private void OnCmdAssignSite(RouterMessage msg) { //Decode arguments and create logger ManagerAssignSite args = msg.DeserializeAs <ManagerAssignSite>(); MasterCommandLogger logger = new MasterCommandLogger(msg); //Update if it was supposed to be null if (args.site_id == "") { args.site_id = null; } //Find instance ManagerInstance instance = session.GetInstanceById(long.Parse(args.instance_id)); if (instance == null) { logger.FinishFail("Could not find that instance on the server."); return; } //Run try { //Update instance.site_id = args.site_id; session.Save(); session.RefreshSites(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.FinishFail($"Unexpected error: {ex.Message}{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
private void OnCmdRemoveInstance(RouterMessage msg) { //Decode arguments and create logger ManagerUpdateInstance args = msg.DeserializeAs <ManagerUpdateInstance>(); MasterCommandLogger logger = new MasterCommandLogger(msg); //Find instance ManagerInstance instance = session.GetInstanceById(long.Parse(args.instance_id)); if (instance == null) { logger.FinishFail("Could not find that instance on the server."); return; } //Run try { instance.DestoryInstance(session, logger); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.FinishFail($"Unexpected error: {ex.Message}{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
private void OnCmdRebootInstance(RouterMessage msg) { //Decode arguments and create logger ManagerRebootInstance args = msg.DeserializeAs <ManagerRebootInstance>(); MasterCommandLogger logger = new MasterCommandLogger(msg); //Find instance ManagerInstance instance = session.GetInstanceById(long.Parse(args.instance_id)); if (instance == null) { logger.FinishFail("Could not find that instance on the server."); return; } //Run try { //Shut down instance logger.Log("REBOOT", "Shutting down instance..."); bool graceful = instance.StopInstance(); if (!graceful) { logger.Log("REBOOT", "Instance was shut down forcefully!"); } //Start instance.StartInstance(session); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.FinishFail($"Unexpected error: {ex.Message}{ex.StackTrace}"); } }
public void SpawnEntityFromSave(IEntity entity) { if (m_activeEntities == null) { Init(); } Vector3 position = WorldManager.GamePosAtTile(ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().completeMap[entity.GetProperty <int>("x"), entity.GetProperty <int>("y")]); GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Entities/" + entity.type), position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; switch (entity.type) { case EntityType.Actor: gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().SetData(entity, m_actors.GetGraphicsFor(entity.identity) as EntityGraphics); break; case EntityType.Static: gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().SetData(entity, m_staticEntities.GetGraphicsFor(entity.identity) as EntityGraphics); break; case EntityType.Dynamic: gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().SetData(entity, m_dynamicEntities.GetGraphicsFor(entity.identity) as EntityGraphics); break; } m_activeEntities.Add(entity); }
/// <summary> /// The event fired when the entity is spawned into the game world /// </summary> public void OnSpawn() { ManagerInstance.Get <FogOfWarManager>().RegisterVision(this, 10); m_renderer = m_gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); m_line = m_gameObject.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); m_jobQueue = new List <ActorJob>(); }
protected void SetInputDevice(int index) { if (!ManagerInstance) { return; } ManagerInstance.SetAudioDevice(index); }
private async Task <IEnumerable <object> > GetDataAsync() { return(await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { //using (var mgr = LookupHelper.GetItemSourceManager(LookUp)) return ManagerInstance.GetFiltered(_filter0, GetModeEnum.Partial); })); }
protected void ResetSpectrumData() { if (!ManagerInstance) { return; } ManagerInstance.ResetSpectrum(); }
