Пример #1
        /// <summary>Determine the density limits</summary>
        private void CalculateDensity(GameConstants consts, Random rnd)
            // Factors influency density:
            // -Bigger molar mass = higher density
            // -Stronger bonds = higher density
            // -More Ionic = higher density
            // -Smaller atomic radii = higher density
            var norm_ionicity = Math_.Frac(consts.MinElectronegativity, Ionicity, consts.MaxElectronegativity);

            var mass_adj     = Math_.Frac(1, MolarMass / (Count1 + Count2), consts.MaxMolarMass); // normalised average molar mass
            var ionicity_adj = 1.0 + 0.5 * Math.Pow(norm_ionicity, 8);                            // no significant ionicity until about 0.7
            //var bond_adj = dominant_bond.Strength;
            //var radii = Elem1.ValenceOrbitalRadius + Elem2.ValenceOrbitalRadius;

            var scaler = mass_adj * ionicity_adj;

            Debug.Assert(scaler >= 0 && scaler < 10);
            m_solid_density = Math_.Lerp(consts.MinSolidMaterialDensity, consts.MaxSolidMaterialDensity, scaler);

            // The liquid_density0 value can only be lower than the solid density when
            // the Compound is strongly ionic such that it forms a crystals
            var ionicity_solid_density_scaler = 0.1 * Math_.Max(0, norm_ionicity - 0.75);

            m_liquid_density0 = m_solid_density * rnd.Double(1.0, 1.0 - ionicity_solid_density_scaler);
            m_liquid_density1 = m_liquid_density0 * rnd.DoubleC(0.8, 0.0);            // at boiling point, density is roughly 20% less
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Sets the density of the element in the solid state (assumed constant)</summary>
        private void CalcSolidDensity(GameConstants consts)
            var frac = Math.Sin(TableX * 0.48 * Math_.Tau);
            var min  = consts.MinSolidMaterialDensity * Math_.Lerp(1.0, 3.5, TableY);
            var max  = consts.MaxSolidMaterialDensity * Math_.Lerp(0.015, 1.0, TableY);

            SolidDensity = Math_.Lerp(min, max, frac);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>Update the state of the progress form</summary>
        public void UpdateProgress(UserState us)
            var do_layout = us.ForceLayout != null && us.ForceLayout.Value;

            if (us.FractionComplete != null)
                m_progress.Value = (int)Math_.Lerp(m_progress.Minimum, m_progress.Maximum, Math_.Clamp(us.FractionComplete.Value, 0.0, 1.0));

            if (us.Title != null)
                Text = us.Title;

            if (us.Description != null)
                m_description.Text = us.Description;
                do_layout         |= true;

            if (us.DescFont != null)
                m_description.Font = us.DescFont;

            if (us.Icon != null)
                Icon = us.Icon;

            if (us.ProgressBarVisible != null)
                m_progress.Visible = us.ProgressBarVisible.Value;

            if (us.ProgressBarStyle != null)
                m_progress.Style = us.ProgressBarStyle.Value;

            if (us.ProgressBarText != null)
                m_progress.Text = us.ProgressBarText;

            if (do_layout)

            if (us.CloseDialog)
                // Don't trigger a layout, we just want to exit
                m_allow_cancel = true;
                DialogResult   = CancelPending ? DialogResult.Cancel : DialogResult.OK;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>The density of the Compound at the given temperature/pressure (kg/m³)</summary>
        public double Density(double temperature, double pressure)
            switch (Phase(temperature, pressure))
            default: throw new ArgumentException();

            case EPhase.Gas: return(0.0);

            case EPhase.Solid: return(m_solid_density);

            case EPhase.Liquid:
                var f = Math_.Frac(MeltingPoint, temperature, BoilingPoint);
                return(Math_.Lerp(m_liquid_density0, m_liquid_density1, f));
Пример #5
        public void TestLerp()
            var a0 = new[] { 1.0, 10.0, 2.0, 5.0 };

            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(-0.1, a0), 1.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(0.0, a0), 1.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(1.0, a0), 5.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(1.1, a0), 5.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(1 / 2.0, a0), 6.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(1 / 3.0, a0), 10.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(2 / 3.0, a0), 2.0);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(1 / 6.0, a0), 5.5);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(5 / 6.0, a0), 3.5);
            Assert.Equal(Math_.Lerp(new v4(0f), new v4(1f), 0.5), new v4(0.5f));
Пример #6
        /// <summary>Interpolate this candle between it's known values. Used to simulate higher resolution of price movement</summary>
        public Candle SubCandle(double t)
            // Bullish candles, return: Open, Low, High, Close
            // Bearish candles, return: Open, High, Low, Close
            var vol   = Math_.Lerp(t, 0, Volume);
            var t0    = Bullish ? 0.6667 : 0.3333;
            var t1    = Bullish ? 0.3333 : 0.6667;
            var close = Bullish
                                ? Math_.Lerp(t, Open, Low, High, Close)
                                : Math_.Lerp(t, Open, High, Low, Close);

            return(new Candle(Timestamp, Open,
                              t < t0 ? Math.Max(Open, close) : High,
                              t < t1 ? Math.Min(Open, close) : Low,
                              close, Median, vol));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>Sets the valency properties</summary>
        private void CalcValency(GameConstants consts)
            // Noble gases have no valency
            if (AtomicNumber == consts.ValenceLevels[Period])
                ValenceElectrons     = 0;
                ValenceHoles         = 0;
                ValenceOrbitalRadius = consts.OrbitalRadii[Period].Min;

