public void OperateMapPut()
            if (!args.ValidateMap())

            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "opmkey1");

            client.Delete(null, key);

            MapPolicy putMode           = MapPolicy.Default;
            MapPolicy addMode           = new MapPolicy(MapOrder.UNORDERED, MapWriteMode.CREATE_ONLY);
            MapPolicy updateMode        = new MapPolicy(MapOrder.UNORDERED, MapWriteMode.UPDATE_ONLY);
            MapPolicy orderedUpdateMode = new MapPolicy(MapOrder.KEY_ORDERED, MapWriteMode.UPDATE_ONLY);

            // Calling put() multiple times performs poorly because the server makes
            // a copy of the map for each call, but we still need to test it.
            // putItems() should be used instead for best performance.
            Record record = client.Operate(null, key,
                                           MapOperation.Put(putMode, binName, Value.Get(11), Value.Get(789)),
                                           MapOperation.Put(putMode, binName, Value.Get(10), Value.Get(999)),
                                           MapOperation.Put(addMode, binName, Value.Get(12), Value.Get(500)),
                                           MapOperation.Put(addMode, binName, Value.Get(15), Value.Get(1000)),
                                           // Ordered type should be ignored since map has already been created in first put().
                                           MapOperation.Put(orderedUpdateMode, binName, Value.Get(10), Value.Get(1)),
                                           MapOperation.Put(updateMode, binName, Value.Get(15), Value.Get(5))

            AssertRecordFound(key, record);

            IList results = record.GetList(binName);
            int   i       = 0;

            long size = (long)results[i++];

            Assert.AreEqual(1, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(2, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(3, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(4, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(4, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(4, size);

            record = client.Get(null, key, binName);

            IDictionary map = record.GetMap(binName);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, map.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1L, map[10L]);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create expression that writes each map item to map bin.
        /// </summary>
        public static Exp PutItems(MapPolicy policy, Exp map, Exp bin, params CTX[] ctx)
            Packer packer = new Packer();

            if (policy.flags != 0)
                PackUtil.Init(packer, ctx);
                if (policy.itemsCommand == MapOperation.REPLACE_ITEMS)
                    // Replace doesn't allow map attributes because it does not create on non-existing key.
                    PackUtil.Init(packer, ctx);
                    PackUtil.Init(packer, ctx);
            byte[] bytes = packer.ToByteArray();
            return(AddWrite(bin, bytes, ctx));
        public void OperateMapScore()
            // Test score.
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "opmkey10");

            client.Delete(null, key);

            MapPolicy mapPolicy = new MapPolicy(MapOrder.KEY_VALUE_ORDERED, MapWriteMode.UPDATE);

            Dictionary <Value, Value> inputMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            inputMap[Value.Get("weiling")] = Value.Get(0);
            inputMap[Value.Get("briann")]  = Value.Get(0);
            inputMap[Value.Get("brianb")]  = Value.Get(0);
            inputMap[Value.Get("meher")]   = Value.Get(0);

            // Create map.
            Record record = client.Operate(null, key, MapOperation.PutItems(mapPolicy, binName, inputMap));

            AssertRecordFound(key, record);

            // Change scores
            record = client.Operate(null, key,
                                    MapOperation.Increment(mapPolicy, binName, Value.Get("weiling"), Value.Get(10)),
                                    MapOperation.Increment(mapPolicy, binName, Value.Get("briann"), Value.Get(20)),
                                    MapOperation.Increment(mapPolicy, binName, Value.Get("brianb"), Value.Get(1)),
                                    MapOperation.Increment(mapPolicy, binName, Value.Get("meher"), Value.Get(20))

            AssertRecordFound(key, record);

            // Query top 3 scores
            record = client.Operate(null, key, MapOperation.GetByRankRange(binName, -3, 3, MapReturnType.KEY));

            AssertRecordFound(key, record);

            // Remove people with score 10 and display top 3 again
            record = client.Operate(null, key,
                                    MapOperation.RemoveByValue(binName, Value.Get(10), MapReturnType.KEY),
                                    MapOperation.GetByRankRange(binName, -3, 3, MapReturnType.KEY)

            AssertRecordFound(key, record);

            IList  results = record.GetList(binName);
            int    i       = 0;
            IList  list    = (IList)results[i++];
            string s       = (string)list[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("weiling", s);

            list = (IList)results[i++];
            s    = (string)list[0];
            Assert.AreEqual("brianb", s);
            s = (string)list[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("briann", s);
            s = (string)list[2];
            Assert.AreEqual("meher", s);
        public void OperateMapPutItems()
            if (!args.ValidateMap())

            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "opmkey2");

            client.Delete(null, key);

            Dictionary <Value, Value> addMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            addMap[Value.Get(12)]    = Value.Get("myval");
            addMap[Value.Get(-8734)] = Value.Get("str2");
            addMap[Value.Get(1)]     = Value.Get("my default");

            Dictionary <Value, Value> putMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            putMap[Value.Get(12)] = Value.Get("myval12222");
            putMap[Value.Get(13)] = Value.Get("str13");

            Dictionary <Value, Value> updateMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            updateMap[Value.Get(13)] = Value.Get("myval2");

            Dictionary <Value, Value> replaceMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            replaceMap[Value.Get(12)]    = Value.Get(23);
            replaceMap[Value.Get(-8734)] = Value.Get("changed");

            MapPolicy putMode    = MapPolicy.Default;
            MapPolicy addMode    = new MapPolicy(MapOrder.KEY_ORDERED, MapWriteMode.CREATE_ONLY);
            MapPolicy updateMode = new MapPolicy(MapOrder.KEY_ORDERED, MapWriteMode.UPDATE_ONLY);

            Record record = client.Operate(null, key,
                                           MapOperation.PutItems(addMode, binName, addMap),
                                           MapOperation.PutItems(putMode, binName, putMap),
                                           MapOperation.PutItems(updateMode, binName, updateMap),
                                           MapOperation.PutItems(updateMode, binName, replaceMap),
                                           MapOperation.GetByKey(binName, Value.Get(1), MapReturnType.VALUE),
                                           MapOperation.GetByKey(binName, Value.Get(-8734), MapReturnType.VALUE),
                                           MapOperation.GetByKeyRange(binName, Value.Get(12), Value.Get(15), MapReturnType.KEY_VALUE)

            AssertRecordFound(key, record);

            IList results = record.GetList(binName);
            int   i       = 0;

            long size = (long)results[i++];

            Assert.AreEqual(3, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(4, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(4, size);

            size = (long)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual(4, size);

            string str = (string)results[i++];

            Assert.AreEqual("my default", str);

            str = (string)results[i++];
            Assert.AreEqual("changed", str);

            IList list = (IList)results[i++];

            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Create expression that increments values by incr for all items identified by key.
 /// Valid only for numbers.
 /// </summary>
 public static Exp Increment(MapPolicy policy, Exp key, Exp incr, Exp bin, params CTX[] ctx)
     byte[] bytes = PackUtil.Pack(MapOperation.INCREMENT, key, incr, policy.attributes, ctx);
     return(AddWrite(bin, bytes, ctx));