public override string RenderValue() { var churn = Marketing.GetChurnClients(company, Q); var churnRate = Marketing.GetChurnRate(company, Q); Colorize(Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, 9, churnRate, true)); return(Format.Minify(-churnRate) + "% weekly"); //return Visuals.Negative(Format.Minify(-churn) + " weekly"); // (" + (int)churnRate + "%) }
public override string RenderValue() { var competitors = Companies.GetDirectCompetitors(Flagship, Q, true); var users = competitors.Sum(c => Marketing.GetUsers(c)); var avgChurn = competitors.Average(c => Marketing.GetChurnRate(c, Q)); return("Competitors " + Format.Minify(users) + $" users {avgChurn.ToString("0.0")}%"); }
public override string RenderValue() { var rate = Marketing.GetChurnRate(Q,; var churnUsers = Marketing.GetChurnClients(Q,; return($"Loses {Format.Minify(churnUsers)} users weekly ({rate}% churn)"); return($"{Format.Minify(churnUsers)} users ({rate}%)"); //return MarketingUtils.GetChurnBonus(GameContext,; }
string GetMarketingActivity(string text, GameEntity product) { var churn = Marketing.GetChurnRate(product, Q); var joinedChannels = product.companyMarketingActivities.Channels.Keys .Select(k => Marketing.GetChannelClientGain(product, k)) .Sum(); text += $"\n{(int)churn}% channels: " + Marketing.GetActiveChannelsCount(product) + $" +{Format.Minify(joinedChannels)}\n"; return(text); }
void Monetize(GameEntity product) { var remainingFeatures = Products.GetUpgradeableMonetizationFeatures(product); var churn = Marketing.GetChurnRate(product, gameContext); if (remainingFeatures.Any() && churn < 4) { var feature = remainingFeatures.First(); Products.TryToUpgradeFeature(product, feature, gameContext); Companies.LogSuccess(product, $"Added {feature.Name} for profit"); } }
public override string RenderHint() { var churnRate = Marketing.GetChurnRate(company, Q, true); return(churnRate.ToString(true)); }
void ManageFeatures(GameEntity product) { var features = Products.GetUpgradeableRetentionFeatures(product); var churn = Marketing.GetChurnRate(product, gameContext, true); if (churn.Sum() > 3) { // need to lower churn ASAP try { ReduceChurn(product, churn); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("Caught exception while reducing churn in " +; Debug.LogError(ex); } } else { var core =[0]; var willMonetize = 0.25f; var willInnovate = 0.15f; if (!core.Managers.Any()) { Debug.Log("HAS NO MANAGERS in " +; } else { var ceo = core.Managers[0]; bool isGreedy = Humans.HasTrait(ceo, Trait.Greedy); bool isCreative = Humans.HasTrait(ceo, Trait.Visionaire) || Humans.HasTrait(ceo, Trait.WantsToCreate); if (isGreedy) { willMonetize = 0.8f; } if (isCreative) { willInnovate = 0.9f; } } // monetize if (!product.isRelease) { // innovate } else { if (Random.Range(0, willMonetize + willInnovate) < willMonetize) { // monetize } else { // innovate } } // monetize? // go for innovations } return; // random development foreach (var f in features) { Products.TryToUpgradeFeature(product, f, gameContext); } }
void Render() { if (company == null) { return; } var id =; var clients = Marketing.GetClients(company); var churn = Marketing.GetChurnRate(Q, company); var churnClients = Marketing.GetChurnClients(Q, id); var profit = Economy.GetProfit(Q, id); bool hasControl = Companies.GetControlInCompany(MyCompany, company, Q) > 0; var nameColor = hasControl ? Colors.COLOR_CONTROL : Colors.COLOR_NEUTRAL; var profitColor = profit >= 0 ? Colors.COLOR_POSITIVE : Colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE; var positionOnMarket = Markets.GetPositionOnMarket(Q, company) + 1; var brand = (int)company.branding.BrandPower; var brandChange = Marketing.GetBrandChange(company, Q); var effeciency = Products.GetTeamEffeciency(Q, company); SetEmblemColor(); Clients.text = Format.Minify(clients); CompanyHint.SetHint(GetCompanyHint()); Expertise.text = $"Effeciency: {effeciency}%"; Name.text =; Name.color = Visuals.GetColorFromString(nameColor); Profitability.text = Format.Money(profit); Profitability.color = Visuals.GetColorFromString(profitColor); PositionOnMarket.text = $"#{positionOnMarket}"; Brand.text = $"{brand} ({brandChange.Sum()})"; Brand.color = Visuals.GetGradientColor(0, 100, brand); UpdateIfNecessary(BrandIcon, company.isRelease); UpdateIfNecessary(Brand, company.isRelease); // buttons // set LinkToProjectView.CompanyId = id; HireWorker.companyId = id; ReleaseApp.SetCompanyId(id); TestCampaignButton.SetCompanyId(id); StartRegularAdCampaign.SetCompanyId(id); StartBrandingCampaign.SetCompanyId(id); UpgradeChurn.SetCompanyId(id); UpgradeMonetisation.SetCompanyId(id); LinkToHiringScreen.SetCompanyId(id); var max = Products.GetNecessaryAmountOfWorkers(company, Q); var workers = Teams.GetAmountOfWorkers(company, Q); var canHireTopManagers = false && workers > 5; var targetingCost = Marketing.GetTargetingCost(company, Q); var brandingCost = Marketing.GetBrandingCost(company, Q); // enable / disable them UpdateIfNecessary(ReleaseApp, Companies.IsReleaseableApp(company, Q)); UpdateIfNecessary(TestCampaignButton, !company.isRelease); UpdateIfNecessary(StartRegularAdCampaign, company.isRelease); UpdateIfNecessary(StartBrandingCampaign, company.isRelease); UpdateIfNecessary(LinkToHiringScreen, canHireTopManagers); UpdateIfNecessary(ManagementLabel, canHireTopManagers); // render HireWorker.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = $"Hire Worker ({workers}/{max})"; HireWorker.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().interactable = workers < max; HireWorker.GetComponentInChildren <Hint>().SetHint(workers < max ? "Hiring workers will increase development speed" : Visuals.Negative("You reached max limit of workers") + "\n\nTo increase this limit, hire TOP managers" ); StartRegularAdCampaign.GetComponent <Hint>().SetHint($"Cost: {Format.Money(targetingCost)}"); StartBrandingCampaign.GetComponent <Hint>().SetHint($"Cost: {Format.Money(brandingCost)}"); }