public void Init(Factory factory) { renderers = new List<IMeshRenderer>(); canvasRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer>(); UpdateSortingLayerAndOrder(factory); UpdateLayer(factory); if (factory.useAdditionalColor) { additionalColor = UnityEngine.Color.clear; property = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); additionalColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalColor"); } buffer = new UIVertexBuffer(); }
public void Init(Factory factory) { useLegacyMeshGeneration = false; renderers = new List<IMeshRenderer>(); UpdateSortingLayerAndOrder(factory); UpdateLayer(factory); if (factory.useAdditionalColor) { additionalColor = UnityEngine.Color.clear; property = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); additionalColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalColor"); } buffer = new UIVertexBuffer(); }
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { // Schedule job to set animation state JobHandle animateJob = (new SpriteSheetAnimateJob { deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime }).Schedule(this, inputDeps); animateJob.Complete(); // Need two MPBs because it will not render team2 sprites if they outnumber team1 sprites. "Property (_MainText_UV) exceeds previous array size (team2size vs team1size). Cap to previous size" MaterialPropertyBlock materialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); MaterialPropertyBlock materialPropertyBlock2 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); NativeArray <SpriteSheetData> team1Sprites = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetData>(); NativeArray <SpriteSheetData> team2Sprites = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetData>(); // TODO grab renderers from entities/chunks? store in central TeamData location? //SpriteRenderer team1Renderer; //SpriteRenderer team2Renderer; sample1.Begin(); EntityQuery queryForTeamSprites = GetEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc { All = new[] { ComponentType.ReadOnly <SpriteSheetData>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly <Team>() }, }); queryForTeamSprites.SetSharedComponentFilter(new Team { Value = 0 }); team1Sprites = queryForTeamSprites.ToComponentDataArray <SpriteSheetData>(Allocator.TempJob); queryForTeamSprites.SetSharedComponentFilter(new Team { Value = 1 }); team2Sprites = queryForTeamSprites.ToComponentDataArray <SpriteSheetData>(Allocator.TempJob); sample1.End(); // TODO: cull sprites based on camera frustrum // TODO: fix drawing being in wrong order. Entities that have a higher y value should be drawn first so that lower y entities are layered on top (is there some spooky optimization to draw front-back?) // TODO: any way to jobify some of this work? can't create MaterialPropertyBlock off main thread // Draw // Limited to 1023 matrixes per draw call int maxMatrixCount = 1023; sample2.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < team1Sprites.Length; i += maxMatrixCount) { int matrixCount = Unity.Mathematics.math.min(team1Sprites.Length - i, maxMatrixCount); matricies.Clear(); uvs.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < matrixCount; j++) { matricies.Add(team1Sprites[i + j].matrix); uvs.Add(team1Sprites[i + j].uv); } materialPropertyBlock.SetVectorArray(shaderPropertyID, uvs); Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced(SpriteTest.Instance.mesh, 0, SpriteTest.Instance.material, matricies, materialPropertyBlock); } for (int i = 0; i < team2Sprites.Length; i += maxMatrixCount) { int matrixCount = Unity.Mathematics.math.min(team2Sprites.Length - i, maxMatrixCount); matricies.Clear(); uvs.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < matrixCount; j++) { matricies.Add(team2Sprites[i + j].matrix); uvs.Add(team2Sprites[i + j].uv); } materialPropertyBlock2.SetVectorArray(shaderPropertyID, uvs); Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced(SpriteTest.Instance.mesh, 0, SpriteTest.Instance.material2, matricies, materialPropertyBlock2); } sample2.End(); team1Sprites.Dispose(); team2Sprites.Dispose(); return(inputDeps); }
public BitmapRenderer(LWF lwf, BitmapContext context) : base(lwf) { m_context = context; m_property = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); m_matrix = new Matrix4x4(); m_renderMatrix = new Matrix4x4(); m_colorMult = new UnityEngine.Color(); m_colorAdd = new UnityEngine.Color(); m_blendMode = (int)Format.Constant.BLEND_MODE_NORMAL; m_colorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color"); m_additionalColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalColor"); }
