public void Recover() { Move.rb.velocity = new Vector2(.5f * Move.rb.velocity.x, .2f * Move.rb.velocity.y); if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Move.Horizontal) > 0) { Move.HitDetect.KnockBack = new Vector2(.5f * Move.backDashForce, .5f * Move.jumpPower); } else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Move.Horizontal) < 0) { Move.HitDetect.KnockBack = new Vector2(-.5f * Move.backDashForce, .5f * Move.jumpPower); } else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Move.Vertical) < 0 && transform.position.y > 1.5f) { Move.HitDetect.KnockBack = new Vector2(0, -.3f * Move.jumpPower); } else { Move.HitDetect.KnockBack = new Vector2(0, .5f * Move.jumpPower); } }
void Update() { currentState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); anim.ResetTrigger(IDRec); if (Move.HitDetect.hitStun > 0) { anim.ResetTrigger(ID5L); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2L); anim.ResetTrigger(ID5M); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2M); anim.ResetTrigger(ID5H); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2H); anim.ResetTrigger(ID5B); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2B); anim.ResetTrigger(IDThrow); /*anim.ResetTrigger(IDBloodBrave); * anim.ResetTrigger(IDPatissiere); * anim.ResetTrigger(IDHeadRush); * anim.ResetTrigger(IDToaster);*/ } if (lightButton > 0) { lightButton -= Time.deltaTime; } else { lightButton = 0; anim.ResetTrigger(ID5L); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2L); } if (mediumButton > 0) { mediumButton -= Time.deltaTime; } else { mediumButton = 0; anim.ResetTrigger(ID5M); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2M); } if (heavyButton > 0) { heavyButton -= Time.deltaTime; } else { heavyButton = 0; anim.ResetTrigger(ID5H); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2H); } if (breakButton > 0) { breakButton -= Time.deltaTime; } else { breakButton = 0; anim.ResetTrigger(ID5B); anim.ResetTrigger(ID2B); anim.ResetTrigger(ID3B); } if (dir1 > 0) { dir1 -= Time.deltaTime; } if (dir2 > 0) { dir2 -= Time.deltaTime; } if (dir3 > 0) { dir3 -= Time.deltaTime; } if (dir4 > 0) { dir4 -= Time.deltaTime; } if (dir6 > 0) { dir6 -= Time.deltaTime; } if (QCF > 0) { QCF -= Time.deltaTime; } if (QCB > 0) { QCB -= Time.deltaTime; } if (HCB > 0) { HCB -= Time.deltaTime; } if (DP > 0) { DP -= Time.deltaTime; } //record buttons pressed if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Light) && !anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("ForsythiaAim")) { lightButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Medium)) { mediumButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Heavy)) { heavyButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Break) && !anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("ForsythiaAim")) { breakButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(LM)) { lightButton = bufferTime; mediumButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(HB)) { heavyButton = bufferTime; breakButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(LB)) { lightButton = bufferTime; breakButton = bufferTime; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(MH)) { mediumButton = bufferTime; heavyButton = bufferTime; } QCFCheck(); QCBCheck(); HCBCheck(); DPCheck(); //record directional input //float dir# corresponds to numpad notation for character facing to the right //special moves' directional input for DHA will never use 7 8 or 9, and 5 is the neutral position so no variables for those directions is necessary, /* up * ^ | | 7 8 9 | left <--- 4 5 6 ---> right | 1 2 3 | | v | down */ // pressing left on the d pad or stick, considered backward if facing right, considered forward if facing left if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0 && MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { if (Move.transform.position.x < Move.opponent.position.x) { // 1 : pressing down-back dir1 = directionBufferTime; } else if (Move.transform.position.x > Move.opponent.position.x)// 3 : pressing down-forward { dir3 = directionBufferTime; } } else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0 && MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { if (Move.transform.position.x < Move.opponent.position.x) { // pressing down-forward dir3 = directionBufferTime; } else if (Move.transform.position.x > Move.opponent.position.x) { // pressing down-back dir1 = directionBufferTime; } } else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0) { if (Move.transform.position.x < Move.opponent.position.x) { // pressing back if facing right dir4 = directionBufferTime; } else if (Move.transform.position.x > Move.opponent.position.x) { // pressing forward if facing left dir6 = directionBufferTime; } } // pressing right on the d