Пример #1
        public void DrawTexturedAndDeformedSkin(Mat2D transform, VertexBuffer deformBuffer, VertexBuffer vertexBuffer, IndexBuffer indexBuffer, int offset, int indexCount, float[] boneMatrices, float opacity, Color4 color, Texture texture)
            m_Transform[0, 0] = transform[0];
            m_Transform[1, 0] = transform[1];
            m_Transform[0, 1] = transform[2];
            m_Transform[1, 1] = transform[3];
            m_Transform[0, 3] = transform[4];
            m_Transform[1, 3] = transform[5];

            Bind(m_DeformedTexturedSkinShader, deformBuffer, vertexBuffer);

            int[] u = m_DeformedTexturedSkinShader.Uniforms;
            GL.UniformMatrix4(u[0], true, ref m_Projection);
            GL.UniformMatrix4(u[1], true, ref m_ViewTransform);
            GL.UniformMatrix4(u[2], true, ref m_Transform);

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.Id);
            GL.Uniform1(u[3], 0);

            GL.Uniform1(u[4], opacity);
            GL.Uniform4(u[5], color);
            GL.Uniform3(u[6], boneMatrices.Length, boneMatrices);

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, indexBuffer.Id);
            GL.DrawElements(BeginMode.Triangles, indexCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedShort, offset * 2);
Пример #2
 private void UpdateTransform()
     Mat2D.FromRotation(m_Transform, m_Rotation);
     m_Transform[4] = m_Translation[0];
     m_Transform[5] = m_Translation[1];
     Mat2D.Scale(m_Transform, m_Transform, m_Scale);
Пример #3
        public void Copy(ActorImage node, Actor resetActor)
            base.Copy(node, resetActor);

            m_DrawOrder     = node.m_DrawOrder;
            m_BlendMode     = node.m_BlendMode;
            m_TextureIndex  = node.m_TextureIndex;
            m_VertexCount   = node.m_VertexCount;
            m_TriangleCount = node.m_TriangleCount;
            m_Vertices      = node.m_Vertices;
            m_Triangles     = node.m_Triangles;
            if (node.m_AnimationDeformedVertices != null)
                m_AnimationDeformedVertices = (float[])node.m_AnimationDeformedVertices.Clone();

            if (node.m_BoneConnections != null)
                m_BoneConnections = new BoneConnection[node.m_BoneConnections.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < node.m_BoneConnections.Length; i++)
                    BoneConnection bc = new BoneConnection();
                    bc.m_BoneIdx = node.m_BoneConnections[i].m_BoneIdx;
                    Mat2D.Copy(bc.m_Bind, node.m_BoneConnections[i].m_Bind);
                    Mat2D.Copy(bc.m_InverseBind, node.m_BoneConnections[i].m_InverseBind);
                    m_BoneConnections[i] = bc;
Пример #4
        public override void Constrain(ActorNode node)
            ActorNode target = m_Target as ActorNode;

            if (target == null)

            Mat2D transformA = m_Parent.WorldTransform;
            Mat2D transformB = new Mat2D(target.WorldTransform);

            if (m_SourceSpace == TransformSpace.Local)
                ActorNode grandParent = target.Parent;
                if (grandParent != null)
                    Mat2D inverse = new Mat2D();
                    if (!Mat2D.Invert(inverse, grandParent.WorldTransform))
                    Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, inverse, transformB);
            if (m_DestSpace == TransformSpace.Local)
                ActorNode grandParent = m_Parent.Parent;
                if (grandParent != null)
                    Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, grandParent.WorldTransform, transformB);
            Mat2D.Decompose(transformA, m_ComponentsA);
            Mat2D.Decompose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);

            float angleA = m_ComponentsA.Rotation % PI2;
            float angleB = m_ComponentsB.Rotation % PI2;
            float diff   = angleB - angleA;

            if (diff > Math.PI)
                diff -= PI2;
            else if (diff < -Math.PI)
                diff += PI2;

            float ti = 1.0f - m_Strength;

            m_ComponentsB.Rotation = angleA + diff * m_Strength;
            m_ComponentsB.X        = m_ComponentsA.X * ti + m_ComponentsB.X * m_Strength;
            m_ComponentsB.Y        = m_ComponentsA.Y * ti + m_ComponentsB.Y * m_Strength;
            m_ComponentsB.ScaleX   = m_ComponentsA.ScaleX * ti + m_ComponentsB.ScaleX * m_Strength;
            m_ComponentsB.ScaleY   = m_ComponentsA.ScaleY * ti + m_ComponentsB.ScaleY * m_Strength;
            m_ComponentsB.Skew     = m_ComponentsA.Skew * ti + m_ComponentsB.Skew * m_Strength;

            Mat2D.Compose(m_Parent.WorldTransform, m_ComponentsB);
Пример #5
        public void TransToMachinePoint(float x, float y, out float tX, out float tY)
            double transferX, transferY;

            transferX = Mat2D.AffineTransPoint2d(x, y, out transferY);
            tX        = (float)transferX;
            tY        = (float)transferY;
Пример #6
 public void SetView(Mat2D viewTransform)
     m_ViewTransform[0, 0] = viewTransform[0];
     m_ViewTransform[1, 0] = viewTransform[1];
     m_ViewTransform[0, 1] = viewTransform[2];
     m_ViewTransform[1, 1] = viewTransform[3];
     m_ViewTransform[0, 3] = viewTransform[4];
     m_ViewTransform[1, 3] = viewTransform[5];
Пример #7
        public Vec2D GetTipWorldTranslation(Vec2D vec)
            Mat2D transform = new Mat2D();

            transform[4] = Length;
            Mat2D.Multiply(transform, WorldTransform, transform);
            vec[0] = transform[4];
            vec[1] = transform[5];
Пример #8
 public void TransformBind(Mat2D xform)
     if (m_BoneConnections != null)
         foreach (BoneConnection bc in m_BoneConnections)
             Mat2D.Multiply(bc.m_Bind, xform, bc.m_Bind);
             Mat2D.Invert(bc.m_InverseBind, bc.m_Bind);
Пример #9
 public void Copy(ActorNode node, Actor resetActor)
     base.Copy(node, resetActor);
     m_Transform              = new Mat2D(node.m_Transform);
     m_WorldTransform         = new Mat2D(node.m_WorldTransform);
     m_Translation            = new Vec2D(node.m_Translation);
     m_Scale                  = new Vec2D(node.m_Scale);
     m_Rotation               = node.m_Rotation;
     m_Opacity                = node.m_Opacity;
     m_RenderOpacity          = node.m_RenderOpacity;
     m_OverrideWorldTransform = node.m_OverrideWorldTransform;
Пример #10
        public static ActorImage Read(Actor actor, BinaryReader reader, ActorImage node = null)
            if (node == null)
                node = new ActorImage();