public void DrawProceduralIndirect(Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, ComputeBuffer bufferWithArgs, [DefaultValue("0")] int argsOffset, [DefaultValue("null")] MaterialPropertyBlock properties) { INTERNAL_CALL_DrawProceduralIndirect(this, ref matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_DrawProcedural(CommandBuffer self, ref Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount, int instanceCount, MaterialPropertyBlock properties);
public void Init(Factory factory) { renderers = new List<IMeshRenderer>(); mesh = new Mesh(); = "LWF/" +; mesh.MarkDynamic(); meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<UnityEngine.MeshRenderer>(); #if UNITY_4_6 meshRenderer.castShadows = false; #else meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; #endif meshRenderer.receiveShadows = false; UpdateSortingLayerAndOrder(factory); UpdateLayer(factory); if (factory.useAdditionalColor) { additionalColor = UnityEngine.Color.clear; property = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); additionalColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalColor"); } buffer = new CombinedMeshBuffer(); }
public void DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount, int instanceCount) { MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null; INTERNAL_CALL_DrawProcedural(this, ref matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, vertexCount, instanceCount, properties); }
private void Awake() { _meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); _propertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); }
public static void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int layer, Camera camera, int submeshIndex, MaterialPropertyBlock properties){}
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _render = GetComponent <MeshRenderer> (); mb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); _render.SetPropertyBlock(mb); }
void Awake() { _vectorPositions = new List <Vector4>(); _rend = GetComponent <Renderer>(); _mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); }
public static void BindNull(int shapeSlot, MaterialPropertyBlock properties) { properties.SetTexture(ParamIdSampler(shapeSlot), Texture2D.blackTexture); }
private void ApplyToBlock(ref MaterialPropertyBlock block, ShaderIDs bids) { #if USE_PROPERTY_BLOCKS #if UNITY_5 && !UNITY_5_0 && !UNITY_5_1 && !UNITY_5_2 block.SetVector(bids.exposureIBL, exposures); block.SetVector(bids.exposureLM, exposuresLM); block.SetMatrix(bids.skyMatrix, skyMatrix); block.SetMatrix(bids.invSkyMatrix, invMatrix); block.SetVector(bids.skyMin, skyMin); block.SetVector(bids.skyMax, skyMax); if (specularCube) { block.SetTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, specularCube); } else { block.SetTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, blackCube); } block.SetVector(bids.SH[0], SH.cBuffer[0]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[1], SH.cBuffer[1]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[2], SH.cBuffer[2]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[3], SH.cBuffer[3]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[4], SH.cBuffer[4]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[5], SH.cBuffer[5]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[6], SH.cBuffer[6]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[7], SH.cBuffer[7]); block.SetVector(bids.SH[8], SH.cBuffer[8]); #else block.AddVector(bids.exposureIBL, exposures); block.AddVector(bids.exposureLM, exposuresLM); block.AddMatrix(bids.skyMatrix, skyMatrix); block.AddMatrix(bids.invSkyMatrix, invMatrix); block.AddVector(bids.skyMin, skyMin); block.AddVector(bids.skyMax, skyMax); if (specularCube) { block.AddTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, specularCube); } else { block.AddTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, blackCube); } block.AddVector(bids.SH[0], SH.cBuffer[0]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[1], SH.cBuffer[1]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[2], SH.cBuffer[2]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[3], SH.cBuffer[3]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[4], SH.cBuffer[4]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[5], SH.cBuffer[5]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[6], SH.cBuffer[6]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[7], SH.cBuffer[7]); block.AddVector(bids.SH[8], SH.cBuffer[8]); #endif #endif }
