//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ARKANOID //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void LoadArkanoidMenu() { GXPEngine.OpenGL.GL.glfwSetWindowTitle("The Homebox Arcade - Arkanoid"); Console.WriteLine("Loading Arkanoid"); if (_mainHub != null) { _mainHub.LateDestroy(); _mainHub = null; _backgroundMusicChannel.Stop(); } if (_aDeathScreen != null) { _aDeathScreen.LateDestroy(); _aDeathScreen = null; } if (_aLevelOne != null) { _aLevelOne.LateDestroy(); _aLevelOne = null; } if (_aWinScreen != null) { _aWinScreen.LateDestroy(); _aWinScreen = null; } _arkanoid = new MainMenuScreenArkanoid(this); LateAddChild(_arkanoid); Console.WriteLine("Arkanoid Loaded!"); }
public ModuleHubWrapper(string id, MainHub parentHub) { ConnectionId = id; MainHub.UpdatedMachineInfo += ParentHub_UpdatedMachineInfo; MainHub.UpdateMachineLoad += ParentHub_UpdateMachineLoad; TargedModule = new Module(id); Load = new MachineLoad(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of currently alive opponents to caller /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <LeaderboardEntryData> GetLeaderBoard() { List <LeaderboardEntryData> leaderBoard = new List <LeaderboardEntryData>(); foreach (PlayerDTO currentPlayer in MainHub.getLeaderBoard()) { leaderBoard.Add(new LeaderboardEntryData() { score = currentPlayer.Wallet.ToString(), userName = currentPlayer.Name }); } return(leaderBoard); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LoadMain() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void LoadMain() { GXPEngine.OpenGL.GL.glfwSetWindowTitle("The Homebox Arcade - Main Hub"); Console.WriteLine("Loading Main Hub"); RemoveInstancesForMain(); _mainMenu = null; _mainHub = new MainHub(this); LateAddChild(_mainHub); Sound backgroundMusic = new Sound("Sounds/MainHub.mp3", true, true); _backgroundMusicChannel = backgroundMusic.Play(); _backgroundMusicChannel.Volume = 1f; Console.WriteLine("Main Hub Loaded!"); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LoadBar() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void LoadBar() { GXPEngine.OpenGL.GL.glfwSetWindowTitle("The Homebox Arcade - Multiplayer Hub"); Console.WriteLine("Loading Bar"); if (_mainHub != null) { _mainHub.LateDestroy(); _mainHub = null; _backgroundMusicChannel.Stop(); } _barHub = new BarHub(this); LateAddChild(_barHub); Sound backgroundMusic = new Sound("Sounds/MultiplayerHub.mp3", true, true); _backgroundMusicChannel = backgroundMusic.Play(); _backgroundMusicChannel.Volume = 1f; Console.WriteLine("Bar Loaded!"); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ROAD RACER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void LoadRoadRaceMenu() { GXPEngine.OpenGL.GL.glfwSetWindowTitle("The Homebox Arcade - Road Racer"); Console.WriteLine("Loading Race"); if (_mainHub != null) { _mainHub.LateDestroy(); _mainHub = null; _backgroundMusicChannel.Stop(); } if (_rDeathScreen != null) { _rDeathScreen.LateDestroy(); _rDeathScreen = null; } _roadRacer = new MainMenuRoadRacer(this); LateAddChild(_roadRacer); Console.WriteLine("Race Loaded!"); }
public unsafe void int_10() { const int vga_vmemsize = 0x200000; switch (ah.UInt16) { case 0x0f: ah = 0x50; // width in char al = 0x3; // video mode bh = 0; // page break; case 0x4f: // VESA Calls switch (al.UInt16) { case 0x01: // Get SVGA Mode Information { if (cx != 0x101) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } al = 0x4f; ah = 0; // success { var page_size = 640 * 480; page_size = page_size & (~15); ushort mode_attr = 0x9b; var span = Memory.GetFixSize(es, di, Marshal.SizeOf <mode_info>()); span.Clear(); ref var mi = ref Memory.Ref <mode_info>(es[di]); mi.BytesPerScanLine = 640; mi.NumberOfPlanes = 1; mi.BitsPerPixel = 8; mi.MemoryModel = 4; mi.WinAAttributes = 7; if (vga_vmemsize < page_size) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { mi.ModeAttributes = mode_attr; mi.NumberOfImagePages = (byte)((vga_vmemsize / page_size) - 1); } mi.WinGranularity = 64; mi.WinSize = 64; mi.WinASegment = 0xa000; mi.XResolution = 640; mi.YResolution = 480; if (added_callback_setwindow == false) { RawProgramMain.AddInternalDynamicMethod(callback_setwindow, 