base64Flags.NoWrap);

Пример #23
        private void ExtractMedia()
            if (MediaDecoder == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The Media Codec Extractor has not been initialized");

            if (!isInitialized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The Media Codec has not been initialized for a media");

            var bufferInfo      = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            var waitDefaultTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);

            while (true)
                var waitTime = waitDefaultTime; // time to wait at the end of the loop iteration

                //Process the commands
                if (ProcessCommandsAndUpdateCurrentState())
                    waitTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

                // terminate the thread on disposal
                if (currentState == SchedulerAsyncCommandEnum.Dispose)

                //Extract video inputs
                if (!inputExtractionDone)
                    int inputBufIndex = MediaDecoder.DequeueInputBuffer(0);
                    if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                        waitTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
                        var inputBuffer = MediaDecoder.GetInputBuffer(inputBufIndex);

                        // Read the sample data into the ByteBuffer.  This neither respects nor updates inputBuf's position, limit, etc.
                        int chunkSize = mediaExtractor.ReadSampleData(inputBuffer, 0);
                        if (chunkSize > 0)
                            if (mediaExtractor.SampleTrackIndex != mediaTrackIndex)
                                throw new Exception($"Got media sample from track {mediaExtractor.SampleTrackIndex}, track expected {mediaTrackIndex}");

                            MediaDecoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, chunkSize, mediaExtractor.SampleTime, 0);
                        else // End of stream -- send empty frame with EOS flag set.
                            MediaDecoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0L, MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream);
                            inputExtractionDone = true;
                        //do nothing: the input buffer queue is full (we need to output them first)

                // Process the output buffers
                if (ShouldProcessDequeueOutput(ref waitTime))
                    int indexOutput = MediaDecoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 0);
                    switch (indexOutput)
                    case (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater:        // decoder not ready yet (haven't processed input yet)
                    case (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged: //deprecated: we just ignore it

                    case (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged:
                        Logger.Verbose("decoder output format changed: " + MediaDecoder.OutputFormat.ToString());

                    default:     // the index of the output buffer

                        if (indexOutput < 0)
                            Logger.Warning("unexpected index from decoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + indexOutput);
                            isEOF = true;

                        if ((bufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                            isEOF = true;
                            MediaDecoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(indexOutput, false);

                        MediaCurrentTime = TimeSpanExtensions.FromMicroSeconds(bufferInfo.PresentationTimeUs);

                        ProcessOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, indexOutput);


                if (waitTime > TimeSpan.Zero)
                    // sleep required time to avoid active looping
                    // Note: do not sleep more than 'waitDefaultTime' to continue processing play commands
                    Utilities.Sleep(TimeSpanExtensions.Min(waitDefaultTime, waitTime));
         * Generates video frames, feeds them into the encoder, and writes the output to the
         * VideoChunks instance.
        private void generateVideoData(MediaCodec encoder, InputSurface inputSurface,
                                       VideoChunks output)
            ByteBuffer[]          encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
            int generateIndex          = 0;
            int outputCount            = 0;
            // Loop until the output side is done.
            bool inputDone  = false;
            bool outputDone = false;

