Пример #1
        private void ParseMask(Line line)
            var stringMask = line.Raw.Split("=", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries | StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries).Last();
            var result     = new MaskValues[SIZE];

            for (int pos = 0; pos < stringMask.Length; pos++)
                result[SIZE - 1 - pos] = stringMask[pos] == 'X' ? MaskValues.Floating : (stringMask[pos] == '1' ? MaskValues.One : MaskValues.Zero);
            this.mask = result;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test the masking of the data
        /// </summary>
        public void TestMask()

            bool   isStart   = true;
            double start     = -1;
            double end       = -1;
            double prevValue = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < SeriesCollection[0].Values.Count; i++)
                ObservablePoint point     = SeriesCollection[0].Values[i] as ObservablePoint;
                double          highValue = GetHighValueAt(point.X);
                double          lowValue  = GetLowValueAt(point.X);

                Debug.WriteLine($"checking for ({point.X},{point.Y}) low: {lowValue} high: {highValue}");

                if (point.Y > highValue || point.Y < lowValue)
                    prevValue = point.Y;
                    if (i == 0)
                        start   = 0;
                        isStart = false;
                        double          intersection = 0;
                        ObservablePoint prevPoint    = SeriesCollection[0].Values[i - 1] as ObservablePoint;
                        if (point.Y > highValue)
                            intersection = prevPoint.X + ((highValue - prevPoint.Y) / (point.Y - prevPoint.Y))
                                           * (point.X - prevPoint.X);
                            intersection = prevPoint.X + ((lowValue - prevPoint.Y) / (point.Y - prevPoint.Y))
                                           * (point.X - prevPoint.X);

                        if (isStart)
                            start   = intersection;
                            isStart = false;
                    if (!isStart)
                        ObservablePoint prevPoint = SeriesCollection[0].Values[i - 1] as ObservablePoint;
                        if (prevValue > highValue)
                            end = prevPoint.X + ((highValue - prevPoint.Y) / (point.Y - prevPoint.Y))
                                  * (point.X - prevPoint.X);
                            Debug.WriteLine("setting end from high");
                            end = prevPoint.X + ((lowValue - prevPoint.Y) / (point.Y - prevPoint.Y))
                                  * (point.X - prevPoint.X);
                            Debug.WriteLine("setting end from low");
                        Debug.WriteLine($"adding to mask: {start} {end}");
                        MaskValues.AddToMask(start, end);
                        isStart = true;
                if (i == SeriesCollection[0].Values.Count - 1 && !isStart)
                    end = point.X;
                    MaskValues.AddToMask(start, end);
            MaskText = MaskValues.GetMaskText();