            ActorNode.Read(actor, reader, node);

            bool isVisible = reader.ReadByte() != 0;

            if (isVisible)
                node.m_BlendMode    = (BlendModes)reader.ReadByte();
                node.m_DrawOrder    = (int)reader.ReadUInt16();
                node.m_TextureIndex = (int)reader.ReadByte();

                int numConnectedBones = (int)reader.ReadByte();
                if (numConnectedBones != 0)
                    node.m_BoneConnections = new BoneConnection[numConnectedBones];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numConnectedBones; i++)
                        BoneConnection bc = new BoneConnection();
                        bc.m_BoneIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        Actor.ReadFloat32Array(reader, bc.m_Bind.Values);
                        Mat2D.Invert(bc.m_InverseBind, bc.m_Bind);

                        node.m_BoneConnections[i] = bc;

                    Mat2D worldOverride = new Mat2D();
                    Actor.ReadFloat32Array(reader, worldOverride.Values);
                    node.WorldTransformOverride = worldOverride;

                uint numVertices  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                int  vertexStride = numConnectedBones > 0 ? 12 : 4;
                node.m_VertexCount = (int)numVertices;
                node.m_Vertices    = new float[numVertices * vertexStride];
                Actor.ReadFloat32Array(reader, node.m_Vertices);

                uint numTris = reader.ReadUInt32();
                node.m_Triangles     = new ushort[numTris * 3];
                node.m_TriangleCount = (int)numTris;
                Actor.ReadUInt16Array(reader, node.m_Triangles);

Пример #11
         * parentMat: null -> no change
         *            same pointer -> parent transform changed
         *            diff pointer -> parent changed
        public static void Draw(Group *self, float *parentMat, bool isParentTransformDirty)
            var    childLst   = &self->childLst;
            int    childCount = childLst->count;
            void **childArr   = childLst->arr;

            // sort by depth if any child depth is changed
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i += 1)
                if (Node.IsDepthDirty(childArr[i]))
                    Algo.MergeSort(childArr, childCount, Node.DepthCmp);

            float *mat       = self->mat;
            float *concatMat = self->concatMat;

            bool isTransformDirty = self->isTransformDirty;

            if (isTransformDirty)
                self->isTransformDirty = false;
                Mat2D.FromScalingRotationTranslation(mat, self->pos, self->scl, self->rot);

            if (isParentTransformDirty)
                self->parentMat = parentMat;

            if (isTransformDirty || isParentTransformDirty)
                isParentTransformDirty = true;
                if (parentMat == null)
                    Mat2D.Copy(concatMat, mat);
                    Mat2D.Mul(concatMat, parentMat, mat);

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i += 1)
                Node.Draw(childArr[i], concatMat, isParentTransformDirty);
Пример #12
        public static void Draw(TpSprite *self, float *parentMat, bool isParentTransformDirty)
                        #if FDB
            Should.NotNull("self", self);
            Should.TypeEqual("self", self->type, Type);
            Should.NotNull("self->spriteMeta", self->spriteMeta);
            var bat = DrawCtx.GetBatch(self->spriteMeta->atlas->name);
            int vertIdx = bat.vertCount, triIdx = bat.triCount;
            bat.RequestQuota(4, 6);

            float *verts = self->verts;
            float *uvs   = self->uvs;

            if (self->isTransformDirty)
                float *mat = stackalloc float[6];
                Mat2D.FromScalingRotationTranslation(mat, self->pos, self->scl, self->rot);
                TpSpriteMeta.FillQuad(self->spriteMeta, mat, self->verts);

            var   bVerts = bat.verts; var bUvs = bat.uvs;
            float z = self->pos[2];
            bVerts[vertIdx].Set(verts[0], verts[1], z);
            bVerts[vertIdx + 1].Set(verts[2], verts[3], z);
            bVerts[vertIdx + 2].Set(verts[4], verts[5], z);
            bVerts[vertIdx + 3].Set(verts[6], verts[7], z);

            bUvs[vertIdx].Set(uvs[0], uvs[1]);
            bUvs[vertIdx + 1].Set(uvs[2], uvs[3]);
            bUvs[vertIdx + 2].Set(uvs[4], uvs[5]);
            bUvs[vertIdx + 3].Set(uvs[6], uvs[7]);

            float *color   = self->color;
            var    bColor  = Vec4.Color(color, 0.5f);
            var    bColors = bat.colors;
            bColors[vertIdx]     = bColor;
            bColors[vertIdx + 1] = bColor;
            bColors[vertIdx + 2] = bColor;
            bColors[vertIdx + 3] = bColor;

            var bTris = bat.tris;
            bTris[triIdx]     = vertIdx;
            bTris[triIdx + 1] = vertIdx + 1;
            bTris[triIdx + 2] = vertIdx + 2;
            bTris[triIdx + 3] = vertIdx;
            bTris[triIdx + 4] = vertIdx + 2;
            bTris[triIdx + 5] = vertIdx + 3;
Пример #13
        public virtual void CacheTransform()
            transformDirty = false;

            bool useParentSize = parent != null && parent.useLayout;

            if (useParentSize)
                cachedPos  = Axes.Calc(relativePosAxes, pos, parent.cachedSize);
                cachedSize = Axes.Calc(relativeSizeAxes, size, parent.cachedSize);
                cachedPos  = Axes.Calc(relativePosAxes, pos);
                cachedSize = Axes.Calc(relativeSizeAxes, size);

