Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="MasterSection"/> instance from the specified scenario
        /// description file.</summary>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// The file path to the XML scenario description to open.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullOrEmptyException">
        /// <paramref name="path"/> is a null reference or an empty string.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <b>CreateScenario</b> raises the <see cref="TaskEvents.TaskProgress"/> event four times
        /// with a value of one.</remarks>

        private void CreateScenario(string path)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))

            this._threadEvents.OnTaskMessage(this, Global.Strings.StatusScenarioReading);

            // create scenario instance
            this._threadEvents.OnTaskProgress(this, 1);

            // load specified XML scenario
            this._threadEvents.OnTaskProgress(this, 1);

            // read media files from disk
            this._threadEvents.OnTaskProgress(this, 1);

            // load associated rule script
            this._threadEvents.OnTaskProgress(this, 1);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AboutScenario"/> class.</summary>

        public AboutScenario()
            MasterSection scenario = MasterSection.Instance;

            if (scenario == null)

            // show scenario title
            ScenarioInfo.Text = scenario.Title;

            // show scenario information
            ScenarioAuthorInfo.Text  = scenario.Information.Author;
            ScenarioVersionInfo.Text = scenario.Information.Version;
            ScenarioLegalInfo.Text   = scenario.Information.Legal;

            // show graphics information
            GraphicsAuthorInfo.Text  = scenario.Images.Information.Author;
            GraphicsVersionInfo.Text = scenario.Images.Information.Version;
            GraphicsLegalInfo.Text   = scenario.Images.Information.Legal;

            // default to scenario details
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the <see cref="Application.DispatcherUnhandledException"/> event for the <see
        /// cref="EditorApplication"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// The <see cref="Object"/> sending the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// A <see cref="DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs"/> object containing event data.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <b>OnUnhandledException</b> handles all uncaught exceptions for the <see
        /// cref="EditorApplication"/> by gathering all relevant application data and then calling
        /// <see cref="ApplicationUtility.OnUnhandledException"/> for further processing.</remarks>

        private void OnUnhandledException(object sender,
                                          DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs args)
            // store information about the exception
            StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();


            MasterSection   scenario     = MasterSection.Instance;
            Action <String> saveScenario = null;

            if (scenario == null)
                info.Append("Scenario instance is null. ");
                // delegate to save scenario data
                saveScenario = scenario.SaveAll;

                // collect various Hexkit Editor information
                foreach (ScenarioSection section in SectionUtility.AllSections)
                    info.AppendFormat("Scenario.Section.{0}: {1} ",
                                      section, scenario.SectionPaths.GetPath(section));

            // invoke common exception handler
            ApplicationUtility.OnUnhandledException(info.ToString(), null, saveScenario, null);
Пример #4
 protected override ILibrary CreateLibrary(InputB input, MasterSection masterSection)
     return(new LibraryB
         Id = id,
         InitialRevisionId = input.InitialRevisionId ?? id,
         MasterSection = masterSection,
         AirClass = input.AirClass,
         Revision = 0
Пример #5
 protected override ILibrary CreateLibrary(InputA input, MasterSection masterSection)
     new LibraryA
         Id = id,
         InitialRevisionId = input.InitialRevisionId ?? id,
         MasterSection     = masterSection,
         DirectExhaust     = input.DirectExhaust,
         Revision          = 0
        public async Task AddAsync(SectionModel model)
            var section = new MasterSection
                DepartmentId = model.DepartmentId,
                SectionName  = model.SectionName,
                SectionCode  = model.SectionCode,

            await _repository.AddAsync(section);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the section-specific controls of the tab page.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <b>Initialize</b> initializes all controls that are specific to the "Master" tab page,
        /// and also calls <see cref="MainWindow.UpdateTabPage"/> for all subsections to initialize
        /// their data from the current <see cref="MasterSection"/>. This is necessary because the
        /// Master section determines the contents (via file path or inlining) of all subsections.
        /// </remarks>

        public void Initialize()
            // update subsections from file or scenario data
            foreach (ScenarioSection section in SectionUtility.Subsections)

            // initialize controls on this page
            MasterSection scenario = MasterSection.Instance;

            TitleBox.Text     = scenario.Title;
            RulesPathBox.Text = scenario.Rules.Path;
Пример #8
    public Guid UpsertRequest(
        TInput input,
        MasterSection masterSection,
        RequestInput requestInputs,
        APIDbContext dbContext)
        Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

        var library = CreateLibrary(input, masterSection);

        dbContext.Set <TLibrary>().Add(library);

        var request = RequestHelper.CreateRequest(masterSection, library.Id, requestInputs, dbContext);

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the <see cref="Application.DispatcherUnhandledException"/> event for the <see
        /// cref="GameApplication"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// The <see cref="Object"/> sending the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// A <see cref="DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs"/> object containing event data.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <b>OnUnhandledException</b> handles all uncaught exceptions for the <see
        /// cref="GameApplication"/> by gathering all relevant application data and then calling
        /// <see cref="ApplicationUtility.OnUnhandledException"/> for further processing.</remarks>

        private void OnUnhandledException(object sender,
                                          DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs args)
            // store information about the exception
            StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();


            // retrieve current scenario path, if any
            MasterSection scenario     = MasterSection.Instance;
            string        scenarioPath = (scenario == null ? "(no scenario)" :

            // collect various game information
            info.AppendFormat("Session.State.{0} ", Session.State);
            info.AppendFormat("Scenario: \"{0}\"", scenarioPath);

            string          rulesPath = null;
            Action <String> saveScenario = null, saveSession = null;

