/// <summary> /// Initializes all MVCs /// </summary> public void ManageMainWindow() { // main window MainMenuController ctrl = new MainMenuController(); ctrl.MainWindow = myWindow; ctrl.MainManager = this; ctrl.SetHandlers(); // table window TableController ctrl2 = new TableController(); TableManager tableMgr = new TableManager(); this.tableManager = tableMgr; ctrl2.TablePanel = myWindow.tablePanel; myWindow.tablePanel.tableAreaPanel.TableController = ctrl2; ctrl2.TableManager = tableMgr; ctrl2.SetHandlers(); // table settings TableSettingsController ctrl3 = new TableSettingsController(); ctrl3.TableSetPanel = myWindow.tablePanel.tableSettingsPanel; ctrl3.TableManager = tableMgr; ctrl3.SetHandlers(); ctrl.TableManager = tableMgr; tableMgr.TablePanel = myWindow.tablePanel; }
// Update is called once per frame void MakeSingleton() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
private IEnumerator DownLoadMenuRoutine() { Debug.Log("Checking Caching"); while (!Caching.ready) { yield return(null); } Debug.Log("Caching is fine"); Debug.Log("Loading Asset Bundle"); var www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(bundleURL, version); yield return(www); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { Debug.Log(www.error); yield break; } Debug.Log("Loaded Asset Bundle"); var assetBundle = www.assetBundle; string menuName = "MainMenuTemp.prefab"; Debug.Log("Unpacking Prefab"); var prefabRequest = assetBundle.LoadAssetAsync <GameObject>(menuName); yield return(prefabRequest); Debug.Log("Prefab Unpacked"); downloadedMenu = prefabRequest.asset as MainMenuController; }
protected override void hitByRayCast() { if (thisType == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Sounds) { DBAccess.instance.userPrefs.isSoundOn = (isOnSwitch) ? true : false; return; } if (thisType == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Music) { MainMenuController m = GameObject.Find("UI_Main").GetComponent <MainMenuController>(); if (name == "Music On") { m.mainMenuMusic.Play(); } else if (name == "Music Off") { m.mainMenuMusic.Stop(); } DBAccess.instance.userPrefs.isMusicOn = (isOnSwitch) ? true : false; return; } if (thisType == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Controls) { DBAccess.instance.userPrefs.ControlScheme = (isOnSwitch) ? PlayerSavedPrefs._ControlScheme.Accelerometer : PlayerSavedPrefs._ControlScheme.Gyroscope; } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { // get main references. MainMenuController = transform.parent.GetComponent <MainMenuController> (); HostnameInputField = transform .Find("CenterAreaPanel").transform .Find("CenterAreaContainer").transform .Find("ServerInfosContainer").transform .Find("InputHostname").GetComponent <InputField>(); PortInputField = transform .Find("CenterAreaPanel").transform .Find("CenterAreaContainer").transform .Find("ServerInfosContainer").transform .Find("InputPort").GetComponent <InputField>(); ResponseText = transform .Find("CenterAreaPanel").transform .Find("CenterAreaContainer").transform .Find("ServerInfosContainer").transform .Find("ResponseText").GetComponent <Text>(); MainMenuHelpText = transform .Find("CenterAreaPanel").transform .Find("MainMenuHelpText").GetComponent <Text>(); isHostnameSet = false; isPortSet = false; // get btn refs ExitBtn = transform.Find("ExitGameBtn").GetComponent <Button> (); ExternalCreditsBtn = transform .Find("FooterPanel").transform.Find("ExternalCreditsBtn").GetComponent <Button> (); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Surface on a real-world plane using either a DragSurfaceMesh or TapSurfaceMesh. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if Surface was successfully created, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> private bool CreateSurface() { Vector3 planeCenter; Plane plane; if (!tangoPointCloud.FindPlane(Camera.main, Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(Vector3.Lerp(_firstCorner, _oppositeCorner, 0.5f)), out planeCenter, out plane)) { ScreenLog.Write("Please try again."); return(false); } var surface = Instantiate(surfaceTemplate) as Surface; surface.SetTransform(plane, planeCenter); SurfaceMesh surfaceMesh; var mode = MainMenuController.GetEdgeDetectionMode(); if (mode == "DRAG") { surfaceMesh = new DragSurfaceMesh(surface, _firstCorner, _oppositeCorner); } else { surfaceMesh = new TapSurfaceMesh(surface, FindVerticesOnPlane(plane)); } if (surfaceMesh == null) { //Do I need to destroy the surfaceMesh object, too? ScreenLog.Write("Please try again."); surface.Undo(); return(false); } surface.SetMeshAndSelect(surfaceMesh.mesh); return(true); }
