Пример #1
        void MoveToRegion(MapSpan span, MapAnimationKind animation = MapAnimationKind.Parabolic)
            // FIXME
            var center   = new GeoCoordinate(span.Center.Latitude, span.Center.Longitude);
            var location = new LocationRectangle(center, span.LongitudeDegrees, span.LatitudeDegrees);

            Control.SetView(location, animation);
Пример #2
 public async Task TrySetViewAsync(Geopoint point, double?zoomLevel, MapAnimationKind animation)
     if (zoomLevel <= DigiTransitMapControl.ZoomLevel)
         zoomLevel = DigiTransitMapControl.ZoomLevel;
     await DigiTransitMapControl.TrySetViewAsync(point, zoomLevel, null, null, animation);
        private void RefreshBounds(MapAnimationKind animation)
            if (Model == null || Model.Core == null || Model.Core.Cartridge == null)

            // Gets the current location data out of the engine.
            CoordBounds   bounds    = Model.Core.Bounds;
            GeoCoordinate deviceLoc = Model.Core.DeviceLocation;

            // Are the bounds valid?
            // YES -> Computes a view around them.
            // NO -> Computes a default view around the starting location
            // of the cartridge or the current location of the player.
            MapViewRequestedEventArgs e = null;

            if (bounds != null && bounds.IsValid)
                // Inflates the bounds to include the player.
                if (deviceLoc != null && !deviceLoc.IsUnknown)

                e = new MapViewRequestedEventArgs(bounds.ToLocationRectangle(), animation);
                // Is the cartridge play anywhere?
                // YES -> Try to get the player's location as center.
                // NO -> Sets the starting location of the cartridge as center.
                if (Model.Core.Cartridge.IsPlayAnywhere)
                    // If there is a current location of the player, use it as center.
                    // If not, do nothing more.
                    if (deviceLoc != null && !deviceLoc.IsUnknown)
                        e = new MapViewRequestedEventArgs(deviceLoc, DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL, animation);
                    // Makes the event.
                    e = new MapViewRequestedEventArgs(Model.Core.Cartridge.StartingLocation.ToGeoCoordinate(), DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL, animation);

            // If an event was prepared, send it.
            if (MapViewRequested != null)
                MapViewRequested(this, e);
 async Task MoveToRegion(MapSpan span, MapAnimationKind animation = MapAnimationKind.Bow)
     var nw = new BasicGeoposition
         Latitude  = span.Center.Latitude + span.LatitudeDegrees / 2,
         Longitude = span.Center.Longitude - span.LongitudeDegrees / 2
     var se = new BasicGeoposition
         Latitude  = span.Center.Latitude - span.LatitudeDegrees / 2,
         Longitude = span.Center.Longitude + span.LongitudeDegrees / 2
     var boundingBox = new GeoboundingBox(nw, se);
     await Control.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(boundingBox, null, animation);
Пример #5
        public async override void OnMoveToRegionRequest(MoveToRegionMessage m)
            MapSpan          span      = m.Span;
            MapAnimationKind animation = m.Animate ? MapAnimationKind.Bow : MapAnimationKind.None;

            var nw = new BasicGeoposition
                Latitude  = span.Center.Latitude + span.LatitudeDegrees / 2,
                Longitude = span.Center.Longitude - span.LongitudeDegrees / 2
            var se = new BasicGeoposition
                Latitude  = span.Center.Latitude - span.LatitudeDegrees / 2,
                Longitude = span.Center.Longitude + span.LongitudeDegrees / 2
            var boundingBox = new GeoboundingBox(nw, se);
            await _nativeMap.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(boundingBox, null, animation);
Пример #6
 private void Button_Click_3(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (sender == Lands)
         if (map1.LandmarksEnabled == true)
             map1.LandmarksEnabled = false;
             map1.LandmarksEnabled = true;
     else if (sender == pedsFF)
         if (map1.PedestrianFeaturesEnabled == true)
             map1.PedestrianFeaturesEnabled = false;
             map1.PedestrianFeaturesEnabled = true;
     else if (sender == AniS)
         if (useAnim == MapAnimationKind.Parabolic)
             useAnim = MapAnimationKind.Linear;
         else if (useAnim == MapAnimationKind.Linear)
             useAnim = MapAnimationKind.None;
             useAnim = MapAnimationKind.Parabolic;
         AniS.Content = useAnim;
         Debug.WriteLine("Animation style set to: " + useAnim);
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// <see cref="windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapControl"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>IAsyncOperation</returns>
 public Task <bool> TrySetViewAsync(Geopoint center, double?zoomLevel, double?heading, double?desiredPitch, MapAnimationKind animation) => UwpControl.TrySetViewAsync(center.UwpInstance, zoomLevel, heading, desiredPitch, (windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapAnimationKind)(int) animation).AsTask();
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// <see cref="windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapControl"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>IAsyncOperation</returns>
 public Task <bool> TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene scene, MapAnimationKind animationKind) => UwpControl.TrySetSceneAsync(scene.UwpInstance, (windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapAnimationKind)animationKind).AsTask();
Пример #9
        private async Task TrySetMapViewWithMargin(BasicGeoposition pos, double boundingBoxZoomAdjustment, MapAnimationKind mapAnimation = MapAnimationKind.None)
            double narrowZoomAdjustment = boundingBoxZoomAdjustment / 2;

