private static void MakeHistory(ManifestJob request, string file, string action, ulong oldValue = 0, ulong newValue = 0) { DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO `DepotsHistory` (`ChangeID`, `DepotID`, `File`, `Action`, `OldValue`, `NewValue`) VALUES (@ChangeID, @DepotID, @File, @Action, @OldValue, @NewValue)", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@ChangeID", request.ChangeNumber), new MySqlParameter("@File", file), new MySqlParameter("@Action", action), new MySqlParameter("@OldValue", oldValue), new MySqlParameter("@NewValue", newValue) ); }
private async Task <EResult> ProcessDepotAfterDownload(ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { using (var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync()) using (var transaction = await db.BeginTransactionAsync()) { var result = await ProcessDepotAfterDownload(db, transaction, request, depotManifest); await transaction.CommitAsync(); return(result); } }
private static void MakeHistory(IDbConnection db, ManifestJob request, string file, string action, ulong oldValue = 0, ulong newValue = 0) { db.Execute(GetHistoryQuery(), new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = action, File = file, OldValue = oldValue, NewValue = newValue } ); }
private static void TryDownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { try { DownloadManifest(request); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Caught exception while processing depot {0}: {1}\n{2}", request.DepotID, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Remove(request); } }
private static async Task <(uint, EResult)> ProcessDepotAfterDownload(ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { if (depotManifest.FilenamesEncrypted && request.DepotKey != null) { Log.WriteError(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Depot key for depot {request.DepotID} is invalid?"); IRC.Instance.SendOps($"[Tokens] Looks like the depot key for depot {request.DepotID} is invalid"); } await using var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync(); await using var transaction = await db.BeginTransactionAsync(); var result = await ProcessDepotAfterDownload(db, transaction, request, depotManifest); await transaction.CommitAsync(); return(request.DepotID, result); }
private static async Task GetDepotDecryptionKey(SteamApps instance, ManifestJob depot, uint appID) { if (!LicenseList.OwnedApps.ContainsKey(depot.DepotID)) { return; } var task = instance.GetDepotDecryptionKey(depot.DepotID, appID); task.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15); SteamApps.DepotKeyCallback callback; try { callback = await task; } catch (TaskCanceledException) { Log.WriteWarn(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Decryption key timed out for {depot.DepotID}"); return; } if (callback.Result != EResult.OK) { if (callback.Result != EResult.AccessDenied) { Log.WriteWarn(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"No access to depot {depot.DepotID} ({callback.Result})"); } return; } Log.WriteDebug(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Got a new depot key for depot {depot.DepotID}"); await using (var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `DepotsKeys` (`DepotID`, `Key`) VALUES (@DepotID, @Key) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Key` = VALUES(`Key`)", new { depot.DepotID, Key = Utils.ByteArrayToString(callback.DepotKey) }); } depot.DepotKey = callback.DepotKey; }
public static void Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { foreach (KeyValue depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { ////Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Ignoring depot {0} with depotfromapp value {1} (parent {2})", depot.Name, depot["depotfromapp"].AsString(), AppID); continue; } uint depotID; if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out depotID)) { // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" continue; } lock (ManifestJobs) { if (ManifestJobs.Find(r => r.DepotID == depotID) != null) { // If we already have this depot in our job list, ignore it continue; } } ulong manifestID; if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out manifestID)) { #if false Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Failed to public branch for depot {0} (parent {1}) - {2}", DepotID, AppID); // If there is no public manifest for this depot, it still could have some sort of open beta var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out ManifestID)) { continue; } #endif continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, ParentAppID = appID, DepotID = depotID, ManifestID = manifestID, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Check if manifestid in our database is equal using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `ManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `Files` != '' LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", depotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { request.PreviousManifestID = Reader.GetUInt64("ManifestID"); if (Settings.Current.FullRun != 3 && request.PreviousManifestID == manifestID) { continue; } } } Log.WriteInfo("Depot Processor", "DepotID: {0}", depotID); lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Add(request); } request.JobID = Steam.Instance.Apps.GetAppOwnershipTicket(depotID); } }
private static void DownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { CDNClient cdnClient = new CDNClient(Steam.Instance.Client, request.DepotID, request.Ticket, request.DepotKey); List<CDNClient.Server> cdnServers; try { cdnServers = cdnClient.FetchServerList(); if (cdnServers.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No servers returned"); // Great programming! } } catch { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to get server list for depot {0}", request.DepotID); lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Remove(request); } return; } DepotManifest depotManifest = null; foreach (var server in cdnServers) { try { cdnClient.Connect(server); depotManifest = cdnClient.DownloadManifest(request.ManifestID); break; } catch { } } lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Remove(request); } if (depotManifest == null) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for depot {0} (parent {1}) (jobs still in queue: {2})", request.DepotID, request.ParentAppID, ManifestJobs.Count); if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important manifest update: {0}{1}{2} {3}(parent {4}){5} -{6} manifest download failed from {7} servers", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_GRAY, request.ParentAppID, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.RED, cdnServers.Count); } return; } if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important manifest update: {0}{1}{2} {3}(parent {4}){5} -{6} {7}", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_GRAY, request.ParentAppID, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_BLUE, SteamDB.GetDepotURL(request.DepotID, "history")); } var sortedFiles = depotManifest.Files.OrderBy(f => f.FileName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); bool shouldHistorize = false; List<DepotFile> filesNew = new List<DepotFile>(); List<DepotFile> filesOld = new List<DepotFile>(); foreach (var file in sortedFiles) { System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.FileHash); filesNew.Add(new DepotFile { Name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'), Size = file.TotalSize, Chunks = file.Chunks.Count, Flags = (int)file.Flags }); } using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Files` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", request.DepotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { string files = Reader.GetString("Files"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(files)) { shouldHistorize = true; filesOld = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<DepotFile>>(files); } } } DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Files` = @Files WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@Files", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filesNew, new JsonSerializerSettings { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })) ); if (shouldHistorize) { List<string> filesAdded = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in filesNew) { var oldFile = filesOld.Find(x => x.Name == file.Name); if (oldFile == null) { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(file.Name); } else { if (oldFile.Size != file.Size) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } filesOld.Remove(oldFile); } } foreach (var file in filesOld) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "removed"); } foreach (string file in filesAdded) { MakeHistory(request, file, "added"); } } lock (ManifestJobs) { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "DepotID: Processed {0} (jobs still in queue: {1})", request.DepotID, ManifestJobs.Count); } // Our job is done here, now download important files if any if (Settings.Current.ImportantFiles.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { // TODO: Horribly inefficient var importantFiles = sortedFiles.Where(x => Settings.Current.ImportantFiles[request.DepotID].Contains(x.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'))); ThreadPool.QueueWorkItem(DownloadFiles, importantFiles, request.DepotID, cdnClient); } }