            if (useLayout)
                cachedPivot   = cachedSize * Align.Calc(pivotAlign, customPivotAlign);
                cachedPos.x  += margin.l;
                cachedPos.y  += margin.b;
                cachedSize.x -= margin.l + margin.r;
                cachedSize.y -= margin.b + margin.t;
                cachedMat.ScaleRotateTranslate(scl, rot, cachedPos);
                cachedMat.FromScalingRotationTranslation(scl, rot, cachedPos);

            if (useParentSize)
                cachedAnchor = parent.cachedSize * Align.Calc(anchorAlign, customAnchorAlign);

            cachedMatConcat = parent == null ? cachedMat : parent.cachedMatConcat * cachedMat;

            if (needMatConcatInverse)
            if (needScreenAabb)
                cachedScreenAabb = (cachedMatConcat * new Quad(0, 0, cachedSize.x, cachedSize.y)).GetAabb();
Пример #14
        public void UpdateMount()
            if (m_MountNode == null)
            //Matrix4x4 world = m_MountTargetObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Matrix4x4 localParent = Matrix4x4.identity;

            if (gameObject.transform.parent)
                localParent = gameObject.transform.parent.worldToLocalMatrix;
            Matrix4x4 localTransform = localParent * m_ActorGameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            // m_MountNode

            Mat2D world = m_MountNode.WorldTransform;
            Mat2D m2d   = new Mat2D();

            m2d[0] = localTransform[0, 0];
            m2d[1] = localTransform[1, 0];
            m2d[2] = localTransform[0, 1];
            m2d[3] = localTransform[1, 1];
            m2d[4] = localTransform[0, 3] + world[4] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale * localTransform[0, 0];
            m2d[5] = localTransform[1, 3] + world[5] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale * localTransform[1, 1];

            if (m_InheritRotation && m_InheritScale)
                Vec2D scale = new Vec2D();
                float angle = Mat2D.Decompose(world, scale);
                transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
                transform.localScale       = new Vector3(scale[0] * m_ScaleModifier, scale[1] * m_ScaleModifier, 1.0f);
            else if (m_InheritRotation)
                float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(world[1], world[0]);
                transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
            else if (m_InheritScale)
                Vec2D scale = new Vec2D();
                Mat2D.GetScale(world, scale);
                transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale[0] * m_ScaleModifier, scale[1] * m_ScaleModifier, 1.0f);

            transform.localPosition = new Vector3(m2d[4], m2d[5], transform.localPosition.z);
Пример #15
        public static void Init(Group *self)
            self->tag = Tag.Group;

            self->rot = 0;
            self->isTransformDirty = true;
            self->isDepthDirty     = true;

            self->parentMat = null;

Пример #16
        void Solve1(BoneChain fk1, Vec2D worldTargetTranslation)
            Mat2D iworld = fk1.m_ParentWorldInverse;
            var   pA     = new Vec2D();

            var pBT = new Vec2D(worldTargetTranslation);

            // To target in worldspace
            Vec2D toTarget = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pBT, pA);
            // Note this is directional, hence not transformMat2d
            Vec2D toTargetLocal = Vec2D.TransformMat2(new Vec2D(), toTarget, iworld);
            float r             = (float)Math.Atan2(toTargetLocal[1], toTargetLocal[0]);

            ConstrainRotation(fk1, r);
            fk1.m_Angle = r;
Пример #17
        public override void Constrain(ActorNode node)
            ActorNode target = m_Target as ActorNode;

            if (target == null)

            Vec2D targetTranslation = target.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
            Vec2D ourTranslation    = m_Parent.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());

            Vec2D toTarget        = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), ourTranslation, targetTranslation);
            float currentDistance = Vec2D.Length(toTarget);

            switch (m_Mode)
            case Mode.Closer:
                if (currentDistance < m_Distance)

            case Mode.Further:
                if (currentDistance > m_Distance)
            if (currentDistance < 0.001)

            Vec2D.Scale(toTarget, toTarget, 1.0f / currentDistance);
            Vec2D.Scale(toTarget, toTarget, m_Distance);

            Mat2D world    = m_Parent.WorldTransform;
            Vec2D position = Vec2D.Lerp(new Vec2D(), ourTranslation, Vec2D.Add(new Vec2D(), targetTranslation, toTarget), m_Strength);

            world[4] = position[0];
            world[5] = position[1];
Пример #18
        public override void UpdateTransform()
            if (m_ActorCollider == null)

            m_Collider.enabled = m_ActorCollider.IsCollisionEnabled;

            Mat2D world = m_ActorNode.WorldTransform;
            Vec2D scale = new Vec2D();
            float angle = Mat2D.Decompose(world, scale);

            transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
            transform.localScale       = new Vector3(scale[0] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale, scale[1] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale, 1.0f);
            transform.localPosition    = new Vector3(world[4] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale, world[5] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale, 0.0f);
Пример #19
        private void UpdateWorldTransform()
            m_RenderOpacity = m_Opacity;

            if (m_Parent != null)
                m_RenderCollapsed = m_IsCollapsedVisibility || m_Parent.m_RenderCollapsed;
                m_RenderOpacity  *= m_Parent.m_RenderOpacity;
                if (!m_OverrideWorldTransform)
                    Mat2D.Multiply(m_WorldTransform, m_Parent.m_WorldTransform, m_Transform);
                Mat2D.Copy(m_WorldTransform, m_Transform);
Пример #20
        protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            Mat2D view = new Mat2D();

            if (m_GameActorInstance != null)
            // e.Time

            /*float[] transform = Mat2D.Create();
             * m_Renderer.BlendMode = Renderer2D.BlendModes.Transparent;
             * Mat2D.Scale(transform, transform, Vec2D.Create(2048.0f, 256.0f));
             * m_Renderer.DrawTextured(view, transform, m_VertexBuffer, m_IndexBuffer, 1.0f, Color.White, m_Texture);*/
Пример #21
        void ConstrainRotation(BoneChain fk, float rotation)
            ActorBone           bone        = fk.m_Bone;
            Mat2D               parentWorld = bone.Parent.WorldTransform;
            Mat2D               transform   = bone.Transform;
            TransformComponents c           = fk.m_TransformComponents;

            if (rotation == 0.0f)
                Mat2D.FromRotation(transform, rotation);
            // Translate
            transform[4] = c.X;
            transform[5] = c.Y;
            // Scale
            float scaleX = c.ScaleX;
            float scaleY = c.ScaleY;

            transform[0] *= scaleX;
            transform[1] *= scaleX;
            transform[2] *= scaleY;
            transform[3] *= scaleY;
            // Skew
            float skew = c.Skew;

            if (skew != 0.0)
                transform[2] = transform[0] * skew + transform[2];
                transform[3] = transform[1] * skew + transform[3];