private BaseViewController GetController(Views id) { switch (id) { case Views.Settings: if (m_settingsController == null) { m_settingsController = new SettingsController(); } return(m_settingsController); case Views.MainMenu: if (m_mainMenuController == null) { m_mainMenuController = new MainMenuController(); } return(m_mainMenuController); default: if (m_settingsController == null) { m_settingsController = new SettingsController(); } return(m_settingsController); } }
void Start() { soundController = GameObject.Find("SoundController"); soundControllerScript = soundController.GetComponent <SoundController>(); MainMenuController = GameObject.Find("MainMenuController"); mainMenuControllerScript = MainMenuController.GetComponent <MainMenuController>(); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("AdultContent") == false) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AdultContent", 1); } else { adultContent = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("AdultContent"); } /*if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("Music") == false) { * PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Music", 1); * } else { * music = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Music"); * }*/ /*if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("Sound") == false) { * PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Sound", 1); * } else { * sound = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Sound"); * }*/ }
void onMenuClick(MainMenuController mmc) { mmc.setOffset(); if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Main) { mmc.menuIsInTransition(); StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("MainSupplies", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("SuppliesStart", () => { mmc.menuState = MainMenuController.MenuState.Store; mmc.animation.Play("SuppliesIdle"); } ) ); } )); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { SetProgramPath(); var controllerResult = new ControllerResult { Next = NextController.MainMenu, Settings = null }; while (controllerResult.Next != NextController.Exit) { Controller controller = null; switch (controllerResult.Next) { default: case NextController.MainMenu: controller = new MainMenuController(); break; case NextController.Game: controller = new GameController(); break; case NextController.Exit: break; } controllerResult = controller.Start(controllerResult.Settings); } }
private void InitializeManager() { mainMenu = GetComponent <MainMenuController>(); inGameMenu = GetComponent <InGameMenuController>(); pauseMenu = GetComponent <PauseMenuController>(); shopMenu = GetComponent <ShopMenuController>(); }
protected override void Enter() { _nextState = null; _mainMenuController = UIStorer.Instance.MainMenuController; _mainMenuController.On(MainMenuEvent.PLAY_BUTTON_CLICK, GoNextState); }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
void MakeInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
protected override void setSprite(PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType type, bool isOn, MainMenuController.MenuState state, PlayerSavedPrefs._ControlScheme scheme) { if( thisType == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Sounds && type == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Sounds ) { if (isOnSwitch) thisSprite.spriteName = (isOn) ? "On_Checked" : "On_Unchecked"; else thisSprite.spriteName = (isOn) ? "Off_UnChecked" : "Off_Checked"; return; } if (thisType == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Music && type == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Music ) { if (isOnSwitch) thisSprite.spriteName = (isOn) ? "On_Checked" : "On_Unchecked"; else thisSprite.spriteName = (isOn) ? "Off_UnChecked" : "Off_Checked"; return; } if ( thisType == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Controls && type == PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType.Controls) { if( isOnSwitch ) thisSprite.spriteName = ( thisControlScheme == scheme ) ? "A_Checked" : "A_Unchecked"; else thisSprite.spriteName = ( thisControlScheme == scheme ) ? "B_Checked" : "B_Unchecked"; } }
internal void Init(MainMenuController menuControl) { _menuControl = menuControl; _audioControl = AudioController.Instance; CloseBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { _menuControl.CloseSettings(); }); MasterSlider.onValueChanged.AddListener(el => { _audioControl.ChangeMasterVolume(el); }); MusicSlider.onValueChanged.AddListener(el => { _audioControl.ChangeMusicVolume(el); }); SfxSlider.onValueChanged.AddListener(el => { _audioControl.ChangeSfxVolume(el); }); _audioControl.InitSliders(MasterSlider, MusicSlider, SfxSlider); }
