Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Wraps a MarkupRange in an element (or multiple elements if necessary to produce valid HTML).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementFactory">Creates elements to wrap the markupRange in as needed.</param>
        /// <param name="markupServices">The MarkupServices for the markupRange.</param>
        /// <param name="markupRange">The range to wrap.</param>
        protected void WrapInElement(ElementFactory elementFactory, MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices, MarkupRange markupRange)
            Debug.Assert(markupRange.GetElements(ElementFilters.BLOCK_ELEMENTS, false).Length == 0,
                         "Did not expect MarkupRange to contain block elements");

            MarkupPointer startPointer = markupRange.Start.Clone();
            MarkupPointer endPointer   = markupRange.Start.Clone();
            MarkupContext context;

            while (endPointer.IsLeftOf(markupRange.End))
                context = endPointer.Right(false);

                if (context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_EnterScope ||
                    context.Context == _MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE.CONTEXT_TYPE_ExitScope)
                    if (!markupRange.InRange(context.Element))
                        // EnterScope example: <span>[markupRange.Start]Hello [endPointer]<i>Hello[markupRange.End]</i></span>
                        // ExitScope example: <span>[markupRange.Start]Hello [endPointer]</span><span>Hello[markupRange.End]</span>
                        InsertElement(elementFactory(), markupServices, startPointer, endPointer);


            InsertElement(elementFactory(), markupServices, startPointer, endPointer);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure that whole (not parts of) lists are included in the source of a paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">The original source range. The range may be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="markupServices">MarkupServices for the range.</param>
        private void ExpandToIncludeLists(MarkupRange range, MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices)
            MarkupPointer      pointer    = markupServices.CreateMarkupPointer();
            IHTMLElementFilter listFilter =
                ElementFilters.CreateCompoundElementFilter(ElementFilters.LIST_ELEMENTS, ElementFilters.LIST_ITEM_ELEMENTS);

            IHTMLElement[] listElements = range.GetElements(listFilter, false);
            foreach (IHTMLElement element in listElements)
                IHTMLElement parentList = element;
                while (parentList != null && !ElementFilters.IsListElement(parentList))
                    parentList = parentList.parentElement;

                if (parentList != null)
                    pointer.MoveAdjacentToElement(parentList, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
                    if (range.Start.IsRightOf(pointer))

                    pointer.MoveAdjacentToElement(parentList, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                    if (range.End.IsLeftOf(pointer))
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure that whole (not parts of) tables are included in the source of a paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">The original source range. The range may be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="markupServices">MarkupServices for the range.</param>
        private void ExpandToIncludeTables(MarkupRange range, MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices)
            MarkupPointer pointer = markupServices.CreateMarkupPointer();

            IHTMLElement[] tableElements = range.GetElements(ElementFilters.TABLE_ELEMENTS, false);
            foreach (IHTMLElement element in tableElements)
                IHTMLElement parentTable = element;
                while (parentTable != null && markupServices.GetElementTagId(parentTable) != _ELEMENT_TAG_ID.TAGID_TABLE)
                    parentTable = parentTable.parentElement;

                if (parentTable != null)
                    pointer.MoveAdjacentToElement(parentTable, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
                    if (range.Start.IsRightOf(pointer))

                    pointer.MoveAdjacentToElement(parentTable, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                    if (range.End.IsLeftOf(pointer))
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fixes up all the headers in the entire markupRange.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="turnBold">Whether or not the text should be turning bold.</param>
        private void FixupHeaders(bool turnBold)
            IHTMLElement elementStartHeader = markupRange.Start.GetParentElement(ElementFilters.HEADER_ELEMENTS);
            IHTMLElement elementEndHeader   = markupRange.End.GetParentElement(ElementFilters.HEADER_ELEMENTS);
            MarkupRange  currentRange       = markupRange.Clone();

            if (elementStartHeader != null)
                // Takes care of the following cases:
                //  <h1>...|blah|...</h1>
                //  <h1>...|blah...</h1>...|...
                MarkupRange startRange = markupServices.CreateMarkupRange(elementStartHeader, false);

                if (startRange.End.IsRightOf(markupRange.End))

                FixupHeaderRange(startRange, turnBold);

                currentRange.Start.MoveAdjacentToElement(elementStartHeader, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd);
                if (currentRange.End.IsLeftOf(currentRange.Start))

            if (elementEndHeader != null && !HTMLElementHelper.ElementsAreEqual(elementStartHeader, elementEndHeader))
                // Takes care of the following case:
                //  ...|...<h1>...blah|...</h1>
                MarkupRange endRange = markupServices.CreateMarkupRange(elementEndHeader, false);

