Пример #1
        private void DrawImageVertex(ImageInfo info)
            // CCW from bottom left
            var tl = new Vector2(-info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2);
            var br = new Vector2(info.Width / 2, -info.Height / 2);

            var transform = info.Angle != 0 ? Matrix3x2.Rotation(info.Angle) : Matrix3x2.Identity;
            var offTL     = tl * info.Scale;
            var offBR     = br * info.Scale;
            var offTR     = new Vector2(offBR.X, offTL.Y);
            var offBL     = new Vector2(offTL.X, offBR.Y);

            BillboardVertices.Add(new BillboardVertex()
                Position   = info.Position.ToVector4(),
                Foreground = Color.White,
                Background = maskColor,
                TexTL      = info.UV_TopLeft,
                TexBR      = info.UV_BottomRight,
                OffTL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offTL),
                OffBL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offBL),
                OffBR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offBR),
                OffTR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offTR)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when [draw texture].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceResources">The device resources.</param>
        protected override void OnUpdateTextureAndBillboardVertices(IDeviceResources deviceResources)
            var w = Width;
            var h = Height;
            // CCW from bottom left
            var tl = new Vector2(-w / 2, h / 2);
            var br = new Vector2(w / 2, -h / 2);

            var uv_tl     = new Vector2(0, 0);
            var uv_br     = new Vector2(1, 1);
            var transform = Angle != 0 ? Matrix3x2.Rotation(Angle) : Matrix3x2.Identity;
            var tr        = new Vector2(br.X, tl.Y);
            var bl        = new Vector2(tl.X, br.Y);

            BillboardVertices.Add(new BillboardVertex()
                Position   = Center.ToVector4(),
                Foreground = Color.White,
                Background = MaskColor,
                TexTL      = uv_tl,
                TexBR      = uv_br,
                OffTL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, tl),
                OffBR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, br),
                OffBL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, bl),
                OffTR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, tr)
        private void Render()

            Matrix3x2 worldToFormTransform = GetWorldToFormTransform();

            foreach (var bone in bones)
                var transform  = bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs) * worldToFormTransform;
                var formCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, bone.Center);
                var formEnd    = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, bone.End);

                context.DrawEllipse(new Ellipse(formCenter, 5, 5), whiteBrush, 2);
                context.DrawLine(formCenter, formEnd, whiteBrush, 2);

            var formTarget = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(worldToFormTransform, target);

            float crossSize = 5;

                formTarget + crossSize * new Vector2(-1, -1),
                formTarget + crossSize * new Vector2(+1, +1),
                redBrush, 2);
                formTarget + crossSize * new Vector2(-1, +1),
                formTarget + crossSize * new Vector2(+1, -1),
                redBrush, 2);
        private void DrawCharacter(string text, Vector3 origin, float w, float h, TextInfo info)
            // CCW from bottom left
            var tl = new Vector2(-w / 2, h / 2);
            var br = new Vector2(w / 2, -h / 2);

            var uv_tl     = new Vector2(0, 0);
            var uv_br     = new Vector2(1, 1);
            var transform = info.Angle != 0 ? Matrix3x2.Rotation(info.Angle) : Matrix3x2.Identity;
            var offTL     = tl * info.Scale;
            var offBR     = br * info.Scale;
            var offTR     = new Vector2(offBR.X, offTL.Y);
            var offBL     = new Vector2(offTL.X, offBR.Y);

