protected override IEnumerable <MatcherData> CreateCollection() => new ConditionMatcherCollection(_modifierBuilder) { // actions // - generic { "on ({ActionMatchers})", Reference.AsAction.On() }, { "if you've ({ActionMatchers}) recently", Reference.AsAction.Recently }, { "if you haven't ({ActionMatchers}) recently", Not(Reference.AsAction.Recently) }, { "when you ({ActionMatchers}) a rare or unique enemy", And(Reference.AsAction.Against(Enemy).On(), Enemy.IsRareOrUnique) }, // - kill { "on ({KeywordMatchers}) kill", Kill.On(Reference.AsKeyword) }, { "when you kill an enemy,", Kill.Against(Enemy).On() }, { "if you've killed a maimed enemy recently", And(Kill.Against(Enemy).Recently, Buff.Maim.IsOn(Enemy)) }, { "if you've killed a bleeding enemy recently", And(Kill.Against(Enemy).Recently, Ailment.Bleed.IsOn(Enemy)) }, { "if you've killed a cursed enemy recently", And(Kill.Against(Enemy).Recently, Buffs(target: Enemy).With(Keyword.Curse).Any()) }, { "if you or your totems have killed recently", Or(Kill.Recently, Kill.By(Entity.Totem).Recently) }, { "if you or your totems kill an enemy", Or(Kill.On(), Kill.By(Entity.Totem).On()) }, // - block { "when they block", Block.On() }, { "when you block", Block.On() }, { "if you've blocked a hit from a unique enemy recently", And(Block.Against(Enemy).Recently, Enemy.IsUnique) }, // - hit { "(from|with) hits", Hit.On() }, { "hits deal", Hit.On() }, { "when you are hit", Hit.Taken.On() }, { "if you've been hit recently", Hit.Taken.Recently }, { "if you haven't been hit recently", Not(Hit.Taken.Recently) }, { "if you were damaged by a hit recently", Hit.Taken.Recently }, { "if you've taken no damage from hits recently", Not(Hit.Taken.Recently) }, // - other { "if you've taken a savage hit recently", Action.SavageHit.Taken.Recently }, { "when you deal a critical strike", CriticalStrike.On() }, { "if you've crit in the past # seconds", CriticalStrike.InPastXSeconds(Value) }, { "if you've shattered an enemy recently", Action.Shatter.Against(Enemy).Recently }, { "when you stun an enemy", Effect.Stun.On() }, { "after spending # mana", Action.SpendMana(Value).On() }, { "if you have consumed a corpse recently", Action.ConsumeCorpse.Recently }, { "when you gain a ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.GainAction.On() }, // damage // - by item tag { "with weapons", Damage.With(Tags.Weapon) }, { "weapon", Damage.With(Tags.Weapon) }, { "with bows", Damage.With(Tags.Bow) }, { "bow", Damage.With(Tags.Bow) }, { "with swords", Damage.With(Tags.Sword) }, { "with claws", Damage.With(Tags.Claw) }, { "claw", Damage.With(Tags.Claw) }, { "with daggers", Damage.With(Tags.Dagger) }, { "with wands", Damage.With(Tags.Wand) }, { "wand", Damage.With(Tags.Wand) }, { "with axes", Damage.With(Tags.Axe) }, { "with staves", Damage.With(Tags.Staff) }, { "with maces", Or(Damage.With(Tags.Mace), Damage.With(Tags.Sceptre)) }, { "with one handed weapons", Damage.With(Tags.OneHandWeapon) }, { "with one handed melee weapons", And(Damage.With(Tags.OneHandWeapon), Not(Damage.With(Tags.Ranged))) }, { "with two handed weapons", Damage.With(Tags.TwoHandWeapon) }, { "with two handed melee weapons", And(Damage.With(Tags.TwoHandWeapon), Not(Damage.With(Tags.Ranged))) }, // - by item slot { "with the main-hand weapon", Damage.With(ItemSlot.MainHand) }, { "with main hand", Damage.With(ItemSlot.MainHand) }, { "with off hand", Damage.With(ItemSlot.OffHand) }, // - by source { "attacks have", Damage.With(Source.Attack) }, { "with attacks", Damage.With(Source.Attack) }, { "from damage over time", Damage.With(Source.DamageOverTime) }, // - by ailment { "with ({AilmentMatchers})", Damage.With(Reference.AsAilment) }, { "with ailments", Ailment.All.Any(Damage.With) }, // action and damage combinations // - by item tag { "if you get a critical strike with a bow", And(CriticalStrike.On(), Damage.With(Tags.Bow)) }, { "if you get a critical strike with a staff", And(CriticalStrike.On(), Damage.With(Tags.Staff)) }, { "critical strikes with daggers have a", And(CriticalStrike.On(), Damage.With(Tags.Dagger)) }, // - by item slot // - by source { "for each enemy hit by your attacks", And(Hit.Against(Enemy).On(), Damage.With(Source.Attack)) }, // - by ailment { "with hits and ailments", Or(Hit.On(), Ailment.All.Any(Damage.With)) }, { "poison you inflict with critical strikes deals", And(Damage.With(Ailment.Poison), CriticalStrike.On()) }, // equipment { "while unarmed", Not(MainHand.HasItem) }, { "while wielding a staff", MainHand.Has(Tags.Staff) }, { "while wielding a dagger", MainHand.Has(Tags.Dagger) }, { "while wielding a bow", MainHand.Has(Tags.Bow) }, { "while wielding a sword", MainHand.Has(Tags.Sword) }, { "while wielding a claw", MainHand.Has(Tags.Claw) }, { "while wielding an axe", MainHand.Has(Tags.Axe) }, { "while wielding a mace", Or(MainHand.Has(Tags.Mace), MainHand.Has(Tags.Sceptre)) }, { "while wielding a melee weapon", And(MainHand.Has(Tags.Weapon), Not(MainHand.Has(Tags.Ranged))) }, { "while wielding a one handed weapon", MainHand.Has(Tags.OneHandWeapon) }, { "while wielding a two handed weapon", MainHand.Has(Tags.TwoHandWeapon) }, { "while dual wielding", OffHand.Has(Tags.Weapon) }, { "while holding a shield", OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield) }, { "while dual wielding or holding a shield", Or(OffHand.Has(Tags.Weapon), OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield)) }, { "with shields", OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield) }, { "from equipped shield", And(Condition.BaseValueComesFrom(OffHand), OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield)) }, { "with # corrupted items equipped", Equipment.Count(e => e.IsCorrupted) >= Value }, // stats // - pool { "when on low life", Life.IsLow }, { "when not on low life", Not(Life.IsLow) }, { "while no mana is reserved", Mana.Reservation.Value == 0 }, { "while energy shield is full", EnergyShield.IsFull }, { "while on full energy shield", EnergyShield.IsFull }, { "while not on full energy shield", Not(EnergyShield.IsFull) }, { "if energy shield recharge has started recently", EnergyShield.Recharge.StartedRecently }, // - charges { "while you have no ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Value == 0 }, { "while (at maximum|on full) ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Value == Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum.Value }, // - flags { "while you have ({FlagMatchers})", Reference.AsFlagStat.IsSet }, { "during onslaught", Flag.Onslaught.IsSet }, { "while phasing", Flag.Phasing.IsSet }, // - other { "if you have # primordial jewels,", Stat.PrimordialJewelsSocketed.Value >= Value }, // - on enemy { "(against enemies )?that are on low life", Enemy.Stat(Life).IsLow }, { "(against enemies )?that are on full life", Enemy.Stat(Life).IsFull }, { "against rare and unique enemies", Enemy.IsRareOrUnique }, // buffs { "while you have fortify", Buff.Fortify.IsOn(Self) }, { "if you've taunted an enemy recently", Buff.Taunt.Action.Recently }, { "enemies you taunt( deal| take)?", And(For(Enemy), Buff.Taunt.IsOn(Enemy)) }, { "enemies you curse (take|have)", And(For(Enemy), Buffs(Self, Enemy).With(Keyword.Curse).Any()) }, { "(against|from) blinded enemies", Buff.Blind.IsOn(Enemy) }, { "from taunted enemies", Buff.Taunt.IsOn(Enemy) }, { "you and allies affected by your auras have", Or(For(Entity.ModifierSource), And(For(Ally), Buffs(target: Ally).With(Keyword.Aura).Any())) }, { "you and allies deal while affected by auras you cast", Or(For(Entity.ModifierSource), And(For(Ally), Buffs(target: Ally).With(Keyword.Aura).Any())) }, // buff and damage combinations { "bleeding you inflict on maimed enemies deals", And(Damage.With(Ailment.Bleed), Buff.Maim.IsOn(Enemy)) }, // ailments { "while ({AilmentMatchers})", Reference.AsAilment.IsOn(Self) }, { "(against|from) ({AilmentMatchers}) enemies", Reference.AsAilment.IsOn(Enemy) }, { "against frozen, shocked or ignited enemies", Or(Ailment.Freeze.IsOn(Enemy), Ailment.Shock.IsOn(Enemy), Ailment.Ignite.IsOn(Enemy)) }, { "enemies which are ({AilmentMatchers})", Reference.AsAilment.IsOn(Enemy) }, { "against enemies( that are)? affected by elemental ailments", Ailment.Elemental.Any(a => a.IsOn(Enemy)) }, { "against enemies( that are)? affected by no elemental ailments", Not(Ailment.Elemental.Any(a => a.IsOn(Enemy))) }, // ground effects { "while on consecrated ground", Ground.Consecrated.IsOn(Self) }, // other effects { "against burning enemies", Fire.DamageOverTimeIsOn(Enemy) }, // skills // - by keyword { "vaal( skill)?", With(Skills[Keyword.Vaal]) }, { "({KeywordMatchers})", With(Skills[Reference.AsKeyword]) }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) and ({KeywordMatchers})", Or(With(Skills[References[0].AsKeyword]), With(Skills[References[1].AsKeyword])) }, { "(with|of|for|from) ({KeywordMatchers})( skills)?", With(Skills[Reference.AsKeyword]) }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) skills (have|deal)", With(Skills[Reference.AsKeyword]) }, // - by damage type { "with ({DamageTypeMatchers}) skills", With(Skills[Reference.AsDamageType]) }, // - by item slot { "skills (in|from) your ({ItemSlotMatchers})(can have| have)?", With(Skills[Reference.AsItemSlot]) }, // - by single skill { "({SkillMatchers})('|s)?( fires| has a| have a| has| deals| gain)?", With(Reference.AsSkill) }, { "(dealt by) ({SkillMatchers})", With(Reference.AsSkill) }, // - cast recently/in past x seconds { "if you've cast a spell recently", Skills[Keyword.Spell].Cast.Recently }, { "if you've attacked recently", Skills[Keyword.Attack].Cast.Recently }, { "if you've used a movement skill recently", Skills[Keyword.Movement].Cast.Recently }, { "if you've used a warcry recently", Skills[Keyword.Warcry].Cast.Recently }, { "if you've used a ({DamageTypeMatchers}) skill in the past # seconds", Skills[Reference.AsDamageType].Cast.InPastXSeconds(Value) }, // skill and action combinations { "projectiles have against targets they pierce", And(Projectile.Pierce.On(), With(Skills[Keyword.Projectile])) }, // traps and mines { "with traps", With(Traps) }, { "with mines", With(Mines) }, { "traps and mines (deal|have a)", Or(With(Traps), With(Mines)) }, { "from traps and mines", Or(With(Traps), With(Mines)) }, { "for throwing traps", With(Traps) }, { "if you detonated mines recently", Skill.DetonateMines.Cast.Recently }, { "if you've placed a mine or thrown a trap recently", Or(Traps.Cast.Recently, Mines.Cast.Recently) }, // totems { "totems", For(Entity.Totem) }, { "totems (fire|gain|have)", With(Totems) }, { "(spells cast|attacks used|skills used) by totems (have a|have)", With(Totems) }, { "of totem skills that cast an aura", With(Skills[Keyword.Totem, Keyword.Aura]) }, { "while you have a totem", Totems.Any(s => s.HasInstance) }, { "if you've summoned a totem recently", Totems.Cast.Recently }, { "when you place a totem", Totems.Cast.On() }, // minions { "minions", For(Entity.Minion) }, { "minions (deal|have|gain)", For(Entity.Minion) }, { "you and your minions have", For(Entity.Minion, Entity.ModifierSource) }, { "golem", For(Entity.Minion.With(Keyword.Golem)) }, { "golems have", For(Entity.Minion.With(Keyword.Golem)) }, { "spectres have", For(Entity.Minion.From(Skill.RaiseSpectre)) }, { // Technically this would be separate for each minion summoned by that skill, but DPS will // only be calculated for a single minion anyway. "golems summoned in the past # seconds deal", With(Golems.Where(s => s.Cast.InPastXSeconds(Value))) }, { "if you Summoned a golem in the past # seconds", Golems.Cast.InPastXSeconds(Value) }, // flasks { "while using a flask", Flask.IsAnyActive }, { "during any flask effect", Flask.IsAnyActive }, // other { "while leeching", Condition.WhileLeeching }, { "(you )?gain", Condition.True }, // may be left over at the end, does nothing // unique { "when your trap is triggered by an enemy", Condition.Unique("When your Trap is triggered by an Enemy") }, { "when your mine is detonated targeting an enemy", Condition.Unique("When your Mine is detonated targeting an Enemy") }, { "if you've killed an enemy affected by your damage over time recently", Condition.Unique("Have you recently killed an Enemy affected by your Damage over Time?") }, };
protected IConditionBuilder MainHandAttackWith(Tags tags) => Condition.AttackWith(AttackDamageHand.MainHand).And(MainHand.Has(tags));
