public CancelationToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget)

              // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
              _mapWidget = mapWidget;
        public DirectionsResultView(MapWidget mapWidget, FindCloseFacilityResultView fcfResultView, RouteResult routeResult, FindClosestResourceToolbar fcrToolbar)
            base.DataContext = this;

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;

            _closestFaculityResult = fcfResultView;
            _findClosestFacilityToolbar = fcrToolbar;

            RouteName = routeResult.Directions.RouteName;
            Summary = string.Format("{0:F1} {1}, {2}", routeResult.Directions.TotalLength, "miles", FormatTime(routeResult.Directions.TotalTime));

            List<Graphic> features = new List<Graphic>(routeResult.Directions.Features);

            List<ManeuverViewModel> directionElements = new List<ManeuverViewModel>();
            Graphic previous = null;
            int i = 1;

            foreach (var next in features)
                ManeuverViewModel maneuver = new ManeuverViewModel(previous, next, i++);
                maneuver.Graphic.MouseLeftButtonDown += Graphic_MouseLeftButtonDown;

                previous = next;

            Maneuvers = directionElements;
        public AircraftRouteGenLineToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, string serviceURL)

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;
            _serviceURL = serviceURL;
        public BombThreatToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, string serviceURL)

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;
            _serviceURL = serviceURL;
        private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Caption = CaptionTextBox.Text;

             // If there is a map widget selected, get the ID.
             MapWidget = MapWidgetCombo.SelectedItem as MapWidget; ;

             // Widget should only be added to the view if a map widget was chosen.
             DialogResult = (MapWidget != null);
        public AircraftCoverageToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, string serviceURL)

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;
            _serviceURL = serviceURL;
            int pos = _serviceURL.IndexOf("GPServer");
            _baseURL = _serviceURL.Substring(0, pos);

        public BufferMapToolBar(MapWidget mapWidget, String bufferDataSource, String bufferField)
            this.DataContext = this; 

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;

            // The following parameters are used when user selecting features from a layer. 
            // DataSource and Field names need to be specified in the tool settings. 
            BufferLayers = new ObservableCollection<BufferLayer>();
            var selectLyr = new BufferLayer();

            if (bufferDataSource == null)
                selectLyr.Name = "Use Settings for buffer layer";
                selectLyr.DataSource = null;
                _bufferDataSource = bufferDataSource;
                _bufferField = bufferField;

                selectLyr.Name = "Select a layer";
                selectLyr.DataSource = null;

                ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource layerDataSource = null;

                IEnumerable<ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource> dataSources = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources;
                foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource d in dataSources)
                    if (d.Id == _bufferDataSource)
                        layerDataSource = d;

                BufferTypes = new ObservableCollection<BufferType>();
                var bufferLayer = new BufferLayer();
                bufferLayer.Name = layerDataSource.Name;
                bufferLayer.DataSource = layerDataSource;
        public DrawPolygonMapToolDialog(MapWidget mapWidget)
             DataContext = this;

             if (mapWidget == null)

             //Create a list and store the polygon layers
             List<client.FeatureLayer> polygonLayers = new List<client.FeatureLayer>();

             foreach (client.FeatureLayer layer in MapFeatureLayersFinder.GetMapFeatureLayers(mapWidget.Map))
            if (layer.LayerInfo.GeometryType == client.Tasks.GeometryType.Polygon)

             //Configure the layer comboboxe properties
             cmbLayers.ItemsSource = polygonLayers;
             cmbLayers.SelectedItem = polygonLayers[0];
             cmbLayers.DisplayMemberPath = "DisplayName";
        public DrawPolygonToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, client.FeatureLayer searchAreaFL)
             DataContext = this;

             #region Initialize the map widget and the search area feature layer
             MapWidget = mapWidget;
             if (!mapWidget.Map.IsInitialized)
             SearchAreaLayer = searchAreaFL;
             SearchAreaLayer.DisableClientCaching = true;

             #region MapWidget is not null, initialize the editor tool
             Editor = new client.Editor()
            LayerIDs = new string[] { SearchAreaLayer.ID },
            Map = mapWidget.Map,
            GeometryServiceUrl = @""
             Editor.EditCompleted += Editor_EditCompleted;
             Editor.EditorActivated += Editor_EditorActivated;
        private void SetMap(MapWidget mapWidget)
            if ((mapWidget != null) && (mapWidget.Map != null))
                // From the map widget, get the map. 
                _map = mapWidget.Map;

Пример #11
 public void SwapLayers(int Index1, int Index2)
     MapWidget.SwapLayers(Index1, Index2);
        public FindClosestResourceToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, ObservableCollection<ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource> resourceDatasources, String resourceTypeField, 
            ObservableCollection<ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource> barriersDataSources)

            this.DataContext = this; 

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;

            //set up the route task with find closest facility option 
            _routeTask = new RouteTask("");
            _routeTask.SolveClosestFacilityCompleted += SolveClosestFacility_Completed;
            _routeTask.Failed += SolveClosestFacility_Failed;

            //check if the graphicslayers need to be added to the map. 

