/// <summary>
        /// Given a DIDL-Lite document in string form, this method
        /// creates a set of subtrees that represent the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DidlLiteXml"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// arraylist of
        /// <see cref="DvMediaItem"/> or
        /// <see cref="DvMediaContainer"/> objects.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CdsMetadata.Error_BadMetadata">
        /// Thrown when the DIDL-Lite is not well formed or not compliant
        /// with ContentDirectory specifications.
        /// </exception>
        public static ArrayList BuildMediaBranches(string DidlLiteXml)
            ArrayList newBranches = MediaBuilder.BuildMediaBranches(DidlLiteXml, typeof(DvMediaItem), typeof(DvMediaContainer));

            //recurse the branches and ensure all have tracking on
            foreach (IDvMedia dvm in newBranches)

 protected void URIMetaDataChangedSink(AVTransportLastChange sender)
     if (sender.CurrentURIMetaData != "" && sender.CurrentURIMetaData != "NOT_IMPLEMENTED")
         ArrayList a = MediaBuilder.BuildMediaBranches(sender.CurrentURIMetaData);
         if (a.Count > 0)
             // Since new metadata was evented, we need to update the container, and then
             // update the current item
             _Container = (IMediaContainer)a[0];
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a DIDL-Lite document in string form, this method
 /// creates a set of subtrees that represent the document.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DidlLiteXml"></param>
 /// <returns>
 /// arraylist of
 /// <see cref="CpMediaItem"/> or
 /// <see cref="CpMediaContainer"/> objects.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="OpenSource.UPnP.AV.CdsMetadata.Error_BadMetadata">
 /// Thrown when the DIDL-Lite is not well formed or not compliant
 /// with ContentDirectory specifications.
 /// </exception>
 public static ArrayList BuildMediaBranches(string DidlLiteXml)
     return(MediaBuilder.BuildMediaBranches(DidlLiteXml, typeof(CpMediaItem), typeof(CpMediaContainer)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a Browse invocation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="test"></param>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <param name="cds"></param>
        /// <param name="stats"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CdsBrowseSearchResults Browse(BrowseInput input, CdsSubTest test, CdsSubTestArgument arg, CpContentDirectory cds, CdsResult_BrowseStats stats)
            CdsBrowseSearchResults results = new CdsBrowseSearchResults();

            results.ResultErrors = new ArrayList();

            arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\" about to do " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + ".");
                cds.Sync_Browse(input.ObjectID, input.BrowseFlag, input.Filter, input.StartingIndex, input.RequestedCount, input.SortCriteria, out results.Result, out results.NumberReturned, out results.TotalMatches, out results.UpdateID);
            catch (UPnPInvokeException error)
                results.InvokeError = error;

            if (results.InvokeError == null)
                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\" completed " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " with no errors returned by the device.");
                arg._TestGroup.AddEvent(LogImportance.Remark, test.Name, "\"" + test.Name + "\" completed " + input.PrintBrowseParams() + " with the device returning an error.");

            ArrayList branches = null;

            if (results.InvokeError == null)
                    if (results.Result != null)
                        if (results.Result != "")
                            bool schemaOK = CheckDidlLiteSchema(results.Result);

                            if (schemaOK)
                                results.MediaObjects = branches = MediaBuilder.BuildMediaBranches(results.Result, typeof(MediaItem), typeof(MediaContainer), true);

                                if (branches.Count != results.NumberReturned)
                                    results.ResultErrors.Add(new CdsException(input.PrintBrowseParams() + " has the \"Result\" argument indicating the presence of " + branches.Count + " media objects but the request returned NumberReturned=" + results.NumberReturned + "."));

                                if (input.BrowseFlag == CpContentDirectory.Enum_A_ARG_TYPE_BrowseFlag.BROWSEMETADATA)
                                    if (branches.Count != 1)
                                        results.ResultErrors.Add(new CdsException(input.PrintBrowseParams() + " has the \"Result\" argument indicating the presence of " + branches.Count + " media objects but the request should have only returned 1 media object."));

                                foreach (IUPnPMedia mobj in branches)
                                    IMediaContainer imc = mobj as IMediaContainer;

                                    if (imc != null)
                                        if (imc.CompleteList.Count > 0)
                                            StringBuilder offendingList = new StringBuilder();
                                            int           offenses      = 0;
                                            foreach (IUPnPMedia offending in imc.CompleteList)
                                                if (offenses > 0)
                                                offendingList.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", offending.ID);
                                            results.ResultErrors.Add(new CdsException(input.PrintBrowseParams() + " has the \"Result\" argument with a declared container (ID=\"" + imc.ID + "\") element that also includes its immediate children. Illegally declared media objects in the response are: " + offendingList.ToString()));
                catch (Exception error2)
                    if (results.MediaObjects == null)
                        results.MediaObjects = new ArrayList();

            // log any errors
            if ((results.InvokeError != null) || (results.ResultErrors.Count > 0))
                LogErrors(arg._TestGroup, test, input, "Browse", results.InvokeError, results.ResultErrors);