public async Task Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List <ManifestJob>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } request.DepotName = depot["name"].AsString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.DepotName)) { request.DepotName = $"SteamDB Unnamed Depot {request.DepotID}"; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } // SteamVR trickery if (appID == 250820 && depot["manifests"]["beta"].Value != null && depots["branches"]["beta"]["buildid"].AsInteger() > depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger()) { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["beta"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); request.ManifestID = ulong.Parse(depot["manifests"]["beta"].Value); } else if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.Find(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { await using var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync(); await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `DepotID` = VALUES(`DepotID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); continue; } Log.WriteDebug(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Depot {request.DepotID} (from {appID}) has no public branch, but there is another one"); request.BuildID = depots["branches"][branch.Name]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (requests.Count == 0) { return; } var depotsToDownload = new List <ManifestJob>(); await using (var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Builds` (`BuildID`, `ChangeID`, `AppID`) VALUES (@BuildID, @ChangeNumber, @AppID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `AppID` = VALUES(`AppID`)", new { requests[0].BuildID, requests[0].ChangeNumber, appID }); var depotIds = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID).ToList(); var dbDepots = (await db.QueryAsync <Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID`, `FilenamesEncrypted` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @depotIds", new { depotIds })) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); var decryptionKeys = (await db.QueryAsync <DepotKey>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Key` FROM `DepotsKeys` WHERE `DepotID` IN @depotIds", new { depotIds })) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => Utils.StringToByteArray(x.Key)); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; decryptionKeys.TryGetValue(request.DepotID, out request.DepotKey); if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Skipping depot {request.DepotID} due to old buildid: {dbDepot.BuildID} > {request.BuildID}"); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun != FullRunState.WithForcedDepots && !dbDepot.FilenamesEncrypted && request.DepotKey != null) { // Update depot name if changed if (request.DepotName != dbDepot.Name) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } request.StoredFilenamesEncrypted = dbDepot.FilenamesEncrypted; request.LastManifestID = dbDepot.LastManifestID; } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || request.DepotName != dbDepot.Name) { await db.ExecuteAsync(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = VALUES(`Name`), `BuildID` = VALUES(`BuildID`), `ManifestID` = VALUES(`ManifestID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { await MakeHistory(db, null, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } lock (DepotLocks) { // This doesn't really save us from concurrency issues if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { Log.WriteWarn(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Depot {request.DepotID} was locked in another thread"); continue; } DepotLocks.Add(request.DepotID, 1); } depotsToDownload.Add(request); } } if (depotsToDownload.Count > 0) { _ = TaskManager.Run(async() => { try { await DownloadDepots(appID, depotsToDownload); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify(nameof(DepotProcessor), e); } foreach (var depot in depotsToDownload) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } }); } }
private static Task MakeHistory(IDbConnection db, IDbTransaction transaction, ManifestJob request, string file, string action, ulong oldValue = 0, ulong newValue = 0) { return(db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = action, File = file, OldValue = oldValue, NewValue = newValue }, transaction: transaction )); }
private void DownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { Log.WriteInfo("Depot Processor", "DepotID: {0}", request.DepotID); DepotManifest depotManifest = null; string lastError = string.Empty; // CDN is very random, just keep trying for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { depotManifest = CDNClient.DownloadManifest(request.DepotID, request.ManifestID, request.Server, request.CDNToken, request.DepotKey); break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; } } if (depotManifest == null) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for depot {0} ({1}: {2}) (#{3})", request.DepotID, request.Server, lastError, request.Tries); if (--request.Tries >= 0) { request.Server = GetContentServer(request.Tries); JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.GetCDNAuthToken(request.DepotID, request.Server), request); return; } RemoveLock(request.DepotID); // TODO: Remove this once task in OnCDNAuthTokenCallback is used if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(request.DepotID)) { IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Failed to download depot {3} manifest ({4}: {5})", Colors.OLIVE, Steam.GetAppName(request.ParentAppID), Colors.NORMAL, request.DepotID, request.Server, lastError); } return; } if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(request.DepotID)) { TaskManager.Run(() => FileDownloader.DownloadFilesFromDepot(request, depotManifest)); } // TODO: Task here instead of in OnCDNAuthTokenCallback due to mono's silly threadpool TaskManager.Run(() => { using(var db = Database.GetConnection()) { ProcessDepotAfterDownload(db, request, depotManifest); } }).ContinueWith(task => { RemoveLock(request.DepotID); Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Processed depot {0} ({1} depot locks left)", request.DepotID, DepotLocks.Count); }); }
private void MakeHistory(ManifestJob request, string file, string action, ulong oldValue = 0, ulong newValue = 0) { DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery( "INSERT INTO `DepotsHistory` (`ChangeID`, `DepotID`, `File`, `Action`, `OldValue`, `NewValue`) VALUES (@ChangeID, @DepotID, @File, @Action, @OldValue, @NewValue)", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@ChangeID", request.ChangeNumber), new MySqlParameter("@File", file), new MySqlParameter("@Action", action), new MySqlParameter("@OldValue", oldValue), new MySqlParameter("@NewValue", newValue) ); }
private void TryDownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { try { DownloadManifest(request); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Caught exception while processing depot {0}: {1}\n{2}", request.DepotID, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } RemoveLock(request.DepotID); Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Processed depot {0} ({1} depot locks left)", request.DepotID, DepotLocks.Count); }
