Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the particle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new particle.
        /// </returns>
        public override IParticle GetParticle()
            // Determine initial position by displacing the particles around the InitialPosition.
            var position = this.Position;
            var scaledPositionCoefficient = PositionCoefficient * this.Scale;

            position.X += MathsHelper.Random((int)-scaledPositionCoefficient.X, (int)scaledPositionCoefficient.X);

            // Determine velocity.
            var velocity = new Vector2(0f, -0.125f);

            var lifespan = MathsHelper.Random(5, 15);
            var particle = Atlas.GetAnimatedParticle(
                recycle: true,
                fadeIn: true,
                fadeOut: true,
                frameDelay: lifespan,
                trackParent: false,
                shrink: false);

            particle.Color = curseColor;
Пример #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 desiredPosition = GetDesiredCameraPosition();
        Vector3 actualPosition  = desiredPosition;

        if (m_lerpAmount < 1.0f && m_lerpToTriggerTime > 0)
            m_lerpAmount  += (Time.deltaTime / m_lerpToTriggerTime);
            actualPosition = Vector3.Lerp(m_lerpPosition, desiredPosition, m_lerpAmount);

        if (m_shaking)
            m_shakeTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (m_shakeTime > m_shakeLerp)
                m_lastShakePositionOffset = m_shakePositionOffset;

                m_shakeTime           = 0.0f;
                m_shakePositionOffset = MathsHelper.RandomWithNegativeVector2() * m_shakeDistance;

            actualPosition += Vector3.Lerp(m_lastShakePositionOffset, m_shakePositionOffset, m_shakeTime / m_shakeLerp);

        transform.position = actualPosition;
        public void DivisonTest()
            MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result = helper.Division(20, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result);
Пример #4
        public void SubtractTest()
            MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result = helper.Subtract(20, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, result);
    void OnSceneGUI()
        IntersectionTester tester = (IntersectionTester)target;

        float handleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize((Vector3)tester.v0) / 8.0f;

        tester.v0 = Handles.Slider2D(tester.v0, Vector3.up, Vector3.right, Vector3.forward, handleSize, Handles.SphereCap, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f));
        tester.v1 = Handles.Slider2D(tester.v1, Vector3.up, Vector3.right, Vector3.forward, handleSize, Handles.SphereCap, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f));
        tester.v2 = Handles.Slider2D(tester.v2, Vector3.up, Vector3.right, Vector3.forward, handleSize, Handles.SphereCap, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f));
        tester.v3 = Handles.Slider2D(tester.v3, Vector3.up, Vector3.right, Vector3.forward, handleSize, Handles.SphereCap, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f));
        tester.v4 = Handles.Slider2D(tester.v4, Vector3.up, Vector3.right, Vector3.forward, handleSize, Handles.SphereCap, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f));

        Vector2 altV0 = new Vector2(tester.v0.x, tester.v0.z);
        Vector2 altV1 = new Vector2(tester.v1.x, tester.v1.z);
        Vector2 altV2 = new Vector2(tester.v2.x, tester.v2.z);
        Vector2 altV3 = new Vector2(tester.v3.x, tester.v3.z);
        Vector2 altV4 = new Vector2(tester.v4.x, tester.v4.z);

        Vector2 i0, i1;

        bool intersection = MathsHelper.LineTriIntersect(altV0, altV1, altV2, altV3, altV4, out i0, out i1);

        intersection |= MathsHelper.LineInTri(altV0, altV1, altV2, altV3, altV4);

        Handles.color = intersection ? Color.red : Color.green;

        Handles.DrawLine(tester.v0, tester.v1);

        Handles.DrawLine(tester.v2, tester.v3);
        Handles.DrawLine(tester.v4, tester.v3);
        Handles.DrawLine(tester.v4, tester.v2);
Пример #6
    public void Open(GameObject trigger)
        Vector2 posXY = new Vector2(trigger.transform.position.x, trigger.transform.position.z);