            Mat2D.Multiply(bone.WorldTransform, parentWorld, transform);
Пример #22
        public void UpdateVertexPositionBuffer(float[] buffer, bool isSkinnedDeformInWorld = true)
            Mat2D worldTransform = this.WorldTransform;
            int   readIdx        = 0;
            int   writeIdx       = 0;

            float[] v      = m_AnimationDeformedVertices != null ? m_AnimationDeformedVertices : m_Vertices;
            int     stride = m_AnimationDeformedVertices != null ? 2 : VertexStride;

            if (IsSkinned)
                float[] boneTransforms = this.BoneInfluenceMatrices;

                //Mat2D inverseWorldTransform = Mat2D.Invert(new Mat2D(), worldTransform);
                float[] influenceMatrix = new float[6] {
                    0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f
                int boneIndexOffset = VertexBoneIndexOffset;
                int weightOffset    = VertexBoneWeightOffset;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_VertexCount; i++)
                    float x = v[readIdx];
                    float y = v[readIdx + 1];

                    float px, py;

                    if (m_AnimationDeformedVertices != null && isSkinnedDeformInWorld)
                        px = x;
                        py = y;
                        px = worldTransform[0] * x + worldTransform[2] * y + worldTransform[4];
                        py = worldTransform[1] * x + worldTransform[3] * y + worldTransform[5];

                    influenceMatrix[0] = influenceMatrix[1] = influenceMatrix[2] = influenceMatrix[3] = influenceMatrix[4] = influenceMatrix[5] = 0.0f;

                    for (int wi = 0; wi < 4; wi++)
                        int   boneIndex = (int)m_Vertices[boneIndexOffset + wi];
                        float weight    = m_Vertices[weightOffset + wi];

                        int boneTransformIndex = boneIndex * 6;
                        for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                            influenceMatrix[j] += boneTransforms[boneTransformIndex + j] * weight;

                    x = influenceMatrix[0] * px + influenceMatrix[2] * py + influenceMatrix[4];
                    y = influenceMatrix[1] * px + influenceMatrix[3] * py + influenceMatrix[5];

                    readIdx         += stride;
                    boneIndexOffset += VertexStride;
                    weightOffset    += VertexStride;

                    buffer[writeIdx++] = x;
                    buffer[writeIdx++] = y;
                Vec2D tempVec = new Vec2D();
                for (int i = 0; i < m_VertexCount; i++)
                    tempVec[0] = v[readIdx];
                    tempVec[1] = v[readIdx + 1];
                    Vec2D.TransformMat2D(tempVec, tempVec, worldTransform);
                    readIdx += stride;

                    buffer[writeIdx++] = tempVec[0];
                    buffer[writeIdx++] = tempVec[1];
Пример #23
        void Start()
            m_Animator = GetComponent <Animator>();
            m_Actor    = gameObject.GetComponent <ActorBaseComponent>();
            if (m_Actor != null)
                if (m_Actor.ActorInstance != null)
                    m_Aim = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("Aim2");
                    Nima.Animation.ActorAnimation walk       = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("Walk");
                    Nima.Animation.ActorAnimation walkToIdle = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("WalkToIdle");

                    // Calculate aim slices.
                    if (m_Aim != null)
                        ActorNode muzzle = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetNode("Muzzle");
                        if (muzzle != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < AimSliceCount; i++)
                                float position = i / (float)(AimSliceCount - 1) * m_Aim.Duration;
                                m_Aim.Apply(position, m_Actor.ActorInstance, 1.0f);
                                Mat2D worldTransform = muzzle.WorldTransform;

                                AimSlice slice = m_AimLookup[i];

                                // Extract forward vector and position.
                                slice.dir = new Vec2D();
                                Vec2D.Normalize(slice.dir, new Vec2D(worldTransform[0], worldTransform[1]));
                                slice.point    = new Vec2D(worldTransform[4], worldTransform[5]);
                                m_AimLookup[i] = slice;
                        if (walk != null)
                            walk.Apply(0.0f, m_Actor.ActorInstance, 1.0f);

                            for (int i = 0; i < AimSliceCount; i++)
                                float position = i / (float)(AimSliceCount - 1) * m_Aim.Duration;
                                m_Aim.Apply(position, m_Actor.ActorInstance, 1.0f);
                                Mat2D worldTransform = muzzle.WorldTransform;

                                AimSlice slice = m_AimWalkingLookup[i];

                                // Extract forward vector and position.
                                slice.dir = new Vec2D();
                                Vec2D.Normalize(slice.dir, new Vec2D(worldTransform[0], worldTransform[1]));
                                slice.point           = new Vec2D(worldTransform[4], worldTransform[5]);
                                m_AimWalkingLookup[i] = slice;

                        if (walkToIdle != null)
                            walkToIdle.Apply(walkToIdle.Duration, m_Actor.ActorInstance, 1.0f);
Пример #24
        public override void Constrain(ActorNode node)
            ActorNode target      = m_Target as ActorNode;
            ActorNode grandParent = m_Parent.Parent;

            Mat2D transformA = m_Parent.WorldTransform;
            Mat2D transformB = new Mat2D();

