public void loadQuestion() { perfect_meal.SetActive(false); MealManager.Instance().plateau.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (nextQuestion < list.questions.Count) { if (nextQuestion >= 1) { back.interactable = true; } else { back.interactable = false; } infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Text); smiley.gameObject.SetActive(false); SetChoices(); ok.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { //charger texte de fin infos.text = MealManager.Instance().EndGameMessage; loadMenu.SetActive(true); MealManager.Instance().AutoEvaluation.SetActive(false); } }
public void repopulateSource(BasketMealsRecord[] items) { m_mealDict = new Dictionary <int, BasketTableItem>(); m_selectedItems = new List <NSIndexPath>(); foreach (BasketMealsRecord bmr in items) { //create new table item //BasketTableItem bti = new BasketTableItem(); // get recipe record for meal RecipeMealsRecord rmr = RecipeManager.GetRecipeMealRecord(bmr.RecipeMealsID); // record fo each meal id BasketTableItem bti; string unit = ""; m_mealDict.TryGetValue(rmr.MealID, out bti); if (bti == null) { bti = new BasketTableItem(); MealRecord mr = MealManager.GetMeal(rmr.MealID); bti.m_meal_name = mr.Name; //save units first bti.m_unit = mr.MealDesc; } bti.m_weight += rmr.Qty; bti.m_bmIDs.Add(bmr.ID); m_mealDict[rmr.MealID] = bti; } m_tableItems = new BasketTableItem[m_mealDict.Count]; m_mealDict.Values.CopyTo(m_tableItems, 0); }
public void LoadTest() { List <Meal> meals = new List <Meal>(); meals = MealManager.Load(); Assert.AreEqual(5, meals.Count()); }
private void viewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // mealListView.Items.Clear(); MealManager aMealManager = new MealManager(); int memberId = (int)nameComboBox.SelectedValue; DateTime input = Convert.ToDateTime(searchTimePicker.Text); string date = input.Month.ToString(); List <MemberWithMeal> meals = aMealManager.GetMeals(memberId, date); //reportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local; ////Providing DataSource for the Report //ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("GetMealReport", meals); //reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); //reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); //this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); //clear report reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "MessManagementSystem.Report.MealReport.rdlc"; // bind reportviewer with .rdlc Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource dataset = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource("GetMealReport", meals); // set the datasource reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(dataset); dataset.Value = meals; // reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); }
private void OnMouseUp() { if (!MedicalAppManager.Instance().OnMeal) { //remettre l'ancien if (GameObject.Find("SliderModif") && MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment != null) { GameObject.Find("SliderModif").GetComponent <SliderModif>().CloseAndKeepOldValues(); } // ajout aliment selectionne dans le manager MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment = gameObject; // zone de modification AtelierManager.Instance().showModification(true); } else { if (MealManager.Instance().MangerPortion != null) { // affichage manger portion MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment = gameObject; MealManager.Instance().updateInfos(); MealManager.Instance().MangerPortion.SetActive(true); } } }
public ExpenseDetailsController() { mealManager = new MealManager(); expenseManager = new ExpenseManager(); studentManager = new StudentManager(); paymentManager = new PaymentManager(); }
public GenerateBillController() { mealManager = new MealManager(); expenseManager = new ExpenseManager(); studentManager = new StudentManager(); paymentManager = new PaymentManager(); }
public void DeleteTest() { List <Meal> meals = MealManager.Load(); Meal meal = meals.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Description == "Breakfast"); int results = MealManager.Delete(meal, true); Assert.IsTrue(results > 0); }
public Meal GetOneMeal(int id) { try { return(MealManager.GetOneMeal(id)); } catch { return(new Meal()); } }
public List <Meal> GetAllMeals() { try { return(MealManager.GetAllMeals()); } catch { return(new List <Meal>()); } }
public int UpdateExistingMeal(Meal meal) { try { return(MealManager.UpdateExistingMeal(meal)); } catch { return(0); } }
public List <MealDisplay> GetMealsToDisplay() { try { return(MealManager.GetMealsToDisplay()); } catch { return(new List <MealDisplay>()); } }
public int InsertNewMeal(Meal meal) { try { return(MealManager.InsertNewMeal(meal)); } catch { return(0); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Console.Title = "MenuDemo_Matti"; DataManager dtmngr = new DataManager(); MealManager mlmngr = new MealManager(dtmngr); mlmngr.SuperMainMenu(); }
double GeTotalMeal() { MealManager aMealManager = new MealManager(); List <Meal> meals = aMealManager.GetMealList(); double totalMeal = 0; foreach (var meal in meals) { totalMeal = (totalMeal + meal.TotalMeal); } return(totalMeal); }