        Vector2 hingeStart = new Vector2(PivotPosition.x, PivotPosition.z);
        Vector2 hingeEnd   = hingeStart + new Vector2(DoorDirection.x, DoorDirection.z);

        float sign = MathsHelper.sign(posXY, hingeStart, hingeEnd);

        sign            = sign / Mathf.Abs(sign);
        m_lerpDirection = -sign;        // 1.0f;

        m_openInteraction.Enabled  = false;
        m_closeInteraction.Enabled = true;

        m_targetValue = -sign;
        m_sourceValue = 0.0f;

        AudioSource source = GetComponent <AudioSource>() as AudioSource;

        if (source != null)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the area enclosed by this curve, were the start and end points to be
        /// joined by a straight line segment.
        /// A plane may optionally be specified, otherwise by default the projected area on
        /// the XY plane will be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="centroid">Output.  The centroid of the enclosed area, in local coordinates
        /// on the specified plane.</param>
        /// <param name="onPlane">The plane to use to calculate the area.
        /// If not specified, the XY plane will be used.</param>
        /// <returns>The signed area enclosed by this curve on the specified plane,
        /// as a double.</returns>
        public override double CalculateEnclosedArea(out Vector centroid, Plane onPlane = null)
            double result = 0;

            centroid = Vector.Zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < SubCurves.Count; i++)
                Curve  subCrv = SubCurves[i];
                Vector start  = subCrv.StartPoint;
                Vector end    = subCrv.EndPoint;
                if (onPlane != null)
                    start = onPlane.GlobalToLocal(start);
                    end   = onPlane.GlobalToLocal(end);
                double areaUnder = MathsHelper.AreaUnder(start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y, ref centroid);
                result += areaUnder;
                Vector subCentroid;
                double subArea = subCrv.CalculateEnclosedArea(out subCentroid, onPlane);
                result   += subArea;
                centroid += subCentroid * subArea;
            centroid /= result;
Пример #8
    private void ShotgunState()
        m_timeSinceLastShot += Time.deltaTime;
        float attackRate = 1 / (m_shotgunAttackSpeed);

        if (m_timeSinceLastShot > attackRate)

            m_timeSinceLastShot = 0.0f;
            int     bulletsToFire   = Random.Range(m_shotgunAttackCountMin, m_shotgunAttackCountMax);
            Vector2 playerDirection = m_movement.DirectionToPlayer();
            for (int i = 0; i < bulletsToFire; ++i)
                Vector2 attackNormal   = playerDirection.PerpendicularClockwise();
                Vector2 inaccuracy     = attackNormal * MathsHelper.RandomWithNegative() * (m_shotgunAttackInaccuracy * m_stage);
                Vector2 attackVelocity = (playerDirection + inaccuracy) * (m_shotgunBulletSpeed + m_shotgunAttackVelocityVariance * m_stage * Random.value);
                m_shooting.Shoot(attackVelocity, 1);

        if (m_timeInState > m_shotgunDuration)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the position of the inner corner
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roadIndexA">The first road index</param>
        /// <param name="roadIndexB">The second road index</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">The magnitude of the corner</param>
        /// <param name="posOut">The position of the innre corner</param>
        /// <returns>True if we have found a cross over</returns>
        public bool GetInnerCorner(int roadIndexA, int roadIndexB, float magnitude, out Vector3 posOut)
            Vector3         pos        = gameObject.transform.position;
            RoadNetworkNode rnn        = Details.Roads[roadIndexA].GetComponent <RoadNetworkNode>();
            Vector3         roadPointA = rnn.GetOffSetDownRoad(pos, magnitude);

            RoadNetworkNode rnnB       = Details.Roads[roadIndexB].GetComponent <RoadNetworkNode>();
            Vector3         roadPointB = rnnB.GetOffSetDownRoad(pos, magnitude);

            Vector3 roadPointAEnd = MathsHelper.OffSetVector(
                Details.Roads[roadIndexA].GetAngleOfRoad(pos) + (float)(Math.PI / 2),