private void Start() { onStartingServerPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); //First, clear the maps dropdown mapsDropdown.ClearOptions(); //Then get all online scenes onlineTCScenes = TCScenesManager.GetAllEnabledOnlineScenesInfo().ToList(); //And all the scenes to the map dropdown List <string> scenes = onlineTCScenes.Select(scene => scene.DisplayNameLocalized).ToList(); mapsDropdown.AddOptions(scenes); mapsDropdown.RefreshShownValue(); //Get active network manager netManager = TCNetworkManager.Instance; //Get the images that are in the input fields gameNameImage = gameNameText.GetComponent <Image>(); maxPlayersImage = maxPlayersText.GetComponent <Image>(); //Get the existing colors of the input fields gameNameImageColor = gameNameImage.color; maxPlayersImageColor = maxPlayersImage.color; mainMenuController = GetComponentInParent <MainMenuController>(); }
//When pressed, the button raises event for decrypting file in a specific directroy. //If there is any file, the methods down return it with their name and destination path to the user. private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Creates a service for decrypting a file. await MainMenuController.SetDecryptFileServicerAsync(); MainMenuController.PopulateDecryptInformationAsync(textBox2, richTextBox1); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); Screen.fullScreen = true; mainMenuController = this; loadlevel = Loadlevel.instance; }
//When pressed, the button raises event for creating files in a specific directroy. //If there are any files, the methods down return them with the source path to the user. private async void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Creates a service for creating files await MainMenuController.SetCreateFileServiceAsync(); MainMenuController.PopulateCreateInformationAsync(textBox2, richTextBox1, richTextBox2); }
private void UIEvents_OnGameStartButtonPressed() { InputManager.Instance.IsInGame = true; MainMenuController.GetComponentInChildren <Canvas>().enabled = false; AudioManager.Instance.Stop(MyAudioType.Main_Menu1, fade: true); AudioManager.Instance.Play(MyAudioType.InGame_Level1, fade: true, delay: 0.5f); }
public MainWindow() { _reader = new CardReader(); _scanner = new Scanner(); _printer = new Printer(); _bookDAO = new BookDao(new BookHelper()); _loanDAO = new LoanDao(new LoanHelper()); _memberDAO = new MemberDao(new MemberHelper()); InitializeComponent(); _reader.Show(); _scanner.Show(); _printer.Show(); SetUpTestData(); MainMenuController mainController = new MainMenuController(this, _reader, _scanner, _printer, _bookDAO, _loanDAO, _memberDAO); mainController.initialise(); }
public void Init(MainMenuController mainMenuController, Photon.Realtime.Player player, BasePool pool) { this.mainMenuController = mainMenuController; lC = SettingsController.instance.languageController; this.player = player; this.pool = pool; SubscribeEvents(); kickButton.SetActive(!player.IsLocal && PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient); readyButton.GetComponent <Toggle>().interactable = player.IsLocal; int sameNamePlayers = PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Players.Where(p => p.Value.NickName.Equals(PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.NickName)).Count(); playerNickname.text = sameNamePlayers > 1 ? player.NickName + (sameNamePlayers - 1) : player.NickName; if (player.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("Room_PlayerReady")) { readyText.text = (bool)player.CustomProperties["Room_PlayerReady"] ? lC.GetWord("READY") : lC.GetWord("NOT_READY"); readyButton.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn = (bool)player.CustomProperties["Room_PlayerReady"]; } else { readyButton.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn = false; readyText.text = lC.GetWord("NOT_READY"); } if (player.IsLocal) { readyButton.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn = false; PlayerReady(false); } }
// Move the arrow left and right for UI feedback to the user protected void tweenArrow(float amount, MainMenuController.MenuState state) { if (state == MainMenuController.MenuState.Store && !isAnimating) { isAnimating = true; iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", transform.localPosition.x + amount, "time", 0.2f, "islocal", true, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", transform.localPosition.x, "time", 0.2f, "islocal", true, "delay", 0.2f, "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncomplete", "resetState", "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInExpo ) ); } }