            //set up the resources/facilities datasource in the combobox 

            ResourceTypes = new ObservableCollection<ResourceType>();
            _resourceTypeField = resourceTypeField; 

            //set up the barriers types combobox 
            //this will have to be read from the config file...
            BarriersDataSouces = new ObservableCollection<ResourceLayer>();
            //set up facilities type dropdown 
            ResourceLayer barrierLayer = new ResourceLayer();
            barrierLayer.Name = "Select Barrier";
            barrierLayer.DataSource = null;

            //Barriers - passed from the configurar
            foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource datasource in barriersDataSources)
                barrierLayer = new ResourceLayer();
                barrierLayer.Name = datasource.Name; 
                barrierLayer.DataSource = datasource; 

            cmbBarriers.ItemsSource = BarriersDataSouces;

            _incidentMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol
                Size = 20,
                Style = SimpleMarkerSymbol.SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle

            //polyline barrier layer symbol
            _polylineBarrierSymbol = new client.Symbols.SimpleLineSymbol()
                Color = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(138, 43, 226)),
                Width = 5

Пример #13
        public void UpdateTilePlacement(int oldx = -1, int oldy = -1, int newx = -1, int newy = -1)
            if (!MainContainer.WidgetIM.Hovering)
            if (MainContainer.HScrollBar != null && (MainContainer.HScrollBar.SliderDragging || MainContainer.HScrollBar.SliderHovering))
            if (MainContainer.VScrollBar != null && (MainContainer.VScrollBar.SliderDragging || MainContainer.VScrollBar.SliderHovering))
            bool Left  = WidgetIM.ClickedLeftInArea == true;
            bool Right = WidgetIM.ClickedRightInArea == true;

            if (Left || Right)
                if (OriginPoint == null)
                    OriginPoint = new Point(
                        (int)Math.Floor(oldx / 32d),
                        (int)Math.Floor(oldy / 32d)

            // Input handling
            if (Left)
                if (TilesPanel.SelectButton.Selected) // Selection tool
                    int sx = OriginPoint.X < MapTileX ? OriginPoint.X : MapTileX;
                    int ex = OriginPoint.X < MapTileX ? MapTileX : OriginPoint.X;
                    int sy = OriginPoint.Y < MapTileY ? OriginPoint.Y : MapTileY;
                    int ey = OriginPoint.Y < MapTileY ? MapTileY : OriginPoint.Y;
                    if (sx < 0)
                        sx = 0;
                    else if (sx >= Map.Width)
                        sx = Map.Width - 1;
                    if (sy < 0)
                        sy = 0;
                    else if (sy >= Map.Height)
                        sy = Map.Height - 1;
                    if (ex < 0)
                        ex = 0;
                    else if (ex >= Map.Width)
                        ex = Map.Width - 1;
                    if (ey < 0)
                        ey = 0;
                    else if (ey >= Map.Height)
                        ey = Map.Height - 1;
                    SelectionX      = sx;
                    SelectionY      = sy;
                    SelectionWidth  = ex - sx + 1;
                    SelectionHeight = ey - sy + 1;
                else // Pencil tool
                    int Layer = LayerPanel.SelectedLayer;
                    if (TileDataList.Count == 0)
                        if (TilesPanel.EraserButton.Selected)
                            throw new Exception($"The tile data list is empty, but the eraser tool is not selected.\nCan't find tiles to draw with.");
                    MapWidget.DrawTiles(oldx, oldy, newx, newy, Layer);
            else if (Right)
                if (TilesPanel.SelectButton.Selected) // Selection tool
                    if (SelectionX != -1 || SelectionY != -1 || SelectionWidth != 0 || SelectionHeight != 0)
                        SelectionX      = -1;
                        SelectionY      = -1;
                        SelectionWidth  = 0;
                        SelectionHeight = 0;
                int Layer = LayerPanel.SelectedLayer;

                int OriginDiffX = MapTileX - OriginPoint.X;
                int OriginDiffY = MapTileY - OriginPoint.Y;
                CursorOrigin = Location.BottomRight;
                if (OriginDiffX < 0)
                    OriginDiffX  = -OriginDiffX;
                    CursorOrigin = Location.BottomLeft;
                if (OriginDiffY < 0)
                    OriginDiffY = -OriginDiffY;
                    if (CursorOrigin == Location.BottomLeft)
                        CursorOrigin = Location.TopLeft;
                        CursorOrigin = Location.TopRight;
                CursorWidth  = OriginDiffX;
                CursorHeight = OriginDiffY;