public void SetGraphics(TextureMode mode) { GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = new Material(Resources.Load("Materials/chunk") as Material); Texture2D oldTex = GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.mainTexture as Texture2D; GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.mainTexture = oldTex; GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.mainTexture = ManagerInstance.Get <WorldGraphicsManager>().GetTextureForChunk(m_chunk.x, m_chunk.y, mode); m_chunk.AddChunkToDrawQueue(); }
public Texture2D GetTextureForChunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, TextureMode mode) { switch (mode) { case TextureMode.None: break; case TextureMode.Default: Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(Chunk.WIDTH * TILE_RESOLUTION, Chunk.HEIGHT * TILE_RESOLUTION); tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; for (int x = 0; x < tex.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < tex.height; y++) { tex.SetPixel(x, y,; } } tex.Apply(); return(tex); case TextureMode.Active: List <ChunkTile> drawQueue = ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().GetChunkAt(chunkX, chunkY).tileDrawQueue; Texture2D activeTex = ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().GetChunkObjectAt(chunkX, chunkY).texture; if (activeTex == null) { activeTex = new Texture2D(Chunk.WIDTH * TILE_RESOLUTION, Chunk.HEIGHT * TILE_RESOLUTION); } activeTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; for (int i = 0; i < drawQueue.Count; i++) { activeTex.SetPixels(drawQueue[i].x * TILE_RESOLUTION, drawQueue[i].y * TILE_RESOLUTION, TILE_RESOLUTION, TILE_RESOLUTION, TileTexture(drawQueue[i].worldX, drawQueue[i].worldY)); if (drawQueue[i].identity != "default") { if (playMode) { ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().GetChunkObjectAt(chunkX, chunkY).EmiteParticles(drawQueue[i].x, drawQueue[i].y,; } } } drawQueue.Clear(); activeTex.Apply(); return(activeTex); case TextureMode.Serialized: break; default: break; } return(null); }
public void SpawnEntity(string identity, EntityType type, int x, int y) { Vector3 position = WorldManager.GamePosAtTile(ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().completeMap[x, y]); GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Entities/" + type), position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; bool foundData = false; switch (type) { case EntityType.None: break; case EntityType.Actor: for (int i = 0; i < m_actors.loadedData.Count; i++) { if (m_actors.loadedData[i].identity == identity) { gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().SetData(m_actors.loadedData[i].Clone(), m_actors.loadedGraphics[i]); foundData = true; } } break; case EntityType.Static: for (int i = 0; i < m_staticEntities.loadedData.Count; i++) { if (m_staticEntities.loadedData[i].identity == identity) { gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().SetData(m_staticEntities.loadedData[i].Clone(), m_staticEntities.loadedGraphics[i]); foundData = true; } } break; case EntityType.Dynamic: for (int i = 0; i < m_dynamicEntities.loadedData.Count; i++) { if (m_dynamicEntities.loadedData[i].identity == identity) { gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().SetData(m_dynamicEntities.loadedData[i].Clone(), m_dynamicEntities.loadedGraphics[i]); foundData = true; } } break; default: break; } m_activeEntities.Add(gameObject.GetComponent <EntityComponent>().entity); if (!foundData) { Destroy(gameObject); CommandInput.DebugLog(new string[] { "Entity Not Found" }); } }
private void bEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lbKeys.SelectedIndex >= 0) { MetaValue value = this.dictionaryKeys[this.lbKeys.SelectedIndex]; ManagerInstance formInstance = new ManagerInstance(this.repository, value.Type, value); formInstance.Text = value.Type.GetNameWithModule(); formInstance.ShowDialog(); this.dictionaryKeys[this.lbKeys.SelectedIndex] = formInstance.Value; this.RefreshData(); } }