public void SetupProgram() { // this is the "bootstrap" method, you could say.... ;) // create the DBManager static helper, and let it create the SQLite connection. DBManager.CreateConnection(); // create menu controller, which holds a list of other controllers to generate menu. menuController = new MainMenuController(); //add a reference to that controller to the static helper MenuHolder function. MenuHolder.SetMenuController(menuController); // create the login controller screen loginController = new LoginController(); menuController.AddController(loginController); // create the table manager (loads tables from DB upon creation) tableManager = new TableManager(); // create the item manager (loads items from DB upon creation) itemManager = new ItemManager(); // create the TicketManager before creating the ticket controllers, so we can pass that in via reference ticketManager = new TicketManager(); // create the order controller screen orderController = new OrderController(tableManager, itemManager, ticketManager); menuController.AddController(orderController); kitchenTicketController = new KitchenTicketController(ticketManager); menuController.AddController(kitchenTicketController); barTicketController = new BarTicketController(ticketManager); menuController.AddController(barTicketController); // create the item manager, and then the item view controller. Pass manager into controller. itemController = new ItemController(itemManager); menuController.AddController(itemController); // create the sales view controller, and add it to menu salesController = new SalesController(); menuController.AddController(salesController); reservationController = new ReservationController(orderController); menuController.AddController(reservationController); // now we have all the mvc controllers created, create the "managers" for the data models. // each constructor should have a call to the DB helper class, to load it's data. customerManager = new CustomerManager(); // load the contents from the // go to the login/auth page loginController.Show(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Instance = this; _controllers = new List <IController>(); Contexts contexts = Contexts.sharedInstance; GameContext context = contexts.game; _rootSystem = new RootSystem(contexts); _rootSystem.Initialize(); HexGenerator.Instance = GetComponent <HexGenerator>(); PlayerHealthModel = new PlayerHealthModel(20); PlayerHealthController PlayerHealthController = new PlayerHealthController { View = PlayerHealthView, Model = PlayerHealthModel, MainMenuUI = MainMenuUI }; PlayerHealthController.Init(); AboutController About = new AboutController { View = AboutView, AboutUI = AboutUI }; About.Init(); MainMenuController MainMenu = new MainMenuController { View = MainMenuView, MainMenuUI = MainMenuUI, AboutUI = AboutUI }; MainMenu.Init(); StartModel = new StartModel(); StartController start = new StartController { View = StartView, Model = StartModel }; start.Init(); CreateMoneyController(); TowerModel model = CreateTowerController(); CreateTiles(context, model); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mainMenuController = transform.parent.GetComponent <MainMenuController>(); exitText = transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); exitText.text = "Press " + GameData.instance.interact.ToString() + " to return to menu"; firstStart = false; }
public void Init(RoomInfo roomInfo, PlayPanel playPanel, BasePool pool, MainMenuController mainMenuController) { this.mainMenuController = mainMenuController; this.roomInfo = roomInfo; this.pool = pool; this.playPanel = playPanel; Refresh(); }
private void Awake() { if (controller == null) { controller = this; SetPlayerAmount(0); } }
public void HideTutorial() { if (tutorialDialogUp) { StartCoroutine(MainMenuController.PlayAnimation(animation, "ShowTutorial", true, () => { })); } tutorialDialogUp = false; }
public Initializer() { _members = new MembersIndex(); _fileHandler = new FileHandler(); _members.AddMultipleMembers(_fileHandler.LoadMemberList()); _viewHandler = new ViewHandler(_members); _mainMenuController = new MainMenuController(_viewHandler); }
public MainMenuButtonsManager(MainMenuController mainMenuController) { buttons = new List <Button>(); foreach (Button b in mainMenuController.GetComponentsInChildren <Button>()) { buttons.Add(b); } }
/// <summary> /// 添加监听,只对view中InitUI()里的UI有效 /// </summary> protected override void AddListener() { PayLineViewPresenters view = this.View as PayLineViewPresenters; MainMenuController mainMenuController = UIMgr.Instance.GetView(EViewID.MainMenu) as MainMenuController; changeLineCountListener += mainMenuController.UpdateTotalBet; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake () { if (menuController == null) { DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject); menuController = this; } else if (menuController != this) { Destroy (gameObject); } }