                if (CursorWidth == 0 && CursorHeight == 0)
                    int MapTileIndex = MapTileY * Map.Width + MapTileX;
                    if (MapTileX < 0 || MapTileX >= Map.Width || MapTileY < 0 || MapTileY >= Map.Height)
                        TileData tile = Map.Layers[Layer].Tiles[MapTileIndex];
                        if (tile == null)
                    SelectionOnMap = true;
                    int sx = OriginPoint.X < MapTileX ? OriginPoint.X : MapTileX;
                    int ex = OriginPoint.X < MapTileX ? MapTileX : OriginPoint.X;
                    int sy = OriginPoint.Y < MapTileY ? OriginPoint.Y : MapTileY;
                    int ey = OriginPoint.Y < MapTileY ? MapTileY : OriginPoint.Y;
                    for (int y = sy; y <= ey; y++)
                        for (int x = sx; x <= ex; x++)
                            int index = y * Map.Width + x;
                            if (x < 0 || x >= Map.Width || y < 0 || y >= Map.Height)
                                TileData tile = Map.Layers[Layer].Tiles[index];
Пример #14
 public void SetLayerVisible(int layerindex, bool Visible)
     MapWidget.SetLayerVisible(layerindex, Visible);
      /// <summary>
      /// Determines if the feature action can be executed based on the specified data source and feature, before the option to execute
      /// the feature action is displayed to the user.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="searchAreaDS">The data source which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
      /// <param name="searchArea">The data which will be subsequently passed to the Execute method if CanExecute returns true.</param>
      /// <returns>True if the feature action should be enabled, otherwise false.</returns>
      public bool CanExecute(DataSource searchAreaDS, client.Graphic searchArea)
         //Map widget that contains the searchArea data Source
         MapWidget areaMW;
         //Map widget that contains the rescueTeam data Source
         MapWidget teamMW;
            #region Check if the polygon data source is valid
            //Check if the searchAreaDS has a display name field
            if (searchAreaDS.DisplayFieldName == null) return false;

            //Check if the map widget associated with the search area dataSource is valid
            if ((areaMW = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(searchAreaDS)) == null) return false;

            //Check if the search area layer is polygon 
            if (areaMW.FindFeatureLayer(searchAreaDS).LayerInfo.GeometryType != client.Tasks.GeometryType.Polygon) return false;

            #region Find the rescue team data source and check if it is consumed by the same mapWidget as the polygon data source
            //Find all the data sources that can possibly be a taem data sources
            //(i.e. are associated with point layers and hase the field "SearchAreaName")
            var teamDataSrcs = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources.Where(ds => IsValidTeamDataSource(ds));
            if (teamDataSrcs == null || teamDataSrcs.Count() == 0)
               return false;

            //For each of the data source retrieved, get its associated mapWidget
            //Check if the polygon feature source is also consumed by the same map widget (i.e. teamMW)
            foreach (DataSource teamDataSrc in teamDataSrcs)
               if ((teamMW = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(teamDataSrc)) == null) return false;
               if (teamMW.Id == areaMW.Id)
                  MapWidget = areaMW;
                  TeamDataSrc = teamDataSrc;
                  TeamFeatureLayer = MapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(TeamDataSrc);
                  return true;

            return false;
         catch (Exception)
            return false;
Пример #16
 public void DeleteLayer(int Index, bool IsUndoAction = false)
     MapWidget.DeleteLayer(Index, IsUndoAction);
        public ERGChemicalMapToolbar(MapWidget mapWidget, string ERGChemicalURL, string ERGPlacardURL,
           string FindNearestWSURL, string WindDirectionLayerDataSource, string windDirectionFieldName,
            string windWeatherStationFieldName, string windRecordedDateFieldName, string defaultChemicalName, string defaultPlacardName)
                this.DataContext = this;

                // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
                _mapWidget = mapWidget;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ERGChemicalURL))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please configure the tool!", "Error");

                //set up erg Chemical GP URL
                ERGChemicalURL = (ERGChemicalURL ?? "");
                _chemicalURL = ERGChemicalURL;
                chemicalGPParameters = new List<GPParameterInfo>();
                var chemicalJSONUrl = _chemicalURL + "?f=pjson";
                ChemicalList = getListOfChemicalsOrPlacards("chemical", chemicalJSONUrl);
                cmbChemicalOrPlacardType.ItemsSource = ChemicalList;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultChemicalName))
                    _defaultChemicalName = defaultChemicalName;
                    _defaultChemicalName = _defaultERGName;

                cmbChemicalOrPlacardType.SelectedValue = _defaultChemicalName;