            BillboardVertices.Add(new BillboardVertex()
                Position   = info.Origin.ToVector4(),
                Foreground = FontColor,
                Background = BackgroundColor,
                TexTL      = uv_tl,
                TexBR      = uv_br,
                OffTL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offTL),
                OffBL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offBL),
                OffBR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offBR),
                OffTR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offTR)
Пример #5
        public bool Contains(Point point)
            Matrix3x2 inverse = Matrix3x2.Invert(Transform);
            Point     p       = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(inverse, point);

            return(PolygonPointTest(Vertices, p));
Пример #6
         *  Given a point that has already had bone total-transform applied to it, retransform it as the rotation of this bone was adjusted by a delta.
        public Vector2 RetransformPoint(SkeletonInputs inputs, float rotationDelta, Vector2 point)
            Matrix3x2 parentTransform   = GetChainedTransform(Parent, inputs);
            Vector2   transformedCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(parentTransform, Center);

            var retransform = Matrix3x2.Rotation(rotationDelta, transformedCenter);

            return(Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(retransform, point));
Пример #7
        public void TestRetransformPointByZero()
            var point = new Vector2(2, 3);

            var transformedPoint   = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone2.GetChainedTransform(inputs), point);
            var retransformedPoint = bone1.RetransformPoint(inputs, 0, transformedPoint);

            Assert.AreEqual(transformedPoint, retransformedPoint);
Пример #8
         * Returns the gradient of a transformed point with respect to the rotation parameter.
        public Vector2 GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(SkeletonInputs inputs, Vector2 point)
            Matrix3x2 parentTransform   = GetChainedTransform(Parent, inputs);
            Vector2   transformedCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(parentTransform, Center);

            Vector2 centeredPoint = point - transformedCenter;

            return(new Vector2(-centeredPoint.Y, centeredPoint.X));
Пример #9
        private void AdjustBone(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone bone, Vector2 source, Vector2 target, float weight)
            var transform = bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs);
            var center    = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, bone.Center);

            float rotationDelta = Vector2Utils.AngleBetween(source - center, target - center);

            bone.IncrementRotation(inputs, rotationDelta * weight);
        public static unsafe Point[] PointArray(Matrix3x2 transform, params int[] values)
            Point[] points = PointArray(values);
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points[i] = transform.TransformPoint(points[i]);

        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2        posedSource  = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), unposedSource);
            List <Vector2> posedCenters = bones
                                          .Select(bone => Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), bone.Center))

            List <Vector2> boneVectors = posedCenters
                                         .Zip(posedCenters.Skip(1).Concat(new [] { posedSource }), (center, end) => end - center)

            List <float> weights = Enumerable.Range(0, bones.Count).Select(i => 1f / (bones.Count - i)).ToList();

            Vector <float> gradient = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(bones.Count);

            Matrix <float> hessian = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(bones.Count, bones.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i)
                Vector2 bi = boneVectors[i];

                Vector2 temp = target - posedSource + bi;

                gradient[i]   = weights[i] * (bi.Y * temp.X - bi.X * temp.Y);
                hessian[i, i] = weights[i] * weights[i] * Vector2.Dot(bi, temp);

                for (int j = 0; j < bones.Count; ++j)
                    Vector2 bj = boneVectors[j];

                    if (i != j)
                        hessian[i, j] = weights[i] * weights[j] * Vector2.Dot(bi, bj);

            //var step = -hessian.Inverse().Multiply(gradient);
            var step = -hessian.PseudoInverse().Multiply(gradient);

            //var step = -0.5f * gradient;

             * // Ensure step is approaching a minimum and not a maximum
             * for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i) {
             *      step[i] = -Math.Abs(step[i]) * Math.Sign(gradient[i]);
             * }

            for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; ++i)
                float localRotationDelta = step[i] - ((i > 0) ? step[i - 1] : 0);
                inputs.IncrementRotation(i, weights[i] * localRotationDelta);
Пример #12
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2 source = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);

            float decay  = 0.9f;
            float weight = 1 - decay;

            for (var bone = sourceBone; bone != null; bone = bone.Parent)
                AdjustBone(inputs, bone, source, target, weight);
                weight *= decay;
Пример #13
        private void DrawDiagnostics(DeviceContext renderTarget)
            renderTarget.Transform = Matrix3x2.Identity;
            Matrix3x2 wt = GlobalTransform;

            var worldPos = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(wt, MouseClientPosition);

