void RemoveMarker(GameObject marker) { MarkedItems markedItems = markedItemObject.GetComponent <MarkedItems>(); if (markedItems.gameObjectList.Contains(marker) && marker.GetComponent <ItemInfo>().createdTime < Time.time - 2) { markedItems.gameObjectList.Remove(marker); Destroy(marker); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Grab the mesh renderer that's on the same object as this script. meshRenderer = this.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); markedItems = GameObject.Find("MarkedItems"); soundPlayer = GameObject.Find("SoundPlayer"); userModeManager = GameObject.Find("UserModeManager"); userModeManagerScript = userModeManager.GetComponent <UserModeManager>(); soundPlayerScript = soundPlayer.GetComponent <SoundPlayer>(); markedItemsScript = markedItems.GetComponent <MarkedItems>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { createdTime = Time.time; markedItems = GameObject.Find("MarkedItems"); userModeManager = GameObject.Find("UserModeManager"); markedItemsScript = markedItems.GetComponent <MarkedItems>(); userModeManagerScript = FindObjectOfType <UserModeManager>(); ttsManager = FindObjectOfType <TextToSpeechManager>(); soundPlayer = FindObjectOfType <SoundPlayer>(); itemAudioSource = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); // itemAudioSource.clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>("table"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { string[] outCommands = { "table", "laptop", "floor", "ceiling", "television", "person", "wall", "cup", "chair", "refrigerator", "switch", "clock", "microwave", "soda", "gaggle" }; commands = outCommands; userModeManagerScript = userModeManager.GetComponent <UserModeManager>(); keywords.Add("Reset world", () => { // Call the OnReset method on every descendant object. this.BroadcastMessage("OnReset"); }); keywords.Add("Drop Sphere", () => { var focusObject = GazeGestureManager.Instance.FocusedObject; if (focusObject != null) { // Call the OnDrop method on just the focused object. focusObject.SendMessage("OnDrop"); } }); keywords.Add("learn", () => { userModeManagerScript.setUserMode("learn"); }); keywords.Add("teach", () => { userModeManagerScript.setUserMode("teach"); }); GameObject markedItems = GameObject.Find("MarkedItems"); foreach (string command in commands) { keywords.Add(command, () => { // Do a raycast into the world based on the user's // head position and orientation. var headPosition = Camera.main.transform.position; var gazeDirection = Camera.main.transform.forward; RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(headPosition, gazeDirection, out hitInfo)) { // var position = hitInfo.point; //GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); //GUI drag GameObject cube = Instantiate(itemPreFab); cube.transform.position = position; cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); var iteminfo = cube.GetComponent <ItemInfo>(); iteminfo.Title = command; iteminfo.ItemName = command; cube.name = command; iteminfo.markedItems = markedItems; //iteminfo.userModeManager = userModeManager; iteminfo.userModeManagerScript = userModeManagerScript; //as long as assing somethign has a type. //var itemAudioSource = cube.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //itemAudioSource.clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>(command); if (items == null) { items = markedItems.GetComponent <MarkedItems>(); } items.gameObjectList.Add(cube); } }); } ; // Tell the KeywordRecognizer about our keywords. keywordRecognizer = new KeywordRecognizer(keywords.Keys.ToArray()); // Register a callback for the KeywordRecognizer and start recognizing! keywordRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized; keywordRecognizer.Start(); }
public void Start() { markedItemsScript = FindObjectOfType <MarkedItems>(); userModeManagerScript = FindObjectOfType <UserModeManager>(); }