Пример #1
 public City(MainForm contextForm, MapWorld world, MapCity City)
     _contextForm = contextForm;
     _world       = world;
     _city        = City;
Пример #2
    public void ActivateAdvance(MapCity mapCity)
        Debug.Log("Show City info");
        // verify if there is a hero in the city
        if (mapCity.LMapHero != null)
            // Get Lefto Hero Party UI
            HeroPartyUI leftHeroPartyUI = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftHeroParty").GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>();
            // assign HeroParty to left hero party UI
            leftHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty = mapCity.LCity.GetHeroPartyByMode(PartyMode.Party);
            // activate left hero party UI
            // deactivate inventory
            leftHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyInventoryUI>(true).gameObject.SetActive(false);
            //// Activate placeholder to be used as background
            // No hero in city
            // Display black box
        // Get Right Hero Party UI
        HeroPartyUI rightHeroPartyUI = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/RightHeroParty").GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>();

        // assign City garnizon HeroParty to right hero party UI
        rightHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty = mapCity.LCity.GetHeroPartyByMode(PartyMode.Garnizon);
        // activate right hero party UI
        // deactivate inventory
        rightHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyInventoryUI>(true).gameObject.SetActive(false);
        //// Activate placeholder to be used as background
Пример #3
    public IEnumerator EnterCityEditMode(MapCity mapCity)
        // Block mouse input
        // InputBlocker inputBlocker = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/InputBlocker").GetComponent<InputBlocker>();
        // Wait for all animations to finish
        // this depends on the labelDimTimeout parameter in MapObject, we add additional 0.1f just in case
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(mapCity.GetComponent <MapObject>().LabelDimTimeout + 0.1f));

        // Unblock mouse input
        // map manager change to browse mode back
        // . - this is done by OnDisable() automatically in MapManager
        //MapManager mapManager = transform.parent.GetComponent<MapManager>();
        // Deactivate map manager with map
        // Deactivate this map menu
        // Note: everything below related to mapManager or mapScreen will not be processed, because map manager is disabled
        // Activate city view = go to city edit mode
        transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <UIManager>().GetComponentInChildren <EditPartyScreen>(true).SetEditPartyScreenActive(mapCity.LCity);
Пример #4
    void CreateCityOnMap(City city, CityData cityData)
        // Create new party on map
        MapCity newCityOnMap = Instantiate(cityOnMapTemplate, MapManager.Instance.GetParentTransformByType(GetComponent <MapCity>())).GetComponent <MapCity>();
        // city to original position on map
        //newCityOnMap.GetComponent<RectTransform>().offsetMin = new Vector2(cityData.cityMapPosition.offsetMinX, cityData.cityMapPosition.offsetMinY);
        //newCityOnMap.GetComponent<RectTransform>().offsetMax = new Vector2(cityData.cityMapPosition.offsetMaxX, cityData.cityMapPosition.offsetMaxY);
        // place it to original position on map based on the tile coordinates
        Vector3 cityPositionOffset = new Vector3(8f, 8f, 0);

        newCityOnMap.transform.position = MapManager.Instance.GetWorldPositionByCoordinates(cityData.cityMapCoordinates) - cityPositionOffset;
        // create links between city on map and city
        newCityOnMap.LCity = city;
        city.LMapCity      = newCityOnMap;
        // rename it
        newCityOnMap.gameObject.name = city.CityName;
        // Create city label on map
        MapObjectLabel newCityOnMapLabel = Instantiate(cityOnMapLabelTemplate, MapManager.Instance.GetParentTransformByType(GetComponent <MapObjectLabel>())).GetComponent <MapObjectLabel>();