//Logic loop //Plan: //job state(Idle, moving, doing) //Job Queue //Job: position, type(kill, build, collect), job target, importance //if idle //look for job //if no job wait (jobSeekingCooldown) //if moving //go to job position //if postition reached //state = doing //if doing //tell target job progress //if progress = complete //goto next job item public void OnUpdate(float deltaTime) { if (m_jobQueue.Count > 0) { switch (currentJob.state) { case ActorJobState.Moving: FollowPath(); break; case ActorJobState.Doing: currentJob.OnAction(); break; case ActorJobState.Done: m_jobQueue.Remove(currentJob); break; } } else { //seek new job //if found new job // ActorJob job = new ActorJob(this, ActorJobType.Kill, ManagerInstance.Get<WorldManager>().completeMap[25, 25], this); // m_jobQueue.Add(job); //currentPath.AddRange(ManagerInstance.Get<PathingManager>().GetPath(currentTile, job.targetTile)); //else waitfor(jobSeekingCooldown) } //old if (m_selected) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { if (MouseInput.hoveredTile.tranversable) { m_displayPath = new List <Node>(); m_displayPath.AddRange(ManagerInstance.Get <PathingManager>().GetPath(currentTile, MouseInput.hoveredTile)); m_line.enabled = true; UpdatePathLine(); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { m_currentPath = new List <Node>(); m_currentPath.AddRange(ManagerInstance.Get <PathingManager>().GetPath(currentTile, MouseInput.hoveredTile)); ActorJob moveJob = new ActorJob(this, ActorJobType.Move, MouseInput.hoveredTile, null); m_jobQueue.Add(moveJob); } } }
private async Task <IEnumerable <object> > GetDataAsync() { if (LookUpInfo == null) { return(null); } return(await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var attrEntity = LookupHelper.GetAttrEntity(LookUpInfo); return ManagerInstance.GetFiltered(_filter0, attrEntity); })); }
private void AddDependencySatisfaction(ManagerInstance instance) { foreach (Type supplied in instance.SuppliedManagers) { if (_dependencySatisfaction.ContainsKey(supplied)) { // When we already have a manager supplying this component we have to unregister it. _dependencySatisfaction[supplied] = null; } else { _dependencySatisfaction.Add(supplied, instance); } } }
private void Init() { grid = new Node[WorldManager.worldWidth * Chunk.WIDTH, WorldManager.worldHeight *Chunk.HEIGHT]; ChunkTile[,] map = ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().completeMap; for (int x = 0; x < WorldManager.worldWidth * Chunk.WIDTH; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < WorldManager.worldHeight * Chunk.HEIGHT; y++) { ChunkTile tile = map[x, y]; grid[x, y] = new Node(tile.tranversable, tile.worldX, tile.worldY); } } m_path = new List <Node>(); m_paths = new List <Path>(); }
/// <summary> /// Освобождение ресурсов. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">False - если требуется освободить только UnManaged ресурсы, True - если еще и Managed</param> protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { EditValueChanged -= OnEditValueChanged; DataContextChanged -= OnDataContextChanged; UnSubscribeDataContext(DataContext); if (ManagerInstance != null) { ManagerInstance.Changed -= ManagerInstanceOnChanged; ManagerInstance.Dispose(); ManagerInstance = null; } ItemsSource = null; } // unmanaged objects and resources }
public Chunk(int chunkX, int chunkY) { m_tileDrawQueue = new List <ChunkTile>(); m_x = chunkX; m_y = chunkY; m_tiles = new ChunkTile[WIDTH, HEIGHT]; for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) { m_tiles[x, y] = new ChunkTile(x, y, "grass", true, this); m_tiles[x, y].ChangeTo(ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase.GetDataFor(m_tiles[x, y].identity)); } } }
public static void Spawn(string[] param) { string identity = param[1]; EntityType type; if (param[0] == "Actor" || param[0] == "Static" || param[0] == "Dynamic") { type = (EntityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityType), param[0], true); } else { DebugLog(new string[] { "Entity Type Not found" }); return; } int x = Int32.Parse(param[2]); int y = Int32.Parse(param[3]); ManagerInstance.Get <EntityManager>().SpawnEntity(identity, type, x, y); }
private void RefreshUI() { if (ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase.loadedData.Count; i++) { ChunkTileSerialized tile = ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase.loadedData[i]; GameObject ui = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("UI/Tile Button") as GameObject); ui.transform.parent = transform; = "Tile: " + tile.identity; ui.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(10 + i * 85, 0); ui.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector2(1, 1); ui.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Sprite.Create(ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase.loadedGraphics[i].ToTexture(ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase.loadedGraphics[i].texture), new Rect(0, 0, WorldGraphicsManager.TILE_RESOLUTION, WorldGraphicsManager.TILE_RESOLUTION), new Vector2(0, 0)); ui.GetComponent <TileSelectionButton>().tileIndex = i; m_tileButtons.Add(ui); } } }