protected override IEnumerable <MatcherData> CreateCollection() => new FormAndStatMatcherCollection(_modifierBuilder, ValueFactory) { // attributes // offense // - damage { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to unarmed attacks", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Attack), And(Not(MainHand.HasItem), With(Keyword.Melee)) }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to spells", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Spell) }, { @"# to # additional ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { @"adds # maximum ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value.MaximumOnly, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { "deal no ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", TotalOverride, 0, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage }, // - conversion and gain { "(gain )?#% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage (gained |added )?as (extra )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments .GainAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments) }, { "gain #% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra damage of a random element", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments .GainAs(RandomElement.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments) }, { "gain #% of wand ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.MainHand) .GainAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.MainHand)) .WithCondition(MainHand.Has(Tags.Wand)), References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.OffHand) .GainAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.OffHand)) .WithCondition(OffHand.Has(Tags.Wand)) }, { "#% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage converted to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments .ConvertTo(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments) }, // - penetration { "damage penetrates #% (of enemy )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration }, { "damage (?<inner>with .*|dealt by .*) penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration, "${inner}" }, { "penetrate #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration }, // - crit { @"\+#% critical strike chance", BaseAdd, Value, CriticalStrike.Chance }, { "no critical strike multiplier, no damage multiplier for ailments from critical strikes", TotalOverride, 0, CriticalStrike.Multiplier }, { "never deal critical strikes", TotalOverride, 0, CriticalStrike.Chance }, // - speed // - projectiles { "skills fire an additional projectile", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count }, { "pierces # additional targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "projectiles pierce an additional target", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "projectiles pierce # (additional )?targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "projectiles pierce all nearby targets", TotalOverride, double.PositiveInfinity, Projectile.PierceCount, Enemy.IsNearby }, { @"skills chain \+# times", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.ChainCount }, // - other { "your hits can't be evaded", TotalOverride, 100, Stat.ChanceToHit }, // defense // - life, mana, defences { "maximum life becomes #", TotalOverride, Value, Life }, { "removes all mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana }, { "converts all evasion rating to armour", TotalOverride, 100, Evasion.ConvertTo(Armour) }, { "cannot evade enemy attacks", TotalOverride, 0, Evasion.Chance }, { @"\+# evasion rating", BaseAdd, Value, Evasion }, // - resistances { "immune to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance }, { @"\+#% elemental resistances", BaseAdd, Value, Elemental.Resistance }, { @"\+?#% physical damage reduction", BaseAdd, Value, Physical.Resistance }, // - leech { "life leech is applied to energy shield instead", TotalOverride, (int)Pool.EnergyShield, Life.Leech.TargetPool }, { "gain life from leech instantly", TotalOverride, 1, Life.InstantLeech }, { "leech #% of damage as life", BaseAdd, Value, Life.Leech.Of(Damage) }, // - block { "#% of block chance applied to spells", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Block.AttackChance), Block.SpellChance }, // - other { "chaos damage does not bypass energy shield", TotalOverride, 100, Chaos.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life) }, { "#% of chaos damage does not bypass energy shield", BaseAdd, Value, Chaos.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life) }, { "#% of physical damage bypasses energy shield", BaseSubtract, Value, Physical.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life) }, { "you take #% reduced extra damage from critical strikes", PercentReduce, Value, CriticalStrike.ExtraDamageTaken }, { "you take no extra damage from critical strikes", PercentLess, 100, CriticalStrike.ExtraDamageTaken }, // regen and recharge // (need to be FormAndStatMatcher because they also exist with flat values) { "#%( of)? ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent }, { "#% of ({PoolStatMatchers}) and ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent, References[1].AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent }, { "regenerate #%( of)?( their| your)? ({PoolStatMatchers}) per second", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent }, { "# ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen }, { "#% faster start of energy shield recharge", PercentIncrease, Value, EnergyShield.Recharge.Start }, { "life regeneration has no effect", PercentLess, 100, Life.Regen }, { "life regeneration is applied to energy shield instead", TotalOverride, (int)Pool.EnergyShield, Life.Regen.TargetPool }, // gain (need to be FormAndStatMatcher because they also exist with flat values) { "#% of ({PoolStatMatchers}) gained", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { "recover #% of( their)? ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { "removes #% of ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseSubtract, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { @"\+# ({PoolStatMatchers}) gained", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { @"gain \+# ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, // charges { "#% chance to gain a power, frenzy or endurance charge", BaseAdd, Value / 3, Charge.Power.ChanceToGain, Charge.Frenzy.ChanceToGain, Charge.Endurance.ChanceToGain }, { "(?