            while (!outputDone)
                if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "gen loop");
                // If we're not done submitting frames, generate a new one and submit it. The
                // eglSwapBuffers call will block if the input is full.
                if (!inputDone)
                    if (generateIndex == NUM_FRAMES)
                        // Send an empty frame with the end-of-stream flag set.
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "signaling input EOS");
                        if (WORK_AROUND_BUGS)
                            // Might drop a frame, but at least we won't crash mediaserver.
                            try { Thread.Sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
                            outputDone = true;
                        inputDone = true;
                        inputSurface.SetPresentationTime(computePresentationTime(generateIndex) * 1000);
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "inputSurface swapBuffers");
                // Check for output from the encoder. If there's no output yet, we either need to
                // provide more input, or we need to wait for the encoder to work its magic. We
                // can't actually tell which is the case, so if we can't get an output buffer right
                // away we loop around and see if it wants more input.
                // If we do find output, drain it all before supplying more input.
                while (true)
                    int encoderStatus = encoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(info, TIMEOUT_USEC);
                    if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        // no output available yet
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "no output from encoder available");
                        break;                         // out of while
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                        // not expected for an encoder
                        encoderOutputBuffers = encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output buffers changed");
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                        // not expected for an encoder
                        MediaFormat newFormat = encoder.OutputFormat;
                        if (AppSettings.Logging.SendToConsole)
                            Log.Debug(TAG, "encoder output format changed: " + newFormat);
                    else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                        fail("unexpected result from encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer: " + encoderStatus);
                    else                         // encoderStatus >= 0
                        ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                        if (encodedData == null)
                            fail("encoderOutputBuffer " + encoderStatus + " was null");
                        // Codec config flag must be set iff this is the first chunk of output. This
                        // may not hold for all codecs, but it appears to be the case for video/avc.
                        assertTrue((info.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagCodecConfig) != 0 ||
                                   outputCount != 0);
                        if (info.Size != 0)
                            // Adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo.
                            encodedData.Limit(info.Offset + info.Size);
                            output.addChunk(encodedData, (int)info.Flags, info.PresentationTimeUs);
                        encoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
                        if ((info.Flags & MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream) != 0)
                            outputDone = true;
                            break;                             // out of while

            assertEquals("Frame count", NUM_FRAMES + 1, outputCount);
Пример #25
        private void EncodeMux()
            int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;

            ByteBuffer[] encoderInputBuffers = _Encoder.GetInputBuffers();

            bool inputDone  = false;
            int  frameIndex = 0;

                while (true)
                    if (!inputDone)
                        int inputBufIndex = _Encoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
                        if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                            long ptsUsec = computePresentationTime(frameIndex);
                            if (frameIndex == _ByteBuffers.Count)
                                //  Send an empty frame with the end-of-stream flag set.  If we set EOS on a frame with data, that frame data will be ignored, and the output will be short one frame.
                                _Encoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, ptsUsec, MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream);
                                inputDone = true;
                                Log.Info(TAG, "sent input EOS (with zero-length frame)");
                                Log.Info(TAG, string.Format("Adding _ByteBuffers image index {0} to encoder", frameIndex));
                                ByteBuffer inputBuf  = encoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                                var        imagedata = _ByteBuffers[frameIndex];
                                int        chunkSize = 0;

                                if (imagedata == null)
                                    Log.Warn(TAG, string.Format("Adding _ByteBuffers image index {0} to encoder", frameIndex));
                                    //old way don't need to do this anymore.
                                    //Bitmap b = GetBitmap(imagedata);
                                    //byte[] yuv = new byte[b.Width * b.Height * 3 / 2];
                                    //int[] argb = new int[b.Width * b.Height];
                                    //b.GetPixels(argb, 0, b.Width, 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
                                    //encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, b.Width, b.Height);
                                    //old way don't need to do this anymore?

                                    //int[] argb = new int[imagedata.Width * imagedata.Height];
                                    //imagedata.GetPixels(argb, 0, imagedata.Width, 0, 0, imagedata.Width, imagedata.Height);
                                    //byte[] yuv = new byte[imagedata.Width * imagedata.Height * 3 / 2];
                                    //encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, imagedata.Width, imagedata.Height);
                                    //YuvImage yuv = GetYUVImage(imagedata);

                                    //byte[] decomB = Utils.DecompressFast(imagedata);

                                    //var yuv = new YuvImage(decomB, _CameraColorFormat, _Width, _Height, null);
                                    //Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imagedata, 0, imagedata.Length);
                                    //byte[] yuv = new byte[b.Width * b.Height * 3 / 2];
                                    //int[] argb = new int[b.Width * b.Height];
                                    //b.GetPixels(argb, 0, b.Width, 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
                                    //encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, b.Width, b.Height);