            // Creators update changed maps a bit, so we need to zoom in closer on any device running it.
            // MapStyle is a decent proxy for "are we on Creators or not"
            if (DeviceTypeHelper.GetDeviceFormFactorType() == DeviceFormFactorType.Phone &&
                narrowZoomAdjustment = boundingBoxZoomAdjustment / 1.35;

            // Create a box surrounding the specified point to emulate a zoom level on the map.
            // We're using a simulated bounding box, because we need to be able to specify a margin,
            // to accommodate either of the the floating content panels.
            BasicGeoposition northwest = BasicGeopositionExtensions.Create
                pos.Longitude - boundingBoxZoomAdjustment,
                pos.Latitude + boundingBoxZoomAdjustment
            BasicGeoposition southeast = BasicGeopositionExtensions.Create
                pos.Longitude + boundingBoxZoomAdjustment,
                pos.Latitude - boundingBoxZoomAdjustment

            if (AdaptiveVisualStateGroup.CurrentState == _narrowVisualState)
                // Zoom in a little further when in the narrow view, otherwise we're a little
                // too far out for the narrow field of view
                northwest.Longitude += narrowZoomAdjustment;
                northwest.Latitude  -= narrowZoomAdjustment;

                southeast.Longitude -= narrowZoomAdjustment;
                southeast.Latitude  += narrowZoomAdjustment;

                GeoboundingBox box = new GeoboundingBox(northwest, southeast);
                if (NarrowSearchPanel.IsOpen)
                    double bottomMargin = NarrowSearchPanel.ExpandedHeight;
                    await PageMap.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(box, new Thickness(0, 0, 0, bottomMargin), mapAnimation);
                    await PageMap.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(box, new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0), mapAnimation);
                GeoboundingBox box = new GeoboundingBox(northwest, southeast);
                await PageMap.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(box, new Thickness(410, 0, 0, 0), mapAnimation);
Пример #10
        public async Task TrySetViewBoundsAsync(GeoboundingBox bounds, Thickness?margin, MapAnimationKind animation, bool retryOnFailure = false)
            if (DigiTransitMapControl == null)

            // We're checking for the MapStyle type as a proxy for "are we running on Creators or higher?".
            // We don't need to run the following code if we are.
            if (margin != null &&
                !ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapStyle") &&
                DeviceTypeHelper.GetDeviceFormFactorType() != DeviceFormFactorType.Phone)
                //Margins are a little smaller on desktop for some reason. investigate this a little further, may just be a DPI thing?
                const int desktopPlusCoeff = 40;
                margin = new Thickness(margin.Value.Left + desktopPlusCoeff, margin.Value.Top + desktopPlusCoeff,
                                       margin.Value.Right + desktopPlusCoeff, margin.Value.Bottom + desktopPlusCoeff);

            //If map movement fails, keep retrying until we get it right
            bool moved = false;

                moved = await DigiTransitMapControl.TrySetViewBoundsAsync(bounds, margin, animation);

                if (moved)
                    await Task.Delay(2000); //looong delay to acommodate slow mobile rendering
            } while (!moved && retryOnFailure);
Пример #11
 internal async void SetView(Geopoint center, double? zoomLevel, double? heading, double? desiredPitch, MapAnimationKind animation)
     if (center != null)
         prevCenter = center;
     if (zoomLevel.HasValue)
         prevZoomLevel = zoomLevel;
     if (heading.HasValue)
         prevHeading = heading;
     if (desiredPitch.HasValue)
         prevDesiredPitch = desiredPitch;
     if (compassMode)
         prevZoomLevel = null;
     if (prevCenter != null)
         await MapCtrl.TrySetViewAsync(prevCenter, prevZoomLevel, prevHeading, prevDesiredPitch, animation);
 public MapViewRequestedEventArgs(GeoCoordinate center, double zoomLevel, MapAnimationKind anim = MapAnimationKind.None)
     TargetCenter    = center;
     TargetZoomLevel = zoomLevel;
     Animation       = anim;
 public MapViewRequestedEventArgs(LocationRectangle locRect, MapAnimationKind anim = MapAnimationKind.None)
     TargetBounds = locRect;
     Animation    = anim;
Пример #14
        private void Button_Click_3(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            if (sender == Lands)
                if (map1.LandmarksEnabled == true)
                    map1.LandmarksEnabled = false;
                    map1.LandmarksEnabled = true;
            else if (sender == pedsFF)
                if (map1.PedestrianFeaturesEnabled == true)
                    map1.PedestrianFeaturesEnabled = false;
                    map1.PedestrianFeaturesEnabled = true;
            }else if (sender == AniS)
                if (useAnim == MapAnimationKind.Parabolic){
                    useAnim = MapAnimationKind.Linear;
                }else if (useAnim == MapAnimationKind.Linear){
                    useAnim = MapAnimationKind.None;
                    useAnim = MapAnimationKind.Parabolic;
                AniS.Content = useAnim;
                Debug.WriteLine("Animation style set to: " + useAnim);