            // delegates to save scenario and session data
            if (scenario != null)
                rulesPath    = scenario.Rules.Path;
                saveScenario = scenario.SaveAll;
                if (Session.State != SessionState.Invalid)
                    saveSession = Session.Instance.SaveDirect;

            // invoke common exception handler
                info.ToString(), rulesPath, saveScenario, saveSession);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the current scenario contains at least one <see cref="TerrainClass"/>
        /// with at least one background image.</summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if <see cref="TerrainClass.IsBackground"/> is <c>true</c> for at least one
        /// <see cref="TerrainClass"/> defined by the current <see cref="EntitySection"/>;
        /// otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <b>AnyBackgroundTerrain</b> immediately returns <c>false</c> if either the <see
        /// cref="ImageSection.Collection"/> of the current <see cref="ImageSection"/> or the <see
        /// cref="EntitySection.Terrains"/> collection of the current <see cref="EntitySection"/> is
        /// empty.</remarks>

        private static bool AnyBackgroundTerrain()
            MasterSection scenario = MasterSection.Instance;

            // fail immediately if no images or no terrains
            if (scenario.Images.Collection.Count == 0 ||
                scenario.Entities.Terrains.Count == 0)

            // succeed if any terrain is a background terrain
            foreach (TerrainClass terrain in scenario.Entities.Terrains.Values)
                if (terrain != null && terrain.IsBackground)

            // no background terrain
Пример #11
 protected abstract ILibrary CreateLibrary(TInput input, MasterSection masterSection);
Пример #12
	public static Guid UpsertRequest(
	  IInput inputg,
	  MasterSection masterSection,
	  RequestInput requestInputs,
	  APIDbContext dbContext
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes or deletes all occurrences of the specified identifier in the specified
        /// collection or in the entire scenario.</summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TValue">
        /// The type of all values in the specified <paramref name="collection"/>. The type of all
        /// keys is assumed to be <see cref="String"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="collection">
        /// The <see cref="ICollection{T}"/> whose elements to process. This must be either an <see
        /// cref="IDictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> or an <see cref="IList{T}"/> holding <see
        /// cref="KeyValuePair{TKey, TValue}"/> elements.</param>
        /// <param name="oldId">
        /// The identifier to remove from <paramref name="collection"/> or from the current
        /// scenario.</param>
        /// <param name="newId"><para>
        /// The identifier to store with all values of <paramref name="oldId"/> in <paramref
        /// name="collection"/> or in the current scenario.
        /// </para><para>-or-</para><para>
        /// A null reference to delete all elements with <paramref name="oldId"/> from <paramref
        /// name="collection"/> or from the current scenario.</para></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if the user confirmed the change; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="collection"/> implements neither <see cref="IDictionary{TKey, TValue}"/>
        /// nor <see cref="IList{T}"/>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="collection"/> is a null reference.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullOrEmptyException">
        /// <paramref name="oldId"/> is a null reference or an empty string.</exception>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>ProcessAllIdentifiers</b> invokes <see
        /// cref="MasterSection.ProcessIdentifierBySection"/> to count all occurrences of the
        /// specified <paramref name="oldId"/> in the current scenario.
        /// </para><para>
        /// If any occurrences are found, <b>ProcessAllIdentifiers</b> asks the user if all of them
        /// should be deleted or changed to the specified <paramref name="newId"/>, or only those in
        /// the specified <paramref name="collection"/>, or if the entire operation should be
        /// cancelled.
        /// </para><para>
        /// If the user cancels, <b>ProcessAllIdentifiers</b> returns <c>false</c> without changing
        /// any data. Otherwise, the requested changes are performed using either
        /// <b>ProcessIdentifierBySection</b> or <see cref="CollectionsUtility.ChangeKey"/>. In the
        /// first case, the Hexkit Editor tab pages managing the changed scenario sections, if any,
        /// are also flagged as containing unsaved changes.</para></remarks>

        public static bool ProcessAllIdentifiers <TValue>(
            ICollection <KeyValuePair <String, TValue> > collection, string oldId, string newId)
            if (collection == null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldId))

            // check if required interface is available
            IDictionary <String, TValue>           dictionary = collection as IDictionary <String, TValue>;
            IList <KeyValuePair <String, TValue> > list       =
                collection as IList <KeyValuePair <String, TValue> >;

            if (dictionary == null && list == null)
                                                   Tektosyne.Strings.ArgumentNotInTypes + "IDictionary, IList");

            // count all occurrences of old key
            MasterSection scenario = MasterSection.Instance;

            int[] found      = scenario.ProcessIdentifierBySection(oldId, oldId);
            int   totalFound = found[(int)ScenarioSection.Master];

            // ask to change those occurrences, if any
            MessageBoxResult result = MessageBoxResult.No;

            if (totalFound > 1)
                string dialogText = (newId == null ?
                                     Global.Strings.DialogIdentifierDelete :

                result = MessageBox.Show(MainWindow.Instance,
                                         String.Format(ApplicationInfo.Culture, dialogText, totalFound - 1),
                                         MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);

                // process identifiers throughout scenario
                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    scenario.ProcessIdentifierBySection(oldId, newId);

                    for (int i = 0; i < found.Length; i++)
                        if (found[i] == 0)
                        ScenarioSection section = (ScenarioSection)i;
                        MainWindow.Instance.GetTabPage(section).DataChanged = true;

            // process identifiers in specified collection only
            if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
                if (dictionary != null)
                    CollectionsUtility.ProcessKey(dictionary, oldId, newId);
                    CollectionsUtility.ProcessKey(list, oldId, newId);

            // allow user to abort if a dialog came up
            return(result != MessageBoxResult.Cancel);