            Vector3 roadPointBEnd = MathsHelper.OffSetVector(
                Details.Roads[roadIndexB].GetAngleOfRoad(pos) + (float)(Math.PI / 2),

            posOut = new Vector3();
            Vector3 outB  = new Vector3();
            Vector3 diffA = roadPointA - roadPointAEnd;
            Vector3 diffB = roadPointB - roadPointBEnd;

            if (MathsHelper.ClosestPointsOnTwoLines(out posOut, out outB, roadPointA, diffA.normalized, roadPointB, diffB.normalized))

            posOut = (roadPointA + roadPointB) / 2;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update all of the end points of the cross roads
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">The orderd list of roads</param>
        /// <param name="mbs">The created mesg builder</param>
        /// <param name="leftIntersectionInner">The inner left cross section</param>
        /// <param name="leftIntersectionOutter">The outter left cross section</param>
        /// <param name="rightIntersectionInner">The inner right cross section</param>
        /// <param name="rightIntersectionOutter">The outter right cross section</param>
        /// <param name="middleIntersectionInner">The middle road cross sections</param>
        /// <param name="oppositeIntersectionInner">The opposite road cross sections</param>
        private void UpdateRoadNodesEndPoints(out RoadCrossRoadOrder order, out MeshBuilderSection mbs, out RoadCrossSection leftIntersectionInner, out RoadCrossSection leftIntersectionOutter, out RoadCrossSection rightIntersectionInner, out RoadCrossSection rightIntersectionOutter, out RoadCrossSection middleIntersectionInner, out RoadCrossSection oppositeIntersectionInner)
            RoadNetworkNode roadA = _roadNetworkNode.Details.Roads[0];
            RoadNetworkNode roadB = _roadNetworkNode.Details.Roads[1];
            RoadNetworkNode roadC = _roadNetworkNode.Details.Roads[2];
            RoadNetworkNode roadD = _roadNetworkNode.Details.Roads[3];

            order = new RoadCrossRoadOrder(
                _list[0], roadA,
                _list[1], roadB,
                _list[2], roadC,
                _list[3], roadD);
            mbs = new MeshBuilderSection(_roadObject, null, _materialName, 0);

            // left road
            Vector3 posA;
            Vector3 posA2;
            Vector3 posB;

            FindOverlapPoint(order.MiddleRoad.Angle, order.LeftRoad.Angle, order.MiddleRoad.CurbLeftEnd, order.LeftRoad.CurbRightEnd, out posA);
            FindOverlapPoint(order.MiddleRoad.Angle, order.LeftRoad.Angle, order.MiddleRoad.Left, order.LeftRoad.CurbRightEnd, out posA2);
            FindOverlapPoint(order.OppositeRoad.Angle, order.LeftRoad.Angle, order.OppositeRoad.CurbRightEnd, order.LeftRoad.CurbLeftEnd, out posB);

            Vector3 curbToCurb   = posA - posB;
            float   newRoadAngle = -MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(curbToCurb.z, curbToCurb.x) + (Mathf.PI / 2);

            leftIntersectionInner  = order.LeftRoad.GetIntersection(newRoadAngle, posA);
            leftIntersectionOutter = order.LeftRoad.GetIntersection(newRoadAngle, posA2);
            FindOverlapPoint(order.MiddleRoad.Angle, order.RightRoad.Angle, order.MiddleRoad.CurbRightEnd, order.RightRoad.CurbLeftEnd, out posA);
            FindOverlapPoint(order.MiddleRoad.Angle, order.RightRoad.Angle, order.MiddleRoad.Right, order.RightRoad.CurbLeftEnd, out posA2);
            FindOverlapPoint(order.OppositeRoad.Angle, order.RightRoad.Angle, order.OppositeRoad.CurbLeftEnd, order.RightRoad.CurbRightEnd, out posB);
            curbToCurb = posB - posA;

