Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the Ribbon on the specified device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Device where to paint on</param>
        /// <param name="clip">Clip rectangle</param>
        private void PaintOn(Graphics g, Rectangle clip)
            if (WinApi.IsWindows && Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
                g.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

            //Caption Background
            Renderer.OnRenderRibbonBackground(new RibbonRenderEventArgs(this, g, clip));

            //Caption Bar
            Renderer.OnRenderRibbonCaptionBar(new RibbonRenderEventArgs(this, g, clip));

            //Caption Buttons
            if (CaptionButtonsVisible)
                MinimizeButton.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Medium));
                MaximizeRestoreButton.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Medium));
                CloseButton.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Medium));

            Renderer.OnRenderRibbonOrb(new RibbonRenderEventArgs(this, g, clip));

            //QuickAcess toolbar
            QuickAcessToolbar.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(clip, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Compact));

            //Render Tabs
            foreach (RibbonTab tab in Tabs)
                tab.OnPaint(this, new RibbonElementPaintEventArgs(tab.TabBounds, g, RibbonElementSizeMode.None, this));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the regions of the tabs and the tab content bounds of the active tab
        /// </summary>
        internal void UpdateRegions(Graphics g)
            bool graphicsCreated = false;

            if (IsDisposed || _updatingSuspended)

            ///Graphics for measurement
            if (g == null)
                g = CreateGraphics();
                graphicsCreated = true;

            ///X coordinate reminder
            int curLeft = TabsMargin.Left + OrbBounds.Width;

            ///Saves the width of the larger tab
            int maxWidth = 0;

            ///Saves the bottom of the tabs
            int tabsBottom = 0;

            #region Assign default tab bounds (best case)
            foreach (RibbonTab tab in Tabs)
                Size      tabSize = tab.MeasureSize(this, new RibbonElementMeasureSizeEventArgs(g, RibbonElementSizeMode.None));
                Rectangle bounds  = new Rectangle(curLeft, TabsMargin.Top,
                                                  TabsPadding.Left + tabSize.Width + TabsPadding.Right,
                                                  TabsPadding.Top + tabSize.Height + TabsPadding.Bottom);


                curLeft = bounds.Right + TabSpacing;

                maxWidth   = Math.Max(bounds.Width, maxWidth);
                tabsBottom = Math.Max(bounds.Bottom, tabsBottom);

                                            TabContentMargin.Left, tabsBottom + TabContentMargin.Top,
                                            ClientSize.Width - 1 - TabContentMargin.Right, ClientSize.Height - 1 - TabContentMargin.Bottom));

                if (tab.Active)


            #region Reduce bounds of tabs if needed

            while (curLeft > ClientRectangle.Right && maxWidth > 0)
                curLeft = TabsMargin.Left + OrbBounds.Width;

                foreach (RibbonTab tab in Tabs)
                    if (tab.TabBounds.Width >= maxWidth)
                        tab.SetTabBounds(new Rectangle(curLeft, TabsMargin.Top,
                                                       maxWidth, tab.TabBounds.Height));
                        tab.SetTabBounds(new Rectangle(
                                             new Point(curLeft, TabsMargin.Top),

                    curLeft = tab.TabBounds.Right + TabSpacing;


            #region Update QuickAccess bounds

            QuickAcessToolbar.MeasureSize(this, new RibbonElementMeasureSizeEventArgs(g, RibbonElementSizeMode.Compact));
            QuickAcessToolbar.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(OrbBounds.Right + QuickAcessToolbar.Margin.Left, OrbBounds.Top - 2), QuickAcessToolbar.LastMeasuredSize));


            #region Update Caption Buttons bounds

            if (CaptionButtonsVisible)
                Size cbs = new Size(20, 20);
                int  cbg = 2;
                CloseButton.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(ClientRectangle.Right - cbs.Width - cbg, cbg), cbs));
                MaximizeRestoreButton.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(CloseButton.Bounds.Left - cbs.Width, cbg), cbs));
                MinimizeButton.SetBounds(new Rectangle(new Point(MaximizeRestoreButton.Bounds.Left - cbs.Width, cbg), cbs));


            if (graphicsCreated)

            _lastSizeMeasured = Size;