<!chance to |when you )gain an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", BaseAdd, 100, Reference.AsChargeType.ChanceToGain }, // skills // traps, mines, totems { "detonating mines is instant", TotalOverride, double.PositiveInfinity, Stat.CastRate, With(Skills.DetonateMines) }, // minions // buffs { "(?<!while |chance to )you have ({BuffMatchers})", TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsBuff.NotAsBuffOn(Self) }, { "(?<!while |chance to )gain ({BuffMatchers})", TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsBuff.On(Self) }, { "you can have one additional curse", BaseAdd, 1, Buff.CurseLimit }, { "enemies can have # additional curse", BaseAdd, Value, Buff.CurseLimit.For(Enemy) }, { "unaffected by curses", PercentLess, 100, Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "grants fortify", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Fortify.On(Self) }, { "gain elemental conflux", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Conflux.Elemental.On(Self) }, // flags // ailments { "causes bleeding", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Bleed.Chance }, { "always poison", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Poison.Chance }, { "(you )?can afflict an additional ignite on an enemy", BaseAdd, 1, Ailment.Ignite.InstancesOn(Enemy).Maximum }, { "(you are )?immune to ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "cannot be ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "cannot be ({AilmentMatchers}) or ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, References[0].AsAilment.Avoidance, References[1].AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "(immune to|cannot be affected by) elemental ailments", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Avoidance) }, { "poison you inflict with critical strikes deals #% more damage", PercentMore, Value, CriticalStrike.Multiplier.With(Ailment.Poison) }, // stun { "(you )?cannot be stunned", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Stun.Avoidance }, // item quantity/quality // range and area of effect // other { "knocks back enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance }, };
protected override IEnumerable <MatcherData> CreateCollection() => new StatMatcherCollection <IStatBuilder>(_modifierBuilder) { // attributes { "strength", Attribute.Strength }, { "strength damage bonus", Attribute.StrengthDamageBonus }, { "dexterity", Attribute.Dexterity }, { "dexterity evasion bonus", Attribute.DexterityEvasionBonus }, { "intelligence", Attribute.Intelligence }, { "strength and dexterity", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Strength, Attribute.Dexterity) }, { "strength and intelligence", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Strength, Attribute.Intelligence) }, { "dexterity and intelligence", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Dexterity, Attribute.Intelligence) }, { "attributes", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Strength, Attribute.Dexterity, Attribute.Intelligence) }, // offense // - damage: see also DamageStatMatchers { "chance to deal double damage", Damage.ChanceToDouble }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage (gained |added )?as (extra )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.AddAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra damage of a random element", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.AddAs(RandomElement.Damage) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage converted to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.ConvertTo(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage taken", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken }, { "take ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken }, { "damage taken", Damage.Taken }, // - penetration // - crit { "(global )?critical strike multiplier", CriticalStrike.Multiplier }, { "(global )?critical strike chance", CriticalStrike.Chance }, // - projectiles { "projectile speed", Projectile.Speed }, { "arrow speed", Projectile.Speed, Damage.With(Tags.Bow) }, // - other { "accuracy rating", Stat.Accuracy }, // defense // - life, mana, defences; see also PoolStatMatchers { "armour", Armour }, { "evasion( rating)?", Evasion }, { "evasion rating and armour", ApplyOnce(Armour, Evasion) }, { "armour and evasion( rating)?", ApplyOnce(Armour, Evasion) }, { "armour and energy shield", ApplyOnce(Armour, EnergyShield) }, { "(global )?defences", ApplyOnce(Armour, Evasion, EnergyShield) }, // - resistances { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistance", Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance }, { "all elemental resistances", Elemental.Resistance }, { "maximum ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistance", Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance.Maximum }, { "all maximum resistances", Elemental.And(Chaos).Resistance.Maximum }, { "physical damage reduction", Physical.Resistance }, // - leech { @"(?<pool>({PoolStatMatchers})) per second to \k<pool> Leech rate", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.RateLimit }, { "({DamageStatMatchers}) leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[1].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(References[0].AsDamageStat) }, { "({DamageStatMatchers}) leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers}) and ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[1].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(References[0].AsDamageStat), References[2].