public abstract void ResetProperties(MaterialPropertyBlock materialProps);
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_DrawProceduralIndirect(CommandBuffer self, ref Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, ComputeBuffer bufferWithArgs, int argsOffset, MaterialPropertyBlock properties);
void Awake() { curMesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; curRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); curPropBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); }
public abstract void Render(MaterialPropertyBlock materialProps);
void SetUniforms(BuiltinSkyParameters builtinParams, ProceduralSkySettings param, bool renderForCubemap, ref MaterialPropertyBlock properties) { properties.SetTexture("_Cubemap", param.skyHDRI); properties.SetVector("_SkyParam", new Vector4(param.exposure, param.multiplier, param.rotation, 0.0f)); properties.SetMatrix("_InvViewProjMatrix", builtinParams.invViewProjMatrix); properties.SetVector("_CameraPosWS", builtinParams.cameraPosWS); properties.SetVector("_ScreenSize", builtinParams.screenSize); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetInt("_AtmosphericsDebugMode", (int)param.debugMode); Vector3 sunDirection = (builtinParams.sunLight != null) ? -builtinParams.sunLight.transform.forward :; m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_SunDirection", sunDirection); var pixelRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, builtinParams.screenSize.x, builtinParams.screenSize.y); var scale = 1.0f; //(float)(int)occlusionDownscale; var depthTextureScaledTexelSize = new Vector4(scale / pixelRect.width, scale / pixelRect.height, -scale / pixelRect.width, -scale / pixelRect.height); properties.SetVector("_DepthTextureScaledTexelSize", depthTextureScaledTexelSize); /* * m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_ShadowBias", useOcclusion ? occlusionBias : 1f); * m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_ShadowBiasIndirect", useOcclusion ? occlusionBiasIndirect : 1f); * m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_ShadowBiasClouds", useOcclusion ? occlusionBiasClouds : 1f); * m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_ShadowBiasSkyRayleighMie", useOcclusion ? new Vector4(occlusionBiasSkyRayleigh, occlusionBiasSkyMie, 0f, 0f) :; * m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_OcclusionDepthThreshold", occlusionDepthThreshold); * m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_OcclusionTexture_TexelSize", ???); */ m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_WorldScaleExponent", param.worldScaleExponent); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_WorldNormalDistanceRcp", 1f / param.worldNormalDistance); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_WorldMieNearScatterPush", -Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(param.worldMieNearScatterPush), param.worldScaleExponent) * Mathf.Sign(param.worldMieNearScatterPush)); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_WorldRayleighNearScatterPush", -Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(param.worldRayleighNearScatterPush), param.worldScaleExponent) * Mathf.Sign(param.worldRayleighNearScatterPush)); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_WorldRayleighDensity", -param.worldRayleighDensity / 100000f); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_WorldMieDensity", -param.worldMieDensity / 100000f); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_SkyDepth", 1.0f / param.maxSkyDistance); var rayleighColorM20 = param.worldRayleighColorRamp.Evaluate(0.00f); var rayleighColorM10 = param.worldRayleighColorRamp.Evaluate(0.25f); var rayleighColorO00 = param.worldRayleighColorRamp.Evaluate(0.50f); var rayleighColorP10 = param.worldRayleighColorRamp.Evaluate(0.75f); var rayleighColorP20 = param.worldRayleighColorRamp.Evaluate(1.00f); var mieColorM20 = param.worldMieColorRamp.Evaluate(0.00f); var mieColorO00 = param.worldMieColorRamp.Evaluate(0.50f); var mieColorP20 = param.worldMieColorRamp.Evaluate(1.00f); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_RayleighColorM20", (Vector4)rayleighColorM20 * param.worldRayleighColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_RayleighColorM10", (Vector4)rayleighColorM10 * param.worldRayleighColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_RayleighColorO00", (Vector4)rayleighColorO00 * param.worldRayleighColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_RayleighColorP10", (Vector4)rayleighColorP10 * param.worldRayleighColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_RayleighColorP20", (Vector4)rayleighColorP20 * param.worldRayleighColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_MieColorM20", (Vector4)mieColorM20 * param.worldMieColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_MieColorO00", (Vector4)mieColorO00 * param.worldMieColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_MieColorP20", (Vector4)mieColorP20 * param.worldMieColorIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightNormalDistanceRcp", 1f / param.heightNormalDistance); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightMieNearScatterPush", -Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(param.heightMieNearScatterPush), param.worldScaleExponent) * Mathf.Sign(param.heightMieNearScatterPush)); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightRayleighNearScatterPush", -Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(param.heightRayleighNearScatterPush), param.worldScaleExponent) * Mathf.Sign(param.heightRayleighNearScatterPush)); // m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightRayleighDensity", -param.heightRayleighDensity / 100000f); // m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightMieDensity", -param.heightMieDensity / 100000f); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightSeaLevel", param.heightSeaLevel); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_HeightPlaneShift", param.heightPlaneShift); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightDistanceRcp", 1f / param.heightDistance); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_HeightRayleighColor", (Vector4)param.heightRayleighColor * param.heightRayleighIntensity); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightExtinctionFactor", param.heightExtinctionFactor); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetVector("_RayleighInScatterPct", new Vector4(1f - param.worldRayleighIndirectScatter, param.worldRayleighIndirectScatter, 0f, 0f)); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_RayleighExtinctionFactor", param.worldRayleighExtinctionFactor); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_MiePhaseAnisotropy", param.worldMiePhaseAnisotropy); m_ProceduralSkyMaterial.SetFloat("_MieExtinctionFactor", param.worldMieExtinctionFactor); // Since we use the material for rendering the sky both into the cubemap, and // during the fullscreen pass, setting the 'PERFORM_SKY_OCCLUSION_TEST' keyword has no effect. properties.SetFloat("_DisableSkyOcclusionTest", renderForCubemap ? 1.0f : 0.0f); // We flip the screens-space Y axis in case we follow the D3D convention. properties.SetFloat("_FlipY", renderForCubemap ? 1.0f : 0.0f); // We do not render the height fog into the sky IBL cubemap. properties.SetFloat("_HeightRayleighDensity", renderForCubemap ? -0.0f : -param.heightRayleighDensity / 100000f); properties.SetFloat("_HeightMieDensity", renderForCubemap ? -0.0f : -param.heightMieDensity / 100000f); }
public static void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int layer, Camera camera, int submeshIndex, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool castShadows, bool receiveShadows){}
private void Start() { matPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); }
private void Awake() { _materialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); }
private void OnValidate() { materialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); }
public void DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount, [DefaultValue("1")] int instanceCount, [DefaultValue("null")] MaterialPropertyBlock properties) { INTERNAL_CALL_DrawProcedural(this, ref matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, vertexCount, instanceCount, properties); }
void OnResetRender() { this.sim = this.GetComponent <IFormLayer>().GetSimulation; mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); SetColor(color); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_DrawMesh(CommandBuffer self, Mesh mesh, ref Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int submeshIndex, int shaderPass, MaterialPropertyBlock properties);
public static void SetPreviewProperty(this MaterialPropertyBlock block, PreviewProperty previewProperty) { previewProperty.SetMaterialPropertyBlockValue(block); }
private void Start() { props = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); colors = new List <Vector4>(size * size * size); matrices = new Matrix4x4[size * size * size]; }