                $"FPS: {RenderTimer.FramesPerSecond:0}\r\nFrameTime: {RenderTimer.DurationSinceLastFrame}\r\n({worldPos.X:0}, {worldPos.Y:0})",
                new RectangleF(0, 0, 100, 30),
Пример #14
        public void TestRetransformPoint()
            var point = new Vector2(2, 3);

            var transformedPoint = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone2.GetChainedTransform(inputs), point);

            float rotationDelta = 0.3f;

            var retransformedPoint = bone1.RetransformPoint(inputs, rotationDelta, transformedPoint);

            bone1.IncrementRotation(inputs, rotationDelta);
            var expectedRetransformedPoint = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone2.GetChainedTransform(inputs), point);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRetransformedPoint, retransformedPoint);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TextRenderUnit" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textLayout">The text layout.</param>
        /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
        /// <param name="transform">The text transform.</param>
        public TextRenderUnit(TextLayout textLayout, Brush brush, Matrix3x2 transform)
            this.layout    = textLayout;
            this.brush     = brush;
            this.transform = transform;

            var topleft     = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, new Vector2(0, 0));
            var bottomRight = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, new Vector2(textLayout.Metrics.Width, textLayout.Metrics.Height));

            this.bounds = new RectangleF
                Top    = topleft.Y,
                Left   = topleft.X,
                Right  = bottomRight.X,
                Bottom = bottomRight.Y
Пример #16
        public void TestGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation()
            Vector2 point = new Vector2(2, 3);

            Vector2 transformedPoint = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone2.GetChainedTransform(inputs), point);

            Vector2 gradient = bone1.GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(inputs, transformedPoint);

            float rotationStepSize = 1e-3f;

            bone1.IncrementRotation(inputs, rotationStepSize);
            Vector2 steppedTransformedPoint = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone2.GetChainedTransform(inputs), point);

            Vector2 finiteDifferenceApproximationToGradient = (steppedTransformedPoint - transformedPoint) / rotationStepSize;

            Assert.AreEqual(finiteDifferenceApproximationToGradient.X, gradient.X, 1e-3);
            Assert.AreEqual(finiteDifferenceApproximationToGradient.Y, gradient.Y, 1e-3);
        public static FabrIkChain Make(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2 posedSource = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);

            List <Bone> bones = new List <Bone> {
            List <Vector2> unposedBoneVectors = new List <Vector2> {

            List <float> rotations = new List <float>();

            List <Vector2> positions = new List <Vector2> {


            Vector2 previousUnposedPosition = unposedSource;
            Vector2 previousPosedPosition   = posedSource;

            for (var bone = sourceBone; bone != null; bone = bone.Parent)
                var unposedCenter = bone.Center;
                var posedCenter   = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), unposedCenter);

                Vector2 unposedBoneVector = previousUnposedPosition - unposedCenter;
                Vector2 posedBoneVector   = previousPosedPosition - posedCenter;
                float   rotation          = Vector2Utils.AngleBetween(


                previousUnposedPosition = unposedCenter;
                previousPosedPosition   = posedCenter;

            var startTarget = target;
            var endTarget   = positions[bones.Count];

            return(new FabrIkChain(bones, unposedBoneVectors, rotations, positions, target, endTarget));
        public void Run()
            renderEnvironment.Form.MouseClick += (sender, e) => {
                Vector2 formPosition = new Vector2(e.X, e.Y);
                var     transform    = GetWorldToFormTransform();
                Vector2 worldPosition = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, formPosition);
                target = worldPosition;

            renderEnvironment.Form.KeyPress += (sender, e) => {
                if (e.KeyChar == ' ')

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when [draw texture].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceResources">The device resources.</param>
        protected override void OnUpdateTextureAndBillboardVertices(IDeviceResources deviceResources)
            GetQuadOffset(Width, Height, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, out var tl, out var br);

            var uv_tl     = new Vector2(0, 0);
            var uv_br     = new Vector2(1, 1);
            var transform = Angle != 0 ? Matrix3x2.Rotation(Angle) : Matrix3x2.Identity;
            var tr        = new Vector2(br.X, tl.Y);
            var bl        = new Vector2(tl.X, br.Y);