            ValenceElectrons = AtomicNumber - consts.ValenceLevels[Period - 1];
            ValenceHoles     = consts.ValenceLevels[Period] - AtomicNumber;

            // Valency is never more than the stable shell count
            if (ValenceElectrons < consts.StableShellCount)
                ValenceHoles = Math.Min(ValenceHoles, consts.StableShellCount - ValenceElectrons);
            else if (ValenceHoles < consts.StableShellCount)
                ValenceElectrons = Math.Min(ValenceElectrons, consts.StableShellCount - ValenceHoles);
                const int MinValenceElectrons = 2;
                int       MaxValenceElectrons = consts.StableShellCount - 1;
                for (int i = 0, iend = ValenceElectrons - MaxValenceElectrons; i < iend;)
                    ValenceElectrons = MaxValenceElectrons;
                    for (; i < iend && ValenceElectrons > MinValenceElectrons; --ValenceElectrons, ++i)
                    for (; i < iend && ValenceElectrons < MaxValenceElectrons; ++ValenceElectrons, ++i)
                ValenceHoles = 8 - ValenceElectrons;

            // Create an orbital radius for this element
            // Orbital radii decreases from bottom left to top right of the periodic table, i.e He is the smallest atom, Cs the biggest
            ValenceOrbitalRadius = Math_.Lerp(consts.OrbitalRadii[Period].Max, consts.OrbitalRadii[Period].Min, Math_.Sqrt(TableX));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>Sets the electro negativity</summary>
        private void CalcElectronegativity(GameConstants consts)
            if (AtomicNumber == 1)
                Electronegativity = Math_.Lerp(consts.MinElectronegativity, consts.MaxElectronegativity, 0.5);

            // This scale does not include the nobal gases so rescale TableX to make 1.0 = ValenceLevel[Period] - 1
            var row_count = consts.ValenceLevels[Period] - consts.ValenceLevels[Period - 1];
            var x         = TableX * row_count / (row_count - 1);

            // Electronegativity increases from bottom left to top right of the
            // periodic table with a minor peak in the centre
            var frac = 0.03 * Period * Math.Sin(Math.Pow(x, Math_.Root2) * Math_.Tau) + x;            // A normalised scaler with a hump in the middle that gets bigger for higher periods
            var min  = consts.MinElectronegativity * Math_.Lerp(1.5, 1.0, TableY);
            var max  = consts.MaxElectronegativity * Math_.Lerp(1.15, 0.45, TableY);

            Electronegativity = Math_.Lerp(min, max, frac);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>Linearly interpolates between 'lhs' and 'rhs'</summary>
        public static DateTimeOffset Lerp(DateTimeOffset lhs, DateTimeOffset rhs, double frac)
            var lerp = Math_.Lerp(lhs.Ticks, rhs.Ticks, frac);

            return(new DateTimeOffset(lerp, lhs.Offset));
Пример #10
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            var gfx = e.Graphics;
            var dim = LayoutDimensions;

            if (dim.Empty)

            // Draw the wheel
            if ((Parts & EParts.Wheel) != 0)
                var bm = WheelBitmap;
                gfx.DrawImageUnscaled(bm, 0, 0);

                // Draw the colour selection
                if ((Parts & EParts.ColourSelection) != 0)
                    var pt = WheelPoint(HSVColour);
                    gfx.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, pt.X - 2f, pt.Y - 2f, 4f, 4f);

            gfx.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

            // Draw the VSlider
            if ((Parts & EParts.VSlider) != 0)
                gfx.DrawString(ValueLabel, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, dim.VLabel);
                if (!dim.VSlider.IsEmpty)
                    using (var b = new LinearGradientBrush(
                               VerticalLayout ? dim.VSlider.LeftCentre()  : dim.VSlider.BottomCentre(),
                               VerticalLayout ? dim.VSlider.RightCentre() : dim.VSlider.TopCentre(),
                               Color.Black, Color.White))
                        gfx.FillRectangle(b, dim.VSlider);

                    gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, dim.VSlider);

                // Draw the brightness selection
                if ((Parts & EParts.VSelection) != 0)
                    var v = VerticalLayout
                                                ? Math_.Lerp(dim.VSlider.Left, dim.VSlider.Right, (double)HSVColour.V)
                                                : Math_.Lerp(dim.VSlider.Bottom, dim.VSlider.Top, (double)HSVColour.V);
                    var pts = SliderSelector(v, dim.VSlider, VerticalLayout);
                    gfx.DrawLines(Pens.Black, pts);

            // Draw the ASlider
            if ((Parts & EParts.ASlider) != 0)
                gfx.DrawString(AlphaLabel, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, dim.ALabel);
                if (!dim.ASlider.IsEmpty)
                    using (var b = new LinearGradientBrush(
                               VerticalLayout ? dim.ASlider.LeftCentre()  : dim.ASlider.BottomCentre(),
                               VerticalLayout ? dim.ASlider.RightCentre() : dim.ASlider.TopCentre(),
                               Color.Black, Color.White))
                        gfx.FillRectangle(b, dim.ASlider);

                    gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, dim.ASlider);

                // Draw the alpha selection
                if ((Parts & EParts.ASelection) != 0)
                    var v = VerticalLayout
                                                ? Math_.Lerp(dim.ASlider.Left, dim.ASlider.Right, (double)HSVColour.A)
                                                : Math_.Lerp(dim.ASlider.Bottom, dim.ASlider.Top, (double)HSVColour.A);
                    var pts = SliderSelector(v, dim.ASlider, VerticalLayout);
                    gfx.DrawLines(Pens.Black, pts);