//brings all the components of a certain type to the front public static void ActivateTutorialComponents(MainMenuController.Tutorial tutorialType) { if (AllTutorialsComponents.ContainsKey(tutorialType)) { ActiveTutorialType = tutorialType; ChangeTextOnElementPanels(tutorialType); foreach (CraftingTutorialComponent component in AllTutorialsComponents[tutorialType]) { component.ActivateComponent(); } } }
protected override void onSelection(SuppliesUIObject clicked, MainMenuController.MenuState state, GameObject hit) { if (clicked != null) { if (clicked.gameObject == gameObject) { moveStoreLeft(state); tweenArrow(-20f, state); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { myElem1 = "fire"; myElem2 = "water"; myElem3 = "earth"; myElem4 = "air"; //Cheats.IncreaseAllElemens (200); //Cheats.LockAllElements (); mainScript = GlobalVars.CRAFTING_CONTROLLER; mainScript.SetTutorialPurchaseHint(this); gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void onMenuClick( MainMenuController mmc ) { mmc.setOffset(); if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Main) { mmc.menuIsInTransition(); if( onCharacterSelectStart != null ) onCharacterSelectStart(); StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("MainPlay", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("EnemySelStart", () => { mmc.menuState = MainMenuController.MenuState.Character; } ) ); }) ); } else if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Store) { mmc.menuIsInTransition(); if( onCharacterSelectStart != null ) onCharacterSelectStart();; StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("SuppliesPlay", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("EnemySelStart", () => { mmc.menuState = MainMenuController.MenuState.Character; } ) ); } ) ); } }
void Awake() { controller = GetComponent<MainMenuController>(); beginSimulation = GameObject.Find("BeginSimulation").GetComponent<Button>(); startHours = GameObject.Find ("StartHours").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>(); startMinutes = GameObject.Find ("StartMinutes").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>(); startSeconds = GameObject.Find ("StartSeconds").transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>(); startAMPM = GameObject.Find("StartAMPM").GetComponent<Dropdown>(); runTime = GameObject.Find("RunTime").GetComponent<Dropdown>(); }
void Awake() { inShade = false; sunscreen = false; shadeLayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Shade"); // Setting up references. Canvas canvas = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>(); inGameMenu = canvas.GetComponent<MainMenuController>(); levelController = levelControlGO.GetComponent<LevelController>(); rb = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); groundCheck = transform.Find("GroundCheck"); wallCheck = wallGOCheck.transform; //anim = GetComponent<Animator>(); if (levelController.sunny) InvokeRepeating("SunDamage", 5, 1); }
//changes the count on the elment panels based on the tutorial public static void ChangeTextOnElementPanels(MainMenuController.Tutorial tutorialType) { string text; if (tutorialType == MainMenuController.Tutorial.Gathering) { text = GatheringTutorialElementPanelText; } else if (tutorialType == MainMenuController.Tutorial.Crafting) { text = CraftingTutorialElementPanelText; } else { return; } foreach (CraftingTutorialComponent component in AllTutorialsComponents[tutorialType]) { if (component.gameObject.name.Contains(ElementPanelName)) { component.SetText(text); } } }
void onSelection(SuppliesUIObject clicked, MainMenuController.MenuState state, GameObject hit ) { if (clicked != null) { // Temporary bypass to prevent user from purchasing bullets if (clicked.supplyType == SuppliesUIObject._SupplyType.Ammo) { GameObject bullet; bullet = GameObject.Find("Top Ammo"); return; } if (state != MainMenuController.MenuState.InTransition && clicked.itemLocale == SuppliesUIObject._ItemLocale.StoreTop) { MainMenuController.instance.menuState = MainMenuController.MenuState.InTransition; iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", clicked.transform.localPosition.x, "time", 0.4f, "islocal", true, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); iTween.ScaleTo(clicked.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", clicked.transform.localScale.x * 1.5f, "y", clicked.transform.localScale.y * 1.5f, "time", 0.2f, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); iTween.ScaleTo(clicked.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", clicked.transform.localScale.x, "y", clicked.transform.localScale.y, "time", 0.2f, "delay", 0.2f, "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncomplete", "stopAnimating", "oncompleteparams", state, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInExpo ) ); } } }