        // Link city to the lable and label to the city
        newCityOnMap.GetComponent <MapObject>().Label = newCityOnMapLabel;
        newCityOnMapLabel.MapObject = newCityOnMap.GetComponent <MapObject>();
        // activate city label on map
        // set color according to the player color preference
        // activate city on map
Пример #5
 public List <MapCity> GetNeighboursOf(MapCity city)
     if (neighboursMap.ContainsKey(city))
     throw new System.ArgumentException("Requested information on a city that has not been registered.");
Пример #6
 void ChangeCityFocus(MapCity nextCity)
     focusedObject = nextCity.gameObject;
     // set name UI
     // select city on map
     MapManager.Instance.SetSelection(MapManager.Selection.PlayerCity, nextCity);
     // reset cursor to normal, because it is changed by MapManager
     // set camera focus on a city
     Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraController>().SetCameraFocus(nextCity);
Пример #7
    private List <MapCity> AStar(MapCity start, MapCity goal, HeuristicDelegate heuristic)
        //Should be min-heap or priority queue, will use List for readability
        List <MapCity> openSet = new List <MapCity>()

        Dictionary <MapCity, MapCity> cameFrom = new Dictionary <MapCity, MapCity>();
        Dictionary <MapCity, float>   gScore   = new Dictionary <MapCity, float>();

        gScore[start] = 0;

        Dictionary <MapCity, float> fScore = new Dictionary <MapCity, float>();

        fScore[start] = heuristic(start, goal);

        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            MapCity current = GetLowestFScore(openSet, fScore);

            if (current == goal)
                return(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, current));


            foreach (var neighbour in mapHandler.GetNeighboursOf(current))
                //Here GetDistanceBetween between is used as the actual connection weigth
                float tentativeGScore = gScore[current] + mapHandler.GetDistanceBetween(current, neighbour);

                if (!gScore.ContainsKey(neighbour) || tentativeGScore < gScore[neighbour])
                    cameFrom[neighbour] = current;
                    gScore[neighbour]   = tentativeGScore;
                    fScore[neighbour]   = tentativeGScore + heuristic(neighbour, goal);

                    if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour))

Пример #8
    public void FocusOnCity()
        // get first city
        MapCity mapCity = GetFirstCityOnMap();

        // verify if mapCity is not null
        if (mapCity != null)
            // activate focus on a map city
            // set camera focus on a city
            Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraController>().SetCameraFocus(mapCity);
Пример #9
    private List <MapCity> ReconstructPath(Dictionary <MapCity, MapCity> cameFrom, MapCity current)
        List <MapCity> totalPath = new List <MapCity>()

        while (cameFrom.ContainsKey(current))
            current = cameFrom[current];

Пример #10
    void SetAdditionalInfo(MapCity mapCity)
        // initialize additional info string
        string additionalInfo = "";

        // verify cityType
        if (mapCity.LCity.CityType == CityType.Capital)
            additionalInfo = "";
            additionalInfo = mapCity.LCity.CityLevelCurrent + " Level";
        // Set UI text
        focusedObjectInfoText.text = additionalInfo;
Пример #11
    void SetCityNameUI(MapCity mapCity)
        // initialize additional info string
        string additionalInfo = "";

        // verify cityType
        if (mapCity.LCity.CityType == CityType.Capital)
            additionalInfo = mapCity.LCity.CityCurrentFaction.ToString() + " Captial";
            additionalInfo = "City";
        // Set UI text
        SetFocusedObjectName(mapCity.LCity.CityName + "\r\n<size=12>" + additionalInfo + "</size>");
Пример #12
    public void CaptureAndEnterCity()
        Debug.Log("BattleScreen: EnterCity");
        // remove dead units from city garnizon's heroParty
        enemyPartyPanel.transform.parent.GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>().LHeroParty.RemoveDeadPartyUnits();
        // Change city faction to player's faction
        enemyPartyPanel.GetCity().CityCurrentFaction = playerPartyPanel.GetHeroParty().Faction;
        // Prepare variables to be used later
        MapHero mapHero = playerPartyPanel.GetHeroParty().LMapHero;
        MapCity destinationCityOnMap = enemyPartyPanel.GetCity().LMapCity;