public async Task Process(IDbConnection db, uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List <ManifestJob>(); var dlcNames = new Dictionary <uint, string>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } request.DepotName = depot["name"].AsString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.DepotName)) { request.DepotName = $"SteamDB Unnamed Depot {request.DepotID}"; } else if (depot["dlcappid"].Value != null) { if (uint.TryParse(depot["dlcappid"].Value, out var dlcAppId)) { dlcNames[dlcAppId] = request.DepotName; } } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } // SteamVR trickery if (appID == 250820 && depot["manifests"]["beta"].Value != null && depots["branches"]["beta"]["buildid"].AsInteger() > depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger()) { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["beta"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); request.ManifestID = ulong.Parse(depot["manifests"]["beta"].Value); } else if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.Find(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `DepotID` = VALUES(`DepotID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); continue; } Log.WriteDebug(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Depot {request.DepotID} (from {appID}) has no public branch, but there is another one"); request.BuildID = depots["branches"][branch.Name]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (dlcNames.Any()) { await ProcessDlcNames(appID, changeNumber, dlcNames); } foreach (var branch in depots["branches"].Children) { var buildId = branch["buildid"].AsInteger(); if (buildId < 1) { continue; } var isPublic = branch.Name != null && branch.Name.Equals("public", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); await db.ExecuteAsync(isPublic? "INSERT INTO `Builds` (`BuildID`, `ChangeID`, `AppID`, `Public`) VALUES (@BuildID, @ChangeNumber, @AppID, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `ChangeID` = IF(`Public` = 0, VALUES(`ChangeID`), `ChangeID`), `Public` = 1" : "INSERT INTO `Builds` (`BuildID`, `ChangeID`, `AppID`) VALUES (@BuildID, @ChangeNumber, @AppID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `AppID` = `AppID`", new { BuildID = buildId, ChangeNumber = changeNumber, AppID = appID, }); } if (requests.Count == 0) { return; } var depotsToDownload = new List <ManifestJob>(); var depotIds = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID).ToList(); var dbDepots = (await db.QueryAsync <Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID`, `FilenamesEncrypted` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @depotIds", new { depotIds })) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); var decryptionKeys = (await db.QueryAsync <DepotKey>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Key` FROM `DepotsKeys` WHERE `DepotID` IN @depotIds", new { depotIds })) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => Utils.StringToByteArray(x.Key)); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; decryptionKeys.TryGetValue(request.DepotID, out request.DepotKey); if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Skipping depot {request.DepotID} due to old buildid: {dbDepot.BuildID} > {request.BuildID}"); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.FullRun != FullRunState.WithForcedDepots && !dbDepot.FilenamesEncrypted && request.DepotKey != null) { // Update depot name if changed if (request.DepotName != dbDepot.Name) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } request.StoredFilenamesEncrypted = dbDepot.FilenamesEncrypted; request.LastManifestID = dbDepot.LastManifestID; } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || request.DepotName != dbDepot.Name) { await db.ExecuteAsync(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = VALUES(`Name`), `BuildID` = VALUES(`BuildID`), `ManifestID` = VALUES(`ManifestID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { await MakeHistory(db, null, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } if (Settings.Current.OnlyOwnedDepots && !LicenseList.OwnedDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } lock (DepotLocks) { DepotLocks.Add(request.DepotID, 1); } depotsToDownload.Add(request); } if (depotsToDownload.Count > 0) { _ = TaskManager.Run(async() => await DownloadDepots(appID, depotsToDownload)).ContinueWith(task => { Log.WriteError(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"An exception occured when processing depots from app {appID}, removing locks"); foreach (var depot in depotsToDownload) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } }
private static void DownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { var cdnClient = new CDNClient(Steam.Instance.Client, request.DepotID, request.Ticket, request.DepotKey); List<CDNClient.Server> cdnServers = null; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { cdnServers = cdnClient.FetchServerList(); if (cdnServers.Count > 0) { break; } } catch { } } if (cdnServers == null || cdnServers.Count == 0) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to get server list for depot {0}", request.DepotID); if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important manifest update: {0}{1}{2} {3}(parent {4}){5} -{6} failed to fetch server list", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_GRAY, request.ParentAppID, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.RED); } lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Remove(request); } return; } DepotManifest depotManifest = null; foreach (var server in cdnServers) { try { cdnClient.Connect(server); depotManifest = cdnClient.DownloadManifest(request.ManifestID); break; } catch { } } lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Remove(request); } if (depotManifest == null) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for depot {0} (parent {1}) (jobs still in queue: {2})", request.DepotID, request.ParentAppID, ManifestJobs.Count); if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important manifest update: {0}{1}{2} {3}(parent {4}){5} -{6} failed to download depot manifest from {7} servers", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_GRAY, request.ParentAppID, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.RED, cdnServers.Count); } return; } if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important manifest update: {0}{1}{2} {3}(parent {4}){5} -{6} {7}", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_GRAY, request.ParentAppID, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_BLUE, SteamDB.GetDepotURL(request.DepotID, "history")); } var sortedFiles = depotManifest.Files.OrderBy(f => f.FileName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); bool shouldHistorize = false; var filesNew = new List<DepotFile>(); var filesOld = new List<DepotFile>(); foreach (var file in sortedFiles) { System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.FileHash); var depotFile = new DepotFile { Name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'), Size = file.TotalSize, Chunks = file.Chunks.Count, Flags = (int)file.Flags }; // TODO: Ideally we would check if filehash is not empty if (!file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { depotFile.Hash = string.Concat(Array.ConvertAll(file.FileHash, x => x.ToString("X2"))); } filesNew.Add(depotFile); } using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Files` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", request.DepotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { string files = Reader.GetString("Files"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(files)) { shouldHistorize = true; filesOld = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<DepotFile>>(files); } } } DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Files` = @Files WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@Files", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filesNew, new JsonSerializerSettings { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })) ); if (shouldHistorize) { var filesAdded = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in filesNew) { var oldFile = filesOld.Find(x => x.Name == file.Name); if (oldFile == null) { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(file.Name); } else { if (oldFile.Size != file.Size) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } else if (file.Hash != null && oldFile.Hash != null && !file.Hash.Equals(oldFile.Hash)) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } filesOld.Remove(oldFile); } } foreach (var file in filesOld) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "removed"); } foreach (string file in filesAdded) { MakeHistory(request, file, "added"); } } lock (ManifestJobs) { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "DepotID: Processed {0} (jobs still in queue: {1})", request.DepotID, ManifestJobs.Count); } }
