Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads an online mod and installs it. If the mod has any settings or controls,
        /// a settings file is created (if it doesn't exist already) with the defaults populated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mod">The mod to download.</param>
        public void DownloadMod(Mod mod)
            var newPath = $"{Constants.SFMFDirectory}/{mod.Name}-{mod.Version}.dll";

            mod.SettingsPath = $"{Constants.ModSettingsDirectory}/{mod.Name}.csv";

            // Don't everwrite any custom settings that may already exist for this mod, load them instead.
            if (!File.Exists(mod.SettingsPath))
                mod.Settings = GetModSettings(mod.SettingsPath);

            using (var client = new WebClient())
                client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(mod.Download), newPath);

            mod.Path = newPath;


Пример #2
 private void AddFile(string type, string path, byte[] data)
     files.Add(path, new Dictionary <string, object>
         { "IsDirectory", false },
         { "Data", data }
     Manifest.Add(new ManifestFile(this)
         FullPath  = path,
         MediaType = type
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a mod from the user's local machine and installs it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The absolute path of the mod to load.</param>
        public void LoadLocalMod(string path)
            var name         = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            var settingsPath = $"{Constants.ModSettingsDirectory}/{name}.csv";

            var mod = new Mod
                Name                  = name,
                Version               = "local",
                Path                  = path,
                SettingsPath          = settingsPath,
                Settings              = GetModSettings(settingsPath),
                DisableScoreReporting = true,
                Local                 = true


Пример #4
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            if (await this.VerifyMimetypeAsync() == false)
                throw new Exception("Invalid mimetype.");

            ContentLocation = await this.GetContentLocationAsync();

            Metadata = await this.GetMetadataAsync();

            foreach (var item in (await this.GetManifestAsync()).ToList())
                Manifest.Add(item.Id, item);

            Spine = await this.GetSpineAsync();

            TableOfContents = await this.GetTableOfContentsAsync();

            Cover = await this.GetCoverAsync();
Пример #5
 public void AppendItem(EpubItem item)
     AbsolutePathIndex.Add(item.AbsolutePath, item);
     IdIndex.Add(item.Id, item);
Пример #6
    //Creates an optimal list of goods to buy to exploit an arbitrage, given
    //the details of the journey that change the profitability of a product.

    //The considerations include

    //Whether the products will "fit" onto our "vehicle" (both of these are
    //abstract ideas. For example, we can consider our budget a vehicle with
    //limited financial space),

    //What variable costs may arise from transporting a product (beyond the
    //purchase cost), and

    //If we have a target metric (like a target total mass, or budget), we can
    //use the journey's fixed costs to make a better prediction of a product's
    //profitability by spreading the fixed costs over the cargo.

    //"fill_space" and "constraint_spaces" represent that first point. Note
    //that they are considered to be orthogonal. F.e. putting a widget on board
    //simultaniously takes up literal volume in the hold, while also taking up
    //an abstract "volume" of the budget available to buy products, as well as
    //possibly reducing the remaining mass that can be packed without changing
    //the performance characteristics of the craft.

    public Manifest MakeShoppingList(
        Manifest products,
        Func <Item, float, float> GetTransportCosts = null,
        Space fill_space  = null,
        float fixed_costs = 0,
        IEnumerable <Space> constraint_spaces = null,
        Func <Item, bool> IsProductLegal      = null)
        //Input sanitizing

        if (GetTransportCosts == null)
            GetTransportCosts = (product, quantity) => 0;

        if (constraint_spaces == null)
            constraint_spaces = Enumerable.Empty <Space>();

        if (IsProductLegal == null)
            IsProductLegal = product => true;

        products = new Manifest(products.Samples
                                .Where(product => IsProductLegal(product))
                                .Select(product => (product, products.GetQuantity(product))));


        Manifest shopping_list = new Manifest();

        Action <Item, float> AddToShoppingList = (product, quantity) =>
            shopping_list.Add(product, quantity);

            fill_space.Pack(product, quantity);
            foreach (Space space in constraint_spaces)
                space.Pack(product, quantity);

        //The "marginal quantity" of an item is the maximum additional amount
        //you can acquire without experiencing significant nonlinearity -
        //that is, the first unit acquired has a different density than the
        //last unit.

        //F.e. when purchasing a product, the ratio of mass to cost changes as
        //you buy more - you will have to pay more, and thus its
        //"financial density" goes down. This prevents accurately estimating a
        //product's profitability.