            BillboardVertices.Add(new BillboardVertex()
                Position   = Center.ToVector4(),
                Foreground = Color.White,
                Background = MaskColor,
                TexTL      = uv_tl,
                TexBR      = uv_br,
                OffTL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, tl),
                OffBR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, br),
                OffBL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, bl),
                OffTR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, tr)
Пример #20
        protected void UpdateCamera()
            //var mousePos = PointToClient(MousePosition);
            //_cameraTransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Add(Matrix3x2.Scaling((float)CameraZoom, (float)CameraZoom, Vector2.Clamp(new Vector2(Width-mousePos.X, Height-mousePos.Y), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(Width, Height))), Matrix3x2.Translation(CameraPosition));
            //_cameraTransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.Transformation((float)CameraZoom, (float)CameraZoom, 0, CameraPosition.X, CameraPosition.Y);

            var translate = Matrix3x2.Translation(CameraPosition);
            var scale     = Matrix3x2.Scaling((float)CameraZoom, (float)CameraZoom, new Vector2(ClientRectangle.Width / 2f, ClientRectangle.Height / 2f));

            _cameraTransformMatrix = translate * scale;

            var cameraMax = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(_cameraTransformMatrix, new Vector2(ClientRectangle.Width, ClientRectangle.Height));
            var cameraPos = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(_cameraTransformMatrix, CameraPosition);

            //_cameraBounds = new ViewportF(cameraPos.X, cameraPos.Y, cameraMax.X, cameraMax.Y);
            //var inverse = Matrix3x2.Invert(_cameraTransformMatrix);

            //Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(ref inverse, ref cameraPos, out cameraMin);
            //Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(ref inverse, ref cameraPos, out cameraMax);
            //_cameraBounds = new Rectangle((int)cameraMin.X, (int)cameraMin.Y, (int)(cameraMax.X - cameraMin.X), (int)(cameraMax.Y - cameraMin.Y));

            _viewport.Transform = _cameraTransformMatrix;
Пример #21
        private void DrawImageVertex(ImageInfo info)
            GetQuadOffset(info.Width, info.Height, info.HorizontalAlignment, info.VerticalAlignment, out var tl, out var br);

            var transform = info.Angle != 0 ? Matrix3x2.Rotation(info.Angle) : Matrix3x2.Identity;
            var offTL     = tl * info.Scale;
            var offBR     = br * info.Scale;
            var offTR     = new Vector2(offBR.X, offTL.Y);
            var offBL     = new Vector2(offTL.X, offBR.Y);

            BillboardVertices.Add(new BillboardVertex()
                Position   = info.Position.ToVector4(),
                Foreground = Color.White,
                Background = maskColor,
                TexTL      = info.UV_TopLeft,
                TexBR      = info.UV_BottomRight,
                OffTL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offTL),
                OffBL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offBL),
                OffBR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offBR),
                OffTR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, offTR)
        private void OnRenderFormMouseClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            // Mouse clicks are in "screen space". DirectX might be rendering the client/form in a different resolution (i.e., "world space")
            // so we need to transform the click coordinates from "screen space" to "world space".
            // It gets trickier. We want to know what facial point is clicked on. The facial point coordinates exist in "local/object space". They
            // were transformed to "world space" prior to being rendered. So, we need to transform the mouse click coordinates from "world space" to
            // the facial point "local/object space".