public static void Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { foreach (KeyValue depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { ////Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Ignoring depot {0} with depotfromapp value {1} (parent {2})", depot.Name, depot["depotfromapp"].AsString(), AppID); continue; } uint depotID; if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out depotID)) { // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" continue; } lock (ManifestJobs) { if (ManifestJobs.Find(r => r.DepotID == depotID) != null) { // If we already have this depot in our job list, ignore it continue; } } ulong manifestID; if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out manifestID)) { #if false Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Failed to public branch for depot {0} (parent {1}) - {2}", DepotID, AppID); // If there is no public manifest for this depot, it still could have some sort of open beta var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out ManifestID)) { continue; } #endif continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, ParentAppID = appID, DepotID = depotID, ManifestID = manifestID, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Check if manifestid in our database is equal using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `ManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `Files` != '' LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", depotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { request.PreviousManifestID = Reader.GetUInt64("ManifestID"); if (request.PreviousManifestID == manifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun < 2) { continue; } } } lock (ManifestJobs) { ManifestJobs.Add(request); } request.Server = CDNServers[new Random().Next(CDNServers.Count)]; request.JobID = Steam.Instance.Apps.GetCDNAuthToken(depotID, request.Server); } }
private static void DownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { DepotManifest depotManifest = null; string lastError = string.Empty; // CDN is very random, just keep trying for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { depotManifest = CDNClient.DownloadManifest(request.DepotID, request.ManifestID, request.Server, request.DepotKey, request.CDNToken); break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; } } if (depotManifest == null) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for depot {0} (jobs still in queue: {1}) ({2}: {3})", request.DepotID, ManifestJobs.Count - 1, request.Server, lastError); if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important depot update: {0}{1}{2} -{3} failed to download depot manifest", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.RED); } return; } if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.SendMain("Important depot update: {0}{1}{2} -{3} {4}", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_BLUE, SteamDB.GetDepotURL(request.DepotID, "history")); } var sortedFiles = depotManifest.Files.OrderBy(f => f.FileName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); bool shouldHistorize = false; var filesNew = new List <DepotFile>(); var filesOld = new Dictionary <string, DepotFile>(); foreach (var file in sortedFiles) { System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.FileHash); var depotFile = new DepotFile { Name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'), Size = file.TotalSize, Chunks = file.Chunks.Count, Flags = (int)file.Flags }; // TODO: Ideally we would check if filehash is not empty if (!file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { depotFile.Hash = string.Concat(Array.ConvertAll(file.FileHash, x => x.ToString("X2"))); } filesNew.Add(depotFile); } using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Files` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", request.DepotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { string files = Reader.GetString("Files"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(files)) { shouldHistorize = true; var _filesOld = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DepotFile> >(files); filesOld = _filesOld.ToDictionary(x => x.Name); } } } DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Files` = @Files WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@Files", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filesNew, new JsonSerializerSettings { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })) ); if (shouldHistorize) { var filesAdded = new List <string>(); foreach (var file in filesNew) { if (filesOld.ContainsKey(file.Name)) { var oldFile = filesOld[file.Name]; if (oldFile.Size != file.Size) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } else if (file.Hash != null && oldFile.Hash != null && !file.Hash.Equals(oldFile.Hash)) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } filesOld.Remove(file.Name); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(file.Name); } } foreach (var file in filesOld) { MakeHistory(request, file.Value.Name, "removed"); } foreach (string file in filesAdded) { MakeHistory(request, file, "added"); } } lock (ManifestJobs) { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "DepotID: Processed {0} (jobs still in queue: {1})", request.DepotID, ManifestJobs.Count - 1); } }
private void DownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { DepotManifest depotManifest = null; string lastError = string.Empty; // CDN is very random, just keep trying for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { depotManifest = CDNClient.DownloadManifest(request.DepotID, request.ManifestID, request.Server, request.CDNToken, request.DepotKey); break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; } } if (depotManifest == null) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for depot {0} ({1}: {2})", request.DepotID, request.Server, lastError); if (Application.ImportantApps.ContainsKey(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.Instance.SendMain("Important depot update: {0}{1}{2} -{3} failed to download depot manifest", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.RED); } return; } if (Application.ImportantApps.ContainsKey(request.ParentAppID)) { IRC.Instance.SendMain("Important depot update: {0}{1}{2} -{3} {4}", Colors.OLIVE, request.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARKBLUE, SteamDB.GetDepotURL(request.DepotID, "history")); } var sortedFiles = depotManifest.Files.OrderBy(f => f.FileName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); bool shouldHistorize = false; var filesNew = new List<DepotFile>(); var filesOld = new Dictionary<string, DepotFile>(); foreach (var file in sortedFiles) { System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(file.FileHash); var depotFile = new DepotFile { Name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'), Size = file.TotalSize, Chunks = file.Chunks.Count, Flags = (int)file.Flags }; // TODO: Ideally we would check if filehash is not empty if (!file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { depotFile.Hash = string.Concat(Array.ConvertAll(file.FileHash, x => x.ToString("X2"))); } filesNew.Add(depotFile); } using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Files` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", request.DepotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { string files = Reader.GetString("Files"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(files)) { shouldHistorize = true; filesOld = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<DepotFile>>(files).ToDictionary(x => x.Name); } } } DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery( "UPDATE `Depots` SET `Files` = @Files WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@Files", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filesNew, new JsonSerializerSettings { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })) ); if (shouldHistorize) { var filesAdded = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in filesNew) { if (filesOld.ContainsKey(file.Name)) { var oldFile = filesOld[file.Name]; if (oldFile.Size != file.Size) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } else if (file.Hash != null && oldFile.Hash != null && !file.Hash.Equals(oldFile.Hash)) { MakeHistory(request, file.Name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); } filesOld.Remove(file.Name); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(file.Name); } } foreach (var file in filesOld) { MakeHistory(request, file.Value.Name, "removed"); } foreach (string file in filesAdded) { MakeHistory(request, file, "added"); } } }
