Пример #1
 protected override bool CanDecreaseVelocity(float minSpeed) =>
 Mathf.Abs(physicalProperties.targetVelocity.x) > minSpeed + COMPARE_VELOCITY_TOLERANCE;
    private float _tmpAngularVelocity; //random angular velocity from -angularVelocity to +angularVelocity, if randomRotation is true;

    override public void Explode()
        if (on)
            _particleEmitter.useWorldSpace = useWorldSpace;

            _scaledDuration          = timeScale * duration;
            _scaledDurationVariation = timeScale * durationVariation;
            _scaledStartRadius       = size * startRadius;

            _particleRenderer.particleRenderMode = renderMode;

            if (!_delayedExplosionStarted)
                _explodeDelay = explodeDelayMin + (Random.value * (explodeDelayMax - explodeDelayMin));
            if (_explodeDelay <= 0)
                Color[] modifiedColors = _particleAnimator.colorAnimation;

                if (useExplicitColorAnimation)
                    modifiedColors[0] = colorAnimation[0];
                    modifiedColors[1] = colorAnimation[1];
                    modifiedColors[2] = colorAnimation[2];
                    modifiedColors[3] = colorAnimation[3];
                    modifiedColors[4] = colorAnimation[4];
                else                 //auto fade
                    modifiedColors[0] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, (color.a * .7f));
                    modifiedColors[1] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, (color.a * 1f));
                    modifiedColors[2] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, (color.a * .5f));
                    modifiedColors[3] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, (color.a * .3f));
                    modifiedColors[4] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, (color.a * 0f));
                _particleAnimator.colorAnimation = modifiedColors;
                _particleRenderer.material       = material;
                _particleAnimator.force          = force;
                _tmpCount = count * detail;
                if (_tmpCount < 1)
                    _tmpCount = 1;

                if (_particleEmitter.useWorldSpace == true)
                    _thisPos = this.gameObject.transform.position;
                    _thisPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                for (int i = 1; i <= _tmpCount; i++)
                    _tmpPos = Vector3.Scale(Random.insideUnitSphere, new Vector3(_scaledStartRadius, _scaledStartRadius, _scaledStartRadius));
                    _tmpPos = _thisPos + _tmpPos;

                    _tmpDir   = Vector3.Scale(Random.insideUnitSphere, new Vector3(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z));
                    _tmpDir.y = (_tmpDir.y + (2 * (Mathf.Abs(_tmpDir.y) * upwardsBias)));

                    if (randomRotation == true)
                        _randomizedRotation = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
                        _tmpAngularVelocity = Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * angularVelocity;
                        _randomizedRotation = 0f;
                        _tmpAngularVelocity = angularVelocity;

                    _tmpDir = Vector3.Scale(_tmpDir, new Vector3(size, size, size));

                    _tmpParticleSize = size * (particleSize + (Random.value * sizeVariation));

                    _tmpDuration = _scaledDuration + (Random.value * _scaledDurationVariation);
                    _particleEmitter.Emit(_tmpPos, _tmpDir, _tmpParticleSize, _tmpDuration, color, _randomizedRotation, _tmpAngularVelocity);

                _emitTime = Time.time;
                _delayedExplosionStarted = false;
                _explodeDelay            = 0f;
                //tell update to start reducing the start delay and call explode again when it's zero
                _delayedExplosionStarted = true;
        public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
            if (!_isDragging)
            if (!isValid)
            //Set dragging object on cursor
            var     canvas = _draggingObject.GetComponentInParent <Canvas>();
            Vector3 worldPoint;

            RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(canvas.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), eventData.position,
                                                                    canvas.worldCamera, out worldPoint);

            switch (constraint)
            case Constraint.Horizontal:
                worldPoint.x = _fakeElement.position.x;

            case Constraint.Vertical:
                worldPoint.y = _fakeElement.position.y;

            default: break;

            _draggingObject.position = worldPoint;

            //Check everything under the cursor to find a ReorderableList
            EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(eventData, _raycastResults);
            for (int i = 0; i < _raycastResults.Count; i++)
                _currentReorderableListRaycasted = _raycastResults[i].gameObject.GetComponent <ReorderableList>();
                if (_currentReorderableListRaycasted != null)

            //If nothing found or the list is not dropable, put the fake element outsite
            if (_currentReorderableListRaycasted == null || _currentReorderableListRaycasted.IsDropable == false)
                _fakeElement.transform.SetParent(_reorderableList.DraggableArea, false);
            //Else find the best position on the list and put fake element on the right index
                if (!IsTransferable && _reorderableList != _currentReorderableListRaycasted)
                if (_fakeElement.parent != _currentReorderableListRaycasted)
                    _fakeElement.SetParent(_currentReorderableListRaycasted.Content, false);

                float minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
                int   targetIndex = 0;
                float dist        = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < _currentReorderableListRaycasted.Content.childCount; j++)
                    var c = _currentReorderableListRaycasted.Content.GetChild(j).GetComponent <RectTransform>();

                    if (_currentReorderableListRaycasted.ContentLayout is VerticalLayoutGroup)
                        dist = Mathf.Abs(c.position.y - worldPoint.y);
                    else if (_currentReorderableListRaycasted.ContentLayout is HorizontalLayoutGroup)
                        dist = Mathf.Abs(c.position.x - worldPoint.x);
                    else if (_currentReorderableListRaycasted.ContentLayout is GridLayoutGroup)
                        dist = (Mathf.Abs(c.position.x - worldPoint.x) + Mathf.Abs(c.position.y - worldPoint.y));

                    if (dist < minDistance)
                        minDistance = dist;
                        targetIndex = j;

Пример #4
        public void UpdateAnimation()
            if (aniInfo == null || IsPause())

            if (isInTransition)
                transitionTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                float weight = transitionTimer / transitionDuration;
                transitionProgress = Mathf.Min(weight, 1.0f);
                if (transitionProgress >= 1.0f)
                    isInTransition = false;
                    preAniIndex    = -1;
                    preAniFrame    = -1;
            float speed = playSpeed * speedParameter;

            curFrame += speed * Time.deltaTime * aniInfo[aniIndex].fps;
            int totalFrame = aniInfo[aniIndex].totalFrame;

            switch (wrapMode)
            case WrapMode.Loop:
                if (curFrame < 0f)
                    curFrame += (totalFrame - 1);
                else if (curFrame > totalFrame - 1)
                    curFrame -= (totalFrame - 1);

            case WrapMode.PingPong:
                if (curFrame < 0f)
                    speedParameter = Mathf.Abs(speedParameter);
                    curFrame       = Mathf.Abs(curFrame);
                else if (curFrame > totalFrame - 1)
                    speedParameter = -Mathf.Abs(speedParameter);
                    curFrame       = 2 * (totalFrame - 1) - curFrame;

            case WrapMode.Default:
            case WrapMode.Once:
                if (curFrame < 0f || curFrame > totalFrame - 1.0f)

            curFrame = Mathf.Clamp(curFrame, 0f, totalFrame - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i != listAttachment.Count; ++i)
                AnimationInstancing attachment = listAttachment[i];
                attachment.transform.position = transform.position;
                attachment.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
    public bool BoxVsSphereCollision(CustomBoxCollider box, CustomSphereCollider sphere, out CustomCollisionInfo info)
        info = new CustomCollisionInfo();
        var spherePosition = sphere.transform.position + sphere.colliderOffset;
        var boxPosition    = box.transform.position + box.colliderOffset;

        //List<Vector3> box1Points = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints();
        //List<Vector3> box2Points = new List<Vector3>();
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition + sphere.U() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition - sphere.U() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition + sphere.V() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition - sphere.V() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition + sphere.W() * sphere.radius);
        //box2Points.Add(spherePosition - sphere.W() * sphere.radius);

        //var P1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, box.V());
        //var P2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, box.V());
        //var Q1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, box.U());
        //var Q2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, box.U());
        //var R1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, box.W());
        //var R2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, box.W());

        //var S1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, sphere.V());
        //var S2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, sphere.V());
        //var T1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, sphere.U());
        //var T2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, sphere.U());
        //var U1 = GetMinMaxObj(box1Points, sphere.W());
        //var U2 = GetMinMaxObj(box2Points, sphere.W());

        //bool P = P1.max < P2.min || P2.max < P1.min;
        //bool Q = Q1.max < Q2.min || Q2.max < Q1.min;
        //bool R = R1.max < R2.min || R2.max < R1.min;
        //bool S = S1.max < S2.min || S2.max < S1.min;
        //bool T = T1.max < T2.min || T2.max < T1.min;
        //bool U = U1.max < U2.min || U2.max < U1.min;

        ////Check if seperated
        //bool res = P || Q || R || S || T || U;

        //if (!res)
        //    info.intersectionSize.x =
        //        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min((spherePosition + (sphere.U() * sphere.radius + sphere.V() * sphere.radius + sphere.W() * sphere.radius)).x, box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x), 0);
        //    info.intersectionSize.y =
        //        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min((spherePosition + (sphere.U() * sphere.radius + sphere.V() * sphere.radius + sphere.W() * sphere.radius)).y, box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y), 0);
        //    info.intersectionSize.z =
        //        Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min((spherePosition + (sphere.U() * sphere.radius + sphere.V() * sphere.radius + sphere.W() * sphere.radius)).z, box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z), 0);
        //    DrawBoundingVolume(box, Color.red, true);
        //    DrawBoundingVolume(sphere, Color.red, true, CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere);

