Пример #1
        public void DrawMotionSpheres()
            // We estimate how much we should correct our curve time by with a guess step
            for (int i = 0; i < m_MotionSphereCount; ++i)
                var t            = i / (float)m_MotionSphereCount + m_MotionSphereOffset;
                var motionSphere = m_MotionSpheres[i];
                motionSphere.position = MathUtilsExt.CalculateCubicBezierPoint(t, m_BezierControlPoints);
                var         motionSphereScale = visible ? (validTarget ? m_MotionSphereOriginalScale.x : 0.05f) : 0f;
                var         smoothVelocity    = 0f;
                const float scaleCoefficient  = 4f;

                motionSphereScale = MathUtilsExt.SmoothDamp(motionSphere.localScale.x, motionSphereScale,
                                                            ref smoothVelocity, 3f, Mathf.Infinity, Time.unscaledDeltaTime)
                                    * Mathf.Min((m_Transform.position - motionSphere.position).magnitude
                                                * scaleCoefficient / viewerScale, 1f);

                motionSphere.localScale    = Vector3.one * motionSphereScale;
                motionSphere.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                // If we're not at the starting point, we apply a correction factor
                if (t > 0.0f)
                    // We have how long we *think* the curve should be
                    var lengthEstimate = m_CurveLengthEstimate * t;

                    // We compare that to how long our distance actually is
                    var correctionFactor = lengthEstimate / (motionSphere.position - m_BezierControlPoints[0]).magnitude;

                    // We then scale our time value by this correction factor
                    var correctedTime = Mathf.Clamp01(t * correctionFactor);
                    motionSphere.position = MathUtilsExt.CalculateCubicBezierPoint(correctedTime, m_BezierControlPoints);
Пример #2
        public void DrawArc()
            m_LocatorRoot.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // prevent rendering line when pointing to high or low
            if (outOfMaxRange)
                validTarget = false;
                if (m_State != State.Inactive)


            // start point
            m_BezierControlPoints[0] = m_ToolPoint.position;

            // first handle -- determines how steep the first part will be
            m_BezierControlPoints[1] = m_ToolPoint.position + m_ToolPoint.forward * pointerStrength * m_Range * viewerScale;

            const float kArcEndHeight = 0f;

            m_FinalPosition = new Vector3(m_BezierControlPoints[1].x, kArcEndHeight, m_BezierControlPoints[1].z);

            // end point
            m_BezierControlPoints[3] = m_FinalPosition;

            // second handle -- determines how steep the intersection with the ground will be
            m_BezierControlPoints[2] = m_FinalPosition;

            // set the position of the locator
            m_LocatorRoot.position = m_DetachedWorldArcPosition == null ? m_FinalPosition + k_GroundOffset : (Vector3)m_DetachedWorldArcPosition;

            validTarget = false;

            var colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(m_FinalPosition, m_Radius, m_LayerMask.value);

            validTarget = colliders != null && colliders.Length > 0;

            SetColors(!showValidTargetIndicator || validTarget ? m_ValidLocationColor : m_InvalidLocationColor);

            // calculate and send points to the line renderer
            m_SegmentPositions = new Vector3[m_LineSegmentCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < m_LineSegmentCount; i++)
                var t = i / (float)Mathf.Max((m_LineSegmentCount - 1), 1);
                var q = MathUtilsExt.CalculateCubicBezierPoint(t, m_BezierControlPoints);
                m_SegmentPositions[i] = q;

            // The curve length will be somewhere between a straight line between the points
            // and a path that directly follows the control points.  So we estimate this by just averaging the two.
            m_CurveLengthEstimate = ((m_BezierControlPoints[3] - m_BezierControlPoints[0]).magnitude + ((m_BezierControlPoints[1] - m_BezierControlPoints[0]).magnitude + (m_BezierControlPoints[1] - m_BezierControlPoints[2]).magnitude)) * 0.5f;