private static async Task <EResult> ProcessDepotAfterDownload(IDbConnection db, IDbTransaction transaction, ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var filesOld = (await db.QueryAsync <DepotFile>("SELECT `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags` FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID }, transaction)).ToDictionary(x => x.File, x => x); var filesAdded = new List <DepotFile>(); var shouldHistorize = filesOld.Count > 0 && !depotManifest.FilenamesEncrypted; // Don't historize file additions if we didn't have any data before if (request.StoredFilenamesEncrypted && !depotManifest.FilenamesEncrypted) { Log.WriteInfo(nameof(DepotProcessor), $"Depot {request.DepotID} will decrypt stored filenames"); var decryptedFilesOld = new Dictionary <string, DepotFile>(); foreach (var file in filesOld.Values) { var oldFile = file.File; file.File = DecryptFilename(oldFile, request.DepotKey); decryptedFilesOld.Add(file.File, file); await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `File` = @File WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `File` = @OldFile", new { request.DepotID, file.File, OldFile = oldFile }, transaction); } await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, string.Empty, "files_decrypted"); filesOld = decryptedFilesOld; } foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files.OrderByDescending(x => x.FileName)) { var name = depotManifest.FilenamesEncrypted ? file.FileName.Replace("\n", "") : file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'); byte[] hash = null; // Store empty hashes as NULL (e.g. an empty file) if ((file.Flags & EDepotFileFlag.Directory) == 0 && file.FileHash.Length > 0 && file.FileHash.Any(c => c != 0)) { hash = file.FileHash; } // Limit path names to 260 characters (default windows max length) // File column is varchar(260) and not higher to prevent reducing performance // See // Until 2019 there hasn't been a single file that went over this limit, so far there has been only one // game with a big node_modules path, so we're safeguarding by limiting it. if (name.Length > 260) { if (depotManifest.FilenamesEncrypted) { continue; } using var sha = SHA1.Create(); var nameHash = Utils.ByteArrayToString(sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name))); name = $"{{SteamDB file name is too long}}/{nameHash}/...{name.Substring(name.Length - 150)}"; } if (filesOld.ContainsKey(name)) { var oldFile = filesOld[name]; var updateFile = false; if (oldFile.Size != file.TotalSize || !Utils.ByteArrayEquals(hash, oldFile.Hash)) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.TotalSize); updateFile = true; } if (oldFile.Flags != file.Flags) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified_flags", (ulong)oldFile.Flags, (ulong)file.Flags); updateFile = true; } if (updateFile) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `Hash` = @Hash, `Size` = @Size, `Flags` = @Flags WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `File` = @File", new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, File = name, Hash = hash, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }, transaction); } filesOld.Remove(name); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, File = name, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }); } } if (filesOld.Count > 0) { // Chunk file deletion queries so it doesn't go over max_allowed_packet var filesOldChunks = filesOld.Select(x => x.Value.File).Split(1000); foreach (var filesOldChunk in filesOldChunks) { await db.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `File` IN @Files", new { request.DepotID, Files = filesOldChunk, }, transaction); } if (shouldHistorize) { await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesOld.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ManifestID = request.ManifestID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "removed", File = x.Value.File, OldValue = x.Value.Size }), transaction); } } if (filesAdded.Count > 0) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `DepotsFiles` (`DepotID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags`) VALUES (@DepotID, @File, @Hash, @Size, @Flags)", filesAdded, transaction); if (shouldHistorize) { await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesAdded.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ManifestID = request.ManifestID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "added", File = x.File, NewValue = x.Size }), transaction); } } await db.ExecuteAsync( request.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID? "UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID, `ManifestDate` = @ManifestDate, `FilenamesEncrypted` = @FilenamesEncrypted, `SizeOriginal` = @SizeOriginal, `SizeCompressed` = @SizeCompressed WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID" : "UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID, `ManifestDate` = @ManifestDate, `FilenamesEncrypted` = @FilenamesEncrypted, `SizeOriginal` = @SizeOriginal, `SizeCompressed` = @SizeCompressed, `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.ManifestID, depotManifest.FilenamesEncrypted, ManifestDate = depotManifest.CreationTime, SizeOriginal = depotManifest.TotalUncompressedSize, SizeCompressed = depotManifest.TotalCompressedSize, }, transaction); return(EResult.OK); }
public void Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var buildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); foreach (KeyValue depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { ////Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Ignoring depot {0} with depotfromapp value {1} (parent {2})", depot.Name, depot["depotfromapp"].AsString(), AppID); continue; } uint depotID; if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out depotID)) { // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" continue; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(depotID)) { continue; } ulong manifestID; var depotName = depot["name"].AsString(); if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out manifestID)) { #if false Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Failed to public branch for depot {0} (parent {1}) - {2}", DepotID, AppID); // If there is no public manifest for this depot, it still could have some sort of open beta var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out ManifestID)) { continue; } #endif DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @Name) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = @Name", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", depotID), new MySqlParameter("@Name", depotName) ); continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, ParentAppID = appID, DepotID = depotID, ManifestID = manifestID, DepotName = depotName }; int currentBuildID = 0; // Check if manifestid in our database is equal using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Name`, `ManifestID`, `BuildID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("DepotID", depotID))) { if (Reader.Read()) { currentBuildID = Reader.GetInt32("buildID"); request.PreviousManifestID = Reader.GetUInt64("ManifestID"); if (request.PreviousManifestID == manifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun < 2) { // Update depot name if changed if(!depotName.Equals(Reader.GetString("Name"))) { DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @Name WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@Name", request.DepotName) ); } continue; } if (currentBuildID > buildID) { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} due to old buildid: {1} > {2}", depotID, currentBuildID, buildID); continue; } } } DepotLocks.TryAdd(depotID, 1); // Update/insert depot information straight away if (currentBuildID != buildID || request.PreviousManifestID != request.ManifestID) { DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @Name, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = @Name, `BuildID` = @BuildID, `ManifestID` = @ManifestID", new MySqlParameter("@DepotID", request.DepotID), new MySqlParameter("@BuildID", buildID), new MySqlParameter("@ManifestID", request.ManifestID), new MySqlParameter("@Name", request.DepotName) ); MakeHistory(request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", request.PreviousManifestID, request.ManifestID); } request.Server = CDNServers[new Random().Next(CDNServers.Count)]; JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.GetCDNAuthToken(depotID, request.Server), request); } }
private void DownloadManifest(ManifestJob request) { Log.WriteInfo("Depot Processor", "DepotID: {0}", request.DepotID); DepotManifest depotManifest = null; string lastError = string.Empty; // CDN is very random, just keep trying for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { depotManifest = CDNClient.DownloadManifest(request.DepotID, request.ManifestID, request.Server, request.CDNToken, request.DepotKey); break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; } } if (depotManifest == null) { Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for depot {0} ({1}: {2}) (#{3})", request.DepotID, request.Server, lastError, request.Tries); if (--request.Tries >= 0) { request.Server = GetContentServer(request.Tries); JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.GetCDNAuthToken(request.DepotID, request.Server), request); return; } RemoveLock(request.DepotID); // TODO: Remove this once task in OnCDNAuthTokenCallback is used if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(request.DepotID)) { IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Failed to download depot {3} manifest ({4}: {5})", Colors.OLIVE, Steam.GetAppName(request.ParentAppID), Colors.NORMAL, request.DepotID, request.Server, lastError); } return; } if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(request.DepotID)) { TaskManager.Run(() => FileDownloader.DownloadFilesFromDepot(request, depotManifest)); } // TODO: Task here instead of in OnCDNAuthTokenCallback due to mono's silly threadpool TaskManager.Run(() => { using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { ProcessDepotAfterDownload(db, request, depotManifest); } }).ContinueWith(task => { RemoveLock(request.DepotID); Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Processed depot {0} ({1} depot locks left)", request.DepotID, DepotLocks.Count); }); }
private static void ProcessDepotAfterDownload(IDbConnection db, ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var filesOld = db.Query<DepotFile>("SELECT `ID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags` FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID }).ToDictionary(x => x.File, x => x); var filesNew = new List<DepotFile>(); var filesAdded = new List<DepotFile>(); var shouldHistorize = filesOld.Any(); // Don't historize file additions if we didn't have any data before foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files) { var name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'); // safe guard if (name.Length > 255) { ErrorReporter.Notify(new OverflowException(string.Format("File \"{0}\" in depot {1} is too long", name, request.DepotID))); continue; } var depotFile = new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, File = name, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }; if (file.FileHash.Length > 0 && !file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { depotFile.Hash = Utils.ByteArrayToString(file.FileHash); } else { depotFile.Hash = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; } filesNew.Add(depotFile); } foreach (var file in filesNew) { if (filesOld.ContainsKey(file.File)) { var oldFile = filesOld[file.File]; var updateFile = false; if (oldFile.Size != file.Size || !file.Hash.Equals(oldFile.Hash)) { MakeHistory(db, request, file.File, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); updateFile = true; } if (oldFile.Flags != file.Flags) { MakeHistory(db, request, file.File, "modified_flags", (ulong)oldFile.Flags, (ulong)file.Flags); updateFile = true; } if (updateFile) { file.ID = oldFile.ID; db.Execute("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `Hash` = @Hash, `Size` = @Size, `Flags` = @Flags WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` = @ID", file); } filesOld.Remove(file.File); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(file); } } if (filesOld.Any()) { db.Execute("DELETE FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` IN @Files", new { request.DepotID, Files = filesOld.Select(x => x.Value.ID) }); db.Execute(GetHistoryQuery(), filesOld.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "removed", File = x.Value.File })); } if (filesAdded.Any()) { db.Execute("INSERT INTO `DepotsFiles` (`DepotID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags`) VALUES (@DepotID, @File, @Hash, @Size, @Flags)", filesAdded); if (shouldHistorize) { db.Execute(GetHistoryQuery(), filesAdded.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "added", File = x.File })); } } db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.ManifestID }); }
public void Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List <ManifestJob>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, ParentAppID = appID, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } // If there is no public manifest for this depot, it still could have some sort of open beta if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { db.Execute("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = @DepotName", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } request.BuildID = branch["build"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (!requests.Any()) { return; } using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { var dbDepots = db.Query <Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @Depots", new { Depots = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID) }) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} due to old buildid: {1} > {2}", request.DepotID, dbDepot.BuildID, request.BuildID); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun < 2) { // Update depot name if changed if (!request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || !request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { db.Execute(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = @DepotName, `BuildID` = @BuildID, `ManifestID` = @ManifestID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { MakeHistory(db, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } if (LicenseList.OwnedApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID) || Settings.Current.FullRun > 1) { DepotLocks.TryAdd(request.DepotID, 1); JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.GetDepotDecryptionKey(request.DepotID, request.ParentAppID), request); } #if DEBUG else { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} from app {1} because we don't own it", request.DepotID, request.ParentAppID); } #endif } } }