// Main Thread public void init(Material material) { alive_table_ = new bool[TRAIL_MAX]; for (var i = 0; i < TRAIL_MAX; ++i) { alive_table_[i] = false; } spawn_index_ = 0; positions_ = new Vector3[NODE_NUM * TRAIL_MAX]; widths_ = new float[TRAIL_MAX]; types_ = new Type[TRAIL_MAX]; update_time_ = new float[TRAIL_MAX]; vertices_ = new Vector3[2][] { new Vector3[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX], new Vector3[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX], }; normals_ = new Vector3[2][] { new Vector3[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX], new Vector3[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX], }; uv2s_ = new Vector2[2][] { new Vector2[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX], new Vector2[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX], }; for (var i = 0; i < TRAIL_MAX; ++i) { clear(i); } var triangles = new int[(NODE_NUM - 1) * 6 * TRAIL_MAX]; for (var l = 0; l < TRAIL_MAX; ++l) { var lidx = l * (NODE_NUM - 1) * 6; var idx = l * NODE_NUM * 2; for (var i = 0; i < (NODE_NUM - 1); ++i) { triangles[lidx + i * 6 + 0] = idx + (i + 0) * 2 + 0; triangles[lidx + i * 6 + 1] = idx + (i + 0) * 2 + 1; triangles[lidx + i * 6 + 2] = idx + (i + 1) * 2 + 0; triangles[lidx + i * 6 + 3] = idx + (i + 1) * 2 + 0; triangles[lidx + i * 6 + 4] = idx + (i + 0) * 2 + 1; triangles[lidx + i * 6 + 5] = idx + (i + 1) * 2 + 1; } } var uvs = new Vector2[NODE_NUM * 2 * TRAIL_MAX]; for (var i = 0; i < TRAIL_MAX; ++i) { var idx = i * NODE_NUM * 2; for (var j = 0; j < NODE_NUM; ++j) { uvs[idx + j * 2 + 0] = new Vector2(0f, 0f); uvs[idx + j * 2 + 1] = new Vector2(1f, 0f); } } mesh_ = new Mesh(); mesh_.MarkDynamic(); = "trail"; mesh_.vertices = vertices_[0]; mesh_.normals = normals_[0]; mesh_.triangles = triangles; mesh_.uv = uvs; mesh_.bounds = new Bounds(, * 99999999); material_ = material; material_property_block_ = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); #if UNITY_5_3 material_.SetColor("_Colors0", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); // None material_.SetColor("_Colors1", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); // NoneA material_.SetColor("_Colors2", new Color(0.1f, 0.6f, 1f, 1f)); // Player material_.SetColor("_Colors3", new Color(0.1f, 0.6f, 1f, 0f)); // PlayerA material_.SetColor("_Colors4", new Color(0.1f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f)); // Missile material_.SetColor("_Colors5", new Color(0.1f, 1f, 0.5f, 0f)); // MissileA #else var col_list = new Vector4[] { new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), // None new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), // NoneA new Vector4(0.1f, 0.6f, 1f, 1f), // Player new Vector4(0.1f, 0.6f, 1f, 0f), // PlayerA new Vector4(0.1f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f), // Missile new Vector4(0.1f, 1f, 0.5f, 0f), // MissileA }; material_property_block_.SetVectorArray("_Colors", col_list); #endif }
public void SetPropertyBlock(MaterialPropertyBlock properties){}
private static void INTERNAL_CALL_AddColor(MaterialPropertyBlock self, int nameID, ref Color value){}
void LateUpdate() { //If no MeshRenderer is selected then return. if (meshRenderer == null) { return; } //If _mpb is null then create a new Material Property Block. if (_mpb == null) { _mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } //Calculate the velocity. Store the current position calculating the velocity next update. Vector3 velocity = (transform.position - _lastPosition) / Time.deltaTime; _lastPosition = transform.position; // If the sphere is position low enough to be colliding with the ground... if (ball.DistanceToPlayer < collisionRadius) { //Calculate how mush the sphere needs to be squashed to avoid intersecting with the ground. var targetSquash = (collisionRadius - ball.DistanceToPlayer) / collisionRadius; //Store the squash velocity. _squashVelocity = targetSquash - _squash; //Store the current squash value. _squash = targetSquash; } else { //Calculate the desired squash amount based on the current Y axis velocity. float targetSquash = -Mathf.Abs(velocity.magnitude) * velocityStretch; //Adjust the squash velocity. _squashVelocity += (targetSquash - _squash) * strength * Time.deltaTime; //Apply dampening to the squash velocity. _squashVelocity = ((_squashVelocity / Time.deltaTime) * (1f - dampening)) * Time.deltaTime; //Apply the velocity to the squash value. _squash += _squashVelocity; } /* * * //If testing then... * if (Test) * { * //Set the squash value to equal the debugging squash value and set the squash velocity to zero. * _squash = Squash; * _squashVelocity = 0f; * } */ //Update the material property block with the squash and radius value. _mpb.SetFloat(SquashID, _squash); _mpb.SetFloat(RadiusID, collisionRadius); //Set the material property block on the MeshRenderer. meshRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(_mpb); }