        //MapManager mapManager = GetMapManager();
        // execute default on battle exit function
        // Trigger map hero move to and enter city
        MapManager.Instance.MapHeroMoveToAndEnterCity(mapHero, destinationCityOnMap);
Пример #13
    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (shortestRoute != null)
            Gizmos.color = Color.green;

            for (int i = 0; i < shortestRoute.Count - 1; i++)
                MapCity cityA = shortestRoute[i];
                MapCity cityB = shortestRoute[i + 1];

                if (cityA && cityB)
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(cityA.transform.position, cityB.transform.position);
Пример #14
    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (!visualize)

        foreach (var element in neighboursMap)
            MapCity key = element.Key;
            foreach (var neighbour in element.Value)
                float s = 1.3f - GetDistanceBetween(key, neighbour) / maxDistance;
                Gizmos.color = new Color(s, s, s, 1);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(key.transform.position, neighbour.transform.position);
Пример #15
 public void SetCameraFocus(MapCity mapCity)
     // Remove previous focus
     // save followed city link
     followedCityOnMap = mapCity;
     // verify if mapCity is not null
     if (mapCity != null)
         Debug.Log("Set camera focus on " + mapCity.LCity.CityName + " city");
         // reset camera is focused flag
         cameraIsFocused = false;
         // set followed object position
         followedObjectTransform = mapCity.transform;
         // start set focus animation
Пример #16
    // This operation can occur in O(1) time if openSet is a min-heap or a priority queue !!
    // Here: O(n)
    private MapCity GetLowestFScore(List <MapCity> openSet, Dictionary <MapCity, float> fScore)
        float   min     = float.MaxValue;
        MapCity minCity = null;

        foreach (var e in openSet)
            if (fScore.ContainsKey(e))
                float score = fScore[e];
                if (score < min)
                    min     = score;
                    minCity = e;
Пример #17
    public void SetActive(MapCity mapCity)
        // first do cleanup in case if previously were selected other object
        if (focusedObject != null)
        // Get active player
        GamePlayer activePlayer = TurnsManager.Instance.GetActivePlayer();

        // Set focused object
        Debug.Log("Update map focus panel with " + mapCity.name);
        focusedObject = mapCity.gameObject;
        // save currently focused object id to game player it will be needed for game load and turns switch
        activePlayer.FocusedObjectID = focusedObject.gameObject.GetInstanceID();
        // transform.root.Find("Managers").GetComponent<TurnsManager>().GetActivePlayer().FocusedObjectID = focusedObject.gameObject.GetInstanceID();
        // Set city name
        // Set additional info
        // Set list of map cities
        mapCitiesList = new List <MapCity>();
        // Loop through all map cities
        foreach (MapCity mCity in MapManager.Instance.GetComponentsInChildren <MapCity>())
            // verify if faction is the same
            if (mapCity.LCity.CityCurrentFaction == mCity.LCity.CityCurrentFaction)
        // verify if there is more than 1 city of the same faction
        if (mapCitiesList.Count > 1)
            // activate next and previous controls
        // Activate enter city control
Пример #18
    //This is not performant at all! It is done in this way soly to allow editing everything in the editor
    private void Update()
        MapCity[] cities = FindObjectsOfType <MapCity>();

        for (int a = 0; a < cities.Length; a++)
            MapCity        cityA      = cities[a];
            List <MapCity> neighbours = new List <MapCity>();

            for (int b = 0; b < cities.Length; b++)
                MapCity cityB = cities[b];
                float   dist  = GetDistanceBetween(cityA, cityB);
                if (dist < maxDistance)
            neighboursMap[cityA] = neighbours;
Пример #19
    public void EnterBattle(MapHero playerOnMap, MapCity enemyCityOnMap)
        // gen enemy party, which can fight
        HeroParty enemyHeroParty = GetPartyInCityWhichCanFight(enemyCityOnMap);

