/// <summary>
        /// Compares the value associated with the current request to the value
        /// provided using the operator provided. If the operation fails false
        /// is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Method assumes that if device detection is enabled the capabilities
        /// provider being used for requests is configured to provider results for
        /// the property name.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to be tested</param>
        /// <param name="value">Value to be compared against</param>
        /// <param name="conditionOperator">Test to be applied between the two values</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the condition operator for the values is satisfied, otherwise false.
        /// </returns>
        internal static bool GetDoubleProperty(string propertyName, double value, ConditionOperator conditionOperator)
                var requestValue = MainUtil.GetFloat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser[propertyName], 0);
                switch (conditionOperator)
                case ConditionOperator.Equal:
                    return(requestValue == value);

                case ConditionOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                    return(requestValue >= value);

                case ConditionOperator.GreaterThan:
                    return(requestValue > value);

                case ConditionOperator.LessThanOrEqual:
                    return(requestValue <= value);

                case ConditionOperator.LessThan:
                    return(requestValue < value);

                case ConditionOperator.NotEqual:
                    return(requestValue != value);

            catch (Exception)
Пример #2
        protected virtual void ParseNode(SafeDictionary <string> attributes)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(attributes, "attributes");
            var str = Extract(attributes, "outputMethod");

            xhtml     = str == "xhtml" || Settings.Rendering.ImagesAsXhtml && str != "html";
            source    = Extract(attributes, "src");
            alt       = Extract(attributes, "alt");
            border    = Extract(attributes, "border");
            hspace    = Extract(attributes, "hspace");
            vspace    = Extract(attributes, "vspace");
            className = Extract(attributes, "class");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(border) && !xhtml)
                border = "0";
            allowStretch      = MainUtil.GetBool(Extract(attributes, ref asSet, "allowStretch", "as"), false);
            ignoreAspectRatio = MainUtil.GetBool(Extract(attributes, "ignoreAspectRatio", "iar"), false);
            width             = MainUtil.GetInt(Extract(attributes, ref widthSet, "width", "w"), 0);
            height            = MainUtil.GetInt(Extract(attributes, ref heightSet, "height", "h"), 0);
            scale             = MainUtil.GetFloat(Extract(attributes, ref scaleSet, "scale", "sc"), 0.0f);
            maxWidth          = MainUtil.GetInt(Extract(attributes, ref maxWidthSet, "maxWidth", "mw"), 0);
            maxHeight         = MainUtil.GetInt(Extract(attributes, ref maxHeightSet, "maxHeight", "mh"), 0);
            thumbnail         = MainUtil.GetBool(Extract(attributes, ref thumbnailSet, "thumbnail", "thn"), false);
            backgroundColor   = Extract(attributes, "backgroundColor", "bc") ?? string.Empty;
            database          = Extract(attributes, "database", "db");
            language          = Extract(attributes, "language", "la");
            version           = Extract(attributes, "version", "vs");
            disableMediaCache = MainUtil.GetBool(Extract(attributes, ref disableMediaCacheSet, "disableMediaCache"), false);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// When overridden in a derived class, this method contains the code to determine whether the value in the input control is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The result of the evaluation.</returns>
        protected override ValidatorResult Evaluate()
            int   minWidth    = MainUtil.GetInt(Parameters["MinWidth"], 0);
            int   minHeight   = MainUtil.GetInt(Parameters["MinHeight"], 0);
            int   maxWidth    = MainUtil.GetInt(Parameters["MaxWidth"], int.MaxValue);
            int   maxHeight   = MainUtil.GetInt(Parameters["MaxHeight"], int.MaxValue);
            float aspectRatio = MainUtil.GetFloat(Parameters["AspectRatio"], 0.00f);

            if (ItemUri != null)
                if (MediaItem == null)

                int width  = MainUtil.GetInt(MediaItem.InnerItem["Width"], 0);
                int height = MainUtil.GetInt(MediaItem.InnerItem["Height"], 0);

                if (minWidth == maxWidth && minHeight == maxHeight && (width != minWidth || height != minHeight))
                    return(GetResult("The image referenced in the Image field \"{0}\" does not match the size requirements. Image needs to be exactly {1}x{2} but is {3}x{4}",
                                     GetField().DisplayName, minWidth.ToString(), minHeight.ToString(), width.ToString(),

                if (aspectRatio != 0.00f && height != 0 && (Math.Round((double)width / height, 2) != Math.Round(aspectRatio, 2)))
                    return(GetResult("The image referenced in the Image field \"{0}\" has an invalid aspect ratio. The aspect ratio needs to be {1} but is {2}.",
                                     GetField().DisplayName, Math.Round(aspectRatio, 2).ToString(),
                                     (Math.Round((double)width / height, 2).ToString())));

                if (width < minWidth)
                    return(GetResult("The image referenced in the Image field \"{0}\" is too small. The width needs to be at least {1} pixels but is {2}.",
                                     GetField().DisplayName, minWidth.ToString(), width.ToString()));

                if (height < minHeight)
                    return(GetResult("The image referenced in the Image field \"{0}\" is too small. The height needs to be at least {1} pixels but is {2}.",
                                     GetField().DisplayName, minHeight.ToString(), height.ToString()));