void LateUpdate() { if (_needsReset) { ResetResources(); } // Call the kernels. UpdateKernelShader(); Graphics.Blit(null, _positionBuffer, _kernelMaterial, 0); Graphics.Blit(_positionBuffer, _normalBuffer1, _kernelMaterial, 1); Graphics.Blit(_positionBuffer, _normalBuffer2, _kernelMaterial, 2); // Update the line material. _lineMaterial.SetColor("_Color", _lineColor); // Make a material property block for the following drawcalls. var props1 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); var props2 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); props1.SetTexture("_PositionBuffer", _positionBuffer); props2.SetTexture("_PositionBuffer", _positionBuffer); props1.SetTexture("_NormalBuffer", _normalBuffer1); props2.SetTexture("_NormalBuffer", _normalBuffer2); var mapOffs = new Vector3(UOffset, 0, VOffset); props1.SetVector("_MapOffset", mapOffs); props2.SetVector("_MapOffset", mapOffs); props1.SetFloat("_UseBuffer", 1); props2.SetFloat("_UseBuffer", 1); // Temporary variables. var mesh = _bulkMesh.mesh; var position = transform.position; var rotation = transform.rotation; var uv = new Vector2(0.5f / _positionBuffer.width, 0); position += transform.right * XOffset; position += transform.forward * YOffset; // Draw mesh segments. for (var i = 0; i < _totalRows; i += _rowsPerSegment) { uv.y = (0.5f + i) / _positionBuffer.height; props1.SetVector("_BufferOffset", uv); props2.SetVector("_BufferOffset", uv); if (_material) { // 1st half Graphics.DrawMesh( mesh, position, rotation, _material, 0, null, 0, props1, _castShadows, _receiveShadows); // 2nd half Graphics.DrawMesh( mesh, position, rotation, _material, 0, null, 1, props2, _castShadows, _receiveShadows); } // lines if (_lineColor.a > 0.0f) { Graphics.DrawMesh( mesh, position, rotation, _lineMaterial, 0, null, 2, props1, false, false); } } }
private static void INTERNAL_CALL_AddVector(MaterialPropertyBlock self, int nameID, ref Vector4 value){}
public static void SetPropertyBlock(GameObject host, MaterialPropertyBlock block) { Renderer renderer = host.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.SetPropertyBlock(block); }
private static void INTERNAL_CALL_AddMatrix(MaterialPropertyBlock self, int nameID, ref Matrix4x4 value){}
/// <summary> /// Update the image that should be displayed in this slot to display the sprite of the specified item. /// /// If hidden, effect will not be visible until this slot is unhidden /// /// </summary> /// <param name="item">game object to use to determine what to show in this slot</param> /// <param name="color">color tint to apply</param> public void UpdateImage(GameObject item = null, Color?color = null) { bool nullItem = item == null; bool forceColor = color != null; if (nullItem && Item != null) { // Case for when we have a hovered image and insert, then stop hovering return; } // If player is cuffed, a special icon appears on his hand slots, exit without changing it. if ((namedSlot == NamedSlot.leftHand || namedSlot == NamedSlot.rightHand) && PlayerManager.LocalPlayerScript.playerMove.IsCuffed) { return; } if (!nullItem) { //determine the sprites to display based on the new item var spriteRends = item.GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>(); if (image == null) { image = GetComponent <Image>(); } var colorSync = item.GetComponent <SpriteColorSync>(); if (colorSync != null) { //later find a way to remove this listener when no longer needed colorSync.OnColorChange.AddListener(TrackColor); void TrackColor(Color newColor) { if (colorSync.SpriteRenderer != null && colorSync.SpriteRenderer.sprite == image.sprite) { image.color = newColor; } } } ItemAttributesV2 itemAttrs = item.GetComponent <ItemAttributesV2>(); spriteRends = spriteRends.Where(x => x.sprite != null && x != Highlight.instance.spriteRenderer).ToArray(); sprite = spriteRends[0].sprite; image.sprite = sprite; image.color = spriteRends[0].color; MaterialPropertyBlock pb = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); spriteRends[0].GetPropertyBlock(pb); bool isPaletted = pb.GetInt("_IsPaletted") > 0; if (itemAttrs.ItemSprites.InventoryIcon != null && itemAttrs.ItemSprites.IsPaletted) { image.material.SetInt("_IsPaletted", 1); image.material.SetColorArray("_ColorPalette", itemAttrs.ItemSprites.Palette.ToArray()); } else { image.material.SetInt("_IsPaletted", 0); } if (spriteRends.Length > 1) { if (spriteRends[1].sprite != null) { SetSecondaryImage(spriteRends[1].sprite); secondaryImage.color = spriteRends[1].color; } } else { // reset from prev secondary image SetSecondaryImage(null); } //determine if we should show an amount var stack = item.GetComponent <Stackable>(); if (stack != null && stack.Amount > 1 && amountText) { amountText.enabled = true; amountText.text = stack.Amount.ToString(); } else if (stack != null && stack.Amount <= 1 && amountText) { //remove the stack display amountText.enabled = false; } } else { //no object was passed, so clear out the sprites Clear(); } if (forceColor) { image.color = color.GetValueOrDefault(Color.white); } image.enabled = !nullItem && !hidden; image.preserveAspect = !nullItem && !hidden; if (secondaryImage) { if (forceColor) { secondaryImage.color = color.GetValueOrDefault(Color.white); } secondaryImage.enabled = secondaryImage.sprite != null && !nullItem && !hidden; secondaryImage.preserveAspect = !nullItem && !hidden; } }
public static void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Material material, int layer, Camera camera, int submeshIndex, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool castShadows, bool receiveShadows){}
public VegetationItemModelInfo(VegetationItemInfoPro vegetationItemInfo, EnvironmentSettings environmentSettings, List <GameObject> windSamplerList, int cameraCount) { EnvironmentSettings = environmentSettings; VegetationItemInfo = vegetationItemInfo; VegetationModel = vegetationItemInfo.VegetationPrefab; if (vegetationItemInfo.PrefabType == VegetationPrefabType.Texture) { VegetationModel = Resources.Load("DefaultGrassPatch") as GameObject; } if (VegetationModel == null) { VegetationModel = Resources.Load("MissingVegetationItemCube") as GameObject; Debug.LogError("The vegetation prefab of item: " + vegetationItemInfo.Name + " is missing. Please replace or delete VegetationItem."); } DistanceBand = vegetationItemInfo.GetDistanceBand(); #if UNITY_EDITOR MaterialUtility.EnableMaterialInstancing(VegetationModel); #endif SelectedVegetationModelLOD0 = MeshUtils.SelectMeshObject(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD0); SelectedVegetationModelLOD1 = MeshUtils.SelectMeshObject(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD1); SelectedVegetationModelLOD2 = MeshUtils.SelectMeshObject(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD2); SelectedVegetationModelLOD3 = MeshUtils.SelectMeshObject(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD3); ShaderControler = ShaderSelector.GetShaderControler(vegetationItemInfo.ShaderName); if (ShaderControler != null) { ShaderControler.Settings = vegetationItemInfo.ShaderControllerSettings; } LODCount = MeshUtils.GetLODCount(VegetationModel, ShaderControler); CreateCameraWindSamplerItems(windSamplerList); if (ShaderControler != null) { LODFadePercentage = ShaderControler.Settings.LODFadePercentage; LODFadeCrossfade = ShaderControler.Settings.LODFadeCrossfade; } VegetationMeshLod0 = GetVegetationMesh(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD0); VegetationMeshLod1 = GetVegetationMesh(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD1); VegetationMeshLod2 = GetVegetationMesh(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD2); VegetationMeshLod3 = GetVegetationMesh(VegetationModel, LODLevel.LOD3); VegetationRendererLOD0 = SelectedVegetationModelLOD0.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); VegetationMaterialsLOD0 = CreateMaterials(VegetationRendererLOD0.sharedMaterials, 0); VegetationRendererLOD1 = SelectedVegetationModelLOD1.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); VegetationMaterialsLOD1 = CreateMaterials(VegetationRendererLOD1.sharedMaterials, 1); VegetationRendererLOD2 = SelectedVegetationModelLOD2.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); VegetationMaterialsLOD2 = CreateMaterials(VegetationRendererLOD2.sharedMaterials, 2); VegetationRendererLOD3 = SelectedVegetationModelLOD3.