private void InitManager() { // reset current managerInstance = null; var newInstance = new ManagerInstance(); var bindingManager = BindingManager.Instance; var managerType = typeof(BindingManager); // get private field var field = managerType.GetField("sourceDictionary", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); newInstance.sourceDictionary = (Dictionary <string, object>)field.GetValue(bindingManager); field = managerType.GetField("dataContextDictionary", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); newInstance.dataContextDictionary = (Dictionary <string, List <IDataContext> >)field.GetValue(bindingManager); managerInstance = newInstance; }
public List <ChunkTile> GetAllNeighbors() { List <ChunkTile> neighbors = new List <ChunkTile>(); ChunkTile[,] fullMap = ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().completeMap; if (worldX > 0) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX - 1, worldY]); if (worldY < WorldManager.worldHeight * Chunk.HEIGHT - 1) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX - 1, worldY + 1]); } if (worldY > 0) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX - 1, worldY - 1]); } } if (worldY > 0) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX, worldY - 1]); if (worldX < WorldManager.worldWidth * Chunk.WIDTH - 1) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX + 1, worldY - 1]); } } if (worldY < WorldManager.worldHeight * Chunk.HEIGHT - 1) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX, worldY + 1]); if (worldX < WorldManager.worldWidth * Chunk.WIDTH - 1) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX + 1, worldY + 1]); } } if (worldX < WorldManager.worldWidth * Chunk.WIDTH - 1) { neighbors.Add(fullMap[worldX + 1, worldY]); } return(neighbors); }
private async Task OnCmdGetInstanceStatus(RouterMessage msg) { //Create buffer for output. It consists of this format, each a byte unless otherwise stated: [status, reserved, appVersionMajor, appVersionMinor, libVersionMajor, libVersionMinor, (ushort)time] byte[] buffer = new byte[8]; buffer[0] = (byte)InstanceStatusResult.NOT_CONNECTED; //Find instance ManagerInstance instance = session.GetInstanceById(BitConverter.ToInt64(msg.payload, 0)); if (instance != null && instance.linkedSession != null) { try { //Send ping DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; var pingResult = await instance.linkedSession.SendPing(4000); if (pingResult != null) { //Success buffer[0] = (byte)InstanceStatusResult.ONLINE; buffer[2] = pingResult.Value.lib_version_major; buffer[3] = pingResult.Value.lib_version_minor; buffer[4] = pingResult.Value.app_version_major; buffer[5] = pingResult.Value.app_version_minor; BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)Math.Min(ushort.MaxValue, (DateTime.UtcNow - start).TotalMilliseconds)).CopyTo(buffer, 6); } else { //Timed out buffer[0] = (byte)InstanceStatusResult.PING_TIMED_OUT; } } catch { buffer[0] = (byte)InstanceStatusResult.PING_FAILED; } } //Send msg.Respond(buffer, true); }
/* * * private string[,] m_tiles; * private float[,] m_FOW; * private List<IEntity> m_entities; * * private List<IEntity> m_entityDependencies; * private List<ChunkTileSerialized> m_tileDependencies; * */ public void LoadSaveIntoGame() { ChunkTile[,] map = ManagerInstance.Get <WorldManager>().completeMap; for (int x = 0; x < WorldManager.worldWidth * Chunk.WIDTH; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < WorldManager.worldHeight * Chunk.HEIGHT; y++) { map[x, y].ChangeTo(ManagerInstance.Get <DatabaseManager>().dataBase.GetDataFor(m_tiles[x, y])); } } if (ManagerInstance.Get <FogOfWarManager>() != null) { ManagerInstance.Get <FogOfWarManager>().SetMap(m_FOW); } for (int i = 0; i < m_entities.Count; i++) { ManagerInstance.Get <EntityManager>().SpawnEntityFromSave(m_entities[i]); } }