        //return res;

        var normal = (boxPosition - spherePosition).normalized;
        var rad    = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(box.U(), normal) + Vector3.Dot(box.V(), normal) + Vector3.Dot(box.W(), normal));
        var dot    = Vector3.Dot(boxPosition, normal) - Vector3.Dot(spherePosition, normal);

        if (dot < rad)
            var xMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
            var yMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
            var zMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

            var xMax2 = spherePosition.x + sphere.radius;
            var yMax2 = spherePosition.y + sphere.radius;
            var zMax2 = spherePosition.z + sphere.radius;

            info.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0);
            info.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0);
            info.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0);
            DrawBoundingVolume(box, Color.red, true);
            DrawBoundingVolume(sphere, Color.red, true, CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere);

        //Vector3 v;
        //var centerBox = box.transform.position + box.colliderOffset;
        //var currentCorner = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints()[0];
        //var max = Vector3.Distance(centerBox, spherePosition);
        //var box2sphere = boxPosition - spherePosition;
        //var box2SphereNormalised = box2sphere.normalized;
        //var points = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().GetPoints();
        //var closestPoint = centerBox;
        //for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; ++i)
        //    currentCorner = points[i];
        //    if (Vector3.Distance(currentCorner, spherePosition) < max)
        //        closestPoint = currentCorner;

        //if ((sphere.radius - (spherePosition - closestPoint).magnitude) <= 0)
        //    return false;
        //    var xMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
        //    var yMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
        //    var zMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

        //    var xMax2 = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.x - closestPoint.x);
        //    var yMax2 = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.y - closestPoint.y);
        //    var zMax2 = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.z - closestPoint.z);

        //   // info.intersectionSize.x = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.x - closestPoint.x);
        //   // info.intersectionSize.y = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.y - closestPoint.y);
        //   // info.intersectionSize.z = sphere.radius - (spherePosition.z - closestPoint.z);

        //    info.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0) * 2;
        //    info.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0) * 2;
        //    info.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0) * 2;

        //    return true;

        //if (box2sphere.magnitude - max - sphere.radius > 0 && box2sphere.magnitude > 0)
        //    return false;

        //DrawBoundingVolume(box, Color.red, true);
        //DrawBoundingVolume(sphere, Color.red, true, CustomCollider.ColliderType.Sphere);

        //var xMin1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.x;
        //var xMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.x;
        //var yMin1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.y;
        //var yMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.y;
        //var zMin1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().min.z;
        //var zMax1 = box.GetOrientedBoxBounds().max.z;

        //var xMin2 = spherePosition.x - sphere.radius;
        //var xMax2 = spherePosition.x + sphere.radius;
        //var yMin2 = spherePosition.y - sphere.radius;
        //var yMax2 = spherePosition.y + sphere.radius;
        //var zMin2 = spherePosition.z - sphere.radius;
        //var zMax2 = spherePosition.z + sphere.radius;

        //info.intersectionSize.x = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(xMax2, xMax1), 0);
        //info.intersectionSize.y = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(yMax2, yMax1), 0);
        //info.intersectionSize.z = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(zMax2, zMax1), 0);

        //return true;
Пример #6
    public void Update(OVRPose headPose, OVRPose remotePose, UnityEngine.XR.XRNode handNode, bool recenteredController, out OVRPose outPose)
        float eyeYaw;
        float eyePitch;
        float eyeRoll;

        GetYawPitchRoll(headPose.orientation, out eyeYaw, out eyePitch, out eyeRoll);

        TorsoYaw = ConstrainTorsoYaw(headPose.orientation, TorsoYaw);

        if (recenteredController)
            TorsoYaw = eyeYaw;

        OVRPose FootPose = MakePose(Quaternion.AngleAxis(TorsoYaw * Mathf.Rad2Deg, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)),
                                    new Vector3(headPose.position.x, headPose.position.y, headPose.position.z));

        float   handSign = (handNode == UnityEngine.XR.XRNode.LeftHand) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
        OVRPose pose     = Skeleton[ClavicleJointIdx].Key;

        pose.position.x            = Mathf.Abs(Skeleton[ClavicleJointIdx].Key.position.x) * handSign;
        Skeleton[ClavicleJointIdx] = new OvrJoint(pose, Skeleton[ClavicleJointIdx].Value);

        List <OvrJointMod> jointMods = new List <OvrJointMod>();

        Quaternion remoteRot = new Quaternion(remotePose.orientation.x, remotePose.orientation.y, remotePose.orientation.z, remotePose.orientation.w);

        float MAX_ROLL    = Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
        float remoteYaw   = 0.0f;
        float remotePitch = 0.0f;
        float remoteRoll  = 0.0f;

        GetYawPitchRoll(remoteRot, out remoteYaw, out remotePitch, out remoteRoll);

        if (remoteRoll >= -MAX_ROLL && remoteRoll <= MAX_ROLL)
            LastUnclampedRoll = remoteRoll;
            remoteRoll = LastUnclampedRoll;

        remoteRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(remoteYaw * Mathf.Rad2Deg, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)) *
                    Quaternion.AngleAxis(remotePitch * Mathf.Rad2Deg, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)) *
                    Quaternion.AngleAxis(remoteRoll * Mathf.Rad2Deg, new Vector3(0, 0, 1));

        Quaternion localRemoteRot = Quaternion.Inverse(FootPose.orientation) * (remoteRot);

        Quaternion shoulderRot = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, localRemoteRot, 0.0f);
        Quaternion elbowRot    = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, localRemoteRot, 0.6f);
        Quaternion wristRot    = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, localRemoteRot, 0.4f);

        jointMods.Add(new OvrJointMod(ShoulderJointIdx, MakePose(shoulderRot, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))));
        jointMods.Add(new OvrJointMod(ElbowJointIdx, MakePose(elbowRot, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))));
        jointMods.Add(new OvrJointMod(WristJointIdx, MakePose(wristRot, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))));

        Transform(FootPose, Skeleton, jointMods, ref TransformedJoints);

        outPose = MakePose(new Quaternion(remotePose.orientation.x, remotePose.orientation.y, remotePose.orientation.z, remotePose.orientation.w),
                           TransformedJoints[TransformedJoints.Count - 1].Key.position);
        /// <summary>Async method for moving the graph</summary>
        private IEnumerator UpdateGraphCoroutine()
            // Find the direction that we want to move the graph in.
            // Calcuculate this in graph space (where a distance of one is the size of one node)
            Vector3 dir = PointToGraphSpace(target.position) - PointToGraphSpace(graph.center);

            // Snap to a whole number of nodes
            dir.x = Mathf.Round(dir.x);
            dir.z = Mathf.Round(dir.z);
            dir.y = 0;

            // Nothing do to
            if (dir == Vector3.zero)
                yield break;

            // Number of nodes to offset in each direction
            Int2 offset = new Int2(-Mathf.RoundToInt(dir.x), -Mathf.RoundToInt(dir.z));

            // Move the center (this is in world units, so we need to convert it back from graph space)
            graph.center += graph.transform.TransformVector(dir);

            // Cache some variables for easier access
            int width = graph.width;
            int depth = graph.depth;

            GridNodeBase[] nodes;
            // Layers are required when handling LayeredGridGraphs
            int layers = graph.LayerCount;

            nodes = graph.nodes;

            // Create a temporary buffer required for the calculations
            if (buffer == null || buffer.Length != width * depth)
                buffer = new GridNodeBase[width * depth];

            // Check if we have moved less than a whole graph width all directions
            // If we have moved more than this we can just as well recalculate the whole graph
            if (Mathf.Abs(offset.x) <= width && Mathf.Abs(offset.y) <= depth)
                IntRect recalculateRect = new IntRect(0, 0, offset.x, offset.y);

                // If offset.x < 0, adjust the rect
                if (recalculateRect.xmin > recalculateRect.xmax)
                    int tmp2 = recalculateRect.xmax;
                    recalculateRect.xmax = width + recalculateRect.xmin;
                    recalculateRect.xmin = width + tmp2;

                // If offset.y < 0, adjust the rect
                if (recalculateRect.ymin > recalculateRect.ymax)
                    int tmp2 = recalculateRect.ymax;
                    recalculateRect.ymax = depth + recalculateRect.ymin;
                    recalculateRect.ymin = depth + tmp2;

                // Connections need to be recalculated for the neighbours as well, so we need to expand the rect by 1
                var connectionRect = recalculateRect.Expand(1);

                // Makes sure the rect stays inside the grid
                connectionRect = IntRect.Intersection(connectionRect, new IntRect(0, 0, width, depth));

                // Offset each node by the #offset variable
                // nodes which would end up outside the graph
                // will wrap around to the other side of it
                for (int l = 0; l < layers; l++)
                    int layerOffset = l * width * depth;
                    for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                        int pz = z * width;
                        int tz = ((z + offset.y + depth) % depth) * width;
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            buffer[tz + ((x + offset.x + width) % width)] = nodes[layerOffset + pz + x];

                    yield return(null);

                    // Copy the nodes back to the graph
                    // and set the correct indices
                    for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                        int pz = z * width;
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            int newIndex = pz + x;
                            var node     = buffer[newIndex];
                            if (node != null)
                                node.NodeInGridIndex = newIndex;
                            nodes[layerOffset + newIndex] = node;