            newRoadAngle            = -MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(curbToCurb.z, curbToCurb.x) + (Mathf.PI / 2);
            rightIntersectionInner  = order.RightRoad.GetIntersection(newRoadAngle, posA);
            rightIntersectionOutter = order.RightRoad.GetIntersection(newRoadAngle, posA2);
            curbToCurb              = rightIntersectionInner.CurbLeftEnd - leftIntersectionInner.CurbRightEnd;
            newRoadAngle            = -MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(curbToCurb.z, curbToCurb.x) + (Mathf.PI / 2);
            middleIntersectionInner = order.MiddleRoad.GetIntersection(newRoadAngle, rightIntersectionInner.CurbLeftEnd);
            curbToCurb              = rightIntersectionInner.CurbRightEnd - leftIntersectionInner.CurbLeftEnd;
            newRoadAngle            = -MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(curbToCurb.z, curbToCurb.x) - (Mathf.PI / 2);

            oppositeIntersectionInner = order.OppositeRoad.GetIntersection(newRoadAngle, rightIntersectionInner.CurbRightEnd);

            // Store the ids so we know where to update them later
            Guid leftRoadNodeId     = order.LeftRoad.ID;
            Guid rightRoadNodeId    = order.RightRoad.ID;
            Guid middleRoadNodeId   = order.MiddleRoad.ID;
            Guid oppositeRoadNodeId = order.OppositeRoad.ID;

            order.ReSetLeft(FindSmallestRoadForJunction(order.LeftRoadNode, leftIntersectionInner, order.LeftRoad.Middle));
            order.ReSetRight(FindSmallestRoadForJunction(order.RightRoadNode, rightIntersectionInner, order.RightRoad.Middle));
            order.ReSetMiddle(FindSmallestRoadForJunction(order.MiddleRoadNode, middleIntersectionInner, order.MiddleRoad.Middle));
            order.ReSetOpposite(FindSmallestRoadForJunction(order.OppositeRoadNode, oppositeIntersectionInner, order.OppositeRoad.Middle));

            IntersectionManager.Instance.SetIntersection(leftRoadNodeId, order.LeftRoad);
            IntersectionManager.Instance.SetIntersection(middleRoadNodeId, order.MiddleRoad);
            IntersectionManager.Instance.SetIntersection(rightRoadNodeId, order.RightRoad);
            IntersectionManager.Instance.SetIntersection(oppositeRoadNodeId, order.OppositeRoad);
Пример #11
        public void AddTest()
            MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result = helper.Add(20, 10);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(34, result);
Пример #12
        public void Add_20_and_10_40expected_30returned_test_fail()
            MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result = helper.Add(20, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(40, result);
        public void MultiplicationTest()
            MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result = helper.Multiplication(20, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, result);
Пример #14
        // Spawns the associated prefab
        public virtual void SpawnPrefab()
            if (TargetInventory != null)
                // if there's a prefab set for the item at this slot, we instantiate it at the specified offset
                if (Prefab != null && TargetInventory.TargetTransform != null)
                    GameObject droppedObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Prefab);
                    if (droppedObject.GetComponent <ItemPicker>() != null)
                        droppedObject.GetComponent <ItemPicker>().Quantity = Quantity;
                    // we randomize the drop position
                    Vector3 randomDropDirection = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere;
                    Vector3 randomDropDistance = MathsHelper.RandomVector3(PrefabDropMinDistance, PrefabDropMaxDistance);
                    randomDropDirection = Vector3.Scale(randomDropDirection, randomDropDistance);

                    if (SpawnShape == SpawnShapes.HalfCircle)
                        randomDropDirection.y = Mathf.Abs(randomDropDirection.y);

                    droppedObject.transform.position = TargetInventory.TargetTransform.position + randomDropDirection;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the particle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new particle.
        /// </returns>
        protected override IParticle GetParticle()
            // Determine which edge this particle should be set to.
            var verticalPosition = MathsHelper.Random((int)DrawingManager.BaseResolutionHeight);
            var position         = Vector2.Zero;
            var velocity         = Vector2.Zero;
            var size             = MathsHelper.Random() > 50 ? ParticleEffectConstants.Medium : ParticleEffectConstants.Small;