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(References[0].AsDamageStat) }, { "damage dealt by your totems is leeched to you as life", Life.Leech.To(Entity.ModifierSource).Of(Damage), For(Entity.Totem) }, { "({PoolStatMatchers}) leeched per second", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.Rate }, // - block { "chance to block", Block.AttackChance }, { "block chance", Block.AttackChance }, { "maximum block chance", Block.AttackChance.Maximum }, { "chance to block spells", Block.SpellChance }, { "chance to block spells and attacks", ApplyOnce(Block.SpellChance, Block.AttackChance) }, // - other { "chance to dodge attacks", Stat.Dodge.AttackChance }, { "chance to dodge spell damage", Stat.Dodge.SpellChance }, { "chance to evade( attacks)?", Evasion.Chance }, { "chance to evade projectile attacks", Evasion.ChanceAgainstProjectileAttacks }, { "chance to evade melee attacks", Evasion.ChanceAgainstMeleeAttacks }, { "damage is taken from ({PoolStatMatchers}) before ({PoolStatMatchers})", Damage.TakenFrom(References[0].AsPoolStat).Before(References[1].AsPoolStat) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage is taken from ({PoolStatMatchers}) before ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.TakenFrom(References[1].AsPoolStat) .Before(References[2].AsPoolStat) }, // speed { "attack speed", Skills[Keyword.Attack].Speed }, { "cast speed", Skills.Speed, Not(With(Skills[Keyword.Attack])) }, { "movement speed", Stat.MovementSpeed }, { // not the most elegant solution but by far the easiest @"movement speed \(hidden\)", Stat.MovementSpeed, Not(Flag.IgnoreMovementSpeedPenalties.IsSet) }, { "attack and cast speed", Skills.Speed }, { "attack, cast( speed)? and movement speed", ApplyOnce(Skills.Speed, Stat.MovementSpeed) }, { "animation speed", Stat.AnimationSpeed }, // regen and recharge { "({PoolStatMatchers}) regeneration rate", Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen }, { "energy shield recharge rate", EnergyShield.Recharge }, { "recovery rate of life, mana and energy shield", Life.RecoveryRate, Mana.RecoveryRate, EnergyShield.RecoveryRate }, // gain // charges { "(?<!maximum )({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount }, { "(?<!while at )maximum ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum }, { "maximum ({ChargeTypeMatchers}) and maximum ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", ApplyOnce(References[0].AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum, References[1].AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum) }, { "chance to (gain|grant) an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.ChanceToGain }, { "chance to (gain|grant) an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers}) and an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", References[0].AsChargeType.ChanceToGain, References[1].AsChargeType.ChanceToGain }, { "({ChargeTypeMatchers}) duration", Reference.AsChargeType.Duration }, { "endurance, frenzy and power charge duration", Charge.Endurance.Duration, Charge.Frenzy.Duration, Charge.Power.Duration }, // skills { "cooldown recovery speed", Skills.CooldownRecoverySpeed }, { "mana cost( of skills)?", Skills.Cost }, { "skill effect duration", Skills.Duration }, { "mana reserved", Skills.Reservation }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) duration", Skills[Reference.AsKeyword].Duration }, // traps, mines, totems { "traps? placed at a time", Traps.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "remote mines? placed at a time", Mines.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "totems? summoned at a time", Totems.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "trap trigger area of effect", Stat.TrapTriggerAoE }, { "mine detonation area of effect", Stat.MineDetonationAoE }, { "trap throwing speed", Traps.Speed }, { "mine laying speed", Mines.Speed }, { "totem placement speed", Totems.Speed }, { "totem life", Life, For(Entity.Totem) }, // minions { "maximum number of skeletons", Combine(Skill.SummonSkeleton, Skill.VaalSummonSkeletons).CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "maximum number of spectres", Skill.RaiseSpectre.Instances.Maximum }, { "maximum number of zombies", Skill.RaiseZombie.Instances.Maximum }, { "skeleton duration", Skill.SummonSkeleton.Duration, Skill.VaalSummonSkeletons.Duration }, { "golem at a time", Golems.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, // buffs { "effect of buffs granted by your golems", Buffs(Entity.Minion.With(Keyword.Golem)).Effect }, { "effect of buffs granted by your elemental golems", Buffs(Entity.Minion.With(Keyword.Golem, Elemental)).Effect }, { "effect of your curses", Buffs(Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "effect of curses on you", Buffs(target: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "effect of non-curse auras you cast", Buffs(Self).With(Keyword.Aura).Without(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "chance to fortify", Buff.Fortify.ChanceOn(Self) }, { "effect of fortify on you", Buff.Fortify.Effect }, { "fortify duration", Buff.Fortify.Duration }, { "chance for attacks to maim", Buff.Maim.ChanceOn(Enemy), Damage.With(Source.Attack) }, { "chance to taunt", Buff.Taunt.ChanceOn(Enemy) }, { "taunt duration", Buff.Taunt.Duration }, { "chance to blind enemies", Buff.Blind.ChanceOn(Enemy) }, { "blind duration", Buff.Blind.Duration }, // flags { "chance to (gain|grant) ({FlagMatchers})", Reference.AsFlagStat // chance is handled by StatManipulationMatchers }, { "({FlagMatchers}) duration", Reference.AsFlagStat.Duration }, { "({FlagMatchers}) effect", Reference.AsFlagStat.Effect }, // ailments { "chance to ({AilmentMatchers})( the enemy)?", Reference.AsAilment.Chance }, { "chance to freeze, shock and ignite", Ailment.Freeze.Chance, Ailment.Shock.Chance, Ailment.Ignite.Chance }, { "chance to avoid being ({AilmentMatchers})", Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "chance to avoid elemental ailments", Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Avoidance) }, { "({AilmentMatchers}) duration( on enemies)?", Reference.AsAilment.Duration }, { "duration of elemental ailments on enemies", Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Duration) }, // stun { "chance to avoid being stunned", Effect.Stun.Avoidance }, { "stun and block recovery", Effect.Stun.Recovery, Block.Recovery }, { "block recovery", Block.Recovery }, { "stun threshold", Effect.Stun.Threshold }, { "enemy stun threshold", Enemy.Stat(Effect.Stun.Threshold) }, { "stun duration( on enemies)?", Enemy.Stat(Effect.Stun.Duration) }, { "stun duration (?<inner>with .