protected override void setSprite(PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType type, bool isOn, MainMenuController.MenuState state, PlayerSavedPrefs._ControlScheme scheme) { if (type == thisType) { // Not sure why this check has to be here for iTweens if (this != null && state != MainMenuController.MenuState.InTransition ) { MainMenuController.instance.menuIsInTransition(); iTween.ShakePosition(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "amount", new Vector3(20f, 20f, 0), "time", 0.4f, "islocal", true, "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncomplete", "resetState", "oncompleteparams", state ) ); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Canvas canvas = FindObjectOfType<Canvas>(); score = new Score(); mainMenu = canvas.GetComponentInChildren<MainMenuController>(); menuOpen = mainMenu.mainMenu.activeSelf; victory = false; restart = false; gameOver = false; restartText.text = ""; gameOverText.text = ""; CreateRoidField(roidNumber, maxRoidSize); //if (!bossScene) //StartCoroutine(SpawnWaves()); //else // StartCoroutine(BossStates()); StartCoroutine(CheckForDead()); UpdateScore(); levelNumber = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex; }
void onSelection(SuppliesUIObject clicked, MainMenuController.MenuState state, GameObject hit) { if (clicked != null) { if (state == MainMenuController.MenuState.Store && clicked.itemLocale == SuppliesUIObject._ItemLocale.StashTop ) { MainMenuController.instance.menuState = MainMenuController.MenuState.InTransition; iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", clicked.transform.localPosition.x, "time", 0.4f, "islocal", true, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); iTween.ScaleTo(clicked.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", clicked.transform.localScale.x * 1.5f, "y", clicked.transform.localScale.y * 1.5f, "time", 0.2f, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); iTween.ScaleTo(clicked.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "x", clicked.transform.localScale.x, "y", clicked.transform.localScale.y, "time", 0.2f, "delay", 0.2f, "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncomplete", "stopAnimating", "oncompleteparams", state, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInExpo ) ); } } }
protected void moveGridRight(MainMenuController.MenuState state) { SupplyGrid active = getActiveGrid(); active.moveDirection = SupplyGrid._moveDirection.Right; if (active.curPos + 1 <= active.itemArray.Count - 1 && MainMenuController.instance.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Store) { MainMenuController.instance.menuIsInTransition(); lastState = state; //Debug.Log(MainMenuController.instance.menuState); iTween.ValueTo(windowPanel.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "from", windowPanel.clipRange.x, "to", active.itemArray[active.curPos + 1].transform.localPosition.x, "time", 0.4f, "onupdatetarget", gameObject, "onupdate", "moveCenter", "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); iTween.ValueTo(windowPanel.gameObject, iTween.Hash( "from", windowPanel.transform.localPosition.x, "to", windowPanel.transform.localPosition.x - active.cellWidth, "time", 0.4f, "onupdatetarget", gameObject, "onupdate", "movePosition", "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncomplete", "updateCurPos", "oncompleteparams", active, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutExpo ) ); } else if (MainMenuController.instance.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Store) gridCantMove(20f, state); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the main menu view /// </summary> /// <param name="_mainMenuController">The main menu controller.</param> public override void Initialize(BaseController _mainMenuController) { m_mainMenuController = (MainMenuController)_mainMenuController; base.Initialize(_mainMenuController); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { menu = MainMenuController.menu; if (primaryWeapon != null) { gun = primaryWeapon.GetComponent<WeaponController> (); } else if (secondaryWeapon != null) { gun = secondaryWeapon.GetComponent<WeaponController> (); } else { // If no weapon is selected } inMenu = false; Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; health = 100f; lookSpeed = 5f; moveSpeed = 5f; sprintSpeedModifier = 1.5f; jumpHeight = 0.1f; }