private void HandleLoginCommand(RouterSession session, RouterMessage msg) { //Get details DeltaCoreNetServerType type = (DeltaCoreNetServerType)BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.payload, 0); long loginKey = BitConverter.ToInt64(msg.payload, 4); //Find the linked instance ManagerInstance instance = null; lock (this.session.instances) { foreach (var s in this.session.instances) { if (loginKey == { instance = s; } } } //If this failed, abort if (instance == null) { logger.Log("HandleLoginCommand", $"Logging in client {session.GetDebugName()} with key {loginKey} FAILED. Dropping client...", DeltaLogLevel.Medium); io.DropClient(session); return; } //Set properties on session session.authenticatedType = type; instance.linkedSession = session; session.linkedInstance = instance; session.authenticated = true; //Log logger.Log("HandleLoginCommand", $"Logged in client {session.GetDebugName()} as {type.ToString().ToUpper()} as {} (v {instance.version_id}).", DeltaLogLevel.Low); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public bool AddManager(IManager manager) { if (_initialized) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't add new managers to an initialized dependency manager"); } // Protect against adding a manager derived from an existing manager if (_registeredManagers.Any(x => x.Instance.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(manager))) { return(false); } // Protect against adding a manager when an existing manager derives from it. // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToReturnStatement if (_registeredManagers.Any(x => manager.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(x.Instance))) { return(false); } ManagerInstance instance = new ManagerInstance(manager); _registeredManagers.Add(instance); AddDependencySatisfaction(instance); return(true); }
public async Task OnUnloadAsync() { ManagerInstance.Stop(); }
//undos the OnTileBuild Effect public void OnTileDestroy(int x, int y) { ManagerInstance.Get <FogOfWarManager>().DrawCircle(x, y, 2, 0.95f); }
//removes all fog of war around the newly created tile public void OnTileBuild(int x, int y) { ManagerInstance.Get <FogOfWarManager>().DrawCircle(x, y, 2, 0.55f); }
private void vlButtonManage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button button = (Button)sender; ManagerInstance formInstance; ManagerList formList; ManagerDictionary formDictionary; MetaInstanceVariable metaInstanceVariable; switch (this.value.Type.CategoryType) { case ECategoryType.Integral: // can't happen break; case ECategoryType.Enum: // can't happen (for now) break; case ECategoryType.Class: for (int i = 0; i < this.value.Instance.InstanceVariables.Count; i++) { metaInstanceVariable = this.value.Instance.InstanceVariables[i]; if (button.Name == metaInstanceVariable.ToString()) { MetaValue value = metaInstanceVariable.Value; switch (value.Type.CategoryType) { case ECategoryType.Integral: // can't happen break; case ECategoryType.Class: formInstance = new ManagerInstance(this.repository, value.Type, value, metaInstanceVariable.Variable.Nullable); formInstance.Text = metaInstanceVariable.ToString(); formInstance.ShowDialog(); metaInstanceVariable.Value = formInstance.Value; break; case ECategoryType.List: formList = new ManagerList(this.repository, value.Type.SubType1, value.List); formList.Text = metaInstanceVariable.ToString(); formList.ShowDialog(); value.List = formList.ListValues; break; case ECategoryType.Dictionary: formDictionary = new ManagerDictionary(this.repository, value.Type.SubType1, value.Type.SubType2, value.Dictionary); formDictionary.Text = metaInstanceVariable.ToString(); formDictionary.ShowDialog(); value.Dictionary = formDictionary.DictionaryValues; break; } this.RefreshData(); break; } } break; case ECategoryType.List: formList = new ManagerList(this.repository, this.value.Type.SubType1, this.value.List); formList.Text = this.value.Type.GetNameWithModule(); formList.ShowDialog(); this.value.List = formList.ListValues; break; case ECategoryType.Dictionary: formList = new ManagerList(this.repository, this.value.Type.SubType1, this.value.List); formList.Text = this.value.Type.GetNameWithModule(); formList.ShowDialog(); this.value.List = formList.ListValues; break; } }
void OnDisable() { managerInstance = null; }