            Mat2D.Decompose(transformA, m_ComponentsA);
            if (target == null)
                Mat2D.Copy(transformB, transformA);
                m_ComponentsB[0] = m_ComponentsA[0];
                m_ComponentsB[1] = m_ComponentsA[1];
                m_ComponentsB[2] = m_ComponentsA[2];
                m_ComponentsB[3] = m_ComponentsA[3];
                m_ComponentsB[4] = m_ComponentsA[4];
                m_ComponentsB[5] = m_ComponentsA[5];
                Mat2D.Copy(transformB, target.WorldTransform);
                if (m_SourceSpace == TransformSpace.Local)
                    ActorNode sourceGrandParent = target.Parent;
                    if (sourceGrandParent != null)
                        Mat2D inverse = new Mat2D();
                        if (!Mat2D.Invert(inverse, sourceGrandParent.WorldTransform))
                        Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, inverse, transformB);
                Mat2D.Decompose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);

                if (!m_Copy)
                    m_ComponentsB.Rotation = m_DestSpace == TransformSpace.Local ? 1.0f : m_ComponentsA.Rotation;
                    m_ComponentsB.Rotation *= m_Scale;
                    if (m_Offset)
                        m_ComponentsB.Rotation += m_Parent.Rotation;

                if (m_DestSpace == TransformSpace.Local)
                    // Destination space is in parent transform coordinates.
                    // Recompose the parent local transform and get it in world, then decompose the world for interpolation.
                    if (grandParent != null)
                        Mat2D.Compose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);
                        Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, grandParent.WorldTransform, transformB);
                        Mat2D.Decompose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);

            bool clampLocal = m_MinMaxSpace == TransformSpace.Local && grandParent != null;

            if (clampLocal)
                // Apply min max in local space, so transform to local coordinates first.
                Mat2D.Compose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);
                Mat2D inverse = new Mat2D();
                if (!Mat2D.Invert(inverse, grandParent.WorldTransform))
                Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, inverse, transformB);
                Mat2D.Decompose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);
            if (m_EnableMax && m_ComponentsB.Rotation > m_Max)
                m_ComponentsB.Rotation = m_Max;
            if (m_EnableMin && m_ComponentsB.Rotation < m_Min)
                m_ComponentsB.Rotation = m_Min;
            if (clampLocal)
                // Transform back to world.
                Mat2D.Compose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);
                Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, grandParent.WorldTransform, transformB);
                Mat2D.Decompose(transformB, m_ComponentsB);

            float angleA = m_ComponentsA.Rotation % PI2;
            float angleB = m_ComponentsB.Rotation % PI2;
            float diff   = angleB - angleA;

            if (diff > Math.PI)
                diff -= PI2;
            else if (diff < -Math.PI)
                diff += PI2;
            float ti = 1.0f - m_Strength;

            m_ComponentsB.Rotation = m_ComponentsA.Rotation + diff * m_Strength;
            m_ComponentsB.X        = m_ComponentsA.X;
            m_ComponentsB.Y        = m_ComponentsA.Y;
            m_ComponentsB.ScaleX   = m_ComponentsA.ScaleX;
            m_ComponentsB.ScaleY   = m_ComponentsA.ScaleY;
            m_ComponentsB.Skew     = m_ComponentsA.Skew;

            Mat2D.Compose(m_Parent.WorldTransform, m_ComponentsB);
Пример #25
        private void InitializeActor()
            IEnumerable <ActorNode> nodes = m_Actor.Nodes;
            //m_Actor.Root.ScaleX = NimaToUnityScale;
            //m_Actor.Root.ScaleY = NimaToUnityScale;

            int imgNodeCount = 0;

            foreach (ActorNode node in nodes)
                ActorImage ai = node as ActorImage;
                if (ai != null)
            m_ImageNodes = new ActorImage[imgNodeCount];
            m_Meshes     = new Mesh[imgNodeCount];

            int imgIdx = 0;

            foreach (ActorNode node in nodes)
                ActorImage ai = node as ActorImage;
                if (ai != null)
                    m_ImageNodes[imgIdx] = ai;
                    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
                    if (ai.DoesAnimationVertexDeform)
                    m_Meshes[imgIdx] = mesh;

                    int     aiVertexCount    = ai.VertexCount;
                    int     aiVertexStride   = ai.VertexStride;
                    int     aiPositionOffset = ai.VertexPositionOffset;
                    int     aiUVOffset       = ai.VertexUVOffset;
                    float[] vertexBuffer     = ai.Vertices;

                    Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[aiVertexCount];
                    Vector2[] uvs      = new Vector2[aiVertexCount];
                    Color32[] colors   = new Color32[aiVertexCount];

                    if (aiVertexStride == 12)
                        // We have bone weights.
                        int aiVertexBoneIndexOffset  = ai.VertexBoneIndexOffset;
                        int aiVertexBoneWeightOffset = ai.VertexBoneWeightOffset;
                        int idx = 0;

                        Mat2D newWorldOverride = new Mat2D();
                        // Change the override to scale by our UnityScale
                        Mat2D.Multiply(newWorldOverride, m_Actor.Root.Transform, ai.WorldTransformOverride);
                        ai.WorldTransformOverride = newWorldOverride;

                        // We don't use the bind transforms in the regular render path as we let Unity do the deform
                        // But in the Canvas render path we need to manually deform the vertices so we need to have our
                        // bind matrices in the correct world transform.

                        if (ai.DoesAnimationVertexDeform)
                            // Update the vertex deforms too.

                        // Unity expects skinned mesh vertices to be in bone world space (character world).
                        // So we transform them to our world transform.
                        BoneWeight[] weights = new BoneWeight[aiVertexCount];

                        Mat2D wt = ai.WorldTransform;

                        for (int j = 0; j < aiVertexCount; j++)
                            float x = vertexBuffer[idx + aiPositionOffset];
                            float y = vertexBuffer[idx + aiPositionOffset + 1];
                            vertices[j] = new Vector3(wt[0] * x + wt[2] * y + wt[4], wt[1] * x + wt[3] * y + wt[5], 0.0f);

                            uvs[j]    = new Vector2(vertexBuffer[idx + aiUVOffset], 1.0f - vertexBuffer[idx + aiUVOffset + 1]);
                            colors[j] = new Color32(255, 255, 255, (byte)Math.Round(255 * ai.RenderOpacity));

                            BoneWeight weight = new BoneWeight();
                            weight.boneIndex0 = (int)vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneIndexOffset];
                            weight.boneIndex1 = (int)vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneIndexOffset + 1];
                            weight.boneIndex2 = (int)vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneIndexOffset + 2];
                            weight.boneIndex3 = (int)vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneIndexOffset + 3];
                            weight.weight0    = vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneWeightOffset];
                            weight.weight1    = vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneWeightOffset + 1];
                            weight.weight2    = vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneWeightOffset + 2];
                            weight.weight3    = vertexBuffer[idx + aiVertexBoneWeightOffset + 3];
                            weights[j]        = weight;

                            idx += aiVertexStride;
                        mesh.vertices    = vertices;
                        mesh.uv          = uvs;
                        mesh.boneWeights = weights;

                        // Set up bind poses.
                        int bindBoneCount = ai.ConnectedBoneCount + 1;                         // Always an extra bone for the root transform (identity).