public void InsertTest() { List <Meal> meals = MealManager.Load(); FoodItem foodItem = new FoodItem(); foodItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); foodItem.FDCId = 5555555; foodItem.MealId = meals.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Description == "Breakfast").Id; foodItem.Quantity = 999; int results = FoodItemManager.Insert(foodItem, true); Assert.IsTrue(results > 0); }
public void EatPortion() { if (MealManager.Instance().totalPortions <= 30) { ////gérer animation MealManager.Instance().SetMouthAnimation(AnimationTime); ////enlever une portion à la selection courante MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().nbSlices -= 1; MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().SetAlimentQuantity(); MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().SetAlimentsPositions(); float temp = MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().al.portions / (float)MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().al.slices; MealManager.Instance().totalPortions += temp; MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().updateAliments(); MealManager.Instance().AddEatenAliment(); if ((MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().al.greasy || MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().al.sugary) && MedicalAppManager.Instance().userOperation == Operation.by_pass) { MealManager.Instance().SetDumpingSyndrom(true); MealManager.Instance().EndMeal(); } ////mettre à jour meal //if (!_MGR_MedicalApp.instance.repas.listAliments.Exists(u => u == _MGR_MedicalApp.instance.selectedAliment.GetComponent<BlocAliment>())) // _MGR_MedicalApp.instance.repas.listAliments.Add(_MGR_MedicalApp.instance.selectedAliment.GetComponent<BlocAliment>()); //_MGR_MedicalApp.instance.repas.totalPortions += 1; ////si il n'y a plus rien, passer au plat suivant if (MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment.GetComponent <PlateBlocAliment>().nbSlices == 0) { MealManager.Instance().MangerPortion.SetActive(false); DestroyImmediate(MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment); } MealManager.Instance().updateInfos(); } else { MealManager.Instance().SetDumpingSyndrom(true); MealManager.Instance().DumpingToggle.SetActive(true); MealManager.Instance().EndMeal(); MedicalAppManager.Instance().PortionsMax = true; } }
void Awake() { //Check if instance already exists if (_instance == null) { //if not, set instance to this _instance = this; } //If instance already exists and it's not this: else if (_instance != this) { //Then destroy this. This enforces our singleton pattern, meaning there can only ever be one instance of a GameManager. Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void ShowMemberInformation(int memberId, String date) { MealManager aMealManager = new MealManager(); List <MemberWithMeal> mealList = aMealManager.GetMeals(memberId, date); MemberManager aMemberManager = new MemberManager(); MemberGateway aGateway = new MemberGateway(); Member member = aGateway.GetMemberById(memberId); // CrystalReport crystalReport=new CrystalReport(); MealCrystalReport mealCrystal = new MealCrystalReport(); mealCrystal.SetDataSource(mealList); mealCrystal.SetParameterValue("mName", member.MemberName.ToString()); mealCrystal.SetParameterValue("mPhone", member.Phone.ToString()); mealCrystal.SetParameterValue("date", DateTime.Today); mealCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = mealCrystal; }
public void InsertTest() { List <User> users = UserManager.Load(); List <Food> foodItems = FoodItemManager.Load(); Meal meal = new Meal(); meal.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); meal.UserId = users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.FullName == "Leroy Jenkins").Id; meal.Description = "Breakfast"; meal.Time = DateTime.Now; meal.FoodItems = foodItems; int results = MealManager.Insert(meal, true); Assert.IsTrue(results > 0); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (isActive) { if (time > 0f) { img_timer.fillAmount = time / timeAmount; timeText.text = (time * multiplier).ToString("F"); time -= Time.deltaTime; } else { time = 0f; timeText.text = 0.0.ToString("F"); img_timer.fillAmount = 0; isActive = false; MealManager.Instance().TimerUI.SetActive(false); } } }
private void LoadDailyMal() { MealManager aMealManager = new MealManager(); string month = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); ShopingManager shopingManager = new ShopingManager(); List <MemberWithShoping> shopingList = shopingManager.GetShopingList(month); dailyShopingReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); //clear report dailyShopingReportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "MessManagementSystem.Report.DailyShopingReport.rdlc"; // bind reportviewer with .rdlc Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource dataset = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource("DailyShoping", shopingList); // set the datasource dailyShopingReportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(dataset); dataset.Value = shopingList; // dailyShopingReportViewer.RefreshReport(); }