        // verify if there are units in party protecting this city, which can fight
        // it is possible that city is not protected
        if (enemyHeroParty != null)
            // city is protected
            // get hero's parties
            HeroParty playerHeroParty = playerOnMap.LHeroParty;
            // proceed with preparations for the battle
            EnterBattleCommon(playerHeroParty, enemyHeroParty);
            // city is not protected
            // no need to battle
            // move to and enter city
Пример #20
    HeroParty GetPartyInCityWhichCanFight(MapCity enemyCityOnMap)
        // Firt verify if city is protected by Hero's party
        // Player cannot attack city untill there a party protecting it
        HeroParty enemyHeroParty = enemyCityOnMap.LCity.GetHeroPartyByMode(PartyMode.Party);

        if (enemyHeroParty)
            // enemy hero is protecting city
            // battle place is on a city gates
            // verify if there are units which can fight, because it is possible that player left only dead units in party
            if (enemyHeroParty.HasUnitsWhichCanFight())
                Debug.LogWarning("Party was found, but there is no unit which can fight. Checking city Garnizon.");
        // if we are here, then there is no enemy hero protecting city
        // get garnizon party
        // there should be garnizon in every city
        enemyHeroParty = enemyCityOnMap.LCity.GetHeroPartyByMode(PartyMode.Garnizon);
        // verify if there are units in party protecting this city, which can fight
        // it is possible that city is not protected, because all units are dead
        if (enemyHeroParty.HasUnitsWhichCanFight())
            Debug.LogWarning("There is no unit in city Garnizon which can fight");
        // if no party can fight, then return null
Пример #21
 public void ShowNext()
     // verify focused object type
     if (focusedObject.GetComponent <MapHero>())
         Debug.Log("Show next hero");
         // get next hero from the list
         MapHero nextHero = mapHeroesList[GetNextIndex(GetSelectedHeroIndex(), mapHeroesList.Count)];
         // set focused object to new hero
     else if (focusedObject.GetComponent <MapCity>())
         Debug.Log("Show next city");
         // get next city from the list
         MapCity nextCity = mapCitiesList[GetNextIndex(GetSelectedCityIndex(), mapCitiesList.Count)];
         // set focused object to new city
         Debug.LogError("Unknwon focused object type");
Пример #22
 public void ShowPrevious()
     // verify focused object type
     if (focusedObject.GetComponent <MapHero>())
         Debug.Log("Show previous hero");
         // get previous hero from the list
         MapHero previousHero = mapHeroesList[GetPreviousIndex(GetSelectedHeroIndex(), GetSelectedHeroIndex())];
         // set focused object to new hero
     else if (focusedObject.GetComponent <MapCity>())
         Debug.Log("Show previous city");
         // get previous city from the list
         MapCity previousCity = mapCitiesList[GetPreviousIndex(GetSelectedCityIndex(), mapCitiesList.Count)];
         // set focused object to new city
         Debug.LogError("Unknwon focused object type");
Пример #23
 void LateUpdate()
     // verify if there is a hero which camera needs to follow
     if (followedHeroOnMap != null)
         // Get destination position based on the map borders
         // Avoid that camera goes over top or bottom border
         // Get heroPosition
         Vector3 followedHeroPosition = followedHeroOnMap.transform.position;
         // Get camera position
         Vector3 point         = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(followedHeroPosition);
         Vector3 cameraPostion = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, point.z));
         // Debug.LogWarning("Hero:Camera y " + (int)followedHeroPosition.y + ":"  + (int)Camera.main.transform.position.y);
         // Get destination
         Vector3 delta       = followedHeroPosition - cameraPostion;
         Vector3 destination = transform.position + delta;
         Vector3 destinationBorderAligned = GetPositionWithScreenBordersLimits(destination);
         Vector3 destinationOYO           = new Vector3(transform.position.x, destinationBorderAligned.y, transform.position.z);
         // verify if we need to rotate
         float tileSize = 16f;
         float mapWidth = 960f;
         if (doShifMapTiles)
             // get xDistance
             float xDistance = destination.x - transform.position.x;