                        // Calculate the limits for the region that has been wrapped
                        // to the other side of the graph
                        int xmin, xmax;
                        if (z >= recalculateRect.ymin && z < recalculateRect.ymax)
                            xmin = 0;
                            xmax = depth;
                            xmin = recalculateRect.xmin;
                            xmax = recalculateRect.xmax;

                        for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++)
                            var node = buffer[pz + x];
                            if (node != null)
                                // Clear connections on all nodes that are wrapped and placed on the other side of the graph.
                                // This is both to clear any custom connections (which do not really make sense after moving the node)
                                // and to prevent possible exceptions when the node will later (possibly) be destroyed because it was
                                // not needed anymore (only for layered grid graphs).

                    yield return(null);

                // The calculation will only update approximately this number of
                // nodes per frame. This is used to keep CPU load per frame low
                int yieldEvery = 1000;
                // To avoid the update taking too long, make yieldEvery somewhat proportional to the number of nodes that we are going to update
                int approxNumNodesToUpdate = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(offset.x), Mathf.Abs(offset.y)) * Mathf.Max(width, depth);
                yieldEvery = Mathf.Max(yieldEvery, approxNumNodesToUpdate / 10);
                int counter = 0;

                // Recalculate the nodes
                // Take a look at the image in the docs for the UpdateGraph method
                // to see which nodes are being recalculated.
                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    int xmin, xmax;
                    if (z >= recalculateRect.ymin && z < recalculateRect.ymax)
                        xmin = 0;
                        xmax = width;
                        xmin = recalculateRect.xmin;
                        xmax = recalculateRect.xmax;

                    for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++)
                        graph.RecalculateCell(x, z, false, false);

                    counter += (xmax - xmin);

                    if (counter > yieldEvery)
                        counter = 0;
                        yield return(null);

                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    int xmin, xmax;
                    if (z >= connectionRect.ymin && z < connectionRect.ymax)
                        xmin = 0;
                        xmax = width;
                        xmin = connectionRect.xmin;
                        xmax = connectionRect.xmax;

                    for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++)
                        graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);

                    counter += (xmax - xmin);

                    if (counter > yieldEvery)
                        counter = 0;
                        yield return(null);

                yield return(null);

                // Calculate all connections for the nodes along the boundary
                // of the graph, these always need to be updated
                /// <summary>TODO: Optimize to not traverse all nodes in the graph, only those at the edges</summary>
                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        if (x == 0 || z == 0 || x == width - 1 || z == depth - 1)
                            graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);
                // The calculation will only update approximately this number of
                // nodes per frame. This is used to keep CPU load per frame low
                int yieldEvery = Mathf.Max(depth * width / 20, 1000);
                int counter    = 0;
                // Just update all nodes
                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        graph.RecalculateCell(x, z);
                    counter += width;
                    if (counter > yieldEvery)
                        counter = 0;
                        yield return(null);

                // Recalculate the connections of all nodes
                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);
                    counter += width;
                    if (counter > yieldEvery)
                        counter = 0;
                        yield return(null);
Пример #8
    /// <summary>
    /// This should be called by our HitboxManager
    /// </summary>
    public override void UpdateBoundsOfCollider()
        BoundsRect b = new BoundsRect();
        Vector2    localScale;

        if (!ignoreParentScale)
            localScale = this.transform.localScale;
            localScale = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(localScale.x), Mathf.Abs(localScale.y));
            localScale = Vector2.one;
        Vector2 scaledBoxColliderSize = new Vector2(boxColliderSize.x * localScale.x, boxColliderSize.y * localScale.y);
        Vector2 origin = this.transform.position + (isStatic ? Vector3.zero : Vector3.up * scaledBoxColliderSize.y / 2) + new Vector3(colliderOffset.x * localScale.x, colliderOffset.y * localScale.y);

        b.center = origin;

        b.topLeft     = origin + (Vector2.up * scaledBoxColliderSize.y / 2) - (Vector2.right * scaledBoxColliderSize.x / 2);
        b.topRight    = origin + (Vector2.up * scaledBoxColliderSize.y / 2) + (Vector2.right * scaledBoxColliderSize.x / 2);
        b.bottomLeft  = origin - (Vector2.up * scaledBoxColliderSize.y / 2) - (Vector2.right * scaledBoxColliderSize.x / 2);
        b.bottomRight = origin - (Vector2.up * scaledBoxColliderSize.y / 2) + (Vector2.right * scaledBoxColliderSize.x / 2);

        this.bounds = b;

        if (!isStatic)
            verticalCheckBounds   = this.bounds;
            horizontalCheckBounds = this.bounds;

            float verticalOffset   = 0;
            float horizontalOffset = 0;

            verticalCheckBounds.topLeft.x     += HorizontalBuffer / 2;
            verticalCheckBounds.bottomLeft.x  += HorizontalBuffer / 2;
            verticalCheckBounds.topRight.x    -= HorizontalBuffer / 2;
            verticalCheckBounds.bottomRight.x -= HorizontalBuffer / 2;

            horizontalCheckBounds.topLeft.y     -= VerticalBuffer / 2;
            horizontalCheckBounds.topRight.y    -= VerticalBuffer / 2;
            horizontalCheckBounds.bottomLeft.y  += VerticalBuffer / 2;
            horizontalCheckBounds.bottomRight.y += VerticalBuffer / 2;

            if (Mathf.Abs(rigid.Velocity.y) > 0)
                verticalOffset = Mathf.Sign(rigid.Velocity.y) * Mathf.Max(VerticalBuffer, Mathf.Abs(rigid.Velocity.y * Overseer.DELTA_TIME));

            if (Mathf.Abs(rigid.Velocity.x) > 0)
                horizontalOffset = Mathf.Sign(rigid.Velocity.x) * Mathf.Max(HorizontalBuffer, Mathf.Abs(rigid.Velocity.x * Overseer.DELTA_TIME));
            verticalCheckBounds.SetOffset(Vector2.up * verticalOffset);
            horizontalCheckBounds.SetOffset(Vector2.right * horizontalOffset);
 void Animations()
     anim.SetBool("ground", isGrounded);
     anim.SetFloat("speed", Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")));
     anim.SetFloat("vSpeed", rb.velocity.y);
Пример #10
        public void Move(Connection conn, HazelReader reader)
            Player p = playerByConnection [conn];
            int3   targetPosition = reader.ReadInt3();
            bool   pending        = reader.ReadBool;

            if (!p.doneTurn && targetPosition.y <= p.position.y)
                //and it is within 1 block range from him,
                int3 absDeltaPos = targetPosition - p.position;
                absDeltaPos = new int3(Mathf.Abs(absDeltaPos.x), Mathf.Abs(absDeltaPos.y), Mathf.Abs(absDeltaPos.z));
                if ((absDeltaPos.y == 0 && absDeltaPos.x == 2) || (absDeltaPos.x == 1 && absDeltaPos.y == 1))
                    //and target platform available

                    Platform dest = platforms.SingleOrDefault(w => w.position == targetPosition);

                    if (dest != null)
                        //and there are no player nor wall on the targetPosition,
                        if (!players.Exists(p2 => p2.position.xz == targetPosition.xz && targetPosition.y == p.position.y))
                            //turn done
                            playerById[id].doneTurn = true;
                            if (pending)
                                pendingMove.Add(id, dest);
                                UpdateTransform(p, dest);
Пример #11
        public void Jump(int id, int3 targetPosition)
            //if he's it and hasnt done his turn
            Player p = playerById[id];

            if (it == id && !p.doneTurn)
                bool validJump   = false;
                int3 deltaPos    = targetPosition - p.position;
                int3 absDeltaPos = new int3(Mathf.Abs(deltaPos.x), Mathf.Abs(deltaPos.y), Mathf.Abs(deltaPos.z));

                //and destination platform available
                Platform dest = platforms.SingleOrDefault(w => w.position == targetPosition);
                if (dest != null)
                    //and it is within 1 block range from him
                    if ((absDeltaPos.y == 0 && absDeltaPos.x == 2) || (absDeltaPos.x == 1 && absDeltaPos.y == 1))
                        if (targetPosition.y - p.position.y < 1)
                            validJump = true;
                        //or it is within 2 blocks range straight from him
                    else if ((absDeltaPos.y == 2 && (absDeltaPos.x == 0 || absDeltaPos.x == 2)) ||
                             (absDeltaPos.y == 0 && absDeltaPos.x == 4))
                        //and there are no wall blocking the path to targetPosition
                        int2 pos = (playerById [id].position.xz + new int2(deltaPos.x / 2, deltaPos.z / 2));
                        if (!platforms.Exists(w => w.position.xz == pos && w.position.y - p.position.y == 2))
                            validJump = true;

                        //or it is within 2 blocks range not straight from him
                    else if (absDeltaPos.x == 3 && absDeltaPos.y == 1)
                        //and there are no wall blocking the path to targetPosition
                        int2 pos1 = playerById[id].position.xz + new int2(deltaPos.x / 3, deltaPos.z);
                        int2 pos2 = playerById [id].position.xz + new int2(2 * deltaPos.x / 3, 0);

                        if (!platforms.Exists(w => (w.position.xz == pos1 || w.position.xz == pos2) && w.position.y - p.position.y == 2))
                            validJump = true;

                if (validJump)
                    //turn done
                    p.doneTurn = true;
                    pendingMove.Add(id, dest);
Пример #12
        private void PlayAnimations(Vector2 mvmtDelta)
            if (!hasAnimator)

            if (!IsGrounded())
                // JUMP/FALL ANIMS
                if (rigidbody.velocity.y < 0.1f) // Falling
                    meshAnimator.StartAnimFromName(lastFacedRight ? "_playerFallRight" : "_playerFallLeft");
                else if (rigidbody.velocity.y > 0.1f) // Jumping
                    meshAnimator.StartAnimFromName(lastFacedRight ? "_playerJumpRight" : "_playerJumpLeft");