public void Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List<ManifestJob>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, ParentAppID = appID, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } // If there is no public manifest for this depot, it still could have some sort of open beta if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { db.Execute("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = VALUES(`Name`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } request.BuildID = branch["build"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (!requests.Any()) { return; } using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { var dbDepots = db.Query<Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @Depots", new { Depots = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID) }) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} due to old buildid: {1} > {2}", request.DepotID, dbDepot.BuildID, request.BuildID); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun < 2) { // Update depot name if changed if (!request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || !request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { db.Execute(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = VALUES(`Name`), `BuildID` = VALUES(`BuildID`), `ManifestID` = VALUES(`ManifestID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { MakeHistory(db, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } if (LicenseList.OwnedApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID) || Settings.Current.FullRun > 1) { DepotLocks.TryAdd(request.DepotID, 1); JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.GetDepotDecryptionKey(request.DepotID, request.ParentAppID), request); } #if DEBUG else { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} from app {1} because we don't own it", request.DepotID, request.ParentAppID); } #endif } } }
private EResult ProcessDepotAfterDownload(IDbConnection db, ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var filesOld = db.Query <DepotFile>("SELECT `ID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags` FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID }).ToDictionary(x => x.File, x => x); var filesNew = new List <DepotFile>(); var filesAdded = new List <DepotFile>(); var shouldHistorize = filesOld.Any(); // Don't historize file additions if we didn't have any data before foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files) { var name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'); // safe guard if (name.Length > 255) { ErrorReporter.Notify(new OverflowException(string.Format("File \"{0}\" in depot {1} is too long", name, request.DepotID))); continue; } var depotFile = new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, File = name, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }; if (file.FileHash.Length > 0 && !file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { depotFile.Hash = Utils.ByteArrayToString(file.FileHash); } else { depotFile.Hash = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; } filesNew.Add(depotFile); } foreach (var file in filesNew) { if (filesOld.ContainsKey(file.File)) { var oldFile = filesOld[file.File]; var updateFile = false; if (oldFile.Size != file.Size || !file.Hash.Equals(oldFile.Hash)) { MakeHistory(db, request, file.File, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.Size); updateFile = true; } if (oldFile.Flags != file.Flags) { MakeHistory(db, request, file.File, "modified_flags", (ulong)oldFile.Flags, (ulong)file.Flags); updateFile = true; } if (updateFile) { file.ID = oldFile.ID; db.Execute("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `Hash` = @Hash, `Size` = @Size, `Flags` = @Flags WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` = @ID", file); } filesOld.Remove(file.File); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(file); } } if (filesOld.Any()) { db.Execute("DELETE FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` IN @Files", new { request.DepotID, Files = filesOld.Select(x => x.Value.ID) }); db.Execute(GetHistoryQuery(), filesOld.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "removed", File = x.Value.File })); } if (filesAdded.Any()) { db.Execute("INSERT INTO `DepotsFiles` (`DepotID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags`) VALUES (@DepotID, @File, @Hash, @Size, @Flags)", filesAdded); if (shouldHistorize) { db.Execute(GetHistoryQuery(), filesAdded.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "added", File = x.File })); } } db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.ManifestID }); return(EResult.OK); }
private async Task <EResult> ProcessDepotAfterDownload(IDbConnection db, IDbTransaction transaction, ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var filesOld = (await db.QueryAsync <DepotFile>("SELECT `ID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags` FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID }, transaction: transaction)).ToDictionary(x => x.File, x => x); var filesAdded = new List <DepotFile>(); var shouldHistorize = filesOld.Any(); // Don't historize file additions if we didn't have any data before foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files) { var name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'); byte[] hash = null; // Store empty hashes as NULL (e.g. an empty file) if (file.FileHash.Length > 0 && !file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { for (int i = 0; i < file.FileHash.Length; ++i) { if (file.FileHash[i] != 0) { hash = file.FileHash; break; } } } // safe guard if (name.Length > 255) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Processor", new OverflowException(string.Format("File \"{0}\" in depot {1} is too long", name, request.DepotID))); continue; } if (filesOld.ContainsKey(name)) { var oldFile = filesOld[name]; var updateFile = false; if (oldFile.Size != file.TotalSize || !Utils.IsEqualSHA1(hash, oldFile.Hash)) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.TotalSize); updateFile = true; } if (oldFile.Flags != file.Flags) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified_flags", (ulong)oldFile.Flags, (ulong)file.Flags); updateFile = true; } if (updateFile) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `Hash` = @Hash, `Size` = @Size, `Flags` = @Flags WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` = @ID", new DepotFile { ID = oldFile.ID, DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }, transaction : transaction); } filesOld.Remove(name); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, File = name, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }); } } if (filesOld.Any()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` IN @Files", new { request.DepotID, Files = filesOld.Select(x => x.Value.ID) }, transaction : transaction); await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesOld.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "removed", File = x.Value.File }), transaction : transaction); } if (filesAdded.Any()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `DepotsFiles` (`DepotID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags`) VALUES (@DepotID, @File, @Hash, @Size, @Flags)", filesAdded, transaction : transaction); if (shouldHistorize) { await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesAdded.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "added", File = x.File }), transaction : transaction); } } await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID, `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.ManifestID }, transaction : transaction); return(EResult.OK); }