*) on enemies", Enemy.Stat(Effect.Stun.Duration), "${inner}" }, { "chance to avoid interruption from stuns while casting", Effect.Stun.ChanceToAvoidInterruptionWhileCasting }, { "chance to double stun duration", Effect.Stun.Duration.ChanceToDouble }, // flasks { "effect of flasks( on you)?", Flask.Effect }, { "flask effect duration", Flask.Duration }, { "life recovery from flasks", Flask.LifeRecovery }, { "mana recovery from flasks", Flask.ManaRecovery }, { "flask charges used", Flask.ChargesUsed }, { "flask charges gained", Flask.ChargesGained }, { "flask recovery (speed|rate)", Flask.RecoverySpeed }, // item quantity/quality { "quantity of items found", Stat.ItemQuantity }, { "rarity of items found", Stat.ItemRarity }, // range and area of effect { "area of effect", Skills.AreaOfEffect }, { "melee weapon and unarmed range", Stat.Range, Not(MainHand.Has(Tags.Ranged)) }, { "melee weapon range", Stat.Range, And(MainHand.Has(Tags.Weapon), Not(MainHand.Has(Tags.Ranged))) }, // other { "rampage stacks", Stat.RampageStacks }, { "chance to knock enemies back", Effect.Knockback.ChanceOn(Enemy) }, { "knockback distance", Effect.Knockback.Distance }, // Not really anything that can be done with them (yet), but should still be summed up { "character size", Stat.Unique("Character Size") }, { "reflected elemental damage taken", Stat.Unique("Reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken") }, { "reflected physical damage taken", Stat.Unique("Reduced Reflected Physical Damage taken") }, { "damage taken gained as mana over 4 seconds when hit", Stat.Unique("#% of Damage taken gained as Mana over 4 seconds when Hit") }, { "light radius", Stat.Unique("Light Radius") }, };
protected IConditionBuilder MainHandAttackWith(Tags tags) => MainHandAttack.And(MainHand.Has(tags));
protected override IReadOnlyList <MatcherData> CreateCollection() => new FormAndStatMatcherCollection(_modifierBuilder, ValueFactory) { // attributes // offense // - damage { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { @"# to # added ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { "# to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to attacks", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Attack) }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to unarmed attacks", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Attack).With(Keyword.Melee), Not(MainHand.HasItem) }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to bow attacks", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Attack).With(Keyword.Melee), MainHand.Has(Tags.Bow) }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to spells", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Spell) }, { @"adds # to # ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage to spells and attacks", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Spell), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Attack) }, { @"# to # additional ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { @"adds # maximum ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value.MaximumOnly, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHits }, { "deal no ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", TotalOverride, 0, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage }, { @"explosion deals (base )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage equal to #% of the (corpse|monster)'s maximum life", BaseSet, Value.AsPercentage *Life.For(Enemy).Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Secondary) }, { @"explosion deals # to # base ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseSet, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Secondary) }, { "deals # to # base ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseSet, ValueFactory.FromMinAndMax(Values[0], Values[1]), Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithSkills(DamageSource.Spell) }, // - damage taken { "cold damage taken increased by chill effect", PercentIncrease, 100 * (Ailment.ChillEffect.Value - 1), Cold.Damage.Taken.With(DamageSource.OverTime) }, // - damage taken as // - conversion and gain { "(gain )?#% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage (gained |added )?as (extra )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments .GainAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments) }, { "gain #% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra damage of a random element", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments .GainAs(RandomElement.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments) }, { "gain #% of wand ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage as extra ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.MainHand) .GainAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.MainHand)) .WithCondition(MainHand.Has(Tags.Wand)), References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.OffHand) .GainAs(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.With(AttackDamageHand.OffHand)) .WithCondition(OffHand.Has(Tags.Wand)) }, { "#% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage converted to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments .ConvertTo(References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.WithHitsAndAilments) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) spells have #% of ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage converted to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", BaseAdd, Value, References[1].AsDamageType.Damage.With(DamageSource.Spell) .ConvertTo(References[2].AsDamageType.Damage.With(DamageSource.Spell)), With(References[0].AsDamageType) }, // - penetration { "damage penetrates #% (of enemy )?({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration }, { "damage (?<inner>with .*|dealt by .*) penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration, "${inner}" }, { "penetrates? #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Penetration }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) damage penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, References[1].AsDamageType.Penetration.With(References[0].AsKeyword) }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) damage (?<inner>with .*|dealt by .