public override int GetHashCode() { var hashCode = -359988537; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Token.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + MatchedText.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + StartIndex.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); }
public State Advance() { #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(Type == ParseStepType.Pass, "Cannot call Advance() unless the Type is Pass"); Debug.Assert(!_alreadyAdvanced, "Can only call Advance() once"); _alreadyAdvanced = true; #endif // Call Advance() on the State for each character in the match return(MatchedText.Aggregate(InitialState, (current, t) => current.Advance())); }
public String SeeifAlbumsInSearchResults() { int topsize = 30; int widthsize = 125; int left = 265; int top = 180; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(widthsize, topsize, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { var rect = new User32.Rect(); User32.GetWindowRect(FocusSpotify(true).MainWindowHandle, ref rect); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); g.CopyFromScreen(left, top, 0, 0, new Size(widthsize, topsize), CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); } //make it a big bigger first Size si = new Size(bmp.Width * 2, bmp.Height * 2); //bump up the size to increase BlueSimilarity's change of not fudging the text bmp = ResizeImage(bmp, si); bmp.Save("lastsearch.png"); String MatchedText; using (var engine = new TesseractEngine("tesseract-ocr", "eng", EngineMode.Default)) { using (var pix = PixConverter.ToPix(bmp)) { using (var page = engine.Process(pix)) { //3. Get matched text from tesseract MatchedText = page.GetText(); } } } String[] Lines = MatchedText.Split(new char[] { '\n' }); String Word = Lines[0]; return(Word); }