Пример #1
        public void TestGetMatchingTypes()
            Class[] types = new[] { MappingTestOntology.BaseClass };
            var     res   = MappingDiscovery.GetMatchingTypes(types, typeof(BaseClass), false);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(BaseClass), res.First());

            types = new[] { MappingTestOntology.BaseClass, MappingTestOntology.SubClass };
            res   = MappingDiscovery.GetMatchingTypes(types, typeof(BaseClass), true);

            //Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubClass), res.First());

            types = new[] { MappingTestOntology.SubClass, MappingTestOntology.BaseClass };
            res   = MappingDiscovery.GetMatchingTypes(types, typeof(BaseClass), true);

            //Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SubClass), res.First());
Пример #2
        private Dictionary <string, T> FindResourceTypes <T>(bool inferencingEnabled)
            where T : Resource
            Dictionary <string, T>             result = new Dictionary <string, T>();
            Dictionary <string, List <Class> > types  = new Dictionary <string, List <Class> >();
            string p;
            INode  s, o;

            // _tripleProvider.Reset();

            // Collect all types for every resource in the types dictionary.
            // I was going to use _queryResults.Select(), but that doesn't work with Virtuoso.
            while (_tripleProvider.HasNext)
                s = _tripleProvider.S;
                p = _tripleProvider.P.ToString();
                o = _tripleProvider.O;


                if (o.NodeType == NodeType.Uri && p == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type")
                    if (s is IUriNode)
                        string suri = ((IUriNode)s).Uri.OriginalString;

                        string obj = ((IUriNode)o).Uri.OriginalString;

                        if (!types.ContainsKey(suri))
                            types.Add(suri, new List <Class>());

                        if (OntologyDiscovery.Classes.ContainsKey(obj))
                            types[suri].Add(new Class(new Uri(obj)));

            // Iterate over all types and find the right class and instatiate it.
            foreach (string subject in types.Keys)
                Type[] classType = MappingDiscovery.GetMatchingTypes(types[subject], typeof(T), inferencingEnabled);

                if (classType.Length > 0)
                    if (classType.Length > 1)
                        var msg = "Info: There is more that one assignable type for <{0}>. It was initialized as <{1}>.";
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(msg, subject, classType[0].Name));

                    T resource = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(classType[0], new Uri(subject));
                    resource.Model  = _model;
                    resource.IsNew  = false;
                    result[subject] = resource;
                else if (typeof(T) != typeof(Resource))
                    string msg = "Info: No assignable type found for <{0}>.";

                    if (inferencingEnabled)
                        msg += " Try disabling inference.";

                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(msg, subject));

        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets the RDF classes from the query result
        /// and tries to match it to a C# class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="subjectColumn"></param>
        /// <param name="preducateColumn"></param>
        /// <param name="objectColumn"></param>
        /// <param name="queryResults"></param>
        /// <param name="inferencingEnabled"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, T> FindResourceTypes <T>(DataTable queryResults, string subjectColumn, string preducateColumn, string objectColumn, bool inferencingEnabled = false) where T : Resource
            Dictionary <string, T>             result = new Dictionary <string, T>();
            Dictionary <string, List <Class> > types = new Dictionary <string, List <Class> >();
            string s, p, o;

            // Collect all types for every resource in the types dictionary.
            // I was going to use _queryResults.Select(), but that doesn't work with Virtuoso.
            foreach (DataRow row in queryResults.Rows)
                s = row[subjectColumn].ToString();
                p = row[preducateColumn].ToString();

                if (p == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type")
                    o = row[objectColumn].ToString();

                    if (!types.ContainsKey(s))
                        types.Add(s, new List <Class>());

                    if (OntologyDiscovery.Classes.ContainsKey(o))
                        types[s].Add(new Class(new Uri(o)));

            // Iterate over all types and find the right class and instatiate it.
            foreach (string subject in types.Keys)
                IList <Type> classType = MappingDiscovery.GetMatchingTypes(types[subject], typeof(T), inferencingEnabled);

                if (classType.Count > 0)
                    #if DEBUG
                    if (classType.Count > 1)
                        string msg = "Info: There is more that one assignable type for <{0}>. It was initialized using the first.";
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(msg, subject));

                    T resource = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(classType[0], new UriRef(subject));
                    resource.IsNew = false;

                    result[subject] = resource;
                #if DEBUG
                else if (typeof(T) != typeof(Resource))
                    string msg = "Info: No assignable type found for <{0}>.";

                    if (inferencingEnabled)
                        msg += " Try disabling inference.";

                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(msg, subject));