            if (!this.flipOriginEdge)
                // Start from the left edge.
                position            = new Vector2(0f, verticalPosition);
                velocity            = this.velocities[Direction.Right][MathsHelper.Random(this.velocities[Direction.Right].Count)];
                this.flipOriginEdge = true;
                // Start from the right edge.
                position            = new Vector2(DrawingManager.BaseResolutionWidth - size, verticalPosition);
                velocity            = this.velocities[Direction.Left][MathsHelper.Random(this.velocities[Direction.Left].Count)];
                this.flipOriginEdge = false;

            return(new Particle(null, position, velocity, 0f, 0f, Vector2.One, MathsHelper.Random(15, 60), new Rectangle(0, 0, size, size), recycle: this.Flags[ParticleEffectFlag.Recycle], fadeIn: false, fadeOut: true, trackParent: false, shrink: false)
                Texture = TextureManager.GetColorTexture(this.Color)
Пример #16
        public void AddTest()
            MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result = helper.Add(20, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(30, result);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the angle of the road
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseObject">The road to get the angle from</param>
        /// <returns>The angle of the road</returns>
        public float GetAngleOfRoad(Vector3 baseObject)
            Vector3 endPosition = transform.position;
            Vector3 diff        = endPosition - baseObject;

            return(MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(diff.x, diff.z) - Mathf.PI / 2);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw all the roads linked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameObject"></param>
        internal void DrawRoads(GameObject gameObject)
            if (Roads == null)

            Vector3 roadCorner = gameObject.transform.position;

            for (int i = 0; i < Roads.Count; i++)
                if (Roads[i] == null)

                Vector3 roadA = Roads[i].gameObject.transform.position;
                Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
                if (Modified || Roads[i].Details.Modified)
                    Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;

                Gizmos.DrawLine(roadA, roadCorner);
                float roadWidth = RoadConstructorHelper.CrossSectionDetails.RoadWidthValue / 2;

                Gizmos.color = Color.green;
                Vector3 intersectionDown = Roads[i].GetOffSetDownRoad(roadCorner, 0);
                float   a    = Roads[i].GetAngleOfRoad(roadCorner);
                Vector3 endA = MathsHelper.OffSetVector(intersectionDown, a + (Mathf.PI / 2), roadWidth);
                Vector3 endB = MathsHelper.OffSetVector(intersectionDown, a - (Mathf.PI / 2), roadWidth);

                Gizmos.DrawLine(endA, endB);
Пример #19
    void Update()
        float angleIncrease = Frequency * MathsHelper.TAU * Time.deltaTime;

        Angle += angleIncrease;
        Angle  = MathsHelper.WrapAngle(Angle);
        value  = Mathf.Sin(Angle) * Amplitude;
Пример #20
 private void RandomWanderTarget()
     if (m_triggerableAI.GetTriggerArea() != null)
         Collider2D triggerArea = m_triggerableAI.GetTriggerArea().GetComponent <Collider2D>();
         m_wanderTarget  = triggerArea.bounds.center;
         m_wanderTarget += MathsHelper.RandomWithNegativeVector2() * triggerArea.bounds.extents;
Пример #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MathsHelper calculator = new MathsHelper();
            int         r          = calculator.Add(3, 7);
            int         R          = calculator.Subtract(r, -7);

            Console.WriteLine("3 + 7 = {0} 10 - 7 = {1}" + Environment.NewLine + "Press any key...", r, 8);
Пример #22
        public bool CheckComplete(Vector2f currentPosition)
            if (MathsHelper.LineToPointDistance2D(LastWaypoint, currentPosition) < WaypointTolerance)

Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the Engine Component.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Initialize()
     // Aura has 2 horizontal directions.
     for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         var horizontalVelocity = MathsHelper.NextFloat();
         this.velocities[Direction.Right].Add(new Vector2(horizontalVelocity, 0f));
         this.velocities[Direction.Left].Add(new Vector2(-horizontalVelocity, 0f));
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the intersection of two points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angleA">The first angle</param>
        /// <param name="angleB">The second angle</param>
        /// <param name="pointA">The first point</param>
        /// <param name="pointB">the second point</param>
        /// <param name="intersectionPoint">The intersection of the two angles</param>
        private static void GetPointFrom(float angleA, float angleB, Vector3 pointA, Vector3 pointB, out Vector3 intersectionPoint)
            Vector3 offSetPointA = MathsHelper.OffSetVector(pointA, angleA - (float)(Math.PI / 2), 50);
            Vector3 offsetPointB = MathsHelper.OffSetVector(pointB, angleB - (float)(Math.PI / 2), 50);
            Vector3 outB         = new Vector3();
            Vector3 diffA        = offSetPointA - pointA;
            Vector3 diffB        = offsetPointB - pointB;

            MathsHelper.ClosestPointsOnTwoLines(out intersectionPoint, out outB, pointA, diffA.normalized, pointB, diffB.normalized);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the particle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new particle.
        /// </returns>
        protected override IParticle GetParticle()
            // Randomize this particle's lifespan.
            var lifespan = MathsHelper.Random(60, 300);

            return(new Particle(null, Vector2.Zero, velocities[MathsHelper.Random(this.velocities.Count)], 0f, 0f, Vector2.One, lifespan, new Rectangle(0, 0, ParticleEffectConstants.Small, ParticleEffectConstants.Small), recycle: this.Flags[ParticleEffectFlag.Recycle], fadeIn: false, fadeOut: true, trackParent: false, shrink: false)
                Texture = TextureManager.GetColorTexture(this.Color)
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the angle of the road
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roadNetworkNode">The main node</param>
        /// <returns>The angle of the road</returns>
        private float GetAngleOfRoad(RoadNetworkNode rnn)
            GameObject StartObj = _roadNetworkNode.gameObject;
            GameObject EndObj   = rnn.gameObject;

            Vector3 startPosition = StartObj.transform.position;
            Vector3 endPosition   = EndObj.transform.position;
            Vector3 diff          = startPosition - endPosition;

            return(MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(diff.x, diff.z));
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the angle of the road
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roadNetworkNode">The main node</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of the road</param>
        /// <returns>The angle of the road</returns>
        public static float GetAngleOfRoadClampped(RoadNetworkNode roadNetworkNode, int index)
            GameObject StartObj = roadNetworkNode.gameObject;
            GameObject EndObj   = roadNetworkNode.Details.Roads[index].gameObject;

            Vector3 startPosition = StartObj.transform.position;
            Vector3 endPosition   = EndObj.transform.position;
            Vector3 diff          = startPosition - endPosition;

            return(MathsHelper.ClampAngle(MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(diff.x, diff.z)));
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the best angle from all the roads
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The best angle</returns>
        private float GetCurrentAngle()
            if (Details.Union == UNION_TYPE.NONE)

            Vector3 pos = Details.Roads[0].transform.position - transform.position;

            return(MathsHelper.GetAngleFrom(pos.x, pos.z));
        public void Add_20_10_returned_30()
            int a        = 20;
            int b        = 10;
            int expected = 30;

            MathsHelper mathHelper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result     = mathHelper.Add(a, b);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, expected);
        public void Subtract_20_10_returned_10()
            int a        = 20;
            int b        = 10;
            int expected = 10;

            MathsHelper mathHelper = new MathsHelper();
            int         result     = mathHelper.Subtract(a, b);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Пример #31
 public static void Main()
         MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
         Console.WriteLine(helper.Add(10, 20));
     catch (Exception ex)
Пример #32
 public void AddTest()
     MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
     int result = helper.Add(20, 10);
     Assert.AreEqual(30, result);
Пример #33
 public void SubtractTest()
     MathsHelper helper = new MathsHelper();
     int result = helper.Subtract(20, 10);
     Assert.AreEqual(20, result);