                if (width > maxWidth)
                    return(GetResult("The image referenced in the Image field \"{0}\" is too big. The width needs to at most {1} pixels but is {2}.",
                                     GetField().DisplayName, maxWidth.ToString(), width.ToString()));

                if (height > maxHeight)
                    return(GetResult("The image referenced in the Image field \"{0}\" is too big. The height needs to be at most {1} pixels but is {2}.",
                                     GetField().DisplayName, maxHeight.ToString(), height.ToString()));
 /// <summary>
 /// If the value associated with the current request is between the lower
 /// and upper parameters returns true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Method assumes that if device detection is enabled the capabilities
 /// provider being used for requests is configured to provider results for
 /// the property name.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to be tested</param>
 /// <param name="lower">Lower limit for the comparison</param>
 /// <param name="upper">Upper limit for the comparison</param>
 /// <returns>True if the current requests value is between the limits, otherwise false</returns>
 internal static bool GetCompareProperty(string propertyName, double lower, double upper)
         var requestValue = MainUtil.GetFloat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser[propertyName], 0);
         return(requestValue >= lower && requestValue <= upper);
     catch (Exception)
            /// <summary>
            /// Handles the DataBinding event of the literalControl control.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
            /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
            private void literalControl_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var     target    = (Literal)sender;
                Control container = target.NamingContainer;
                var     dataItem  = DataBinder.GetDataItem(container) as BaseItem;

                if (dataItem != null)
                    float fieldValue = MainUtil.GetFloat(dataItem[this.FieldName], 0);
                    target.Text = fieldValue.ToString("P");
            /// <summary>
            /// Handles the DataBinding event of the dataLabel control.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
            /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
            private void dataLabel_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var     target    = (Control)sender;
                Control container = target.NamingContainer;
                var     dataItem  = DataBinder.GetDataItem(container) as BaseItem;

                if (dataItem != null)
                    object fieldValue;

                    switch (this.Field.Type)
                    case "Currency":
                        fieldValue = String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataItem[this.fieldName]) ? (object)dataItem[this.fieldName] : MainUtil.GetFloat(dataItem[this.fieldName], 0);

                        fieldValue = dataItem[this.fieldName];

                    string serverUrl = StringUtil.EnsurePostfix('/', Sitecore.Web.WebUtil.GetServerUrl(dataItem.WebUrl, false));
                    switch (this.fieldName)
                    case "ows_LinkFilename":
                    case "ows_LinkTitle":
                        var linkButtonControl = (LinkButton)sender;
                        linkButtonControl.Text = (string)fieldValue;
                        Control parentCell = linkButtonControl.Parent;
                        while (!(parentCell is TableCell) && parentCell.Parent != null)
                            parentCell = parentCell.Parent;

                        if (parentCell is TableCell)
                            (parentCell as TableCell).CssClass = "NameCell";
                        if (!IsFolderItem(dataItem))
                            ClientAction defaultAction = dataItem.GetActions().GetDefault() as ClientAction ??
                                                         dataItem.GetActions()["open"] as ClientAction;
                            if (defaultAction != null)
                                linkButtonControl.OnClientClick = defaultAction.Script;
                            linkButtonControl.OnClientClick = string.Format("goToFolder('{0}','{1}');return true;", dataItem.Title, folderPath);

                    case "ows_DocIcon":
                        var    linkButton = (LinkButton)sender;
                        string imageUrl   = string.Empty;
                        var    img        = new Image();
                        img.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Margin, "1px");

                        if (!IsFolderItem(dataItem))
                            if (dataItem is DocumentItem)
                                imageUrl = ((DocumentItem)dataItem).Thumbnail;
                                if (((DocumentItem)dataItem).IsCheckedOut)
                                    linkButton.Controls.Add(new Image()
                                        CssClass = "overlayForIcon",
                                        ImageUrl = "/~/icon/Applications/16x16/nav_up_left_green.png.aspx",
                                        Width    = Unit.Pixel(8),
                                        Height   = Unit.Pixel(8)
                            ClientAction defaultAction = dataItem.GetActions().GetDefault() as ClientAction ??
                                                         dataItem.GetActions()["open"] as ClientAction;
                            if (defaultAction != null)
                                linkButton.OnClientClick = defaultAction.Script;
                            linkButton.OnClientClick = string.Format("goToFolder('{0}','{1}');return true;", dataItem.Title, folderPath);
                            imageUrl = ((FolderItem)dataItem).Thumbnail;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageUrl))
                            imageUrl = Images.GetThemedImageSource("Applications/16x16/document_plain.png");

                        img.ImageUrl = imageUrl;

                        var labelControl = (Label)sender;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Field.DisplayImage))
                            bool boolFieldValue = MainUtil.GetBool(fieldValue, false);
                            if (boolFieldValue)
                                    new Image
                                    ImageUrl =
                                            "{0}/_layouts/images/{1}", serverUrl.Trim(new char[] { '/' }), Field.DisplayImage),
                                labelControl.Text = "&nbsp;";
                            labelControl.Text = (fieldValue is string && String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)fieldValue)) ? "&nbsp;" : string.Format(this.cultureInfo, this.format, fieldValue);
                    target.Parent.Controls.Add(new Literal()
                        Text = "&nbsp;"