*) penetrates #% ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances?", BaseAdd, Value, References[1].AsDamageType.Penetration.With(References[1].AsKeyword), "${inner}" }, { "hits ignore enemy monster ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistance", TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsDamageType.IgnoreResistance }, // - exposure { @"(?<damageType>({DamageTypeMatchers})) exposure applies #% to \k<damageType> resistance", BaseSet, Value, Reference.AsDamageType.Exposure }, // - crit { @"\+#% critical strike chance", BaseAdd, Value, CriticalStrike.Chance }, { "no critical strike multiplier, no damage multiplier for ailments from critical strikes", TotalOverride, 0, CriticalStrike.Multiplier }, { "never deal critical strikes", TotalOverride, 0, CriticalStrike.Chance }, // - speed { "actions are #% slower", PercentLess, Value, Stat.ActionSpeed }, { @"\+# seconds to attack time", BaseAdd, Value, Stat.BaseCastTime.With(DamageSource.Attack) }, // - projectiles { "fires # additional projectiles", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count }, { "fires # additional arrows", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count, With(Keyword.Attack) }, { "fires an additional projectile", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count }, { "fires an additional arrow", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count, With(Keyword.Attack) }, { "skills fire an additional projectile", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.Count }, { "skills fire # additional projectiles", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count }, { "supported skills fire # additional projectiles", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.Count }, { "pierces # additional targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "projectiles pierce an additional target", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "arrows pierce an additional target", BaseAdd, 1, Projectile.PierceCount, With(Keyword.Attack) }, { "projectiles pierce # (additional )?targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "arrows pierce # (additional )?targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount, With(Keyword.Attack) }, { "projectiles from supported skills pierce # additional targets", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.PierceCount }, { "projectiles pierce all nearby targets", TotalOverride, double.PositiveInfinity, Projectile.PierceCount, Enemy.IsNearby }, { "projectiles pierce all targets", TotalOverride, double.PositiveInfinity, Projectile.PierceCount }, { @"chains \+# times", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.ChainCount }, { @"(supported )?skills chain \+# times", BaseAdd, Value, Projectile.ChainCount }, // - other { "your hits can't be evaded", TotalOverride, 100, Stat.ChanceToHit }, { "can't be evaded", TotalOverride, 100, Stat.ChanceToHit }, // defense // - life, mana, defences { "maximum life becomes #", TotalOverride, Value, Life }, { "removes all mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana }, { "converts all evasion rating to armour", TotalOverride, 100, Evasion.ConvertTo(Armour) }, { "cannot evade enemy attacks", TotalOverride, 0, Evasion.Chance }, { @"\+# evasion rating", BaseAdd, Value, Evasion }, // - resistances { "immune to ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance }, { @"\+#% elemental resistances", BaseAdd, Value, Elemental.Resistance }, { @"\+?#% physical damage reduction", BaseAdd, Value, Physical.Resistance }, // - leech { "leech energy shield instead of life", TotalOverride, 100, Life.Leech.Of(Damage).ConvertTo(EnergyShield.Leech.Of(Damage)) }, { "gain life from leech instantly", TotalOverride, 1, Life.Leech.IsInstant }, { "leech #% of damage as life", BaseAdd, Value, Life.Leech.Of(Damage) }, { "cannot leech mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana.Leech.Of(Damage) }, // - block { "#% of block chance applied to spells", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Block.AttackChance), Block.SpellChance }, // - other { "chaos damage does not bypass energy shield", TotalOverride, 100, Chaos.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life) }, { "#% of chaos damage does not bypass energy shield", BaseAdd, Value, Chaos.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life) }, { "#% of physical damage bypasses energy shield", BaseSubtract, Value, Physical.DamageTakenFrom(EnergyShield).Before(Life) }, { "you take #% reduced extra damage from critical strikes", PercentReduce, Value, CriticalStrike.ExtraDamageTaken }, { "you take no extra damage from critical strikes", PercentLess, 100, CriticalStrike.ExtraDamageTaken }, // regen and recharge // (need to be FormAndStatMatcher because they also exist with flat values) { "#%( of)? ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent }, { "#% of ({PoolStatMatchers}) and ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value, References[0].AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent, References[1].AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent }, { "regenerate #%( of)?( their| your)? ({PoolStatMatchers}) per second", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen.Percent }, { "# ({PoolStatMatchers}) regenerated per second", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen }, { "#% faster start of energy shield recharge", PercentIncrease, Value, EnergyShield.Recharge.Start }, { "life regeneration has no effect", PercentLess, 100, Life.Regen }, { "life regeneration is applied to energy shield instead", TotalOverride, (int)Pool.EnergyShield, Life.Regen.TargetPool }, // gain (need to be FormAndStatMatcher because they also exist with flat values) { "#% of ({PoolStatMatchers}) gained", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { "recover #% of( their)? ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { "removes #% of ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseSubtract, Value.PercentOf(Reference.AsStat), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { @"\+# ({PoolStatMatchers}) gained", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { @"gain \+# ({PoolStatMatchers})", BaseAdd, Value, Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, { "replenishes energy shield by #% of armour", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Armour), EnergyShield.Gain }, { "recover ({PoolStatMatchers}) equal to #% of your evasion rating", BaseAdd, Value.PercentOf(Evasion), Reference.AsPoolStat.Gain }, // charges { "#% chance to gain a power, frenzy or endurance charge", BaseAdd, Value / 3, Charge.Power.ChanceToGain, Charge.Frenzy.ChanceToGain, Charge.Endurance.ChanceToGain }, { "(?