Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> MchList([FromQuery] MchListQuery request)
            var memberId   = this.GetMemberId();
            var activityNo = this.GetActivityNo();

            if (memberId == 0)
            var(dataList, total) = await _activityApplication.GetMchListAsync(request);

            return(this.MyOK(new { dataList, total }));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取门店列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="makeWishId"></param>
        /// <param name="lo"></param>
        /// <param name="la"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <(IEnumerable <MchItem>, int)> GetMchListAsync(MchListQuery query)
            var makeWish = await GetMakeWishAsync(0, query.wishId);

            if (makeWish == null)
                return(new MchItem[0], 0);
            var sql          = "select max(max_user_count) from t_wish where wish_no=@wishNo AND is_deleted=0";
            var maxUserCount = await _jiakeRepository.SQLQueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <int>(sql, new { makeWish.wishNo });

            sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT c.id,c.mch_no mchNo,c.mch_name `name`,mch_tel tel,mch_pic pic,
                        fake_wish_complated wishComplated,mch_latitude latitude,mch_longitude longitude
                        FROM t_make_wish  b
                        INNER JOIN t_wish a on a.wish_no=b.wish_no AND a.is_deleted=0
                        INNER JOIN t_merchant c on c.mch_no=a.mch_no and c.is_deleted=0
                        WHERE (wish_stock>0 or wish_stock is null) AND b.id=@wishId and max_user_count>=@boosts;";
            var data = await _jiakeRepository.SQLQueryAsync <MchItem>(sql, new
                boosts = maxUserCount > 0 && makeWish.boosts > maxUserCount ? maxUserCount : makeWish.boosts

            if (!data.Any())
                return(data, 0);
            foreach (var item in data)
                if (query.lo > 0 && query.la > 0)
                    item.shopDistance = Math.Round(CoordDispose.GetDistance(new Degree(query.lo, query.la), new Degree(item.longitude, item.latitude)) / 1000, 1);
                    item.shopDistance = 999999;
            var total = data.Count();

            // 只有第一个按最近距离,其余按次数
            if (query.lo > 0 && query.la > 0)
                var fistData = data.OrderBy(p => p.shopDistance).FirstOrDefault();
                foreach (var i in data)
                    if (i.id == fistData.id)
                        i.shopDistance = 0;
                        i.shopDistance = 999999;

            data = data.OrderBy(p => p.shopDistance).ThenByDescending(p => p.wishComplated).ThenBy(p => p.id)
                   .Skip((query.pageIndex - 1) * query.pageSize).Take(query.pageSize);

            if (query.pageIndex == 1 && query.la > 0 && query.lo > 0)
                data.FirstOrDefault().isShorted = true;
            return(data, total);