                        Matrix4x4[] bindPoses = new Matrix4x4[bindBoneCount];
                        for (int i = 0; i < bindBoneCount; i++)
                            Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4();
                            mat          = Matrix4x4.identity;
                            bindPoses[i] = mat;

                        int bidx = 1;

                        foreach (ActorImage.BoneConnection bc in ai.BoneConnections)
                            Matrix4x4 mat   = bindPoses[bidx];
                            Mat2D     ibind = bc.InverseBind;

                            mat[0, 0]       = ibind[0];
                            mat[1, 0]       = ibind[1];
                            mat[0, 1]       = ibind[2];
                            mat[1, 1]       = ibind[3];
                            mat[0, 3]       = ibind[4];
                            mat[1, 3]       = ibind[5];
                            bindPoses[bidx] = mat;
                        mesh.bindposes = bindPoses;
                        int idx = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < aiVertexCount; j++)
                            vertices[j] = new Vector3(vertexBuffer[idx + aiPositionOffset], vertexBuffer[idx + aiPositionOffset + 1], 0);
                            uvs[j]      = new Vector2(vertexBuffer[idx + aiUVOffset], 1.0f - vertexBuffer[idx + aiUVOffset + 1]);
                            colors[j]   = new Color32(255, 255, 255, (byte)Math.Round(255 * ai.RenderOpacity));

                            idx += aiVertexStride;
                        mesh.vertices = vertices;
                        mesh.uv       = uvs;

                    int      triangleCount  = ai.TriangleCount;
                    ushort[] triangleBuffer = ai.Triangles;

                    int[] tris   = new int[triangleCount * 3];
                    int   triIdx = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < triangleCount; j++)
                        tris[triIdx]     = (int)triangleBuffer[triIdx + 2];
                        tris[triIdx + 1] = (int)triangleBuffer[triIdx + 1];
                        tris[triIdx + 2] = (int)triangleBuffer[triIdx];
                        triIdx          += 3;

                    mesh.triangles = tris;
                    mesh.colors32  = colors;

                    // We don't need to hold the geometry data in the node now that it's in our buffers.
                    // ai.DisposeGeometry(); // We now do need to hold onto it as we manually deform.

            // Find any vertex deform animation keyframes and update them to scale the vertices as is necessary for the skinned path.
            foreach (Nima.Animation.ActorAnimation animation in m_Actor.Animations)
                if (animation == null || animation.AnimatedComponents == null)
                foreach (Nima.Animation.ComponentAnimation componentAnimation in animation.AnimatedComponents)
                    ActorNode node = m_Actor[componentAnimation.ComponentIndex] as ActorNode;
                    if (node == null)
                    ActorImage actorImage = node as ActorImage;
                    if (actorImage != null && actorImage.ConnectedBoneCount == 0)
                        // This image is in the hierarchy, no need to transform the vertices.
                    foreach (Nima.Animation.PropertyAnimation propertyAnimation in componentAnimation.Properties)
                        if (propertyAnimation != null && propertyAnimation.PropertyType == Nima.Animation.PropertyTypes.VertexDeform)
                            foreach (Nima.Animation.KeyFrame keyFrame in propertyAnimation.KeyFrames)
                                (keyFrame as Nima.Animation.KeyFrameVertexDeform).TransformVertices(node.WorldTransform);
Пример #26
        public override void Update(byte dirt)
            ActorBone      bone            = m_Parent as ActorBone;
            ActorBone      parentBone      = bone.Parent as ActorBone;
            JellyComponent parentBoneJelly = parentBone == null ? null : parentBone.m_Jelly;

            Mat2D inverseWorld = new Mat2D();

            if (!Mat2D.Invert(inverseWorld, bone.WorldTransform))

            if (m_InTarget != null)
                Vec2D translation = m_InTarget.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
                Vec2D.TransformMat2D(m_InPoint, translation, inverseWorld);
                Vec2D.Normalize(m_InDirection, m_InPoint);
            else if (parentBone != null)
                if (parentBone.FirstBone == bone && parentBoneJelly != null && parentBoneJelly.m_OutTarget != null)
                    Vec2D translation    = parentBoneJelly.m_OutTarget.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
                    Vec2D localParentOut = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(new Vec2D(), translation, inverseWorld);
                    Vec2D.Normalize(localParentOut, localParentOut);
                    Vec2D.Negate(m_InDirection, localParentOut);
                    Vec2D d1 = new Vec2D(1.0f, 0.0f);
                    Vec2D d2 = new Vec2D(1.0f, 0.0f);

                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(d1, d1, parentBone.WorldTransform);
                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(d2, d2, bone.WorldTransform);

                    Vec2D sum = Vec2D.Add(new Vec2D(), d1, d2);
                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(m_InDirection, sum, inverseWorld);
                    Vec2D.Normalize(m_InDirection, m_InDirection);
                m_InPoint[0] = m_InDirection[0] * m_EaseIn * bone.Length * CurveConstant;
                m_InPoint[1] = m_InDirection[1] * m_EaseIn * bone.Length * CurveConstant;
                m_InDirection[0] = 1.0f;
                m_InDirection[1] = 0.0f;
                m_InPoint[0]     = m_InDirection[0] * m_EaseIn * bone.Length * CurveConstant;

            if (m_OutTarget != null)
                Vec2D translation = m_OutTarget.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
                Vec2D.TransformMat2D(m_OutPoint, translation, inverseWorld);
                Vec2D tip = new Vec2D(bone.Length, 0.0f);
                Vec2D.Subtract(m_OutDirection, m_OutPoint, tip);
                Vec2D.Normalize(m_OutDirection, m_OutDirection);
            else if (bone.FirstBone != null)
                ActorBone      firstBone      = bone.FirstBone;
                JellyComponent firstBoneJelly = firstBone.m_Jelly;
                if (firstBoneJelly != null && firstBoneJelly.m_InTarget != null)
                    Vec2D translation     = firstBoneJelly.m_InTarget.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
                    Vec2D worldChildInDir = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), firstBone.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D()), translation);
                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(m_OutDirection, worldChildInDir, inverseWorld);
                    Vec2D d1 = new Vec2D(1.0f, 0.0f);
                    Vec2D d2 = new Vec2D(1.0f, 0.0f);