            // RUN/WALK ANIMS
            if (Mathf.Abs(mvmtDelta.x) > 0.5f)
                if (mvmtDelta.x > 0.5f) //Running Right
                    lastFacedRight = true;
                else                     //Running Left
                    lastFacedRight = false;
            else if (Mathf.Abs(mvmtDelta.x) > 0.08f)
                if (mvmtDelta.x > 0.08f) //Walking Right
                    lastFacedRight = true;
                else                     //Walking Left
                    lastFacedRight = false;

            if (lastFacedRight)
Пример #13
        private void DrawTweenedHand(Vector3 position, Mesh handsMesh, Material material, Quaternion quat,
                                     TweenThing tweenThing,
                                     bool portrait, bool noTween)
            if (position == Vector3.zero || handsMesh == null || material == null)

            if (this.ShouldBeIgnored())

            if (!HarmonyPatchesFS.AnimatorIsOpen() &&
                Find.TickManager.TicksGame == this.CompAnimator.LastPosUpdate[(int) tweenThing] ||
                HarmonyPatchesFS.AnimatorIsOpen() && MainTabWindow_BaseAnimator.Pawn != this.Pawn)
                position = this.CompAnimator.LastPosition[(int) tweenThing];
                Pawn_PathFollower pawnPathFollower = this.Pawn.pather;
                if (pawnPathFollower != null && pawnPathFollower.MovedRecently(5))
                    noTween = true;

                this.CompAnimator.LastPosUpdate[(int) tweenThing] = Find.TickManager.TicksGame;

                Vector3Tween tween = this.CompAnimator.Vector3Tweens[(int) tweenThing];

                switch (tween.State)
                    case TweenState.Running:
                        if (noTween || this.CompAnimator.IsMoving)

                        position = tween.CurrentValue;

                    case TweenState.Paused:

                    case TweenState.Stopped:
                        if (noTween || (this.CompAnimator.IsMoving))

                        ScaleFunc scaleFunc = ScaleFuncs.SineEaseOut;

                        Vector3 start = this.CompAnimator.LastPosition[(int) tweenThing];
                        float distance = Vector3.Distance(start, position);
                        float duration = Mathf.Abs(distance * 50f);
                        if (start != Vector3.zero && duration > 12f)
                            start.y = position.y;
                            tween.Start(start, position, duration, scaleFunc);
                            position = start;


                this.CompAnimator.LastPosition[(int) tweenThing] = position;

            //  tweener.PreThingPosCalculation(tweenThing, noTween);

                                       handsMesh, position,
Пример #14
    public void IsClickCheck()
        if (TrueOrFalse == false)
        if (!bIsOnline)
            GameObject obj = UICamera.hoveredObject;
            BlackNameOrRedName(obj);//是否点击到棋子  如果是  就得到棋子
            if (obj.name.Substring(0, 1) != "i")
                obj = obj.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject;//得到他的父容器
            int x      = System.Convert.ToInt32((obj.transform.localPosition.x + 263) / 195);
            int y      = System.Convert.ToInt32(Mathf.Abs((obj.transform.localPosition.y - 302) / 192));
            int Result = IsBlackOrRed(x, y);//判断点击到了什么
            switch (Result)
            case 0:    //点击到了空  是否要走棋
                       //如果点击到了空格  就把对象清空
                for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                    GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                ToY = y;
                ToX = x;
                if (ChessMove)
                {    //红色走
                    if (RedName == null)
                    string sssRed = RedName;    //记录红色棋子的名字
                    bool   ba     = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    if (!ba)

                    int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                    int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                    chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                    str = "黑方走";
                    IsMove(RedName, obj, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);    //走了
                    ChessMove = false;
                    if (str == "红色棋子胜利")
                        return;    //因为没有携程关系  每次进入黑色走棋的时候都判断 棋局是否结束
                    BlackName = null;
                    RedName   = null;
                {    //黑色走
                    if (BlackName == null)
                    bool ba = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    if (!ba)
                    //ChessChongzhi chzh = new ChessChongzhi();
                    int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                    int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                    chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                    str = "红方走";
                    IsMove(BlackName, obj, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    ChessMove = true;

            case 1:    //点击到了黑色  是否选中  还是  红色要吃子
                if (!ChessMove)
                    FromX = x;
                    FromY = y;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                        GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                    can.ClickChess(FromX, FromY);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                        GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                    if (RedName == null)
                    ToX = x;
                    ToY = y;
                    bool ba = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    if (!ba)
                    int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                    int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                    chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                    IsEat(RedName, BlackName, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    ChessMove = false;
                    //红色吃子  变黑色走
                    str = "黑方走";
                    if (str == "红色棋子胜利")
                        return;    //因为没有携程关系  每次进入黑色走棋的时候都判断 棋局是否结束
                    RedName   = null;
                    BlackName = null;

            case 2:    //点击到了红色   是否选中  还是黑色要吃子
                if (ChessMove)
                    FromX = x;
                    FromY = y;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                        GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                    can.ClickChess(FromX, FromY);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                        GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                    if (BlackName == null)
                    ToX = x;
                    ToY = y;
                    bool ba = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    if (!ba)
                    //ChessChongzhi chzh = new ChessChongzhi();
                    int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                    int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                    chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                    IsEat(BlackName, RedName, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    RedName   = null;
                    BlackName = null;
                    ChessMove = true;
                    str       = "红方走";
            if (!GobangClient.isConnected())
            if ((GameManager.curTurn == GameManager.userColor) && TrueOrFalse)
                GameObject obj = UICamera.hoveredObject;
                BlackNameOrRedName(obj);//是否点击到棋子  如果是  就得到棋子
                if (obj.name.Substring(0, 1) != "i")
                    obj = obj.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject;//得到他的父容器
                int x      = System.Convert.ToInt32((obj.transform.localPosition.x + 263) / 195);
                int y      = System.Convert.ToInt32(Mathf.Abs((obj.transform.localPosition.y - 302) / 192));
                int Result = IsBlackOrRed(x, y);//判断点击到了什么
                switch (Result)
                case 0:    //点击到了空  是否要走棋
                           //如果点击到了空格  就把对象清空
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                        GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                    ToY = y;
                    ToX = x;
                    if (ChessMove)
                    {    //红色走
                        if (RedName == null)
                        string sssRed = RedName;    //记录红色棋子的名字
                        bool   ba     = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        if (!ba)

                        int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                        int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                        chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                        str = "黑方走";
                        IsMove(RedName, obj, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);    //走了
                        ChessMove = false;
                        if (str == "红色棋子胜利")
                            return;    //因为没有携程关系  每次进入黑色走棋的时候都判断 棋局是否结束
                        BlackName = null;
                        RedName   = null;
                        SendMoveMessage(FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                    {    //黑色走
                        if (BlackName == null)
                        bool ba = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        if (!ba)
                        //ChessChongzhi chzh = new ChessChongzhi();
                        int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                        int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                        chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                        str = "红方走";
                        IsMove(BlackName, obj, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        ChessMove = true;
                        SendMoveMessage(FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);

                case 1:    //点击到了黑色  是否选中  还是  红色要吃子
                    if (!ChessMove)
                        FromX = x;
                        FromY = y;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                            GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                        can.ClickChess(FromX, FromY);
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                            GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                        if (RedName == null)
                        ToX = x;
                        ToY = y;
                        bool ba = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        if (!ba)
                        int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                        int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                        chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                        //红色吃子  变黑色走
                        str = "黑方走";
                        IsEat(RedName, BlackName, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        ChessMove = false;
                        if (str == "红色棋子胜利")
                            return;    //因为没有携程关系  每次进入黑色走棋的时候都判断 棋局是否结束
                        RedName   = null;
                        BlackName = null;
                        SendEatMessage(FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);

                case 2:    //点击到了红色   是否选中  还是黑色要吃子
                    if (ChessMove)
                        FromX = x;
                        FromY = y;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                            GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                        can.ClickChess(FromX, FromY);
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)
                            GameObject Clear = GameObject.Find("prefabs" + i.ToString());
                        if (BlackName == null)
                        ToX = x;
                        ToY = y;
                        bool ba = rules.IsValidMove(Board.chess, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        if (!ba)
                        //ChessChongzhi chzh = new ChessChongzhi();
                        int a = Board.chess[FromY, FromX];
                        int b = Board.chess[ToY, ToX];
                        chzh.AddChess(ChessChongzhi.Count, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, true, a, b);
                        str = "红方走";
                        IsEat(BlackName, RedName, FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
                        RedName   = null;
                        BlackName = null;
                        ChessMove = true;
                        SendEatMessage(FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the two dimensional volume described by the largest rectangle that
 /// is contained withing the play space geometry and the configured height.
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateInscribedBounds()
     // We always use the same seed so that from run to run, the inscribed bounds are consistent.
     rectangularBounds = new InscribedRectangle(Bounds, Mathf.Abs("Mixed Reality Toolkit".GetHashCode()));
Пример #16
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //use this to have the floor be fast on flat, and hold on the tilt (a normal sin wave)
        //rotation = amplitude * Mathf.Sin ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup*speed) + offset);