             // get number of rotaitons required based on the distance and tile size
             int numberOfRotationsRequired = 1 + Math.Abs(Mathf.RoundToInt(xDistance / tileSize));
             // get number of rotations, which will cover whole map
             int loopRotations = Mathf.RoundToInt(mapWidth / tileSize);
             // Debug.Log("rotations reset to max when between: " + maxRotations + "-" + loopRotations);
             // make sure that number of rotaions are not higher than the number or map slices
             while (numberOfRotationsRequired >= loopRotations)
                 numberOfRotationsRequired -= loopRotations;
                 // calculate them in a distance
                 rotationsCounter += loopRotations;
             rotationsCounter += numberOfRotationsRequired * rotationDirection;
             // Debug.Log("Do " + numberOfRotationsRequired + " rotations, total rotaitons: " + rotationsCounter);
             if (numberOfRotationsRequired != 0)
                 if (rotationDirection > 0)
                     // Rotate map
                     // Rotate map
             // reset flag
             // Debug.Log("Block rotations");
             doShifMapTiles = false;
         // verify that camera has not already focused on a hero
         if (!cameraIsFocused)
             // move camera to the hero
             transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, destinationOYO, ref velocity, dampTime, focusMoveSpeed);
             // make camera follow hero on Map
             transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, destinationOYO, ref velocity, dampTime);
     else if (followedCityOnMap != null)
         // Get destination position based on the map borders
         // Avoid that camera goes over top or bottom border
         // Get heroPosition
         Vector3 followedCityPosition = followedCityOnMap.transform.position;
         // Get camera position
         Vector3 point         = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(followedCityPosition);
         Vector3 cameraPostion = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, point.z));
         // Debug.LogWarning("Hero:Camera y " + (int)followedCityPosition.y + ":"  + (int)Camera.main.transform.position.y);
         // Get destination
         Vector3 delta       = followedCityPosition - cameraPostion;
         Vector3 destination = transform.position + delta;
         Vector3 destinationBorderAligned = GetPositionWithScreenBordersLimits(destination);
         Vector3 destinationOYO           = new Vector3(transform.position.x, destinationBorderAligned.y, transform.position.z);
         // verify if we need to rotate
         float tileSize = 16f;
         float mapWidth = 960f;
         if (doShifMapTiles)
             // get xDistance
             float xDistance = destination.x - transform.position.x;
             // get number of rotaitons required based on the distance and tile size
             int numberOfRotationsRequired = 1 + Math.Abs(Mathf.RoundToInt(xDistance / tileSize));
             // get number of rotations, which will cover whole map
             int loopRotations = Mathf.RoundToInt(mapWidth / tileSize);
             // Debug.Log("rotations reset to max when between: " + maxRotations + "-" + loopRotations);
             // make sure that number of rotaions are not higher than the number or map slices
             while (numberOfRotationsRequired >= loopRotations)
                 numberOfRotationsRequired -= loopRotations;
                 // calculate them in a distance
                 rotationsCounter += loopRotations;
             rotationsCounter += numberOfRotationsRequired * rotationDirection;
             // Debug.Log("Do " + numberOfRotationsRequired + " rotations, total rotaitons: " + rotationsCounter);
             if (numberOfRotationsRequired != 0)
                 if (rotationDirection > 0)
                     // Rotate map
                     // Rotate map
             // reset flag
             // Debug.Log("Block rotations");
             doShifMapTiles = false;
         // verify that camera has not already focused on a hero
         if (!cameraIsFocused)
             // move camera to the city
             transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, destinationOYO, ref velocity, dampTime, focusMoveSpeed);
             // stop following
             followedCityOnMap = null;
     else if (doFollowMapDrag)