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); VegetationMaterialsLOD3 = CreateMaterials(VegetationRendererLOD3.sharedMaterials, 3); if (vegetationItemInfo.PrefabType == VegetationPrefabType.Texture) { SetGrassTexture(VegetationMaterialsLOD0, vegetationItemInfo.VegetationTexture); SetGrassTexture(VegetationMaterialsLOD1, vegetationItemInfo.VegetationTexture); SetGrassTexture(VegetationMaterialsLOD2, vegetationItemInfo.VegetationTexture); SetGrassTexture(VegetationMaterialsLOD3, vegetationItemInfo.VegetationTexture); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD0 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD0.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD0); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD0 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD0 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD1 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD1.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD1); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD1 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD1 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD2 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD2.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD2); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD2 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD2 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD3 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD3.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD3); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD3 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockLOD3 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD0 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD0.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD0); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD0 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD0 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD1 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD1.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD1); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD1 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD1 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD2 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD2.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD2); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD2 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD2 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD3 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); VegetationRendererLOD3.GetPropertyBlock(VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD3); if (VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD3 == null) { VegetationMaterialPropertyBlockShadowsLOD3 = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); } LOD1Distance = GetLODDistance(VegetationModel, 0); LOD2Distance = GetLODDistance(VegetationModel, 1); LOD3Distance = GetLODDistance(VegetationModel, 2); vegetationItemInfo.Bounds = MeshUtils.CalculateBoundsInstantiate(VegetationModel); float maxScaleMultiplier = Mathf.Max(new float[] { vegetationItemInfo.ScaleMultiplier.x, vegetationItemInfo.ScaleMultiplier.y, vegetationItemInfo.ScaleMultiplier.z }); BoundingSphereRadius = (vegetationItemInfo.Bounds.extents.magnitude * VegetationItemInfo.MaxScale * VegetationItemInfo.YScale * maxScaleMultiplier) + 5; CreateCameraBuffers(cameraCount); HeightRuleCurveArray = new NativeArray <float>(4096, Allocator.Persistent); UpdateHeightRuleCurve(); SteepnessRuleCurveArray = new NativeArray <float>(4096, Allocator.Persistent); UpdateSteepnessRuleCurve(); //DistanceFalloffCurveArray = new NativeArray<float>(256, Allocator.Persistent); //UpdateDistanceFalloutCurve(); if (vegetationItemInfo.VegetationType == VegetationType.Tree) { CreateBillboardMaterial(); } }
public void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int submeshIndex, int shaderPass) { MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null; INTERNAL_CALL_DrawMesh(this, mesh, ref matrix, material, submeshIndex, shaderPass, properties); }
public BitmapRenderer(LWF lwf, BitmapContext context) : base(lwf) { m_context = context; m_property = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); m_matrix = new Matrix4x4(); m_renderMatrix = new Matrix4x4(); m_colorMult = new UnityEngine.Color(); #if LWF_USE_ADDITIONALCOLOR m_colorAdd = new UnityEngine.Color(); #endif }
public void DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, [DefaultValue("0")] int submeshIndex, [DefaultValue("-1")] int shaderPass, [DefaultValue("null")] MaterialPropertyBlock properties) { INTERNAL_CALL_DrawMesh(this, mesh, ref matrix, material, submeshIndex, shaderPass, properties); }