        //use this to have the floor hold on flat, and be fast on the tilt (a sin wave mixed with a cos wave in a funky way)
        rotation   = (amplitude * Mathf.Sin((Time.realtimeSinceStartup * speed) + offset)) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Cos((Time.realtimeSinceStartup * speed) + offset)) - 1);
        slidePower = (rotation / amplitude);         //the farther it's tilted, the more powerful the slide

        if (pTilt)
            euler = new Vector3(0, 0, rotation);    //if it's a pitch tilt, rotate on z
            euler = new Vector3(rotation, 0, 0);    //if it's a roll tilt, rotate on x

        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(euler);          //set the rotation of the floor object
        if (rotation > 180)
            rotation = (360 - rotation) * -1;               //if it's over 180, set it to the negative
Пример #17
 private float GetArcCenterAngle()
     return Mathf.Abs(startArc + arcSize / 2);
Пример #18
 public void Run(float move)
     _anim.SetFloat("Move", Mathf.Abs(move));
Пример #19
            public void Execute(RenderContext ctx, KernelData data, ref KernelDefs ports)
                var output = ctx.Resolve(ref ports.Output);

                output.CopyFrom(ctx.Resolve(in ports.Input));

                var weightValue = ctx.Resolve(ports.Weight);

                if (weightValue > 0f)
                    var stream = AnimationStreamProvider.Create(data.RigDefinition, output);
                    if (stream.IsNull)

                    // TODO: (sunek) Get a real number! Requires replicating and incrementing the IK weight in update
                    // ikWeight = Mathf.Clamp01(ikWeight + (1 - settings.enterStateEaseIn));

                    var ikWeight = data.Data.Weight;
                    var settings = data.Data.Settings;

                    var leftToePos  = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.LeftToeIdx);
                    var rightToePos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.RightToeIdx);

                    var leftIkOffset  = data.Data.ikOffset.x * ikWeight;
                    var rightIkOffset = data.Data.ikOffset.y * ikWeight;

                    leftToePos  += new float3(0f, leftIkOffset, 0f);
                    rightToePos += new float3(0f, rightIkOffset, 0f);

                    var leftAnklePos  = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.LeftFootIkIdx);
                    var rightAnklePos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.RightFootIkIdx);
                    var leftAnkleRot  = stream.GetLocalToRigRotation(data.Data.LeftFootIkIdx);
                    var rightAnkleRot = stream.GetLocalToRigRotation(data.Data.RightFootIkIdx);

                    var leftAnkleIkPos  = new float3(leftAnklePos.x, leftAnklePos.y + leftIkOffset, leftAnklePos.z);
                    var rightAnkleIkPos = new float3(rightAnklePos.x, rightAnklePos.y + rightIkOffset, rightAnklePos.z);

                    var hipHeightOffset = (leftIkOffset + rightIkOffset) * 0.5f;
                    var forwardBackBias = (leftIkOffset - rightIkOffset) * settings.weightShiftHorizontal;

                    // TODO: (sunek) Rework weight shift to move towards actual lower foot?
                    hipHeightOffset += Mathf.Abs(leftIkOffset - rightIkOffset) * settings.weightShiftVertical;
                    var standAngle = math.mul(quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, math.radians(settings.weightShiftAngle)), data.VectorForward);

                    var hipsPosition = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.HipsIdx);
                    hipsPosition += new float3(standAngle.x * forwardBackBias, hipHeightOffset, standAngle.z * forwardBackBias);
                    stream.SetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.HipsIdx, hipsPosition);

                    // Figure out the normal rotation
                    var leftNormalRot  = quaternion.identity;
                    var rightNormalRot = quaternion.identity;

                    if (!data.Data.normalLeftFoot.Equals(float3.zero))
                        leftNormalRot  = quaternion.LookRotationSafe(data.Data.normalLeftFoot, data.VectorForward);
                        rightNormalRot = quaternion.LookRotationSafe(data.Data.normalRightFoot, data.VectorForward);
                        leftNormalRot  = math.mul(leftNormalRot, data.OffsetRotation);
                        rightNormalRot = math.mul(rightNormalRot, data.OffsetRotation);

                    // Clamp normal rotation
                    var leftAngle  = Angle(quaternion.identity, leftNormalRot);
                    var rightAngle = Angle(quaternion.identity, rightNormalRot);

                    if (leftAngle > settings.maxFootRotationOffset && settings.maxFootRotationOffset > 0f)
                        var fraction = settings.maxFootRotationOffset / leftAngle;
                        leftNormalRot = math.nlerp(Quaternion.identity, leftNormalRot, fraction);

                    if (rightAngle > settings.maxFootRotationOffset && settings.maxFootRotationOffset > 0f)
                        var fraction = settings.maxFootRotationOffset / rightAngle;
                        rightNormalRot = math.nlerp(Quaternion.identity, rightNormalRot, fraction);

                    // Apply rotation to ankle
                    var leftToesMatrix  = Matrix4x4.TRS(leftToePos, quaternion.identity, data.VectorOne);
                    var rightToesMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(rightToePos, quaternion.identity, data.VectorOne);

                    leftNormalRot  = math.normalize(leftNormalRot);
                    rightNormalRot = math.normalize(rightNormalRot);

                    leftAnkleRot  = math.normalize(leftAnkleRot);
                    rightAnkleRot = math.normalize(rightAnkleRot);

                    var leftToesNormalDeltaMatrix  = Matrix4x4.TRS(leftToePos, leftNormalRot, data.VectorOne) * leftToesMatrix.inverse;
                    var rightToesNormalDeltaMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(rightToePos, rightNormalRot, data.VectorOne) * rightToesMatrix.inverse;

                    var leftAnkleMatrix  = Matrix4x4.TRS(leftAnkleIkPos, leftAnkleRot, data.VectorOne) * leftToesMatrix.inverse;
                    var rightAnkleMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(rightAnkleIkPos, rightAnkleRot, data.VectorOne) * rightToesMatrix.inverse;

                    leftAnkleMatrix  = leftToesNormalDeltaMatrix * leftAnkleMatrix * leftToesMatrix;
                    rightAnkleMatrix = rightToesNormalDeltaMatrix * rightAnkleMatrix * rightToesMatrix;

                    // Todo:Find a better way to do this?
                    var leftColumn = leftAnkleMatrix.GetColumn(3);
                    leftAnkleIkPos = new float3(leftColumn[0], leftColumn[1], leftColumn[2]); // TODO: (sunek) Is there a slicing syntax instead?
                    var rightColumn = rightAnkleMatrix.GetColumn(3);
                    rightAnkleIkPos = new float3(rightColumn[0], rightColumn[1], rightColumn[2]);

                    leftAnkleRot  = math.nlerp(leftAnkleRot, leftAnkleMatrix.rotation, ikWeight);
                    rightAnkleRot = math.nlerp(rightAnkleRot, rightAnkleMatrix.rotation, ikWeight);

                    // Update ik position
                    // TODO: (sunek) Consider combating leg overstretch
                    var leftPosition  = math.lerp(leftAnklePos, leftAnkleIkPos, ikWeight);
                    var rightPosition = math.lerp(rightAnklePos, rightAnkleIkPos, ikWeight);

                    stream.SetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.LeftFootIkIdx, leftPosition);
                    stream.SetLocalToRigTranslation(data.Data.RightFootIkIdx, rightPosition);

                    stream.SetLocalToRigRotation(data.Data.LeftFootIkIdx, leftAnkleRot);
                    stream.SetLocalToRigRotation(data.Data.RightFootIkIdx, rightAnkleRot);

    void FixedUpdate()
        RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.BoxCast(this.transform.position, new Vector2(0.4f, 0.1f), 0f, Vector2.down,
            groundCheckRadius, groundMask); //using this for a bigger and more accurate ground check
        isTouchingGround = (hit.collider != null) ? true : false;

        movementInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        CheckIfStuck(); //Checks if Mario is trying to walk into the wall and get stuck

        if (GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform.position.x < 116f)// level finished
            if (!isDead)
                if ((playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x > 0 && !isFacingRight) ||
                    (playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x < 0 && isFacingRight))
                    playerAnimator.SetBool("turning", true);
                    playerAnimator.SetBool("turning", false);

                float movementForceMultiplier =
                    Mathf.Max(maxHorizontalSpeed - Mathf.Abs(playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x), 1);

                playerRigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(movementInput * movementForce * movementForceMultiplier, 0));

                playerRigidbody2D.velocity =
                    new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x, -maxHorizontalSpeed, maxHorizontalSpeed),
                        Mathf.Clamp(playerRigidbody2D.velocity.y, -maxVerticalSpeed, maxVerticalSpeed));

                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                    if (isTouchingGround)
                        //Play Jump sound
                        if (!poweredUp)

                        isJumping = true;
                        playerRigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x, jumpVelocity);
                        jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;

                if (jumpTimeCounter > 0 && isJumping)
                    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
                        jumpTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                            playerRigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x, jumpVelocity);

                if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))
                    isJumping = false;
                    jumpTimeCounter = 0;

                playerAnimator.SetFloat("movementSpeed", Mathf.Abs(playerRigidbody2D.velocity.x));
                playerAnimator.SetBool("touchingGround", isTouchingGround);