         // Debug.Log("Camera before x:y " + (int)Camera.main.transform.position.x + ":" + (int)Camera.main.transform.position.y);
         float   tileSize = 16f;
         float   mapWidth = 960f;
         Vector3 newPos   = dragOrigin - Input.mousePosition;
         Vector3 delta    = newPos - Camera.main.transform.position - new Vector3(tileSize * rotationsCounter, 0, 0);
         // Debug.Log("delta x:y " + (int)delta.x + ":" + (int)delta.y);
         Vector3 destination = transform.position + delta;
         Vector3 destinationBorderAligned = GetPositionWithScreenBordersLimits(destination);
         // verify if we need to rotate (shift map slides)
         if (doShifMapTiles)
             // get xDistance
             float xDistance = destination.x - transform.position.x;
             // get number of rotaitons required based on the distance and tile size
             int numberOfRotationsRequired = 1 + Math.Abs(Mathf.RoundToInt(xDistance / tileSize));
             // set max number of rotations
             // int maxRotations = (int)Mathf.Floor((mapWidth - (float)Screen.width) / tileSize) - 1;
             if (maxRotations <= 0)
                 maxRotations = 1;
             // get number of rotations, which will cover whole map
             int loopRotations = Mathf.RoundToInt(mapWidth / tileSize);
             // verify if number of rotations is more than max and less than loop
             //if (numberOfRotationsRequired > maxRotations && numberOfRotationsRequired < loopRotations)
             //    numberOfRotationsRequired = maxRotations;
             // Debug.Log("rotations reset to max when between: " + maxRotations + "-" + loopRotations);
             // make sure that number of rotaions are not higher than the number or map slices
             while (numberOfRotationsRequired >= loopRotations)
                 numberOfRotationsRequired -= loopRotations;
                 // calculate them in a distance
                 rotationsCounter += loopRotations;
             rotationsCounter += numberOfRotationsRequired * rotationDirection;
             // Debug.Log("Do " + numberOfRotationsRequired + " rotations, total rotaitons: " + rotationsCounter);
             if (numberOfRotationsRequired != 0)
                 if (rotationDirection > 0)
                     // Rotate map
                     // Rotate map
                 // shift camera to hide rotation
                 // Debug.Log("Shift camera");
                 // transform.position -= new Vector3(tileSize * rotationDirection * numberOfRotationsRequired, 0, 0);
             // reset flag
             // Debug.Log("Block rotations");
             doShifMapTiles = false;
             // Debug.Break();
             // do not move camera anymore during this frame
             // activate rotation lock, until camera has reached previous rotation target
             // rotationLock = true;
             // Debug.Log("Activate rotation lock");
         // move camera to simulate drag
         Vector3 destinationOYO = new Vector3(transform.position.x, destinationBorderAligned.y, transform.position.z);
         // Vector3 destinationXYO = new Vector3(destinationBorderAligned.x, destinationBorderAligned.y, transform.position.z);
         // transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, destinationXYO, ref velocity, dampTime, mapRotationSpeed);
         // do not move camera
         transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, destinationOYO, ref velocity, dampTime);
         // get distance
         float remainingDistanceX = Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - destinationBorderAligned.x);
         // set min distance
         float minDistance = 0.5f;
         // verify if rotation lock can be unlocked
         if (remainingDistanceX <= minDistance && rotationLock == true)
             // release rotation lock;
             rotationLock = false;
             // Debug.Log("Release rotation lock, remaining distance: " + (int)remainingDistanceX);
         // Debug.Log("Camera after  x:y " + (int)Camera.main.transform.position.x + ":" + (int)Camera.main.transform.position.y);
         // Debug.Log("Rotations: " + rotationsCounter);
Пример #24
 public float GetDistanceBetween(MapCity a, MapCity b)
     return((b.transform.position - a.transform.position).magnitude);
Пример #25
        public void CreateWorld_2()
            //The World
            MapWorld world = new MapWorld();
            Dictionary <string, MapIsland> Islands = new Dictionary <string, MapIsland>();