                                    Bitmap b    = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imagedata, 0, imagedata.Length);
                                    byte[] yuv  = new byte[b.Width * b.Height * 3 / 2];
                                    int[]  argb = new int[b.Width * b.Height];
                                    b.GetPixels(argb, 0, b.Width, 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
                                    encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, b.Width, b.Height);
                                    var yuvimage = new YuvImage(yuv, _CameraColorFormat, _Width, _Height, null);
                                    var yuvarray = yuvimage.GetYuvData();
                                    colorcorrection(ref yuvarray, b.Width, b.Height); //method for fixing common color matching issues see below for comments


                                    chunkSize = yuvarray.Length;
                                    //yuv = null;
                                    //GC.Collect(); //essential to fix memory leak from new YuvImage allocation above

                                //  the buffer should be sized to hold one full frame
                                _Encoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, chunkSize, ptsUsec, 0);
                            //  either all in use, or we timed out during initial setup
                            Log.Warn(TAG, "input buffer not available");

                    ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = _Encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                    var          mBufferInfo          = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();

                    int encoderStatus = _Encoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);

                    if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        Log.Info(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                        //  not expected for an encoder
                        Log.Warn(TAG, "not expected OutputBuffersChanged happened");
                        encoderOutputBuffers = _Encoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                        //  should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
                        if (_MuxerStarted)
                            Log.Error(TAG, "format changed twice and should never happen");
                            throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");

                        MediaFormat newFormat = _Encoder.OutputFormat;

                        Log.Info(TAG, "format changed and starting MUX");
                        _TrackIndex = _Muxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                        _MuxerStarted = true;
                    else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                        Log.Warn(TAG, "unexpected but lets ignore");
                        //  let's ignore it
                        ByteBuffer encodedData = encoderOutputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                        if (encodedData == null)
                            Log.Error(TAG, string.Format("encoderOutputBuffer {0} was null!!", encoderStatus));
                            throw new RuntimeException(string.Format("encoderOutputBuffer {0} was null!!", encoderStatus));

                        if ((mBufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.CodecConfig) != 0)
                            //  The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                            //  the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                            mBufferInfo.Size = 0;

                        if (mBufferInfo.Size != 0)
                            if (!_MuxerStarted)
                                Log.Error(TAG, "muxer hasnt started!!");
                                throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasnt started");

                            //  adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo (not needed?) old
                            //encodedData.Limit(mBufferInfo.Offset + this.mBufferInfo.Size);

                            _Muxer.WriteSampleData(_TrackIndex, encodedData, mBufferInfo);
                            Log.Info(TAG, string.Format("{0} bytes to muxer", mBufferInfo.Size));

                        _Encoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);
                        if ((mBufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                            Log.Info(TAG, "End of Stream Reached!!");
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(TAG, "Decode or Muxer failed", e, e.Message);
Пример #26
        public void Decode(MediaCodec _Decoder, MediaExtractor extractor)
            Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();

            int TIMEOUT_USEC = 10000;

            ByteBuffer[] encoderInputBuffers = _Decoder.GetInputBuffers();
            ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers       = _Decoder.GetOutputBuffers();
            var          mBufferInfo         = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();

            bool inputDone = false;
            var  index     = 0;

                while (true)
                    if (!inputDone)
                        int inputBufIndex = _Decoder.DequeueInputBuffer(TIMEOUT_USEC);
                        if (inputBufIndex >= 0)
                            ByteBuffer buffer = encoderInputBuffers[inputBufIndex];
                            //long ptsUsec = computePresentationTime(frameIndex);

                            int sampleSize = extractor.ReadSampleData(buffer, 0);

                            if (sampleSize < 0)
                                //  Send an empty frame with the end-of-stream flag set.  If we set EOS on a frame with data, that frame data will be ignored, and the output will be short one frame.
                                _Decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, 0, 0, MediaCodec.BufferFlagEndOfStream);
                                inputDone = true;
                                Log.Info(TAG, "sent input EOS (with zero-length frame)");
                                Log.Info(TAG, "adding encoded video to decoder input ");
                                _Decoder.QueueInputBuffer(inputBufIndex, 0, sampleSize, extractor.SampleTime, 0);
                            //  either all in use, or we timed out during initial setup
                            Log.Warn(TAG, "input buffer not available");