//takes an event call from main menu controller and executes the corresponding tutorial //uses an enum Tutorial from MainMenuController to decide which tutorial to execute private void TutorialEventHandler(MainMenuController.Tutorial tutorial) { Utility.Log(tutorial + " is now playing"); //#####out //if (tutorial == MainMenuController.Tutorial.Gathering) { //ExecuteTutorial(OnElementsDraggedIntoGatheringTutorialBegan, tutorial); //} else if (tutorial == MainMenuController.Tutorial.Crafting) { ExecuteTutorial(OnCraftingModeTutorialBegan, tutorial); } else if (tutorial == MainMenuController.Tutorial.TierSwitch) { ExecuteTutorial(OnTierSwitchingTutorialBegan, tutorial); } else if (tutorial == MainMenuController.Tutorial.BuyHint) { ExecuteTutorial(OnBuyHintTutorialBegan, tutorial); } else if (tutorial == MainMenuController.Tutorial.UpgradePowerup) { ExecuteTutorial(OnBuyPowerUpUpgradeTutorialBegan, tutorial); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { nameObject = transform.parent.FindChild ("WhatAmI").gameObject; myName = nameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text; mainScript = GameObject.Find ("CraftingCamera").GetComponent<MainMenuController> (); }
protected abstract void setSprite(PlayerSavedPrefs._OptionsType type, bool isOn, MainMenuController.MenuState state, PlayerSavedPrefs._ControlScheme scheme);
// Use this for initialization void Start() { menu = this; isVisible = false; UpdateVisibility (); }
void onMenuClick( MainMenuController mmc ) { mmc.setOffset(); if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Main) { if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ) ChartBoostBinding.trackEvent( "On Options Click" ); mmc.menuIsInTransition(); StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("MainOptions", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("OptionsStart", () => { mmc.menuState = MainMenuController.MenuState.Options; mmc.thisGO.animation.Play("OptionsIdle"); } ) ); } )); } else if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Options) { mmc.menuIsInTransition(); StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("OptionsBack", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { mmc.playMenuStart(); } ) ); } else if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Character ) { mmc.menuIsInTransition(); StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("EnemySelBack", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { mmc.playMenuStart(); } ) ); if( onOptionsBack != null ) onOptionsBack(); } else if (mmc.menuState == MainMenuController.MenuState.Store) { if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ) ChartBoostBinding.trackEvent( "On Store Enter" ); mmc.menuIsInTransition(); StartCoroutine ( mmc.thisGO.animation.PlayWithOptions("SuppliesBack", () => { mmc.applyOffset(); }, () => { mmc.playMenuStart(); } ) ); } }
protected override void setActiveGrid(SuppliesUIObject clicked, MainMenuController.MenuState state, GameObject hit) { if (clicked != null) { // Temporary bypass to prevent user from purchasing bullets if (clicked.supplyType == SuppliesUIObject._SupplyType.Ammo) { //clicked.mWidget.alpha = 0.5f; return; } if ( clicked.supplyType == SuppliesUIObject._SupplyType.Gun || clicked.supplyType == SuppliesUIObject._SupplyType.Health || clicked.supplyType == SuppliesUIObject._SupplyType.Ammo ) { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < grids.Length; i++) { if (grids[i].itemArray[0].supplyType == clicked.supplyType) { grids[i].isActive = true; j = i; } else { grids[i].isActive = false; } } StartCoroutine(setCenterToCurPos(j)); } } }
void Start() { mm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MenuParent").GetComponent<MainMenuController>(); }
void stopAnimating( MainMenuController.MenuState lastState ) { MainMenuController.instance.menuState = lastState; }
void resetState(MainMenuController.MenuState state) { transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; MainMenuController.instance.menuState = state; }
/* Used to call abstractly declared delegates to signal StashController * to move the grid and update information accordingly. */ protected abstract void onSelection(SuppliesUIObject clicked, MainMenuController.MenuState state, GameObject hit);
void Start() { instance = this; }
void Start() { eventSys = EventSystem.current; mm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MenuParent").GetComponent<MainMenuController>(); profilePrefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/ProfileButton") as GameObject; saveDummy = GetComponent<PlayerOptionsManager>(); keys = editMenu.GetComponentsInChildren<KeybindButton>(); //Debug.Log(keys.Length); standard = prevPage.colors; grayed = prevPage.colors; grayed.normalColor = gray; grayed.highlightedColor = gray; grayed.pressedColor = gray; RefreshProfiles(); }