16, 0xf0001320); added_callback_setwindow = true; } mi.WinFuncPtr = 0xf0001320; mi.NumberOfBanks = 1; mi.Reserved_page = 1; mi.XCharSize = 8; mi.YCharSize = 16; mi.PhysBasePtr = 0; } break; } case 0x02: // Set videomode { if (bx != 0x101) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } al = 0x4f; ah = 0; // success // /* mode ,type ,sw ,sh ,tw ,th ,cw,ch ,pt,pstart ,plength,htot,vtot,hde,vde special flags */ //{ 0x101 ,M_LIN8 ,640 ,480 ,80 ,30 ,8 ,16 ,1 ,0xa0000 ,0x10000,100 ,525 ,80 ,480 ,0 }, break; } case 0x05: { if (bh != 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // ah = SetCPUWindow(bl, dl); (window, address) if (bl != 0) { ah = 1; } else { if (dl.Int32 * 0x10000 < vga_vmemsize) { ah = 0; // out(0x3d4, 0x6a) // out(0x3d5, dl) // std::cerr << static_cast<uint>(dl) << std::endl; var curr_bank = ((Memory)Memory) .mem_phys_raw(0xa0000, 0x10000) .Slice(0, 0x10000); var offset = 3 * curr_bank_num * 0x10000; for (var i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) { if (img_data.Length <= offset + 3 * i + 2) { break; } var c = curr_bank[i]; #if false img_data[offset + 3 * i + 0] = c; img_data[offset + 3 * i + 1] = c; img_data[offset + 3 * i + 2] = c; #else img_data[offset + 3 * i + 2] = pal[c].rgb[2]; img_data[offset + 3 * i + 1] = pal[c].rgb[1]; img_data[offset + 3 * i + 0] = pal[c].rgb[0]; #endif } //if (dl == 0) { //var width = 640; //var height = 480; var ms = new MemoryStream(); var nimg = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgb24>(img_data, buf_width, buf_height); var pngEncoder = new PngEncoder(); pngEncoder.CompressionLevel = 1; pngEncoder.Encode(nimg, ms); PngBytes = ms.ToArray(); var forgot = MainHub.SendClientUpdateImage(RawProgramMain.ServiceProvider); fileNum++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RawProgramMain.Configuration.Dos.PngOutput)) { var pngOutput = RawProgramMain.Configuration.Dos.PngOutput; var filePath = Path.Combine(pngOutput, $"img-{fileNum:D4}.png"); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, PngBytes); } var time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; time = new TimeSpan(0, time.Hours, time.Minutes, time.Seconds, time.Milliseconds / 10 * 10); NonBlockingConsole.WriteLine($" Screen. Time: {time:hh\\:mm\\:ss\\.ff}, Number: {fileNum}."); } var need_cpy = (curr_bank_num * 0x10000 < all_banks.Length); if (need_cpy) { curr_bank.CopyTo(all_banks.AsSpan(curr_bank_num * 0x10000)); } curr_bank_num = dl.UInt16; if (need_cpy) { all_banks.AsSpan().Slice(curr_bank_num * 0x10000, 0x10000).CopyTo(curr_bank); } } else { ah = 1; } } al = 0x4f; break; } default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } break;
private void testbutton2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainHub.ScrollToSection(HS2); }
public ConversationBox(string file, MainHub _tempHub) { _mainHub = _tempHub; InitializeBox(file); }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainHub.ScrollToSection(Hub2); }
public UserController(IUserRepository user, IMessageRepository message) { _user = user; _message = message; _hubContext = new MainHub(); }
public async Task SelectTargetModule(DNet_DataContracts.Processing.Task task, MainHub hubInstance) { var modules = MainHub.Modules .Where(x => task.ModuleType.Contains(x.TargedModule.ModuleType)) //determine comparible module types .OrderByDescending(x => x.TargedModule.ModulesHostSpecs.PerformancePoint).ToList(); //sort by performance points //var oldModuleInfo = modules.Where(x => (DateTime.Now - x.LastLoadUpdate).TotalSeconds > 30); //detect old info modules //await hubInstance.RequestLoadUpdate(oldModuleInfo); //Collect all load from potential modules //await _taskEvaluationAlghoritm.EvaluateTask(task, modules); //foreach(var oldModule in oldModuleInfo) //{ // oldModule.WaitTillGetNewLoadInfo(); //} //modules = modules.OrderBy(x => x.Load.CPULoad).ToList(); var module = modules.First(); task.Executor = module.TargedModule; await hubInstance.SendTask(module.ConnectionId, task); }
public static object CreateMainHub(IUnityContainer container) { var hub = new MainHub(HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>()); return hub; }