            //island 1 ------------------------------------------------------------
            MapIsland island = new MapIsland(world, "island1");

            island.PointX = 118;
            island.PointY = 31;

            //Instance for the Island
            MapInstance instance1 = new MapInstance(island, "island1_instance_1");

            instance1.PointX = 130;
            instance1.PointY = 50;

            //list zone for instance on the island
            List <MapZone> listZone_instance1 = new List <MapZone>();
            MapZone        zone1 = new MapZone(instance1, true, 1);

            zone1.PointX = 50;
            zone1.PointY = 50;

            MapZone zone2 = new MapZone(instance1, true, 2);

            zone2.PointX = 150;
            zone2.PointY = 150;

            MapZone zone3 = new MapZone(instance1, true, 3);

            zone3.PointX = 250;
            zone3.PointY = 250;

            List <MapZone> listlink = new List <MapZone>();

            zone1.ListLink = listlink;

            listlink = new List <MapZone>();
            zone2.ListLink = listlink;

            listlink = new List <MapZone>();
            zone3.ListLink = listlink;

            //Zone must be add like : first is the entry and last the exit

            instance1.listZones = listZone_instance1;

            List <MapInstance> listinstances = new List <MapInstance>();

            island.IslandInstances = listinstances;

            //city for the island
            MapCity city = new MapCity(island, "City1");

            city.PointX = 100;
            city.PointY = 200;

            //list sellable items for merchant and merch
            ListItems   listI     = new ListItems();
            List <Item> itemsSell = new List <Item>();


            Merchant merch1 = new Merchant("Vendeur général", itemsSell);

            merch1.PointX = 50;
            merch1.PointY = 325;
            merch1.Invent = world.Team.Invent;

            Merchant merch2 = new Merchant("herboriste", itemsSell);

            merch2.PointX = 250;
            merch2.PointY = 325;
            merch2.Invent = world.Team.Invent;

            //Add services
            Mortuary s1 = new Mortuary(city);

            s1.PointX = 300;
            s1.PointY = 110;

            Taverne s2 = new Taverne();

            s2.PointX = 190;
            s2.PointY = 100;

            //list merchant for city
            List <object> listservices = new List <object>();

            city.Services = listservices;

            //add island to world
            Islands.Add("island1", island);

            //island 2 ------------------------------------------------------------
            island        = new MapIsland(world, "island2");
            island.PointX = 118;
            island.PointY = 231;

            //Instance for the Island
            instance1        = new MapInstance(island, "island2_instance_1");
            instance1.PointX = 130;
            instance1.PointY = 250;

            //list zone for instance on the island
            listZone_instance1 = new List <MapZone>();
            zone1        = new MapZone(instance1, true, 1);
            zone1.PointX = 50;
            zone1.PointY = 50;

            zone2        = new MapZone(instance1, true, 2);
            zone2.PointX = 150;
            zone2.PointY = 150;

            zone3        = new MapZone(instance1, true, 3);
            zone3.PointX = 250;
            zone3.PointY = 250;

            listlink = new List <MapZone>();
            zone1.ListLink = listlink;

            listlink = new List <MapZone>();
            zone2.ListLink = listlink;

            listlink = new List <MapZone>();
            zone3.ListLink = listlink;


            instance1.listZones = listZone_instance1;

            listinstances = new List <MapInstance>();
            island.IslandInstances = listinstances;

            //city for the island
            city        = new MapCity(island, "City2");
            city.PointX = 200;
            city.PointY = 200;

            //list sellable items for merchant and merch
            listI     = new ListItems();
            itemsSell = new List <Item>();

            merch1        = new Merchant("Vendeur général", itemsSell);
            merch1.PointX = 50;
            merch1.PointY = 325;
            merch1.Invent = world.Team.Invent;