                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(d1, d1, firstBone.WorldTransform);
                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(d2, d2, bone.WorldTransform);

                    Vec2D sum = Vec2D.Add(new Vec2D(), d1, d2);
                    Vec2D.Negate(sum, sum);
                    Vec2D.TransformMat2(m_OutDirection, sum, inverseWorld);
                    Vec2D.Normalize(m_OutDirection, m_OutDirection);
                Vec2D.Normalize(m_OutDirection, m_OutDirection);
                Vec2D scaledOut = Vec2D.Scale(new Vec2D(), m_OutDirection, m_EaseOut * bone.Length * CurveConstant);
                m_OutPoint[0] = bone.Length;
                m_OutPoint[1] = 0.0f;
                Vec2D.Add(m_OutPoint, m_OutPoint, scaledOut);
                m_OutDirection[0] = -1.0f;
                m_OutDirection[1] = 0.0f;

                Vec2D scaledOut = Vec2D.Scale(new Vec2D(), m_OutDirection, m_EaseOut * bone.Length * CurveConstant);
                m_OutPoint[0] = bone.Length;
                m_OutPoint[1] = 0.0f;
                Vec2D.Add(m_OutPoint, m_OutPoint, scaledOut);

Пример #27
        void Solve2(BoneChain fk1, BoneChain fk2, Vec2D worldTargetTranslation)
            ActorBone b1         = fk1.m_Bone;
            ActorBone b2         = fk2.m_Bone;
            BoneChain firstChild = m_FKChain[fk1.m_Index + 1];

            Mat2D iworld = fk1.m_ParentWorldInverse;

            Vec2D pA  = b1.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
            Vec2D pC  = firstChild.m_Bone.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
            Vec2D pB  = b2.GetTipWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());;
            Vec2D pBT = new Vec2D(worldTargetTranslation);

            pA  = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pA, pA, iworld);
            pC  = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pC, pC, iworld);
            pB  = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pB, pB, iworld);
            pBT = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pBT, pBT, iworld);

            // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LawofCosines.html
            Vec2D av = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pB, pC);
            float a  = Vec2D.Length(av);

            Vec2D bv = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pC, pA);
            float b  = Vec2D.Length(bv);

            Vec2D cv = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pBT, pA);
            float c  = Vec2D.Length(cv);

            float A = (float)Math.Acos(Math.Max(-1, Math.Min(1, (-a * a + b * b + c * c) / (2 * b * c))));
            float C = (float)Math.Acos(Math.Max(-1, Math.Min(1, (a * a + b * b - c * c) / (2 * a * b))));

            float r1, r2;

            if (b2.Parent != b1)
                BoneChain secondChild = m_FKChain[fk1.m_Index + 2];

                Mat2D secondChildWorldInverse = secondChild.m_ParentWorldInverse;

                pC = firstChild.m_Bone.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
                pB = b2.GetTipWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());

                Vec2D avec            = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pB, pC);
                Vec2D avLocal         = Vec2D.TransformMat2(new Vec2D(), avec, secondChildWorldInverse);
                float angleCorrection = (float)-Math.Atan2(avLocal[1], avLocal[0]);

                if (m_InvertDirection)
                    r1 = (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]) - A;
                    r2 = -C + PI + angleCorrection;
                    r1 = A + (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]);
                    r2 = C - PI + angleCorrection;
            else if (m_InvertDirection)
                r1 = (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]) - A;
                r2 = -C + PI;
                r1 = A + (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]);
                r2 = C - PI;

            ConstrainRotation(fk1, r1);
            ConstrainRotation(firstChild, r2);
            if (firstChild != fk2)
                ActorBone bone = fk2.m_Bone;
                Mat2D.Multiply(bone.WorldTransform, bone.Parent.WorldTransform, bone.Transform);

            // Simple storage, need this for interpolation.
            fk1.m_Angle        = r1;
            firstChild.m_Angle = r2;
Пример #28
        public override void Constrain(ActorNode node)
            ActorNode target = m_Target as ActorNode;

            if (target == null)
            Vec2D worldTargetTranslation = new Vec2D();


            if (m_InfluencedBones.Length == 0)

            // Decompose the chain.
            foreach (BoneChain item in m_FKChain)
                ActorBone bone        = item.m_Bone;
                Mat2D     parentWorld = bone.Parent.WorldTransform;
                Mat2D.Invert(item.m_ParentWorldInverse, parentWorld);
                Mat2D.Multiply(bone.Transform, item.m_ParentWorldInverse, bone.WorldTransform);
                Mat2D.Decompose(bone.Transform, item.m_TransformComponents);

            int count = m_BoneData.Count;

            if (count == 1)
                Solve1(m_BoneData[0], worldTargetTranslation);
            else if (count == 2)
                Solve2(m_BoneData[0], m_BoneData[1], worldTargetTranslation);
                BoneChain tip = m_BoneData[count - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
                    BoneChain item = m_BoneData[i];
                    Solve2(item, tip, worldTargetTranslation);
                    for (int j = item.m_Index + 1; j < m_FKChain.Length - 1; j++)
                        BoneChain fk = m_FKChain[j];
                        Mat2D.Invert(fk.m_ParentWorldInverse, fk.m_Bone.Parent.WorldTransform);