                FixupHeaderRange(endRange, turnBold);

                currentRange.End.MoveAdjacentToElement(elementEndHeader, _ELEMENT_ADJACENCY.ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin);
                if (currentRange.Start.IsRightOf(currentRange.End))

            if (!markupRange.InRange(currentRange))

            IHTMLElement[] headerElements = currentRange.GetElements(ElementFilters.HEADER_ELEMENTS, true);
            if (headerElements != null && headerElements.Length > 0)
                foreach (IHTMLElement element in headerElements)
                    MarkupRange headerRange = markupServices.CreateMarkupRange(element, false);
                    FixupHeaderRange(headerRange, turnBold);
Пример #5
        private void FindCellRange(MarkupRange selectedRange, out ArrayList selectedCells, out IHTMLTableCell beginCell, out IHTMLTableCell endCell)
            // default to null
            beginCell     = null;
            endCell       = null;
            selectedCells = new ArrayList();

            // JJA: fix bug #476623 -- at document initialization the selected markup range
            // may not yet be positioned so protect ourselves in this case
            if (!selectedRange.Positioned)

            // query for all of the table cells within the range
            selectedCells.AddRange(selectedRange.GetElements(ElementFilters.TABLE_CELL_ELEMENT, false));

            // extract the begin and end cells
            if (selectedCells.Count == 0)
                // see if the selection is contained within a single cell
                beginCell = selectedRange.Start.GetParentElement(ElementFilters.TABLE_CELL_ELEMENT) as IHTMLTableCell;
                if (beginCell != null)
                    // make sure the cell is content editable (it would not be in the case
                    // where the call to GetParentElement went all the way out of the body
                    // and found a cell that was part of the containing template)
                    if (!(beginCell as IHTMLElement3).isContentEditable)
                        beginCell = null;

                endCell = beginCell;

            else if (selectedCells.Count == 1)
                beginCell = selectedCells[0] as IHTMLTableCell;
                endCell   = selectedCells[0] as IHTMLTableCell;
                beginCell = selectedCells[0] as IHTMLTableCell;
                endCell   = selectedCells[selectedCells.Count - 1] as IHTMLTableCell;
Пример #6
        private void SelectNextRegion(bool backward)
            MarkupRange smartContentRange = EditorContext.MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(HTMLElement, false);

            IHTMLElement[] editFields = smartContentRange.GetElements(ElementFilters.CreateClassFilter(InlineEditField.EDIT_FIELD), true);

            IHTMLElement element = GetSelectedChildEditField(HTMLElement, EditorContext.Selection.SelectedMarkupRange);

            if (element == null)
                if (editFields.Length > 0)
                    SelectElement(backward ? editFields[editFields.Length - 1] : editFields[0]);


            // One of the edit fields was selected
            for (int i = 0; i < editFields.Length; i++)
                IHTMLElement editField = editFields[i];

                if (element.sourceIndex == editField.sourceIndex)
                    if (i == 0 && backward ||
                        i == editFields.Length - 1 && !backward)
                        SelectElement(backward ? editFields[i - 1] : editFields[i + 1]);


            Debug.Fail("How did we get here?");
        public static void RemoveAttributes(MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices, MarkupRange selection, string[] attributesToRemove)
            IHTMLElementFilter[] filters = new IHTMLElementFilter[attributesToRemove.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < attributesToRemove.Length; i++)
                filters[i] = ElementFilters.CreateElementAttributeFilter(attributesToRemove[i]);

            IHTMLElement[] elements = selection.GetElements(ElementFilters.CreateCompoundElementFilter(filters), false);
            foreach (IHTMLElement element in elements)
                foreach (string attribute in attributesToRemove)
                    element.removeAttribute(attribute, 0);
        public static void ClearBackgroundColor(MshtmlMarkupServices markupServices, MarkupRange selection)
            HtmlStyleHelper htmlStyleHelper = new HtmlStyleHelper(markupServices);


            IHTMLElement[] elements = selection.GetElements(ElementFilters.CreateTagIdFilter("font"), false);
            foreach (IHTMLElement element in elements)
                element.style.backgroundColor = "";

            // We may now be left with empty font tags, e.g. <font>blah</font>.
            // After switching between editors this becomes <font size="+0">blah</font>, which
            // causes blah to be rendered differently.
            // To avoid that we need to remove any empty-attribute font tags.
            selection.RemoveElementsByTagId(_ELEMENT_TAG_ID.TAGID_FONT, true);