        Func <Item, float> CalculateMarginalQuantity = product =>
            float marginal_quantity = products[product] -

            if (fill_space != null)
                marginal_quantity =

            foreach (Space constraint_space in constraint_spaces)
                marginal_quantity =


        Dictionary <Item, float> marginal_quantities = null;
        Action BakeMarginalQuantities = () =>
            marginal_quantities =
                products.Samples.ToDictionary(product => product,


        Func <Item, float> GetMarginalQuantity = product =>
        { return(marginal_quantities[product]); };

        //Estimates how many units of product will fit into the remaining
        //volume available in the Space prodided, using the product's next
        //marginal quantity's density as a guide.

        Func <Item, Space, float> GetProjectedCapacity = (product, space) =>
            float marginal_quantity = GetMarginalQuantity(product);

            return(marginal_quantity /
                   space.GetCapacityFraction(product, marginal_quantity));

        //Determines if a product may prevent complete filling of fill_space
        //by seeing whether the quantity necessary for fill_space is greater
        //than the remaining volume available in the constraint_spaces.

        //This function does not directly compare capacity of fill space to
        //constraint space because we are only interested whether at the
        //_current_rate_ the product is projected to outrun the volume
        //available. This prevents unecessary culling when dealing with
        //supra-linear spaces.

        //f.e. the first widget bought may cost $1, which does not endanger
        //going over budget. But the last widget may cost $1T, which does.

        //Note however, that this could be suboptimal in cases of
        //sub-linear spaces.

        Func <Item, bool> IsDense = product =>
            float fill_quantity = GetProjectedCapacity(product, fill_space);

            foreach (Space constraint_space in constraint_spaces)
                if (GetProjectedCapacity(product, constraint_space) < fill_quantity)


        Func <Item, float, float> GetVariableCosts = (product, quantity) =>
            return(GetPurchaseCost(product, quantity) +
                   GetTransportCosts(product, quantity));

        Func <Item, bool> IsProductProfitable = product =>
            float marginal_quantity = GetMarginalQuantity(product);

            return(GetSaleValue(product, marginal_quantity) >
                   GetVariableCosts(product, marginal_quantity));

        Func <Item, float> GetProductROI =
            (product) =>
            float quantity          = GetMarginalQuantity(product);
            float existing_quantity = shopping_list[product];

            float variable_costs =
                GetVariableCosts(product, existing_quantity + quantity) -
                GetVariableCosts(product, existing_quantity);
            float total_costs = variable_costs;
            if (fill_space != null)
                total_costs += fixed_costs *
                               fill_space.GetCapacityFraction(product, quantity);

            float sale_value =
                GetSaleValue(product, existing_quantity + quantity) -
                GetSaleValue(product, existing_quantity);

            return((sale_value - total_costs) /

        Action <Manifest> MarginalizePackage = package =>
            Dictionary <Item, float> fractions =
                    product => product,
                    product => GetMarginalQuantity(product) /

            Item most_marginal_product = package.Samples
                                         .MinElement(product => fractions[product]);

        Func <Manifest, float> GetPackageROI = package =>
            float variable_costs = 0;
            float sale_value     = 0;

            foreach (Item product in package.Samples)
                float quantity          = package[product];
                float existing_quantity = shopping_list[product];

                variable_costs +=
                    GetVariableCosts(product, quantity + existing_quantity) -
                    GetVariableCosts(product, existing_quantity);

                sale_value +=
                    GetSaleValue(product, quantity + existing_quantity) -
                    GetSaleValue(product, existing_quantity);

            return((sale_value - variable_costs) /

        Func <List <Item> > GetLegalProducts = () =>
                   .Where(product => GetMarginalQuantity(product) > 0.000001f)
        List <Item> legal_products = GetLegalProducts();

        //While there are still products available, pick the best product
        //(measured by roi) and add a small amount of it to the shopping list.
        //(products are filtered if they won't fit or aren't profitable)

        //Shopping list is created such that the fill_space (if provided) has
        //as little remaining room inside it as possible. Furthermore, none of
        //the Spaces are allowed to be overfilled. If any space has no
        //remaining room for more products, the shopping list is finished.