            GameObject.FindWithTag("InvisiblePlayer").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;
            tunTheFirework = true;
            GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;// make player invisible and start animation
            if (tunTheFirework == true)// start firework
                GameObject.FindWithTag("InvisiblePlayer").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;// make invisible animation player visible
                audioSource.PlayOneShot(firework);// start firework audio 
                fireworkGameObject.SetActive(true);//  make firework activate
                tunTheFirework = false;

        CheckFlipSpriteOfPlayer();// make it cleaner
        GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<CapsuleCollider2D>().isTrigger = false;// player wont die
    } // FixedUpdate
Пример #21
    private void FixedUpdate()
        float   t            = (Time.time + offset) * timeScale;
        Vector2 vectorOffset = new Vector2(
            Mathf.Sin(t) + Mathf.Cos(t / 2),
            Mathf.Cos(t * 2) - Mathf.Sin(t)

        if (rigidbody2D != null)
            if (rigidbody2D.angularVelocity > 10.0f)
                rigidbody2D.AddTorque(-0.1f * 100 * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            else if (rigidbody2D.angularVelocity < -10.0f)
                rigidbody2D.AddTorque(0.1f * 100 * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                float desiredRot = Mathf.Rad2Deg * (Mathf.Sin(t / 2) * Mathf.Cos(t * 2)) - transform.eulerAngles.z;
                while (desiredRot > 360.0f)
                    desiredRot -= 360.0f;
                while (desiredRot < 0.0f)
                    desiredRot += 360.0f;
                if (Mathf.Abs(desiredRot - 360.0f) < desiredRot)
                    desiredRot -= 360.0f;
                rigidbody2D.AddTorque((desiredRot > 0.0f ? 0.1f : -0.1f) * 100 * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            var currPos  = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y);
            var scale    = new Vector2(0.01f, 0.01f);
            var velocity = (basePosition + vectorOffset - currPos).normalized * scale;

            if (rigidbody2D.velocity.x > 0.1f)
                velocity.x = -0.01f;
            else if (rigidbody2D.velocity.x < -0.1f)
                velocity.x = 0.01f;

            if (rigidbody2D.velocity.y > 10.0f)
                velocity.y = -0.01f;
            else if (rigidbody2D.velocity.y < -10.0f)
                velocity.y = 0.01f;

            rigidbody2D.AddForce(velocity * 100 * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Пример #22
    void Update() {
        if(particleSource != null) {
            transform.position = particleSource.position+new Vector3(0,0,-1);

            particleSystem.startLifetime = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, transform.parent.position) / Mathf.Abs(mainModule.startSpeed.constant);

            int numParticlesAlive = particleSystem.GetParticles(particles);

            float velocity;
            float distance;

            // Change only the particles that are alive
            for (int i = 0; i < numParticlesAlive; ++i) {
                velocity = particles[i].velocity.magnitude;
                particles[i].velocity = velocity * (transform.parent.position - particles[i].position).normalized;
                distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.parent.position, particles[i].position);
                if(distance > 0.01f) {
                    particles[i].remainingLifetime = distance / velocity;
                } else {
                    particles[i].remainingLifetime = -1;
            particleSystem.SetParticles(particles, numParticlesAlive);
    void FixedUpdate()
        for (var i = 0; i < allColliders.Count; i++)
            DrawBoundingVolume(allColliders[i], Color.green);
        collisionInfoText.text = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Count; ++i)
            CustomCollider colliderA = colliders[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < immovablecolliders.Count; ++j)
                CustomCollider colliderB = immovablecolliders[j];

                CustomCollisionInfo collisionInfo;
                if (CheckCollision(colliderA, colliderB, out collisionInfo))
                    Debug.Log(colliderA.gameObject + " collision with " + colliderB.gameObject);
                    collisionInfoText.text += colliderA.gameObject.name + " collision with " + colliderB.gameObject.name + "\n";

                    float ax = Mathf.Abs(collisionInfo.intersectionSize.x);
                    float ay = Mathf.Abs(collisionInfo.intersectionSize.y);
                    float az = Mathf.Abs(collisionInfo.intersectionSize.z);

                    float   sx = colliderA.transform.position.x < colliderB.transform.position.x ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    float   sy = colliderA.transform.position.y < colliderB.transform.position.y ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    float   sz = colliderA.transform.position.z < colliderB.transform.position.z ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    Vector3 firstCollisionNorm;
                    if (ax <= ay && ax <= az)
                        //  Debug.Log("X");
                        firstCollisionNorm = colliderB.U().normalized *sx;
                    else if (ay <= az)
                        //  Debug.Log("Y");
                        firstCollisionNorm = colliderB.V().normalized *sy;
                        //   Debug.Log("Z");
                        firstCollisionNorm = colliderB.W().normalized *sz;
                    if (!colliderA.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>().disablePhysicsInteractions)
                        var newVel =
                            Vector3.Reflect(colliderA.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.normalized,
                                            firstCollisionNorm) * colliderA.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude *colliderA.bouncieness *(1 - colliderB.frictionCoefficient);
                        newVel = newVel.magnitude < 0.25f ? Vector3.zero : newVel;
                        // colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.magnitude;
                        if (collisionInfo.intersectionSize.magnitude >= 0.1f)
                            if (ax <= ay && ax <= az)
                                colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.x;
                            else if (ay <= az)
                                colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.y;
                                colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.z;

                        colliderA.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity = newVel;

            for (int j = i + 1; j < colliders.Count; ++j)
                CustomCollider colliderB = colliders[j];

                CustomCollisionInfo collisionInfo;
                if (CheckCollision(colliderA, colliderB, out collisionInfo))
                    Debug.Log(colliderA.gameObject + " collision with " + colliderB.gameObject);
                    collisionInfoText.text += colliderA.gameObject.name + " collision with " + colliderB.gameObject.name + "\n";

                    float ax = Mathf.Abs(collisionInfo.intersectionSize.x);
                    float ay = Mathf.Abs(collisionInfo.intersectionSize.y);
                    float az = Mathf.Abs(collisionInfo.intersectionSize.z);

                    float   sx = colliderA.transform.position.x < colliderB.transform.position.x ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    float   sy = colliderA.transform.position.y < colliderB.transform.position.y ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    float   sz = colliderA.transform.position.z < colliderB.transform.position.z ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    Vector3 firstCollisionNorm;
                    if (ax <= ay && ax <= az)
                        //  Debug.Log("X");
                        firstCollisionNorm = colliderB.W().normalized *sx;
                    else if (ay <= az)
                        //  Debug.Log("Y");
                        firstCollisionNorm = colliderB.V().normalized *sy;
                        //  Debug.Log("Z");
                        firstCollisionNorm = colliderB.U().normalized *sz;

                    // Pulled from Year 2 sphere vs cube simulation assignment
                    float   m1, m2, x1, x2;
                    Vector3 v1, v2, v1x, v2x, v1y, v2y, x = (colliderA.transform.position - colliderB.transform.position);
                    var     rbA = colliderA.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>();
                    var     rbB = colliderB.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>();

                    v1  = rbA.currentVelocity;
                    x1  = Vector3.Dot(x, v1);
                    v1x = x * x1;
                    v1y = v1 - v1x;
                    m1  = rbA.mass;

                    x   = x * -1;
                    v2  = rbB.currentVelocity;
                    x2  = Vector3.Dot(x, v2);
                    v2x = x * x2;
                    v2y = v2 - v2x;
                    m2  = rbB.mass;
                    if (!colliderA.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>().disablePhysicsInteractions)
                        rbA.currentVelocity = (v1x * (m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2) + v2x * (2 * m2) / (m1 + m2) + v1y);
                    if (!colliderB.GetComponent <CustomRigidbody>().disablePhysicsInteractions)
                        rbB.currentVelocity = (v1x * (2 * m1) / (m1 + m2) + v2x * (m2 - m1) / (m1 + m2) + v2y);

                     * if (colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>())
                     * {
                     *  var directionA = colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.normalized;
                     *  var directionB = colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.normalized;
                     *  var newDir = (directionA - directionB).normalized;
                     *  var speed = colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude +
                     *              colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude;
                     *  var newVel =
                     *      Vector3.Reflect(newDir, -firstCollisionNorm) * speed * colliderA.bouncieness * colliderB.bouncieness;
                     *  if (colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>())
                     *      newVel *= colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude > 1 ? colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude : 1;
                     *  newVel = newVel.magnitude < 0.25f ? Vector3.zero : newVel;
                     *  //  colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm*collisionInfo.intersectionSize.magnitude;
                     *  if (collisionInfo.intersectionSize.magnitude >= 0.1f)
                     *  {
                     *      if (ax <= ay && ax <= az)
                     *          colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.x;
                     *      else if (ay <= az)
                     *          colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.y;
                     *      else
                     *          colliderA.transform.position += firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.z;
                     *  }
                     *  colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity = newVel;
                     * }
                     * if (colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>())
                     * {
                     *  var directionA = colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.normalized;
                     *  var directionB = colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.normalized;
                     *  var newDir = (directionA).normalized;
                     *  var speed = colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude +
                     *              colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude;
                     *  var newVel =
                     *      Vector3.Reflect(newDir, firstCollisionNorm) * speed * colliderA.bouncieness * colliderB.bouncieness;
                     *  if (colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>())
                     *      newVel *= colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude > 1 ? colliderA.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity.magnitude : 1;
                     *  newVel = newVel.magnitude < 0.25f ? Vector3.zero : newVel;
                     *  // colliderB.transform.position += -firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.magnitude;
                     *  if (collisionInfo.intersectionSize.magnitude >= 0.1f)
                     *  {
                     *      if (ax <= ay && ax <= az)
                     *          colliderB.transform.position += -firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.x;
                     *      else if (ay <= az)
                     *          colliderB.transform.position += -firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.y;
                     *      else
                     *          colliderB.transform.position += -firstCollisionNorm * collisionInfo.intersectionSize.z;
                     *  }
                     *  colliderB.GetComponent<CustomRigidbody>().currentVelocity = newVel;
                     * }*/
    void FixedUpdate()
        // speed of car
        speed = myRigidbody.velocity.magnitude * 2.7f;