            Matrix3x2 inverseOfRenderTargetTransform = new Matrix3x2();

            Matrix3x2.Invert(ref this.transformation, out inverseOfRenderTargetTransform);

            Size2F renderTargetSize = this.d2dRenderTarget.Size;

            System.Drawing.Rectangle clientSize = this.renderForm.ClientRectangle;

            float scalingFromClientToRenderTargetX = renderTargetSize.Width / clientSize.Right;
            float scalingFromClientToRenderTargetY = renderTargetSize.Height / clientSize.Bottom;

            Vector2 renderTargetClickCoord            = new Vector2(e.X * scalingFromClientToRenderTargetX, e.Y * scalingFromClientToRenderTargetY);
            Vector2 transformedRenderTargetClickCoord = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(inverseOfRenderTargetTransform, renderTargetClickCoord);

            RectangleF transformedRenderTargetClickArea = new RectangleF(transformedRenderTargetClickCoord.X, transformedRenderTargetClickCoord.Y, ClickSize, ClickSize);

            this.selectedFacePointIndex = null;

            for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < this.facePoints.Length; pointIndex++)
                if (transformedRenderTargetClickArea.Contains(this.facePoints[pointIndex]))
                    this.selectedFacePointIndex = pointIndex;

            this.selectedFacePointTimeout = this.framesPerSecond.RunTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, EventTimeoutSeconds));
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2        source    = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);
            Vector <float> residuals = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(2);

            residuals[0] = target.X - source.X;
            residuals[1] = target.Y - source.Y;

            List <Bone> bones     = GetBoneChain(sourceBone).ToList();
            int         boneCount = bones.Count;

            Matrix <float> jacobian = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(2, boneCount + 2);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                Vector2 boneGradient = bones[boneIdx].GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(inputs, source);
                jacobian[0, boneIdx] = boneGradient.X;
                jacobian[1, boneIdx] = boneGradient.Y;
            jacobian[0, boneCount + 0] = RootTranslationWeight;
            jacobian[1, boneCount + 1] = RootTranslationWeight;

            Vector <float> step = jacobian.PseudoInverse().Multiply(residuals);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                var bone = bones[boneIdx];
                bone.IncrementRotation(inputs, step[boneIdx]);

            Vector2 rootTranslationStep = new Vector2(
                step[boneCount + 0],
                step[boneCount + 1]);

            inputs.Translation += rootTranslationStep * RootTranslationWeight;
Пример #24
        protected override void OnUpdateTextureAndBillboardVertices(IDeviceResources deviceResources)
            Width  = 0;
            Height = 0;
            // http://www.cyotek.com/blog/angelcode-bitmap-font-parsing-using-csharp
            var tempList = new List <BillboardVertex>(100);

            foreach (var textInfo in TextInfo)
                int  tempPrevCount = tempList.Count;
                int  x             = 0;
                int  y             = 0;
                var  w             = BitmapFont.TextureSize.Width;
                var  h             = BitmapFont.TextureSize.Height;
                char previousCharacter;

                previousCharacter = ' ';
                var normalizedText = textInfo.Text;
                var rect           = new RectangleF(textInfo.Origin.X, textInfo.Origin.Y, 0, 0);
                foreach (char character in normalizedText)
                    switch (character)
                    case '\n':
                        x  = 0;
                        y -= BitmapFont.LineHeight;

                        Character data    = BitmapFont[character];
                        int       kerning = BitmapFont.GetKerning(previousCharacter, character);
                        tempList.Add(DrawCharacter(data, new Vector3(x + data.Offset.X, y - data.Offset.Y, 0), w, h, kerning, textInfo));

                        x += data.XAdvance + kerning;
                    previousCharacter = character;
                    if (tempList.Count > 0)
                        rect.Width  = Math.Max(rect.Width, x * textInfo.Scale * textureScale);
                        rect.Height = Math.Max(rect.Height, Math.Abs(tempList.Last().OffBR.Y));
                var transform = textInfo.Angle != 0 ? Matrix3x2.Rotation(textInfo.Angle) : Matrix3x2.Identity;
                var halfW     = rect.Width / 2;
                var halfH     = rect.Height / 2;
                //Add backbround vertex first. This also used for hit test
                BillboardVertices.Add(new BillboardVertex()
                    Position   = textInfo.Origin.ToVector4(),
                    Background = textInfo.Background,
                    TexTL      = Vector2.Zero,
                    TexBR      = Vector2.Zero,
                    OffTL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, new Vector2(-halfW, halfH)),
                    OffBR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, new Vector2(halfW, -halfH)),
                    OffTR      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, new Vector2(-halfW, -halfH)),
                    OffBL      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, new Vector2(halfW, halfH)),