                    //ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = _Decoder.GetOutputBuffers();

                    int encoderStatus = _Decoder.DequeueOutputBuffer(mBufferInfo, TIMEOUT_USEC);

                    if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.TryAgainLater)
                        Log.Info(TAG, "no output available, spinning to await EOS");
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputBuffersChanged)
                        //  not expected for an encoder
                        Log.Warn(TAG, "not expected OutputBuffersChanged happened");
                        outputBuffers = _Decoder.GetOutputBuffers();
                    else if (encoderStatus == (int)MediaCodecInfoState.OutputFormatChanged)
                        //  should happen before receiving buffers, and should only happen once
                        //if (_MuxerStarted)
                        //    Log.Error(TAG, "format changed twice and should never happen");
                        //    throw new RuntimeException("format changed twice");

                        //MediaFormat newFormat = _Decoder.OutputFormat;

                        //Log.Info(TAG, "format changed and starting MUX");
                        //_TrackIndex = _Muxer.AddTrack(newFormat);
                        //_MuxerStarted = true;
                    else if (encoderStatus < 0)
                        Log.Warn(TAG, "unexpected but lets ignore");
                        //  let's ignore it
                        ByteBuffer encodedData = outputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                        if (encodedData == null)
                            Log.Error(TAG, string.Format("encoderOutputBuffer {0} was null!!", encoderStatus));
                            throw new RuntimeException(string.Format("encoderOutputBuffer {0} was null!!", encoderStatus));

                        if ((mBufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.CodecConfig) != 0)
                            //  The codec config data was pulled out and fed to the muxer when we got
                            //  the INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED status.  Ignore it.
                            mBufferInfo.Size = 0;

                        if (mBufferInfo.Size != 0)
                            //if (!_MuxerStarted)
                            //    Log.Error(TAG, "muxer hasnt started!!");
                            //    throw new RuntimeException("muxer hasnt started");

                            //  adjust the ByteBuffer values to match BufferInfo (not needed?) old
                            //encodedData.Limit(mBufferInfo.Offset + this.mBufferInfo.Size);

                                //byte[] dst = new byte[outputBuffers[encoderStatus].Capacity()];

                                //ByteBuffer buffer = outputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                                //byte[] ba = new byte[encodedData.Remaining()];
                                //ByteBuffer buffer = outputBuffers[encoderStatus];
                                //buffer.Limit(mBufferInfo.Offset + mBufferInfo.Size);
                                //byte[] ba = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
                                //if (index < 10)
                                YuvImage yuv = Utils.GetYUVImage(encodedData, _CameraColorFormat, _Width, _Height);
                                //var imagedata = yuv.GetYuvData();

                                //Utils.swapNV21_NV12(ref imagedata, _Width, _Height);
                                //Image might need to be corrected later

                                //Bitmap b = Utils.GetBitmap(yuv, _Width, _Height);
                                //Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(ba, 0, ba.Length);// this return null
                                //var createfilepath = new File(_downloadsfilesdir, DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".png").AbsolutePath;
                                //using (FileStream bos = new FileStream(createfilepath, FileMode.CreateNew))
                                //    b.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 100, bos);
                                //writeFrameToSDCard(dst, i, dst.length);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                //Log("iDecodeActivity", "Error while creating bitmap with: ");

                            _Decoder.ReleaseOutputBuffer(encoderStatus, false);

                        if ((mBufferInfo.Flags & MediaCodecBufferFlags.EndOfStream) != 0)
                            Log.Info(TAG, "End of Stream Reached!!");

                Log.Info("inner STOPWATCH!!!!:", string.Format("numberofframes = {0}, totaltime = {1}", index, s.ElapsedMilliseconds));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(TAG, "Decode or Muxer failed", e, e.Message);