public void Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List <ManifestJob>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } // If there is no public manifest for this depot, it still could have some sort of open beta if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { db.Execute("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = VALUES(`Name`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } request.BuildID = branch["build"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (!requests.Any()) { return; } var depotsToDownload = new List <ManifestJob>(); using (var db = Database.GetConnection()) { var dbDepots = db.Query <Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @Depots", new { Depots = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID) }) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} due to old buildid: {1} > {2}", request.DepotID, dbDepot.BuildID, request.BuildID); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun <= FullRunState.Normal) { // Update depot name if changed if (!request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || !request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { db.Execute(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = unix_timestamp(), `Name` = VALUES(`Name`), `BuildID` = VALUES(`BuildID`), `ManifestID` = VALUES(`ManifestID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { MakeHistory(db, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } var owned = LicenseList.OwnedApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID); if (!owned) { request.Anonymous = owned = LicenseList.AnonymousApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID); if (owned) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Will download depot {0} using anonymous account", request.DepotID); } } if (owned || Settings.Current.FullRun == FullRunState.WithForcedDepots || Settings.Current.FullRun == FullRunState.ImportantOnly) { lock (DepotLocks) { // This doesn't really save us from concurrency issues if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Depot {0} was locked in another thread", request.DepotID); continue; } DepotLocks.Add(request.DepotID, 1); } depotsToDownload.Add(request); } #if DEBUG else { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} from app {1} because we don't own it", request.DepotID, appID); } #endif } } if (depotsToDownload.Any()) { PICSProductInfo.ProcessorThreadPool.QueueWorkItem(async() => { try { await DownloadDepots(appID, depotsToDownload); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify(e); } foreach (var depot in depotsToDownload) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } }); } }
public async Task Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List <ManifestJob>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { using (var db = Database.Get()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = VALUES(`Name`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } Log.WriteDebug("Depot Downloader", "Depot {0} (from {1}) has no public branch, but there is another one", request.DepotID, appID); request.BuildID = depots["branches"][branch.Name]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (!requests.Any()) { return; } var depotsToDownload = new List <ManifestJob>(); using (var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync()) { var firstRequest = requests.First(); await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Builds` (`BuildID`, `ChangeID`, `AppID`) VALUES (@BuildID, @ChangeNumber, @AppID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `AppID` = VALUES(`AppID`)", new { firstRequest.BuildID, firstRequest.ChangeNumber, appID }); var dbDepots = (await db.QueryAsync <Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @Depots", new { Depots = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID) })) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} due to old buildid: {1} > {2}", request.DepotID, dbDepot.BuildID, request.BuildID); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun != FullRunState.WithForcedDepots) { // Update depot name if changed if (!request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || !request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { await db.ExecuteAsync(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = VALUES(`Name`), `BuildID` = VALUES(`BuildID`), `ManifestID` = VALUES(`ManifestID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { await MakeHistory(db, null, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } var owned = LicenseList.OwnedApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID); if (!owned) { request.Anonymous = owned = LicenseList.AnonymousApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID); if (owned) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Will download depot {0} using anonymous account", request.DepotID); } } if (owned) { lock (DepotLocks) { // This doesn't really save us from concurrency issues if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Depot {0} was locked in another thread", request.DepotID); continue; } DepotLocks.Add(request.DepotID, 1); } depotsToDownload.Add(request); } } } if (depotsToDownload.Any()) { #pragma warning disable 4014 if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(appID) && !Settings.IsFullRun && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Current.PatchnotesNotifyURL)) { TaskManager.Run(() => NotifyPatchnote(appID, depotsToDownload.First().BuildID)); } TaskManager.Run(async() => { try { await DownloadDepots(appID, depotsToDownload); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Processor", e); } foreach (var depot in depotsToDownload) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } }); #pragma warning restore 4014 } }
private static async Task <EResult> ProcessDepotAfterDownload(IDbConnection db, IDbTransaction transaction, ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var filesOld = (await db.QueryAsync <DepotFile>("SELECT `ID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags` FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID }, transaction: transaction)).ToDictionary(x => x.File, x => x); var filesAdded = new List <DepotFile>(); var shouldHistorize = filesOld.Count > 0; // Don't historize file additions if we didn't have any data before foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files.OrderByDescending(x => x.FileName)) { var name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'); byte[] hash = null; // Store empty hashes as NULL (e.g. an empty file) if (file.FileHash.Length > 0 && (file.Flags & EDepotFileFlag.Directory) == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < file.FileHash.Length; ++i) { if (file.FileHash[i] != 0) { hash = file.FileHash; break; } } } // Limit path names to 260 characters (default windows max length) // File column is varchar(260) and not higher to prevent reducing performance // See // Until 2019 there hasn't been a single file that went over this limit, so far there has been only one // game with a big node_modules path, so we're safeguarding by limiting it. if (name.Length > 260) { using var sha = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed(); var nameHash = Utils.ByteArrayToString(sha.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name))); name = $"{{SteamDB file name is too long}}/{nameHash}/...{name.Substring(name.Length - 150)}"; } if (filesOld.ContainsKey(name)) { var oldFile = filesOld[name]; var updateFile = false; if (oldFile.Size != file.TotalSize || !Utils.IsEqualSHA1(hash, oldFile.Hash)) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.TotalSize); updateFile = true; } if (oldFile.Flags != file.Flags) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified_flags", (ulong)oldFile.Flags, (ulong)file.Flags); updateFile = true; } if (updateFile) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `Hash` = @Hash, `Size` = @Size, `Flags` = @Flags WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` = @ID", new DepotFile { ID = oldFile.ID, DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }, transaction : transaction); } filesOld.Remove(name); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, File = name, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }); } } if (filesOld.Count > 0) { await db.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` IN @Files", new { request.DepotID, Files = filesOld.Select(x => x.Value.ID) }, transaction : transaction); await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesOld.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ManifestID = request.ManifestID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "removed", File = x.Value.File, OldValue = x.Value.Size }), transaction : transaction); } if (filesAdded.Count > 0) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `DepotsFiles` (`DepotID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags`) VALUES (@DepotID, @File, @Hash, @Size, @Flags)", filesAdded, transaction : transaction); if (shouldHistorize) { await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesAdded.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ManifestID = request.ManifestID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "added", File = x.File, NewValue = x.Size }), transaction : transaction); } } await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID, `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.ManifestID }, transaction : transaction); return(EResult.OK); }