                textInfo.UpdateTextInfo(rect.Width, rect.Height);

                for (int k = tempPrevCount; k < tempList.Count; ++k)
                    var v = tempList[k];
                    v.OffTL     = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, v.OffTL + new Vector2(-halfW, halfH));
                    v.OffBR     = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, v.OffBR + new Vector2(-halfW, halfH));
                    v.OffTR     = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, v.OffTR + new Vector2(-halfW, halfH));
                    v.OffBL     = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(transform, v.OffBL + new Vector2(-halfW, halfH));
                    tempList[k] = v;
                Width  += rect.Width;
                Height += rect.Height;

            foreach (var v in tempList)
Пример #25
        private void DrawCircle(decimal currentValue, decimal maxValue, int thisIndex, int selectedIndex)
            int    partyIndex = (Party.PartySize - 4) * -1;
            PointF location   = new PointF(Config.CooldownBarLocation.X + (Config.CooldownBarXOffset * thisIndex), Config.CooldownBarLocation.Y + (Config.CooldownBarXOffset != 0 ? 0 : ((Config.CooldownBarYOffsets[partyIndex] * thisIndex) + Config.PartyNumBarOffsets[partyIndex])));

            if (thisIndex == selectedIndex)
                if (Config.CooldownBarYOffsets[partyIndex] > 0)
                    location.X += Config.CooldownBarSelOffset;
                    location.Y += Config.CooldownBarSelOffset;
            int  scale     = Config.CooldownBarSize.Height;
            int  lineWidth = Config.CooldownBarSize.Width;
            bool drawPie   = Config.CooldownBarSize.Width > Config.CooldownBarSize.Height * 2;

            int     val            = (int)(360 - (360 * (currentValue / (maxValue + 0.01M))));
            Vector2 circleCenter   = new Vector2(location.X, location.Y);
            Vector2 circleStart    = new Vector2(circleCenter.X, circleCenter.Y - scale);
            Vector2 circleStartBG  = new Vector2(circleCenter.X, circleCenter.Y + scale);
            float   thetaDegrees   = (float)(val * 0.0174533);
            float   thetaDegreesBG = (float)((360 - (180 - val)) * 0.0174533);
            Vector2 circleEnd      = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(Matrix3x2.Rotation(thetaDegrees, circleCenter), circleStart);
            Vector2 circleEndBG    = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(Matrix3x2.Rotation(thetaDegreesBG, circleCenter), circleStartBG);
            float   dx             = circleStart.X - circleCenter.X;
            float   dy             = circleStart.Y - circleCenter.Y;
            float   radius         = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