public MealTableSrc(RecipeMealsRecord[] items) { m_tableItems = new List <MealTableItem>(); if (items.Length != 0) { m_recipeID = items[0].RecipeID; foreach (RecipeMealsRecord rmr in items) { MealRecord meal = MealManager.GetMeal(rmr.MealID); BasketMealsRecord bmr = BasketManager.GetBasketRecipeRecord(rmr.ID); if (meal != null) { MealTableItem mti = new MealTableItem(); mti.m_meal = meal; mti.m_qty = rmr.Qty; mti.m_bInBasket = bmr == null ? false : true; mti.m_RecMealID = rmr.ID; m_tableItems.Add(mti); } } } }
private void OnMouseUp() { // ajout aliment selectionne dans le manager MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment = gameObject; if (OnPlate) { // zone de modification AtelierManager.Instance().showModification(true); } else if (OnMeal) { if (MealManager.Instance().MangerPortion != null) { // affichage manger portion MealManager.Instance().MangerPortion.SetActive(true); } } else if (OnAtelier) { // zone de validation AtelierManager.Instance().showValidation(true); //Camera.main.GetComponent<MouseLook>().setCameraFree(false); } }
private void viewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mealListView.Items.Clear(); MealManager aMealManager = new MealManager(); int memberId = (int)nameComboBox.SelectedValue; string date = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); List <MemberWithMeal> meals = aMealManager.GetMeals(memberId, date); double subtotal = 0; int count = 1; foreach (var meal in meals) { subtotal = subtotal + meal.TotalMeal; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = count++.ToString(); item.SubItems.Add(meal.Date.ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(meal.TotalMeal.ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(subtotal.ToString()); mealListView.Items.Add(item); } }
public void userChoice(int choice) { choice_save.Add(choice); back.interactable = true; ClearChoices(); //réponse (list.questions[nextQuestion].Answer) //image (couleur smiley dépendante d'un switch et des données du repas) smiley.gameObject.SetActive(true); switch (nextQuestion) { case 0: int result = 2; List <string> mealtypes = MealManager.Instance().getMealTypes(); if (mealtypes.Count < 3) { result -= 1; } if (!mealtypes.Contains("plat principal")) { result -= 1; } if (result == 0) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyRouge"); } else if (result == 1) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyOrange"); } else if (result == 2) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyVert"); } Debug.Log(choice + " " + result); Debug.Log(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers.Count); infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 3 + result]); perfect_meal.SetActive(true); MealManager.Instance().plateau.gameObject.SetActive(true); MealManager.Instance().plateau.transform.localScale = * 2.7f; MealManager.Instance().plateau.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, -0.28f, 1.0f); MealManager.Instance().plateau.Clear(); MealManager.Instance().loadAllAlimentsFromList(MealManager.Instance().EatenAliments); MealManager.Instance().plateau.CanInteractWithAliments(false); break; case 1: //couleurs en fonction du nombre de plats ( < 4 --> rouge / =4 --> orange / >= 5 --> vert ==> si nombres portions incorrectes --> orange) int nbAliments = MealManager.Instance().EatenAliments.Count; if (nbAliments >= 5) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyVert"); infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 3 + 2]); } else if (nbAliments == 4) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyOrange"); infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 3 + 1]); } else { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyRouge"); infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 3 + 0]); } break; case 2: //couleurs en fonction du nombre de portions (rouge si < à 20 ou > à 40 orange si entre 20 et 25 et entre 35 et 40 vert si entre 26 et 34) float nbPortions = MealManager.Instance().totalPortions; if (nbPortions >= 26 && nbPortions <= 34) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyVert"); infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 5 + 2]); } else if (nbPortions >= 20 && nbPortions <= 40) { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyOrange"); if (nbPortions < 26) { infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 5 + 1]); } else { infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 5 + 3]); } } else { smiley.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("UI/Image/SmileyRouge"); if (nbPortions < 20) { infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 5 + 0]); } else { infos.text = MedicalAppManager.Instance().setUserDataInText(list.questions[nextQuestion].Answers[choice * 5 + 4]); } } break; } //bouton "OK" (charge load next question) ok.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
// PUT api/values/5 public int Put(int id, [FromBody] Meal value) { return(MealManager.Update(value)); }
// DELETE api/values/5 public int Delete([FromBody] Meal value) { return(MealManager.Delete(value)); }
public App() { MealManager = new MealManager(DependencyService.Get<IDataLayer>()); MainPage = new NavigationPage(new HomeView()); }
public void CloseValidation() { MealManager.Instance().MangerPortion.SetActive(false); MedicalAppManager.Instance().selectedAliment = null; MealManager.Instance().updateInfos(); }
void Start() { Instance = this; }