        if (speed < lastSpeed - 10 && slip < 10)
            slip = lastSpeed / 15;

        lastSpeed = speed;

        if (slip2 != 0.0f)
            slip2 = Mathf.MoveTowards(slip2, 0.0f, 0.1f);

        myRigidbody.centerOfMass = carSetting.shiftCentre;

        if (vehicleMode == VehicleMode.Player && GameUI.manage.gameStarted)
            if (AIControl.manage.controlMode == ControlMode.Simple)
                accel = 0;
                brake = false;
                shift = false;

                if (carWheels.wheels.frontWheelDrive || carWheels.wheels.backWheelDrive)
                    steer = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                    accel = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
                    brake = Input.GetButton("Jump");
                    shift = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) | Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);

                if (!carSetting.automaticGear)
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown("page up"))
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown("page down"))
            else if (AIControl.manage.controlMode == ControlMode.Mobile)
                if (accelFwd != 0)
                    accel = accelFwd;
                    accel = accelBack;

                if (GameUI.manage.panels.gamePlay.buttonsUI.activeSelf)
                    steer = Mathf.MoveTowards(steer, steerAmount, 0.1f);
                else if (GameUI.manage.panels.gamePlay.accelUI.activeSelf)
                    steer = Mathf.MoveTowards(steer, Input.acceleration.x * 2.0f, 0.4f);
        else if (vehicleMode == VehicleMode.AICar && GameUI.manage.gameStarted)
            shift = false;

            if (!GameUI.manage.gameFinished)
                vehicleMode = VehicleMode.Player;

            steer = AIVehicle.AISteer;
            accel = AIVehicle.AIAccel;
            brake = AIVehicle.AIBrake;
            steer = 0;
            shift = false;

            if (vehicleMode == VehicleMode.Player)
                if (AIControl.manage.controlMode == ControlMode.Simple)
                    accel = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
                    accel = accelFwd;
                accel = 1.0f;

        if (!carWheels.wheels.frontWheelDrive && !carWheels.wheels.backWheelDrive)
            accel = 0.0f;

        if (carSetting.carSteer)
            carSetting.carSteer.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(steerCurAngle.x, steerCurAngle.y, steerCurAngle.z + (steer * -120.0f));

        if (carSetting.automaticGear && (currentGear == 1) && (accel < 0.0f))
            if (speed < 5.0f)

        else if (carSetting.automaticGear && (currentGear == 0) && (accel > 0.0f))
            if (speed < 5.0f)
        else if (carSetting.automaticGear && (motorRPM > carSetting.shiftUpRPM) && (accel > 0.0f) && speed > 10.0f && !brake)
        else if (carSetting.automaticGear && (motorRPM < carSetting.shiftDownRPM) && (currentGear > 1))

        if (speed < 1.0f)
            Backward = true;

        if (currentGear == 0 && Backward == true)
            carSetting.shiftCentre.z = -accel / -5;
            if (speed < carSetting.gears[0] * -10)
                accel = -accel;
            Backward = false;
            if (currentGear > 0)
                carSetting.shiftCentre.z = -(accel / currentGear) / -5;

        carSetting.shiftCentre.x = -Mathf.Clamp(steer * (speed / 100), -0.03f, 0.03f);

        // Brake Lights

        foreach (Light brakeLight in carLights.brakeLights)
            if (brake || accel < 0 || speed < 1.0f)
                brakeLight.intensity = Mathf.MoveTowards(brakeLight.intensity, 8, 0.5f);
                brakeLight.intensity = Mathf.MoveTowards(brakeLight.intensity, 0, 0.5f);

            brakeLight.enabled = brakeLight.intensity == 0 ? false : true;

        // Reverse Lights

        foreach (Light WLight in carLights.reverseLights)
            if (speed > 2.0f && currentGear == 0)
                WLight.intensity = Mathf.MoveTowards(WLight.intensity, 8, 0.5f);
                WLight.intensity = Mathf.MoveTowards(WLight.intensity, 0, 0.5f);
            WLight.enabled = WLight.intensity == 0 ? false : true;

        wantedRPM = (5500.0f * accel) * 0.1f + wantedRPM * 0.9f;

        float rpm             = 0.0f;
        int   motorizedWheels = 0;
        bool  floorContact    = false;
        int   currentWheel    = 0;

        if (currentGear > 0)
            myRigidbody.AddRelativeTorque(0, steer * 10000, 0);
            myRigidbody.AddRelativeTorque(0, -steer * 10000, 0);

        foreach (WheelComponent w in wheels)
            WheelHit      hit;
            WheelCollider col = w.collider;

            if (w.drive)
                if (!NeutralGear && brake && currentGear < 2)
                    rpm += accel * carSetting.idleRPM;
                    if (!NeutralGear)
                        rpm += col.rpm;
                        rpm += (carSetting.idleRPM * accel);


            if (brake || accel < 0.0f)
                if ((accel < 0.0f) || (brake && (w == wheels[2] || w == wheels[3])))
                    if (brake && (accel > 0.0f))
                        slip = Mathf.Lerp(slip, 5.0f, accel * 0.01f);
                    else if (speed > 1.0f)
                        slip = Mathf.Lerp(slip, 1.0f, 0.002f);
                        slip = Mathf.Lerp(slip, 1.0f, 0.02f);

                    wantedRPM       = 0.0f;
                    col.brakeTorque = carSetting.brakePower;
                    w.rotation      = w_rotate;
                col.brakeTorque = accel == 0 || NeutralGear ? col.brakeTorque = 1000 : col.brakeTorque = 0;

                slip = speed > 0.0f ?
                       (speed > 100 ? slip = Mathf.Lerp(slip, 1.0f + Mathf.Abs(steer), 0.02f) : slip = Mathf.Lerp(slip, 1.5f, 0.02f))
    : slip = Mathf.Lerp(slip, 0.01f, 0.02f);

                w_rotate = w.rotation;

            WheelFrictionCurve fc = col.forwardFriction;

            fc.asymptoteValue   = 5000.0f;
            fc.extremumSlip     = 2.0f;
            fc.asymptoteSlip    = 20.0f;
            fc.stiffness        = carSetting.stiffness / (slip + slip2);
            col.forwardFriction = fc;
            fc           = col.sidewaysFriction;
            fc.stiffness = carSetting.stiffness / (slip + slip2);

            fc.extremumSlip = 0.3f + Mathf.Abs(steer);

            col.sidewaysFriction = fc;

            if (shift && (currentGear > 1 && speed > 50.0f) && shifmotor)
                if (powerShift == 0)
                    shifmotor = false;

                powerShift = Mathf.MoveTowards(powerShift, 0.0f, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);

                carSounds.nitro.volume = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.nitro.volume, 1.0f, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);

                if (!carSounds.nitro.isPlaying)
                    carSounds.nitro.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

                shifting  = true;
                curTorque = powerShift > 0 ? carSetting.shiftPower / slipRate : carSetting.carPower / slipRate;
                carParticles.shiftParticle1.emissionRate = Mathf.Lerp(carParticles.shiftParticle1.emissionRate, powerShift > 0 ? 50 : 0, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);
                carParticles.shiftParticle2.emissionRate = Mathf.Lerp(carParticles.shiftParticle2.emissionRate, powerShift > 0 ? 50 : 0, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);
                if (powerShift > 20)
                    shifmotor = true;

                carSounds.nitro.volume = Mathf.MoveTowards(carSounds.nitro.volume, 0.0f, Time.deltaTime * 2.0f);

                if (carSounds.nitro.volume == 0)

                shifting   = false;
                powerShift = Mathf.MoveTowards(powerShift, 100.0f, Time.deltaTime * 5.0f);
                curTorque  = carSetting.carPower / slipRate;
                carParticles.shiftParticle1.emissionRate = Mathf.Lerp(carParticles.shiftParticle1.emissionRate, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);
                carParticles.shiftParticle2.emissionRate = Mathf.Lerp(carParticles.shiftParticle2.emissionRate, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);

            w.rotation            = Mathf.Repeat(w.rotation + Time.deltaTime * col.rpm * 360.0f / 60.0f, 360.0f);
            w.rotation2           = Mathf.Lerp(w.rotation2, col.steerAngle, 0.1f);
            w.wheel.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(w.rotation, w.rotation2, 0.0f);

            Vector3 lp = w.wheel.localPosition;

            if (col.GetGroundHit(out hit))
                if (carParticles.brakeParticlePerfab)
                    if (Particle[currentWheel] == null)
                        Particle[currentWheel]                  = Instantiate(carParticles.brakeParticlePerfab, w.wheel.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                        Particle[currentWheel].name             = "WheelParticle";
                        Particle[currentWheel].transform.parent = transform.transform;