            if (val < 360 && BGColorBrush.Color.A > 0 && ((thisIndex != selectedIndex && FG1ColorBrush.Color.A > 0) || (thisIndex == selectedIndex && SELColorBrush.Color.A > 0)))
                using (PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(Factory)) {
                    using (GeometrySink geometrySink = pathGeometry.Open()) {
                        if (val <= 180)
                            geometrySink.BeginFigure(drawPie ? circleCenter : circleStartBG, FigureBegin.Filled);
                            if (drawPie)
                            geometrySink.AddArc(new ArcSegment()
                                Point          = (val == 0) ? circleStart : circleEndBG,
                                Size           = new Size2F(radius, radius),
                                RotationAngle  = 0.0f,
                                SweepDirection = SweepDirection.CounterClockwise,
                                ArcSize        = ArcSize.Small
                            geometrySink.EndFigure(drawPie ? FigureEnd.Closed : FigureEnd.Open);
                        geometrySink.BeginFigure(drawPie ? circleCenter : circleStart, FigureBegin.Filled);
                        if (drawPie)
                        geometrySink.AddArc(new ArcSegment()
                            Point          = (val <= 180) ? circleStartBG : circleEndBG,
                            Size           = new Size2F(radius, radius),
                            RotationAngle  = 0.0f,
                            SweepDirection = SweepDirection.CounterClockwise,
                            ArcSize        = ArcSize.Small
                        geometrySink.EndFigure(drawPie ? FigureEnd.Closed : FigureEnd.Open);
                        if (drawPie)
                            Render.FillGeometry(pathGeometry, BGColorBrush);
                            //using(StrokeStyle strokeStyle = new StrokeStyle(Factory,
                            //    new StrokeStyleProperties() { DashCap = CapStyle.Flat, DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid, LineJoin = LineJoin.Miter, StartCap = CapStyle.Flat, EndCap = CapStyle.Flat, MiterLimit = 0, DashOffset = 0 })) {
                            Render.DrawGeometry(pathGeometry, BGColorBrush, lineWidth); //, strokeStyle);

            if ((thisIndex != selectedIndex && FG1ColorBrush.Color.A > 0) || (thisIndex == selectedIndex && SELColorBrush.Color.A > 0) || (FG2ColorBrush.Color.A > 0 && val == 360))
                using (PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(Factory)) {
                    using (GeometrySink geometrySink = pathGeometry.Open()) {
                        geometrySink.BeginFigure(drawPie ? circleCenter : circleStart, FigureBegin.Filled);
                        if (drawPie)
                        geometrySink.AddArc(new ArcSegment()
                            Point          = (val > 180) ? new Vector2(circleStart.X, circleStart.Y + (radius * 2)) : circleEnd,
                            Size           = new Size2F(radius, radius),
                            RotationAngle  = 0.0f,
                            SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise,
                            ArcSize        = ArcSize.Small
                        geometrySink.EndFigure(drawPie ? FigureEnd.Closed : FigureEnd.Open);

                        if (val > 180)
                            geometrySink.BeginFigure(drawPie ? circleCenter : new Vector2(circleStart.X, circleStart.Y + (radius * 2)), FigureBegin.Filled);
                            if (drawPie)
                                geometrySink.AddLine(new Vector2(circleStart.X, circleStart.Y + (radius * 2)));
                            geometrySink.AddArc(new ArcSegment()
                                Point          = circleEnd,
                                Size           = new Size2F(radius, radius),
                                RotationAngle  = 0.0f,
                                SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise,
                                ArcSize        = ArcSize.Small
                            geometrySink.EndFigure(drawPie ? FigureEnd.Closed : FigureEnd.Open);


                        if (drawPie)
                            Render.FillGeometry(pathGeometry, val == 360 ? FG2ColorBrush : thisIndex != selectedIndex ? FG1ColorBrush : SELColorBrush);
                            //using(StrokeStyle strokeStyle = new StrokeStyle(Factory,
                            //    new StrokeStyleProperties() { DashCap = CapStyle.Flat, DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid, LineJoin = LineJoin.Miter, StartCap = CapStyle.Flat, EndCap = CapStyle.Flat, MiterLimit = 0, DashOffset = 0 })) {
                            Render.DrawGeometry(pathGeometry, val == 360 ? FG2ColorBrush : thisIndex != selectedIndex ? FG1ColorBrush : SELColorBrush, lineWidth); //, strokeStyle);