            // At the end, mix the FK angle with the IK angle by strength
            if (m_Strength != 1.0)
                foreach (BoneChain fk in m_FKChain)
                    if (!fk.m_Included)
                        ActorBone bone = fk.m_Bone;
                        Mat2D.Multiply(bone.WorldTransform, bone.Parent.WorldTransform, bone.Transform);
                    float fromAngle = fk.m_TransformComponents.Rotation % PI2;
                    float toAngle   = fk.m_Angle % PI2;
                    float diff      = toAngle - fromAngle;
                    if (diff > PI)
                        diff -= PI2;
                    else if (diff < -PI)
                        diff += PI2;
                    float angle = fromAngle + diff * m_Strength;
                    ConstrainRotation(fk, angle);
Пример #29
        public void Start()
            m_Actor = gameObject.GetComponent <ActorBaseComponent>();
            if (m_Actor != null)
                // Get a game object from the actor, use this to mount items or query for other components.
                // GameObject headColliderGameObject = m_Actor.GetActorGameObject("HeadCollider");
                // if(headColliderGameObject != null)
                // {
                //  Collider2D collider = headColliderGameObject.GetComponent<Collider2D>();
                //  if(collider != null)
                //  {
                //      // Set it to a trigger, or do something else with it...
                //      // collider.isTrigger = true;
                //  }
                // }
                if (m_Actor.ActorInstance != null)
                    m_Idle       = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("Idle");
                    m_Aim        = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("Aim2");
                    m_Walk       = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimationInstance("Walk");
                    m_Run        = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("Run");
                    m_WalkToIdle = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetAnimation("WalkToIdle");

                    // We made walk an animation instance so it has it's own sense of time which lets it do things like track events.
                    m_Walk.AnimationEvent += delegate(object animationInstance, Nima.Animation.AnimationEventArgs args)
                        // Event triggered from animation.
                    ActorNode characterNode = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetNode("Character");
                    if (characterNode != null)
                        m_GroundSpeedProperty = characterNode.GetCustomFloatProperty("GroundSpeed");
                        m_IsRunningProperty   = characterNode.GetCustomBooleanProperty("IsRunning");
                    // Calculate aim slices.
                    if (m_Aim != null)
                        ActorNode muzzle = m_Actor.ActorInstance.GetNode("Muzzle");
                        if (muzzle != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < AimSliceCount; i++)
                                float position = i / (float)(AimSliceCount - 1) * m_Aim.Duration;
                                m_Aim.Apply(position, m_Actor.ActorInstance, 1.0f);
                                Mat2D worldTransform = muzzle.WorldTransform;

                                AimSlice slice = m_AimLookup[i];

                                // Extract forward vector and position.
                                slice.dir = new Vec2D();
                                Vec2D.Normalize(slice.dir, new Vec2D(worldTransform[0], worldTransform[1]));
                                slice.point    = new Vec2D(worldTransform[4] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale, worldTransform[5] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale);
                                m_AimLookup[i] = slice;
                        if (m_Walk != null)
                            m_Walk.Time = 0.0f;

                            for (int i = 0; i < AimSliceCount; i++)
                                float position = i / (float)(AimSliceCount - 1) * m_Aim.Duration;
                                m_Aim.Apply(position, m_Actor.ActorInstance, 1.0f);
                                Mat2D worldTransform = muzzle.WorldTransform;

                                AimSlice slice = m_AimWalkingLookup[i];

                                // Extract forward vector and position.
                                slice.dir = new Vec2D();
                                Vec2D.Normalize(slice.dir, new Vec2D(worldTransform[0], worldTransform[1]));
                                slice.point           = new Vec2D(worldTransform[4] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale, worldTransform[5] * ActorAsset.NimaToUnityScale);
                                m_AimWalkingLookup[i] = slice;
            m_IdleTime = 0.0f;
Пример #30
        public override void Constrain(ActorNode node)
            ActorNode target      = m_Target as ActorNode;
            ActorNode grandParent = m_Parent.Parent;

            Mat2D transformA   = m_Parent.WorldTransform;
            Vec2D translationA = new Vec2D(transformA[4], transformA[5]);
            Vec2D translationB = new Vec2D();

            if (target == null)
                Vec2D.Copy(translationB, translationA);
                Mat2D transformB = new Mat2D(target.WorldTransform);
                if (m_SourceSpace == TransformSpace.Local)
                    ActorNode sourceGrandParent = target.Parent;
                    if (sourceGrandParent != null)
                        Mat2D inverse = new Mat2D();
                        if (!Mat2D.Invert(inverse, sourceGrandParent.WorldTransform))
                        Mat2D.Multiply(transformB, inverse, transformB);
                translationB[0] = transformB[4];
                translationB[1] = transformB[5];

                if (!m_CopyX)
                    translationB[0] = m_DestSpace == TransformSpace.Local ? 0.0f : translationA[0];
                    translationB[0] *= m_ScaleX;
                    if (m_Offset)
                        translationB[0] += m_Parent.X;

                if (!m_CopyY)
                    translationB[1] = m_DestSpace == TransformSpace.Local ? 0.0f : translationA[1];
                    translationB[1] *= m_ScaleY;

                    if (m_Offset)
                        translationB[1] += m_Parent.Y;

                if (m_DestSpace == TransformSpace.Local)
                    // Destination space is in parent transform coordinates.
                    if (grandParent != null)
                        Vec2D.TransformMat2D(translationB, translationB, grandParent.WorldTransform);

            bool clampLocal = m_MinMaxSpace == TransformSpace.Local && grandParent != null;

            if (clampLocal)
                // Apply min max in local space, so transform to local coordinates first.
                Mat2D invert = new Mat2D();
                if (!Mat2D.Invert(invert, grandParent.WorldTransform))
                // Get our target world coordinates in parent local.
                Vec2D.TransformMat2D(translationB, translationB, invert);
            if (m_EnableMaxX && translationB[0] > m_MaxX)
                translationB[0] = m_MaxX;
            if (m_EnableMinX && translationB[0] < m_MinX)
                translationB[0] = m_MinX;
            if (m_EnableMaxY && translationB[1] > m_MaxY)
                translationB[1] = m_MaxY;
            if (m_EnableMinY && translationB[1] < m_MinY)
                translationB[1] = m_MinY;
            if (clampLocal)
                // Transform back to world.
                Vec2D.TransformMat2D(translationB, translationB, grandParent.WorldTransform);

            float ti = 1.0f - m_Strength;

            // Just interpolate world translation
            transformA[4] = translationA[0] * ti + translationB[0] * m_Strength;
            transformA[5] = translationA[1] * ti + translationB[1] * m_Strength;