static async Task <Tuple <List <Face>, List <User> > > FaceIdentification(FaceIdentificationContext appContext)
            var IReturn = new Tuple <List <Face>, List <User> >(new List <Face>(), new List <User>());

            if (appContext.ImageUrl == null)
                throw new ErrorMsg("imageDoesntExist", "image not found maybe link is not attached ");
            List <Face> Faces = await FaceService.FaceDetection(appContext.ImageUrl);

            string personGroupId = MappingService.GetFromMapping(appContext.AppID, appContext.Context.Id); //get from mapping

            if (MappingService.IsPersonGroupExist(appContext.AppID, appContext.Context.Id))                //check if context has group ? get groupID : return detection in faces and emty users
                IReturn = await FaceService.Identify(personGroupId, Faces, appContext);
            IReturn = Tuple.Create(Faces, new List <User>());
            StorageService.uploadImageAsync(appContext.ImageUrl, ImageType.Url, appContext.AppID, appContext.Context.Id);
Пример #2
        public static async Task <Tuple <List <Face>, List <User> > > Identify(string personGroupId, List <Face> faces, FaceIdentificationContext appContext)
            var iReturn = new Tuple <List <Face>, List <User> >(faces, new List <User>());

            HttpClient client   = InitializeClient();
            string     facesIds = string.Join("\",\"", faces.Select(f => f.FaceID));

            List <identifyResponse> iResponse = new List <identifyResponse>();

            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"personGroupId\":\"" + personGroupId + "\",\"faceIds\":[\"" + facesIds + "\"]}");

            using (var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))
                content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
                var response = await client.PostAsync(@baseURL + "/identify?maxNumOfCandidatesReturned=1", content);

                var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                iResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <identifyResponse> >(responseString);
            for (int i = 0; i < iResponse.Count; i++)
                identifyResponse item = iResponse[i];
                if (item.Candidates.Count > 0)
                    string personId = item.Candidates[0].PersonId;
                    string userId   = MappingService.GetFromMapping(appContext.AppID + "-" + appContext.Context.Id, personId);
                    User   user     = new User(userId, ""); //TODO:Change to retrive user name appContext.users[i].name);
                    iReturn.Item2.Add(user);                //appid-context, personid

        public async static Task Register(FaceRegistrationContext appContext) //input : group name, persons names
            string GroupId;

            if (MappingService.IsPersonGroupExist(appContext.AppId, appContext.Context.Id))
                GroupId = MappingService.GetFromMapping(appContext.AppId, appContext.Context.Id);
            {//creat group
                Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();
                GroupId = g.ToString();
                await FaceService.CreatePersonGroup(GroupId, appContext.Context.Name);

                await MappingService.InsertNewPersonGroup(appContext.AppId, appContext.Context.Id, GroupId);
            //creat n persons
            string ImgURL = StorageService.GetImageUrl(appContext.AppId, appContext.Context.Id); //mapping get img using appid,contextid

            if (ImgURL == "")
                throw new ErrorMsg("InvalidURL", "Failed to download from target server. Remote server error returned.");
            foreach (User user in appContext.Users)
                string PersonId;
                if (MappingService.GetFromMapping(appContext.AppId + "-" + appContext.Context.Id, user.Id) != "")
                    PersonId = MappingService.GetFromMapping(appContext.AppId + "-" + appContext.Context.Id, user.Id);
                    //create person
                    PersonId = await FaceService.CreatePerson(GroupId, user.Name); //temp names

                    if (PersonId == "")
                        throw new ErrorMsg("PersonCreationFailed", "Failed to Create person. maybe it reached the limit or connection error");
                    //Console.WriteLine("person " + user.Name + " id: " + PersonId);
                    //insert person
                    IList <TableResult> TempResult = await MappingService.InsertNewPerson(appContext.AppId, appContext.Context.Id, PersonId, user.Id);

                    foreach (TableResult Result in TempResult)
                        if (!Result.HttpStatusCode.Equals(HttpStatusCode.OK))
                            throw new ErrorMsg("PersonAdditionToStorageFailed", "Failed to Store person In Azure Table");
                    //add face to person

                    await FaceService.AddFaceToPerson(GroupId, PersonId, ImgURL, user.Face.Location);//add last image

                //train person group
                await FaceService.TrainPersonGroup(GroupId);

                //check training status
                await FaceService.GetTrainingStatus(GroupId);