        //Consequentally, in order to avoid returning an underfilled shopping
        //list, if the best product would overfill a constraint space if you
        //had enough of it to fill up the "fill_space" (such a product is
        //considered to not be "dense"), then this tries to find a combination
        //of products (a "package") that _is_ dense while maximizing quantity
        //of the best product and beating the best dense product.

        while (legal_products.Count > 0)
            legal_products.Sort(product => - GetProductROI(product));

            List <Item> dense_products = null;
            if (fill_space != null)
                dense_products = legal_products
                                 .GetRangeOrGetClose(0, 10);

            //If best_product is dense, just add it to the shopping_list. If
            //not, try to create a package that includes the best_product while
            //being dense (by including a dense product to compensate). If you
            //fail, make next best product the new best_product and try again.

            //Package Construction:

            //Compute ratio of GetMarginalQuantity to GetCapacityFraction and
            //use it to guess how much of each component product is required to
            //fill up the fill_space and the constraint_space. From here, its a
            //simple linear mixing of the two components such that the
            //fill_space and the constraint space are both full. This is
            //repeated for all constraint spaces and the smallest package is
            //selected. Finally, marginalize the package.

            //This algorithm assumes linearity to perform the mixing, however,
            //because we use GetMarginalQuantity, linearity is ensured over
            //the quantities we are using. And because the package is
            //marginalized at the end, these assumptions hold.

            //This algorithm assumes that components are in direct competition
            //for space, which may not be the case (f.e. a liquid and a solid).
            //This may cause suboptimality.

            Item     best_product = legal_products.First();
            Manifest package      = null;

            while (fill_space != null &&
                   dense_products.Count != 0 &&
                   !dense_products.Contains(best_product) &&
                   package == null)

                foreach (Item dense_product in dense_products)
                    IEnumerable <Space> constraining_spaces = constraint_spaces
                                                              .Where(constraint_space =>
                                                                     GetProjectedCapacity(best_product, fill_space) >
                                                                     GetProjectedCapacity(best_product, constraint_space));

                    Manifest candidate_package = constraining_spaces
                                                 .Select(constraint_space =>
                        float af = GetProjectedCapacity(best_product, fill_space);
                        float ac = GetProjectedCapacity(best_product, constraint_space);

                        float bf = GetProjectedCapacity(dense_product, fill_space);
                        float bc = GetProjectedCapacity(dense_product, constraint_space);

                        float a_hybrid = (1 - bf / bc) /
                                         (1 / ac - bf / bc / af);
                        float b_hybrid = bf * (1 - a_hybrid / af);

                        return(new Manifest(
                                   new Dictionary <Item, float> {
                            { best_product, a_hybrid },
                            { dense_product, b_hybrid }
                    }).MinElement(package_ => package_[best_product]);

                    if (GetPackageROI(candidate_package) >
                        package = candidate_package;

                best_product = legal_products.First();

            if (package == null)
                foreach (Item product in package.Samples)
                    AddToShoppingList(product, package[product]);

            legal_products = GetLegalProducts();

Пример #7
        public async Task MaterializeAsync(ILogStore store, byte[] secretKey   = default, long?startingFrom = default,
                                           CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (startingFrom == default)
                startingFrom = Interlocked.Read(ref _index) + 1;

            foreach (var entry in store.StreamEntries((ulong)startingFrom, secretKey))
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref _index, (long)entry.Index.GetValueOrDefault());

                foreach (var @object in entry.Objects)
                    switch (@object.Data)
                    case Namespace ns:
                        var key = ns;
                        _namespace = key;

                        if (!Revisions.ContainsKey(_namespace.Value))
                                          new Dictionary <string, ulong>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                        if (!Manifest.ContainsKey(_namespace.Value))
                            Manifest.Add(_namespace.Value, new Dictionary <ulong, List <Schema> >());

                        if (!Roles.ContainsKey(_namespace.Value))
                            Roles.Add(_namespace.Value, new List <string>());


                    case Schema schema:
                        var key = schema.Name;

                        if (!Revisions[_namespace.Value].TryGetValue(key, out var revision))
                            Revisions[_namespace.Value].Add(key, revision = 1);

                        if (!Manifest[_namespace.Value].TryGetValue(revision, out var manifest))
                            Manifest[_namespace.Value].Add(revision, manifest = new List <Schema>());

                        if (!Schemas.TryGetValue(key, out var schemaMap))
                            Schemas.Add(key, schemaMap = new Dictionary <ulong, List <Schema> >());

                        if (!schemaMap.TryGetValue(revision, out var list))
                            schemaMap.Add(revision, list = new List <Schema>());


                        await _events.OnSchemaAddedAsync(store, schema, cancellationToken);


                    case RevokeRole revokeRole:
                        if (!revokeRole.Verify())
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"invalid {revokeRole.Type}");

