Пример #1
        // this works the same as search company...

        //public ManageCompanyResponse CheckCompany(ManageCompanyRequest request)
        //    ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

        //    //Company_table company = new Company_table();
        //    using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
        //    {

        //        var company = (from a in context.Company_table where request.CompanyName == a.CompanyName && request.OwnerName == a.OwnerName select a).FirstOrDefault<Company_table>();
        //        if (company != null)
        //        {
        //            response.IsCompanyExist = true;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            response.IsCompanyExist = false;
        //        }

        //    }
        //    return response;

        public ManageCompanyResponse allEmployee(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

            using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
                int?compId = AdapterHelper.GetCompanyId(request.CompanyName);
                if (compId == null)
                    throw new Exception("No company found. Try again!");

                //  List<Employee_table> managers = new List<Employee_table>();
                List <employee> emp = new List <employee>();
                //Add FK bw employee and comapny table using company Id, redo LINQ for this- DONE!
                var emplo = (from a in context.Employee_table
                             where a.CompanyID == compId
                             select a).ToList();

                foreach (var entry in emplo)
                    employee e = new employee();

                    e.UserName = entry.UserName;


                //dynamic manList = new ExpandoObject();
                //manList.Managers = managers;

                response.EmployeeList = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emp);
Пример #2
        public ManageCompanyResponse deleteCompany(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

            //creating a new instance is not required
            //Company_table company = new Company_table();

            //calling the constructor would suffice
            Company_table company = default(Company_table);

            using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
                int?compId = AdapterHelper.GetCompanyId(request.CompanyName);
                if (compId == null)
                    throw new Exception("No company found. Try again!");

                company = (from a in context.Company_table
                           where a.CompanyID == compId
                           select a).FirstOrDefault();

                if (company != null)
                    response.IsCompanyUpdated = true;
Пример #3
        public ManageCompanyResponse UpdateCompany(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

            using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
                int?compId = AdapterHelper.GetCompanyId(request.CompanyName);
                if (compId == null)
                    throw new Exception("No company found. Try again!");
                var comp = (from a in context.Company_table
                            where a.CompanyID == compId
                            select a).FirstOrDefault();
                if (comp != null)
                    //comp = new Company_table();
                    // comp.ResourceCount = request.Resources.ToString();
                    comp.Address = request.Address;
                    comp.Contact = request.Contact;
                    comp.Email   = request.Email;
                    //comp.EmployeeCount = 0;
                    //comp.ResourceCount = 0;

                // this method does not update any information about the employee or the resources of the company!
                response.IsCompanyUpdated = true;
        public HttpResponseMessage updateCompany(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();

                ManageCompanyAdapter  adp    = new ManageCompanyAdapter();
                ManageCompanyResponse result = adp.UpdateCompany(request);
                response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
            catch (Exception e)
                HttpError myCustomError = new HttpError(e.Message)
                    { "IsSuccess", false }
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, myCustomError));
Пример #5
        public ManageCompanyResponse AddCompany(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

            using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
                int?compId = AdapterHelper.GetCompanyId(request.CompanyName);
                if (compId != null)
                    throw new Exception("Company Name already Exists. Try another name.");

                var comp = (from a in context.Company_table where a.Prefix == request.Prefix select a).FirstOrDefault();
                if (comp == null)
                    comp               = new Company_table();
                    comp.CompanyName   = request.CompanyName;
                    comp.OwnerName     = request.OwnerName;
                    comp.Address       = request.Address;
                    comp.Contact       = request.Contact;
                    comp.EmployeeCount = 0;
                    comp.ResourceCount = 0;
                    comp.Email         = request.Email;
                    comp.Prefix        = request.Prefix;
                    comp.ModifiedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                    comp.IsActive      = true;


                    response.IsCompanyCreated = true;
                    response.CompanyId        = comp.CompanyID;

                    response.IsCompanyCreated = false;
Пример #6
        public ManageCompanyResponse allManagers(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

            using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
                int?compId = AdapterHelper.GetCompanyId(request.CompanyName);
                if (compId == null)
                    throw new Exception("No company found. Try again!");

                //  List<Employee_table> managers = new List<Employee_table>();

                //Add FK bw employee and comapny table using company Id, redo LINQ for this- DONE!
                var managers = (from a in context.Employee_table
                                where a.CompanyID == compId && a.Designation == "Manager"
                                select new
                    EmployeeName = a.EmployeeName,
                    EmployeeID = a.UserName,
                    CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
                    ManagerID = a.ManagerID,
                    Designation = a.Designation,
                    //Department = a.Department,
                    //DOB = a.DOB,
                    //Address = a.Address,
                    // Contact = a.Contact,
                    Email = a.Email

                //dynamic manList = new ExpandoObject();
                //manList.Managers = managers;

                response.ManagerList = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(managers);
Пример #7
        public ManageCompanyResponse SearchCompany(ManageCompanyRequest request)
            ManageCompanyResponse response = new ManageCompanyResponse();

            using (var context = new Company_dbEntities())
                int?compId = AdapterHelper.GetCompanyId(request.CompanyName);
                if (compId == null)
                    throw new Exception("No company found. Try again!");

                var company = (from a in context.Company_table
                               where a.CompanyID == compId
                               select a).FirstOrDefault();

                //Whenever selecting the first or default, always check for null
                if (company != null)
                    response.IsCompanyExist = true;

                    dynamic comp = new ExpandoObject();
                    comp.CompanyName   = company.CompanyName;
                    comp.CompanyId     = company.CompanyID;
                    comp.Address       = company.Address;
                    comp.Contact       = company.Contact;
                    comp.Email         = company.Email;
                    comp.EmployeeCount = company.EmployeeCount;
                    comp.ResourceCount = company.ResourceCount;
                    comp.OwnerName     = company.OwnerName;
                    comp.Prefix        = company.Prefix;

                    response.CompanyInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(comp);