            if (Config.CooldownBarTextFontSize > 0 && Config.CooldownBarTextFontSize > 0 && val == 360 && FG2TColorBrush.Color.A > 0)
                DrawText(Config.CooldownBarTextReady != "" ? Config.CooldownBarTextReady : FormatDecimalToString(currentValue, Config.CooldownBarTextDecimal), circleCenter.X + Config.CooldownBarTextOffset.X, circleCenter.Y + Config.CooldownBarTextOffset.Y, FG2TColorBrush, BGTColorBrush);
            else if (Config.CooldownBarTextFontSize > 0 && Config.CooldownBarTextFontSize > 0 && val < 360 && thisIndex != selectedIndex && FG1TColorBrush.Color.A > 0)
                DrawText(FormatDecimalToString(currentValue, Config.CooldownBarTextDecimal), circleCenter.X + Config.CooldownBarTextOffset.X, circleCenter.Y + Config.CooldownBarTextOffset.Y, FG1TColorBrush, BGTColorBrush);
            else if (Config.CooldownBarTextFontSize > 0 && Config.CooldownBarTextFontSize > 0 && val < 360 && thisIndex == selectedIndex && SELTColorBrush.Color.A > 0)
                DrawText(FormatDecimalToString(currentValue, Config.CooldownBarTextDecimal), circleCenter.X + Config.CooldownBarTextOffset.X, circleCenter.Y + Config.CooldownBarTextOffset.Y, SELTColorBrush, BGTColorBrush);
Пример #26
 public static Vector2 RotateBy(float rotation, Vector2 v)
     return(Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(Matrix3x2.Rotation(rotation), v));
        public void DoIteration(SkeletonInputs inputs, Bone sourceBone, Vector2 unposedSource, Vector2 target)
            Vector2 source = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(sourceBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), sourceBone.End);

            List <Bone> bones     = GetBoneChain(sourceBone).ToList();
            int         boneCount = bones.Count;

            Vector <float> residuals = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(boneCount * 2 + 2);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                var bone        = bones[boneIdx];
                var posedCenter = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(bone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), bone.Center);

                var residual = bone.Center - posedCenter;
                //var residual = Vector2.Zero;
                residuals[boneIdx * 2 + 0] = BoneCenterWeight * residual.X;
                residuals[boneIdx * 2 + 1] = BoneCenterWeight * residual.Y;
            residuals[boneCount * 2 + 0] = IkTargetWeight * (target.X - source.X);
            residuals[boneCount * 2 + 1] = IkTargetWeight * (target.Y - source.Y);

            Matrix <float> jacobian = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(2 *boneCount + 2, boneCount);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                for (int targetIdx = 0; targetIdx < boneCount + 1; ++targetIdx)
                    Vector2 boneGradient;
                    if (targetIdx > boneIdx && targetIdx != boneCount)
                        //target is unaffected by this bone
                        boneGradient = Vector2.Zero;
                        Vector2 targetSource;
                        float   weight;

                        if (targetIdx < boneCount)
                            //target is a bone center
                            var targetBone = bones[targetIdx];
                            targetSource = Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(targetBone.GetChainedTransform(inputs), targetBone.Center);
                            weight       = BoneCenterWeight;
                            //target is IK target
                            targetSource = source;
                            weight       = IkTargetWeight;
                        boneGradient = weight * bones[boneIdx].GetGradientOfTransformedPointWithRespectToRotation(inputs, targetSource);

                    jacobian[targetIdx * 2 + 0, boneIdx] = boneGradient.X;
                    jacobian[targetIdx * 2 + 1, boneIdx] = boneGradient.Y;
            Vector <float> step = jacobian.PseudoInverse().Multiply(residuals);

            for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneCount; ++boneIdx)
                var bone = bones[boneIdx];
                bone.IncrementRotation(inputs, step[boneIdx]);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// 将指定的拼图原始坐标转换为拼图坐标。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">要转换的点。</param>
 /// <returns>转换得到的结果。</returns>
 private Vector2 PointToJigsaw(Vector2 point)
     return(Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(this.TransformMatrix, point));
Пример #29
 public Vector2 InvertTransformPoint(Matrix3x2 matrix, Vector2 point)
     return(Matrix3x2.TransformPoint(matrix, point));