                        if (RoleGrants.TryGetValue(_namespace.Value, out var lookup) &&
                            lookup.Count == 1 &&
                            lookup[Constants.DefaultOwnerRole].Count == 1)
                            throw new CannotRemoveSingleOwnerException("cannot revoke admin rights of only owner");


                        throw new NotImplementedException(@object.Data.GetType().Name);
Пример #8
        public static void UpdateDownloadableLanguagesInfo(string ocrLanguagesManifestFileLocalPath, CompletionDelegate completion)
            DownloadableLanguagesError = null;
            List <Task> downloadTasks = new List <Task>();

            Task task = Task.Run(async() =>
                string[] directories = { LanguagesDirectory };

                void ParseManifestJsonText(string jsonContent)
                    _originalDeserializedManifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(jsonContent);
                    if (_originalDeserializedManifest != null)
                        Manifest = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > >(_originalDeserializedManifest.Count);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in _originalDeserializedManifest)
                        if (entry.Value.GetType() != typeof(string))
                            // Not the "Version" tag
                            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > val = (JToken.FromObject(entry.Value)).ToObject(typeof(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >)) as Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >;
                            Manifest.Add(entry.Key, val);

                    DownloadableLanguagesError = Manifest != null ? null : new Exception("Error parsing OCR languages manifest file");

                    if (Manifest == null)
                        Manifest = GenerateTemporaryManifestWithLanguageFilesInDirectories(directories);


                    completion?.Invoke(null, DownloadableLanguagesError);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ocrLanguagesManifestFileLocalPath))
                    // Read from the embedded resource
                    using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(ocrLanguagesManifestFileLocalPath))
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                            string jsonContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
                else if (AdditionalLanguagesURL != null)
                    string url = Path.Combine(AdditionalLanguagesURL, "Manifest.json");
                    string fileDownloadLocation = Path.Combine(_downloadLanguagesDirectory, Path.GetFileName(url));

                    HttpClientDownloader httpClientDownloader = new HttpClientDownloader();
                    httpClientDownloader.DownloadCompleted   += (object sender, DownloadCompletedEventArgs e) =>
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileDownloadLocation) && File.Exists(fileDownloadLocation))
                            string jsonContent = File.ReadAllText(fileDownloadLocation);
                            Manifest = null;
                            DownloadableLanguagesError = e.Error;

                        await httpClientDownloader.DownloadFileAsync(url, fileDownloadLocation, null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    Manifest = GenerateTemporaryManifestWithLanguageFilesInDirectories(directories);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ocrLanguagesManifestFileLocalPath))
                Task.WaitAll(downloadTasks.ToArray(), -1);
Пример #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args != null && args.Length == 4 && args[0] == "extract")
                ExtractPackage(args[1], args[3], args[2]);
            else if (args != null && args.Length == 3 && args[0] == "generate")
                string path = args[1], output = args[2];

                DirectoryInfo outputDirectory = GetOutputLocation(output);

                Manifest manifest             = new Manifest();

                DirectoryInfo   sourceDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
                DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories  = sourceDirectory.GetDirectories();
                foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectory in subDirectories)
                    manifest.Add(GeneratePackage(subDirectory, outputDirectory));

                //manifest.Id = GenerateManifestId(manifest);

                XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Manifest));
                using (XmlWriter manifestWriter = XmlWriter.Create(output + "/manifest.xml"))
                    x.Serialize(manifestWriter, manifest);
            else if (args != null && args.Length == 7 && args[0] == "teamcity")
                string szTeamCityServer = args[1],
                       szBuildId        = args[2],
                       szBranchName     = args[3],
                       szUserName       = args[4],
                       szPassword       = args[5],
                       fileName         = args[6];
                WebRequest getBuildInfo = WebRequest.Create(szTeamCityServer + "/app/rest/builds/buildType:(id:" + szBuildId + "),branch:" + szBranchName + ",status:SUCCESS/artifacts");
                getBuildInfo.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(szUserName, szPassword);
                WebResponse webResponse = getBuildInfo.GetResponse();
                string      szResponse  = string.Empty;
                if (webResponse != null)
                    Stream       objStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(objStream);
                    while (!objReader.EndOfStream)
                        szResponse += objReader.ReadLine();
                XmlDocument buildInfoDoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNodeList files = buildInfoDoc.SelectNodes("/files/file");
                if (files != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode file in files)
                        if (file.Attributes != null)
                            foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in file.Attributes)
                                if (attribute.Name == "href")
                                    string szHref = attribute.Value;
                                    if (szHref.EndsWith(".zip"))
                                        int startId = szHref.IndexOf("id:");
                                        if (startId >= 0)
                                            int    endId     = szHref.IndexOf("/", startId);
                                            string szId      = szHref.Substring(startId + 3, endId - startId - 3);
                                            int    startFile = szHref.LastIndexOf("/");
                                            if (startFile >= 0)
                                                string    szArtifactName = szHref.Substring(startFile + 1);
                                                string    szArtifact     = szTeamCityServer + "/repository/download/" + szBuildId + "/" + szId + ":id/" + szArtifactName;
                                                WebClient downloadClient = new WebClient();
                                                downloadClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(szUserName, szPassword);
                                                downloadClient.DownloadFile(szArtifact, szArtifactName);
                                                if (File.Exists(szArtifactName))
                                                    ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(szArtifactName, @"Temp\Client");
                                                    DirectoryInfo outputDirectory = GetOutputLocation(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