            //Add services
            s1        = new Mortuary(city);
            s1.PointX = 300;
            s1.PointY = 110;

            s2        = new Taverne();
            s2.PointX = 190;
            s2.PointY = 100;

            //list merchant for city
            listservices = new List <object>();
            city.Services = listservices;

            //add island to world
            Islands.Add("island2", island);


            //list link between island
            List <MapIsland> listlinkis = new List <MapIsland>();

            Islands["island1"].ListLink = listlinkis;

            listlinkis = new List <MapIsland>();
            Islands["island2"].ListLink = listlinkis;

            //add island to world
            world.Islands        = Islands;
            world.ActualPosition = world.Islands["island1"];

            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            using (Stream stream = new FileStream("../../../Ressources/NewWorld.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                formatter.Serialize(stream, world);
Пример #26
    public void CreateHeroParty(PartyData partyData)
        // verify if there are units in party
        if (partyData.partyUnitsData.Length >= 1)
            Debug.Log("Creating " + partyData.partyUnitsData[0].unitType + " party");
            // empty can be only garnizon in non-capital city
            Debug.Log("Creating garnizon");
        // define new hero party variable
        HeroParty newHeroParty;
        // define new hero party parent transform variable
        Transform newHeroPartyParentTransform;

        // create hero party from tempalte in required location: City or UI address
        // verify if party was in city
        if (partyData.linkedCityID != CityID.None)
            // get parent transform by city ID
            newHeroPartyParentTransform = GetCityByID(partyData.linkedCityID).transform;
        else if (partyData.partyUIAddress != null)
            Debug.Log("Creating party at " + partyData.partyUIAddress);
            // get parent transform by UI address
            newHeroPartyParentTransform = transform.Find(partyData.partyUIAddress);
            Debug.LogError("Unknown condition. Cannot find hero party parent transform");
            newHeroPartyParentTransform = transform;
        newHeroParty = Instantiate(heroPartyTemplate, newHeroPartyParentTransform).GetComponent <HeroParty>();
        // set hero party data
        newHeroParty.PartyData = partyData;
        // create units
        // Note: Party leader should be created before party representation on the map is set
        foreach (PartyUnitData partyUnitData in partyData.partyUnitsData)
            CreatePartyUnit(partyUnitData, newHeroParty);
        // verify if party is in garnizon mode
        if (partyData.partyMode == PartyMode.Garnizon)
            // skip creating party on map represetnation
            // City garnizon does not have representation on map
            // create party on map
            MapHero newMapHero = CreatePartyOnMap(newHeroParty, partyData);
            // verify if party has linked city
            if (partyData.linkedCityID != CityID.None)
                // get city by city ID
                MapCity mapCity = GetCityByID(partyData.linkedCityID).LMapCity;
                // create links between city on map and hero on map if needed (if they are on the same tile or if hero party is in city)
                mapCity.LMapHero    = newMapHero;
                newMapHero.lMapCity = mapCity;
        // create items for party
        foreach (InventoryItemData inventoryItemData in newHeroParty.PartyData.partyInventory)
            CreateInventoryItem(inventoryItemData, newHeroParty.transform);
        // rename hero party
        if (partyData.partyUnitsData.Length >= 1 && newHeroParty.PartyMode != PartyMode.Garnizon)
            // Name party by the leader name
            newHeroParty.gameObject.name = newHeroParty.GetPartyLeader().GivenName + " " + newHeroParty.GetPartyLeader().UnitName + " Party";
            // Name party "Garnizon"
            newHeroParty.gameObject.name = "Garnizon";
        // activate hero party
Пример #27
 public Militia(MapCity context)
     _context = context;
Пример #28
 void ResetFocusedObject()
     followedHeroOnMap = null;
     followedCityOnMap = null;
     doFollowMapDrag   = false;