                //set up erg Placard GP URL
                ERGPlacardURL = (ERGPlacardURL ?? "");
                _placardURL = ERGPlacardURL;
                placardGPParameters = new List<GPParameterInfo>();
                var placardJsonUrl = _placardURL + "?f=pjson";
                PlacardList = getListOfChemicalsOrPlacards("placard", placardJsonUrl);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPlacardName))
                    _defaultPlacardName = defaultPlacardName;
                    _defaultPlacardName = _defaultERGName; 

                //wind direction
                _findNearestWSURL = FindNearestWSURL;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WindDirectionLayerDataSource) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_findNearestWSURL))
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources.FirstOrDefault(ds => ds.Name == WindDirectionLayerDataSource);
                    if (dataSource != null)
                        _windDirectionLayer = _mapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(dataSource);

                    //wind direction fields 
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(windDirectionFieldName))
                        _windDirectionFieldName = windDirectionFieldName;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(windWeatherStationFieldName))
                        _windWeatherStationFieldName = windWeatherStationFieldName;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(windRecordedDateFieldName))
                        _windRecordedDateFieldName = windRecordedDateFieldName;

                    btnLookupWindDirection.IsEnabled = true;

                _mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                _mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/ERGChemicalAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("There is an error! Check your parameters!", "Error");
    /// <summary>
    /// This function determines if the feature action will be enabled or disabled
    /// </summary>
    public bool CanExecute(DataSource BufferDS, client.Graphic BufferFeature)
      if (BufferDistance == 0) return false;

      MapWidget bufferDSMapWidget;  //map widget containing the buffer dataSource
      MapWidget targetDSMapWidget;  ////map widget containing the target dataSource

      //The feature used to generate the buffer area must not be null
      if (BufferFeature == null)
        return false;

      //The data source to queried (TargetDataSource) and the data source that contains the BufferFeature (BufferDS) must not be null
      if (TargetDataSource == null || BufferDS == null)
        return false;

      //Get the mapWidget consuming the target datasource
      if ((targetDSMapWidget = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(TargetDataSource)) == null) 
        return false;

      //Check if the map widget associated with the buffer dataSource is valid
      if ((bufferDSMapWidget = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(BufferDS)) == null) 
        return false;

      //Only if targetDSMapWidget and bufferDSMapWidget referes to the same object can we execute the search
      if (bufferDSMapWidget.Id != targetDSMapWidget.Id) 
        return false;

      //Assigning the selected values to the global variables for later use
      bufferDataSource = BufferDS;
      mapWidget = bufferDSMapWidget;

      return true;
        // ***********************************************************************************
        // * Initialize Find Closest Facility Result View
        // ***********************************************************************************
        public FindCloseFacilityResultView(FindClosestResourceToolbar findClosestToolbar, RouteResult[] routeResults, MapWidget mapWidget)

            base.DataContext = this;

            // Store a reference to the MapWidget that the toolbar has been installed to.
            _mapWidget = mapWidget;

            _dirSummary = new DirectionSummary();
            _dirSummary.From = "From";
            _dirSummary.To = "To";
            _dirSummary.FieldType = "FieldType";
            _dirSummary.Rank = "Rank";
            _dirSummary.TotalTime = "Total Time";
            _dirSummary.TotalLength = "Total Length";

            _closestFacilityToolbar = findClosestToolbar;

            // add each route result to the result dialog.
            foreach(RouteResult routeResult in routeResults)
                DirectionsFeatureSet directionsFS = routeResult.Directions;
                string routeName = directionsFS.RouteName;
                int j = routeName.IndexOf("-");

                _dirSummary = new DirectionSummary();
                _dirSummary.From = routeName.Substring(0, j - 1);
                _dirSummary.To =  routeName.Substring(j + 2);
                _dirSummary.FieldType = _closestFacilityToolbar.FacilityType;
                _dirSummary.Rank = directionsFS.RouteID.ToString();
                _dirSummary.TotalTime = directionsFS.TotalDriveTime.ToString("0.0") + " minutes";
                _dirSummary.TotalLength = directionsFS.TotalLength.ToString("0.0") + " miles";
                _dirSummary.SelectedRoute = routeResult;
        private bool SetMapWidget(DataSource dataSource)
            if (OperationsDashboard.Instance == null)
              return false;
              catch (Exception)
            return false;

              _mapWidget = (MapWidget)OperationsDashboard.Instance.FindWidget(dataSource);
              return true;
Пример #21
 public void CreateNewLayer(int Index, Layer LayerData, bool IsUndoAction = false)
     MapWidget.CreateNewLayer(Index, LayerData, IsUndoAction);