                                                    Manifest manifest = new Manifest();

                                                    DirectoryInfo   sourceDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("Temp");
                                                    DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories  = sourceDirectory.GetDirectories();
                                                    foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectory in subDirectories)
                                                        manifest.Add(GeneratePackage(subDirectory, outputDirectory));

                                                    //manifest.Id = GenerateManifestId(manifest);

                                                    XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Manifest));
                                                    using (XmlWriter manifestWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml"))
                                                        x.Serialize(manifestWriter, manifest);
                                                    Directory.Delete("Temp", true);
            else if (args != null && args.Length == 2)
                if (args[0] == "Client")
                    string szCurrentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                    if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "bin")) &&
                        Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "appdata")) &&
                        Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "data")) &&
                        Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "upgrade")))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Temp"));
                        string szDestination = Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, @"Temp\Client");
                        DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "bin"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "bin"), true);
                        DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "appdata"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "appdata"), true);
                        DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "data"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "data"), true);
                        DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "upgrade"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "upgrade"), true);
                        File.Copy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "install.config"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "install.config"));
                        DirectoryInfo outputDirectory = GetOutputLocation(szCurrentDirectory);

                        Manifest manifest = new Manifest();

                        DirectoryInfo   sourceDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Temp"));
                        DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories  = sourceDirectory.GetDirectories();
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectory in subDirectories)
                            manifest.Add(GeneratePackage(subDirectory, outputDirectory));

                        //manifest.Id = GenerateManifestId(manifest);

                        XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Manifest));
                        using (XmlWriter manifestWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml"))
                            x.Serialize(manifestWriter, manifest);

                        WebClient client = new WebClient();
                        client.UploadFile(args[1], outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml");
                        client.UploadFile(args[1], outputDirectory + "/Client.zip");
                        Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Temp"), true);
                        File.Delete(outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml");
                        File.Delete(outputDirectory + "/Client.zip");
                else if (args[0] == "CaptureEngine")
                    string szCurrentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                    if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "x86")) &&
                        Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "x64")) &&
                        File.Exists(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Ancile.CaptureEngine.dll")))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Temp"));
                        string szDestination = Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, @"Temp\CaptureEngine");
                        DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "x86"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "x86"), true);
                        DirectoryCopy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "x64"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "x64"), true);
                        File.Copy(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Ancile.CaptureEngine.dll"), Path.Combine(szDestination, "Ancile.CaptureEngine.dll"));
                        DirectoryInfo outputDirectory = GetOutputLocation(szCurrentDirectory);

                        Manifest manifest = new Manifest();

                        DirectoryInfo   sourceDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Temp"));
                        DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories  = sourceDirectory.GetDirectories();
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo subDirectory in subDirectories)
                            manifest.Add(GeneratePackage(subDirectory, outputDirectory));

                        //manifest.Id = GenerateManifestId(manifest);

                        XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Manifest));
                        using (XmlWriter manifestWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml"))
                            x.Serialize(manifestWriter, manifest);

                        WebClient client = new WebClient();
                        client.UploadFile(args[1], outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml");
                        client.UploadFile(args[1], outputDirectory + "/CaptureEngine.zip");
                        Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(szCurrentDirectory, "Temp"), true);
                        File.Delete(outputDirectory + "/manifest.xml");
                        File.Delete(outputDirectory + "/CaptureEngine.zip");