                        Particle[currentWheel].AddComponent <AudioSource>();
                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().maxDistance           = 50;
                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().spatialBlend          = 1;
                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().dopplerLevel          = 5;
                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().rolloffMode           = AudioRolloffMode.Custom;
                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().outputAudioMixerGroup = carSounds.brakeAudioMixer;

                    var  pc        = Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
                    bool WGrounded = false;

                    slipRate = 1.0f;

                    for (int i = 0; i < carSetting.hitGround.Length; i++)
                        if (hit.collider.CompareTag(carSetting.hitGround[i].tag))
                            WGrounded = carSetting.hitGround[i].grounded;

                            if ((brake || Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip) > 0.3f) && speed > 1)
                                Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = carSetting.hitGround[i].brakeSound;
                            else if (Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip != carSetting.hitGround[i].groundSound && !Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().isPlaying)
                                Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = carSetting.hitGround[i].groundSound;

                            Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().startColor = carSetting.hitGround[i].brakeColor;

                    if (WGrounded)
                        GameUI.manage.carPenalty = true;
                        if (speed > 70)
                            w.collider.brakeTorque = 2000;
                        GameUI.manage.carPenalty = false;

                    if (WGrounded && speed > 5 && !brake)
                        pc.enableEmission = true;
                        pc.emissionRate   = Mathf.Lerp(pc.emissionRate, 100.0f, 0.1f);

                        GameUI.manage.driftAmount = 0;
                        GameUI.manage.canDrift    = false;

                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = 0.5f;

                        if (!Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().isPlaying)
                            Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
                    else if ((brake || Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip) > 0.2f) && speed > 1)
                        if ((accel < 0.0f) || ((brake || Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip) > 0.2f) && (w == wheels[2] || w == wheels[3])))
                            pc.emissionRate   = Mathf.Lerp(pc.emissionRate, 100.0f, 0.5f);
                            pc.enableEmission = true;

                            if (!Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().isPlaying)
                                Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

                            Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = 10;

                            if (speed > 20.0f && Mathf.Abs(hit.sidewaysSlip) > 0.1f && GameUI.manage.canDrift)
                                GameUI.manage.driftAmount += 1;
                                GameUI.manage.driftAmount = 0;
                                GameUI.manage.canDrift    = false;
                        pc.emissionRate = Mathf.Lerp(pc.emissionRate, 0.0f, 0.05f);

                        if (pc.emissionRate < 2.0f)
                            GameUI.manage.driftAmount = 0;
                            GameUI.manage.canDrift    = false;
                            pc.enableEmission         = false;

                        Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = Mathf.Lerp(Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume, 0, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);

                lp.y        -= Vector3.Dot(w.wheel.position - hit.point, transform.TransformDirection(0, 1, 0) / transform.lossyScale.x) - (col.radius);
                lp.y         = Mathf.Clamp(lp.y, -10.0f, w.pos_y);
                floorContact = floorContact || (w.drive);
                if (Particle[currentWheel] != null)
                    var pc = Particle[currentWheel].GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
                    pc.emissionRate = Mathf.Lerp(pc.emissionRate, 0.0f, 0.1f);

                    if (pc.emissionRate < 2.0f)
                        GameUI.manage.driftAmount = 0;
                        GameUI.manage.canDrift    = false;
                        pc.enableEmission         = false;

                lp.y = w.startPos.y - carWheels.setting.Distance;
                myRigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.down * 10000);

            w.wheel.localPosition = lp;

        if (motorizedWheels > 1)
            rpm = rpm / motorizedWheels;

        motorRPM = 0.95f * motorRPM + 0.05f * Mathf.Abs(rpm * carSetting.gears[currentGear]);
        if (motorRPM > 5500.0f)
            motorRPM = 5200.0f;

        int index = (int)(motorRPM / efficiencyTableStep);

        if (index >= efficiencyTable.Length)
            index = efficiencyTable.Length - 1;
        if (index < 0)
            index = 0;

        float newTorque = curTorque * carSetting.gears[currentGear] * efficiencyTable[index];

        foreach (WheelComponent w in wheels)
            WheelCollider col = w.collider;

            if (w.drive)
                if (Mathf.Abs(col.rpm) > Mathf.Abs(wantedRPM))
                    col.motorTorque = 0;
                    float curTorqueCol = col.motorTorque;

                    if (!brake && accel != 0 && NeutralGear == false)
                        if ((speed < carSetting.LimitForwardSpeed && currentGear > 0) ||
                            (speed < carSetting.LimitBackwardSpeed && currentGear == 0))
                            col.motorTorque = curTorqueCol * 0.9f + newTorque * 1.0f;
                            col.motorTorque = 0;
                            col.brakeTorque = 0;
                        col.motorTorque = 0;

            if (brake || slip2 > 2.0f)
                col.steerAngle = Mathf.Lerp(col.steerAngle, steer * w.maxSteer, 0.05f);
                float SteerAngle = Mathf.Clamp(speed / carSetting.maxSteerAngle, 1.0f, carSetting.maxSteerAngle);
                col.steerAngle = steer * (w.maxSteer / SteerAngle);

        // calculate pitch (keep it within reasonable bounds)
        Pitch = Mathf.Clamp(1.2f + ((motorRPM - carSetting.idleRPM) / (carSetting.shiftUpRPM - carSetting.idleRPM)), 1.0f, 10.0f);

        shiftTime = Mathf.MoveTowards(shiftTime, 0.0f, 0.1f);

        if (Pitch == 1)
            carSounds.IdleEngine.volume = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.IdleEngine.volume, 1.0f, 0.1f);
            carSounds.LowEngine.volume  = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.LowEngine.volume, 0.5f, 0.1f);
            carSounds.HighEngine.volume = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.HighEngine.volume, 0.0f, 0.1f);
            carSounds.IdleEngine.volume = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.IdleEngine.volume, 1.8f - Pitch, 0.1f);

            if ((Pitch > PitchDelay || accel > 0) && shiftTime == 0.0f)
                carSounds.LowEngine.volume  = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.LowEngine.volume, 0.0f, 0.2f);
                carSounds.HighEngine.volume = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.HighEngine.volume, 1.0f, 0.1f);
                carSounds.LowEngine.volume  = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.LowEngine.volume, 0.5f, 0.1f);
                carSounds.HighEngine.volume = Mathf.Lerp(carSounds.HighEngine.volume, 0.0f, 0.2f);

            carSounds.HighEngine.pitch = Pitch;
            carSounds.LowEngine.pitch  = Pitch;

            PitchDelay = Pitch;
Пример #25
 private byte EaseToward(byte from, byte to, int amount) {
     if (Mathf.Abs(from - to) < amount) return to;
     return (byte)(from + (to > from ? amount : -amount));
 static bool Differs(float a, float b)
     return(Mathf.Abs(a - b) > 0.0001f);
Пример #27
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            Direction = Vector2.zero;             //Reset per frame   //フレーム毎にリセット

#if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS) //Only platforms you want to obtain with touch.     //タッチで取得したいプラットフォームのみ
            if (Input.touchCount == 1)            //Multiple fingers are impossible (because there is a possibility of pinching in case of two or more fingers).  //複数の指は不可とする(※2つ以上の指の場合はピンチの可能性もあるため)
                if (!pressing && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))   //When pressed (left click / touch can be acquired).    //押したとき(左クリック/タッチが取得できる)
                    startPos = Input.mousePosition;
                    if (validArea.xMin * Screen.width <= startPos.x && startPos.x <= validArea.xMax * Screen.width &&
                        validArea.yMin * Screen.height <= startPos.y && startPos.y <= validArea.yMax * Screen.height)   //Within recognition area   //認識エリア内
                        pressing  = true;
                        limitTime = Time.time + timeout;
                else if (pressing && Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))  //Only when it is already pressed (Note that this function can not distinguish which finger when touching 2 or more).   //既に押されているときのみ(※この関数は2つ以上タッチの場合、どの指か判別できないので注意)
                    pressing = false;

                    if (Time.time < limitTime)  //Recognize before time limit   //時間制限前なら認識
                        endPos = Input.mousePosition;
                        Vector2 dist       = endPos - startPos;
                        float   dx         = Mathf.Abs(dist.x);
                        float   dy         = Mathf.Abs(dist.y);
                        float   requiredPx = widthReference ? Screen.width * validWidth : Screen.height * validWidth;

                        if (dy < dx)             //Recognized as horizontal direction            //横方向として認識
                            if (requiredPx < dx) //Recognize if it exceeds length     //長さを超えていたら認識
                                Direction = Mathf.Sign(dist.x) < 0 ? Vector2.left : Vector2.right;
                        else                     //Recognized as vertical direction                      //縦方向として認識
                            if (requiredPx < dy) //Recognize if it exceeds length     //長さを超えていたら認識
                                Direction = Mathf.Sign(dist.y) < 0 ? Vector2.down : Vector2.up;

                        if (Direction != Vector2.zero)
                            if (OnSwipe != null)
#if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS)   //タッチで取得したいプラットフォームのみ
            else  //Invalid it when there is not one touch (since there is also a possibility of pinching in case of two or more fingers).  //タッチが1つでないときは無効にする(※2つ以上の指の場合はピンチの可能性もあるため)
                pressing = false;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public int GetHashCode(object obj)
Пример #29
        public float NormalizedReputationDifference(int otherRep)
            int difference = Mathf.Abs(FinalReputation - otherRep);

            return((float)difference / (float)Globals.MaxReputation);
Пример #30
 protected override bool CanIncreaseVelocity(float maxSpeed) =>
 Mathf.Abs(physicalProperties.targetVelocity.x) < maxSpeed;