IsNearBeziers() публичный статический Метод

public static IsNearBeziers ( Vector2 p, BezierPoint points, float rad ) : bool
p Vector2
points BezierPoint
rad float
Результат bool
    public static void DrawBezier(BezierPoint[] points, float rad, Color col, Texture2D tex)
        rad = Mathf.Round(rad);//It is important to round the numbers otherwise it will mess up with the texture width

        if (points.Length <= 1)

        Vector2 topleft     = new Vector2(Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity);
        Vector2 bottomright = new Vector2(0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
            Vector2     main     = points[i].main;
            Vector2     control2 = points[i].control2;
            Vector2     control1 = points[i + 1].control1;
            Vector2     main2    = points[i + 1].main;
            BezierCurve curve    = new BezierCurve(main, control2, control1, main2);
            points[i].curve2     = curve;
            points[i + 1].curve1 = curve;

            topleft.x = Mathf.Min(topleft.x, curve.rect.x);

            topleft.y = Mathf.Min(topleft.y, curve.rect.y);

            bottomright.x = Mathf.Max(bottomright.x, curve.rect.x + curve.rect.width);

            bottomright.y = Mathf.Max(bottomright.y, curve.rect.y + curve.rect.height);

        topleft     -= new Vector2(rad, rad);
        bottomright += new Vector2(rad, rad);

        var start = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(topleft.x, 0, tex.width), Mathf.Clamp(topleft.y, 0, tex.height));
        var width = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(bottomright.x - topleft.x, 0, tex.width - start.x), Mathf.Clamp(bottomright.y - topleft.y, 0, tex.height - start.y));

        Color[] pixels = tex.GetPixels((int)start.x, (int)start.y, (int)width.x, (int)width.y, 0);

        for (var y = 0; y < width.y; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width.x; x++)
                var p = new Vector2(x + start.x, y + start.y);
                if (!Mathfx.IsNearBeziers(p, points, rad + 2))

                var samples = Sample(p);
                var c       =;
                var pc      = pixels[y * (int)width.x + x];//Previous pixel color
                for (var i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                    if (Mathfx.IsNearBeziers(samples[i], points, rad))
                        c += col;
                        c += pc;

                c /= samples.Length;

                pixels[y * (int)width.x + x] = c;

        tex.SetPixels((int)start.x, (int)start.y, (int)width.x, (int)width.y, pixels, 0);