pad/stick, considered forward if facing right, considered backward if facing left else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0) { if (Move.transform.position.x < Move.opponent.position.x) { //forward if facing right dir6 = directionBufferTime; } else if (Move.transform.position.x > Move.opponent.position.x) { //back if facing left dir4 = directionBufferTime; } } else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { //only pressing down dir2 = directionBufferTime; } if (Actions.acceptMove || currentState.IsName("StandUp") || currentState.IsName("Jump")) { //refresh possible moves when in certain states RefreshMoveList(); } //dizzy state, mash buttons to get out of it faster if ((dizzyTime == 0 && anim.GetBool(dizzyID)) || anim.GetBool(KOID)) { dizzyTime = 300; } else if (!anim.GetBool(dizzyID) || CharProp.currentHealth == CharProp.maxHealth) { dizzyTime = 0; } if (dizzyTime > 0) { anim.SetBool(dizzyID, true); dizzyTime--; if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Light)) { dizzyTime -= 5; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Medium)) { dizzyTime -= 5; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Heavy)) { dizzyTime -= 5; } if (MaxInput.GetButtonDown(Break)) { dizzyTime -= 5; } } if (dizzyTime <= 0 && anim.GetBool(dizzyID)) { anim.SetBool(dizzyID, false); CharProp.refill = true; CharProp.comboTimer = 0; } //aerial recovery, press a button after hitstun ends if ((currentState.IsName("HitAir") || currentState.IsName("FallForward") || currentState.IsName("SweepHit") || currentState.IsName("LaunchTransition") || currentState.IsName("LaunchFall") || currentState.IsName("Unstick")) && Move.HitDetect.hitStun <= 0 && Move.transform.position.y > 1.1f && (lightButton > 0 || mediumButton > 0 || heavyButton > 0 || breakButton > 0)) { anim.SetTrigger(IDRec); } if (currentState.IsName("AirRecovery")) { lightButton = 0; mediumButton = 0; heavyButton = 0; breakButton = 0; } if (blitzActive > 0 && Hitboxes.HitDetect.OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed <= 0) { Hitboxes.BlitzCancel(); blitzActive -= Time.deltaTime; } else if (Hitboxes.HitDetect.OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed > 0) { blitzActive = 0; } //blitz cancel mechanic, return to neutral position to extend combos, cancel recovery, make character safe, etc. at the cost of one hit of armor if ((Actions.blitzCancel && Move.HitDetect.hitStun <= 0 && Move.HitDetect.blockStun <= 0 && CharProp.armor >= 1) && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0 && heavyButton > 0 && mediumButton > 0 && Mathf.Abs(heavyButton - mediumButton) <= .1f) { RefreshMoveList(); BlitzWave.SetTrigger(IDBlitz); Hitboxes.BlitzCancel(); Actions.landingLag = 0; ForsythiaReticle.SetActive(false); anim.SetBool(runID, false); BlitzImage.sprite = anim.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; BlitzImage.color = new Color(BlitzImage.color.r, BlitzImage.color.g, BlitzImage.color.b, .75f); BlitzEffect.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); BlitzEffect.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; anim.SetTrigger(IDBlitz); if (Actions.airborne && MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { Move.rb.velocity =; Move.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0, -4), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } else if (Actions.airborne && MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0) { if (Move.rb.velocity.y < 0) { Move.rb.velocity =; } else { Move.rb.velocity = new Vector2(0, Move.rb.velocity.y); } Move.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(-2.7f, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } else if (Actions.airborne && MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0) { if (Move.rb.velocity.y < 0) { Move.rb.velocity =; } else { Move.rb.velocity = new Vector2(0, Move.rb.velocity.y); } Move.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(2.7f, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse); } if (Move.HitDetect.comboCount > 0) { Move.HitDetect.specialProration *= .85f; } //cost for executing blitz cancel CharProp.armor--; CharProp.durability = 70; blitzActive = 5f / 60f; CharProp.durabilityRefillTimer = 0; heavyButton = 0; mediumButton = 0; } // basic throw performed by pressing both light and break attack else if (Actions.acceptMove && lightButton > 0 && breakButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0) { Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); if (Actions.standing) { anim.SetTrigger(IDThrow); if (dir4 == directionBufferTime) { Actions.backThrow = true; } else { Actions.backThrow = false; } Actions.throwTech = true; } } else if (Actions.acceptSuper && lightButton > 0 && mediumButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0 && QCF > 0 && CharProp.armor >= 2 && Actions.standing) { Move.jumping = 0; Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); // Forsythia Marduk super attack, executed by doing a QCF and pressing L and M together anim.SetTrigger(IDForsythia); CharProp.armor -= 2; CharProp.durability = 70; CharProp.durabilityRefillTimer = 0; lightButton = 0; mediumButton = 0; QCF = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptSpecial && (heavyButton > 0 || breakButton > 0) && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0 && DP > 0) { Move.jumping = 0; Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); // Heaven Climber special attack, executed by doing a DP and pressing H or B if (Actions.airborne || heavyButton > 0) { anim.SetTrigger(IDHeavenClimberH); } else { anim.SetTrigger(IDHeavenClimberB); } Actions.TurnAroundCheck(); heavyButton = 0; breakButton = 0; DP = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptSpecial && breakButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0 && QCB > 0 && Actions.airborne && Hitboxes.HitDetect.Actions.Move.transform.position.y > 1.5f) { Move.jumping = 0; Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); // Starfall special attack, executed by doing a QCB and pressing B anim.SetTrigger(IDStarfall); Actions.TurnAroundCheck(); breakButton = 0; QCB = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptSpecial && mediumButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0 && QCF > 0 && !Actions.airborne) { Move.jumping = 0; Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); // Level Hell special attack, executed by doing a QCF and pressing M anim.SetTrigger(IDLevelHell); Actions.TurnAroundCheck(); mediumButton = 0; QCF = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptBreak && breakButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0) { //break attacks if (Actions.standing) { if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { if (CrouchB) { anim.SetTrigger(ID2B); CrouchB = false; Actions.TurnAroundCheck(); Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); } } else if (dir3 == directionBufferTime) { if (DFB) { anim.SetTrigger(ID3B); DFB = false; anim.SetBool(runID, false); Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); } } else { if (StandB) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5B); StandB = false; Actions.TurnAroundCheck(); Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); } } } else { if (JumpB) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5B); JumpB = false; Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); } } Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); breakButton = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptHeavy && heavyButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0) { //heavy attacks if (Actions.standing) { if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { if (CrouchH) { anim.SetTrigger(ID2H); CrouchH = false; } } else { if (StandH) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5H); StandH = false; } } } else { if (JumpH) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5H); JumpH = false; } } Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); heavyButton = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptMedium && mediumButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0) { //medium attacks if (Actions.standing) { if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { if (CrouchM) { anim.SetTrigger(ID2M); CrouchM = false; } } else { if (StandM) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5M); StandM = false; } } } else { if (JumpM) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5M); JumpM = false; } } Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); mediumButton = 0; } else if (Actions.acceptLight && lightButton > 0 && Move.HitDetect.hitStop <= 0) { //light attacks if (Actions.standing) { if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0) { if (CrouchL > 0) { anim.SetTrigger(ID2L); CrouchL--; } } else { if (StandL) { if (CrouchL < 3) { CrouchL = 0; } anim.SetTrigger(ID5L); StandL = false; } } } else { if (JumpL > 0) { anim.SetTrigger(ID5L); JumpL--; } } Hitboxes.ClearHitBox(); lightButton = 0; } // ACH character specific, can charge or delay certain special attacks if (MaxInput.GetButton(Break)) { anim.SetBool(BreakCharge, true); if (currentState.IsName("StarfallDelay")) { Hitboxes.HitDetect.rb.gravityScale = .35f * Hitboxes.HitDetect.Actions.originalGravity; } } else { anim.SetBool(BreakCharge, false); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { currentState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); anim.SetFloat(yVeloID, rb.velocity.y); // rotate based on position relative to opponent if (facingRight && transform.eulerAngles != { transform.eulerAngles =; } else if (!facingRight && transform.eulerAngles != new Vector3(0, 180, 0)) { transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); } if (transform.position.x < -9.935f && !Actions.grabbed) { transform.position = new Vector3(-9.935f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); } else if (transform.position.x > 9.935f && !Actions.grabbed) { transform.position = new Vector3(9.935f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); } if (Actions.acceptMove && Actions.standing) { if (opponent.transform.position.x < transform.position.x - .1f) { facingRight = false; } else if (opponent.transform.position.x > transform.position.x + .1f) { facingRight = true; } } if (anim.GetBool(KOID) || RoundManager.lockInputs) { anim.SetBool(crouchID, false); anim.SetBool(walkFID, false); anim.SetBool(walkBID, false); anim.SetBool(runID, false); } if (!Actions.airborne) { pushBox.offset = pushCenter; pushBox.size = pushSize; } else if (currentState.IsName("WallStick")) { pushBox.offset = pushCenter; pushBox.size = pushSize; } else { anim.SetBool(crouchID, false); anim.SetBool(runID, false); pushBox.offset = airPushCenter; pushBox.size = airPushSize; if (rb.velocity.y < 0) { pushBox.offset = pushCenter; pushBox.size = pushSize; } if (jumps == 0) { jumps = 1; } } pushTrigger.offset = new Vector2(pushBox.offset.x, pushBox.offset.y); pushTrigger.size = new Vector2(pushBox.size.x, pushBox.size.y + .3f); if (transform.position.x < -9.935f) { transform.position = new Vector3(-9.935f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); } else if (transform.position.x > 9.935f) { transform.position = new Vector3(9.935f, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); } if (transform.position.y < minPosY) { transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, minPosY, transform.position.z); Actions.airborne = false; } else if (transform.position.y > 1.2f) { Actions.airborne = true; } if (RoundManager.gameActive && !RoundManager.lockInputs && !HitDetect.pauseScreen.isPaused) { if (HitDetect.hitStop <= 0) { if ((MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) < 0 && Actions.acceptMove && Actions.standing) || (anim.GetBool(crouchID) && !Actions.acceptMove && Actions.standing)) { anim.SetBool(crouchID, true); } else { anim.SetBool(crouchID, false); } if (Actions.acceptMove && Actions.standing && !anim.GetBool(crouchID) && ((MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0 && facingRight) || (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0 && !facingRight)) && !Actions.airborne && !anim.GetBool(runID)) { anim.SetBool(walkFID, true); } else { anim.SetBool(walkFID, false); } if (Actions.acceptMove && Actions.standing && !anim.GetBool(crouchID) && ((MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0 && facingRight) || (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0 && !facingRight)) && !Actions.airborne && !backDash) { if ((GameObject.Find("PracticeModeManager").GetComponent <PracticeMode>().dummyState == "StandGuard" || GameObject.Find("PracticeModeManager").GetComponent <PracticeMode>().dummyState == "GuardAll") && == "Player2") { anim.SetBool(walkBID, false); } else { anim.SetBool(walkBID, true); } } else { anim.SetBool(walkBID, false); } DoubleTapActions(); if ((Actions.acceptMove && jumps == 0 && MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) > 0 && Actions.standing) || (Actions.jumpCancel && jumps < maxJumps && MaxInput.GetAxis(Vertical) > 0 && !vertAxisInUse)) { if (jumps > 0) { sigil.GetComponent <Sigil>().colorChange = 0; sigil.GetComponent <Sigil>().scaleChange = 0; sigil.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + .5f * pushBox.offset.y - .5f * pushBox.size.y, transform.position.z); sigil.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(75, 0, 0); } Actions.DisableAll(); pushBox.isTrigger = true; jumps++; jumping = .3f; Actions.recovering = true; if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0 && !anim.GetBool(runID)) { jumpRight = true; sigil.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(60, -40, 0); } else if (MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0 && !anim.GetBool(runID)) { jumpLeft = true; sigil.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(60, 40, 0); } vertAxisInUse = true; } } } else { Actions.DisableAll(); Actions.DisableBlitz(); } if (currentState.IsName("GroundBounce") || Actions.airborne) { anim.ResetTrigger(KDID); } if (MaxInput.GetAxisRaw(Vertical) == 0) { vertAxisInUse = false; } if (MaxInput.GetAxisRaw(Horizontal) == 0) { horiAxisInUse = false; justDefenseTime = 5; } if ((opponent.position.x > transform.position.x && MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) < 0) || (opponent.position.x < transform.position.x && MaxInput.GetAxis(Horizontal) > 0)) { justDefenseTime--; } Blocking(); WallStick(); }