private async void QueryMapAreas()
                // Clear existing overlays

                // Clear existing areas (in case user wants to refresh results)

                // Create new task to
                var offlineMapTask = await OfflineMapTask.CreateAsync(Map);

                // Get list of areas
                IReadOnlyList <PreplannedMapArea> preplannedMapAreas = await offlineMapTask.GetPreplannedMapAreasAsync();

                // Create UI from the areas
                foreach (var preplannedMapArea in preplannedMapAreas.OrderBy(x => x.PortalItem.Title))
                    // Load area to get the metadata
                    await preplannedMapArea.LoadAsync();

                    // Using a custom model for easier visualization
                    var model = new MapAreaModel(preplannedMapArea);
                    // Graphic that shows the area in the map
                    var graphic = new Graphic(preplannedMapArea.AreaOfInterest, GetSymbolForColor(model.DisplayColor));
                    graphic.Attributes.Add("Name", preplannedMapArea.PortalItem.Title);

                if (!preplannedMapAreas.Any())
                    await _windowService.ShowAlertAsync("No preplanned map areas available.");
                    // Show the overlays on the map

                    // Zoom to the offline areas
                    await _mapViewService.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(_areasOverlay.Extent, 20);

                // Refresh commands
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _windowService.ShowAlertAsync(ex.Message, "Couldn't query map areas");