<!chance to |when you )gain an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", BaseAdd, 100, Reference.AsChargeType.ChanceToGain }, { "(?<!chance to |when you )gain a power or frenzy charge", BaseAdd, 50, Charge.Power.ChanceToGain, Charge.Frenzy.ChanceToGain }, // skills { "base duration is # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Duration }, { @"\+# seconds to base duration", BaseAdd, Value, Stat.Duration }, { "base secondary duration is # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.SecondaryDuration }, { "#% increased duration(?! of)", PercentIncrease, Value, ApplyOnce(Stat.Duration, Stat.SecondaryDuration) }, { "#% reduced duration(?! of)", PercentReduce, Value, ApplyOnce(Stat.Duration, Stat.SecondaryDuration) }, { "skills cost no mana", TotalOverride, 0, Mana.Cost }, { "you can cast an additional brand", BaseAdd, 1, Skills[Keyword.Brand].CombinedInstances }, // traps, mines, totems { "trap lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Trap.Duration }, { "mine lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Mine.Duration }, { "totem lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Stat.Totem.Duration }, { "detonating mines is instant", TotalOverride, 0, Stat.BaseCastTime, With(Skills.DetonateMines) }, // minions { "can summon up to # golem at a time", BaseSet, Value, Golems.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, // buffs { "(?<!while |chance to )you have ({BuffMatchers})", TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsBuff.NotAsBuffOn(Self) }, { "(?<!while |chance to )gain ({BuffMatchers})", TotalOverride, 1, Reference.AsBuff.On(Self) }, { "you can have one additional curse", BaseAdd, 1, Buff.CurseLimit }, { "enemies can have # additional curse", BaseAdd, Value, Buff.CurseLimit.For(Enemy) }, { "you can apply an additional curse", BaseAdd, 1, Buff.CurseLimit.For(Enemy) }, { "unaffected by curses", PercentLess, 100, Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "unaffected by ({SkillMatchers})", PercentLess, 100, Reference.AsSkill.Buff.EffectOn(Self).For(Entity.Any) }, { "immun(e|ity) to curses", TotalOverride, 0, Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).On }, { "monsters are hexproof", TotalOverride, 0, Buffs(Self, Enemy).With(Keyword.Curse).On, Flag.IgnoreHexproof.IsSet.Not }, { "grants? fortify", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Fortify.On(Self) }, { "gain elemental conflux", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Conflux.Elemental.On(Self) }, { "creates consecrated ground", TotalOverride, 1, Buff.Conflux.Elemental.On(Self) }, { "(?<!chance to )impale enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Buff.Impale.Chance }, { "({BuffMatchers}) lasts # seconds", BaseSet, Value, Reference.AsBuff.Duration }, { "supported auras do not affect you", TotalOverride, 0, Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.EffectOn(Self) }, { "totems cannot gain ({BuffMatchers})", TotalOverride, 0, Reference.AsBuff.On(Entity.Totem) }, // flags // ailments { "causes bleeding", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Bleed.Chance }, { "bleed is applied", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Bleed.Chance }, { "always poison", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Poison.Chance }, { "always ({AilmentMatchers}) enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Chance }, { "cannot cause bleeding", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Bleed.Chance }, { "cannot ignite", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Ignite.Chance }, { "cannot (apply|inflict) shock", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Shock.Chance }, { "cannot inflict elemental ailments", TotalOverride, 0, Ailment.Elemental.Select(s => s.Chance) }, { "(you )?can afflict an additional ignite on an enemy", BaseAdd, 1, Ailment.Ignite.InstancesOn(Enemy).Maximum }, { "(you are )?immune to ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "cannot be ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "cannot be ({AilmentMatchers}) or ({AilmentMatchers})", TotalOverride, 100, References[0].AsAilment.Avoidance, References[1].AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "(immune to|cannot be affected by|immunity to) elemental ailments", TotalOverride, 100, Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Avoidance) }, { "poison you inflict with critical strikes deals #% more damage", PercentMore, Value, CriticalStrike.Multiplier.With(Ailment.Poison) }, // stun { "(you )?cannot be stunned", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Stun.Avoidance }, { "additional #% chance to be stunned", BaseAdd, Value, Effect.Stun.Chance.For(Entity.OpponentOfSelf) }, // item quantity/quality // range and area of effect // other { "knocks back enemies", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance }, { "knocks enemies back", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance }, { "knockback(?! distance)", TotalOverride, 100, Effect.Knockback.Chance }, };
protected override IReadOnlyList <MatcherData> CreateCollection() => new StatMatcherCollection <IStatBuilder>(_modifierBuilder) { // attributes { "strength", Attribute.Strength }, { "strength damage bonus", Attribute.StrengthDamageBonus }, { "dexterity", Attribute.Dexterity }, { "dexterity evasion bonus", Attribute.DexterityEvasionBonus }, { "intelligence", Attribute.Intelligence }, { "strength and dexterity", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Strength, Attribute.Dexterity) }, { "strength and intelligence", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Strength, Attribute.Intelligence) }, { "dexterity and intelligence", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Dexterity, Attribute.Intelligence) }, { "(all )?attributes", ApplyOnce(Attribute.Strength, Attribute.Dexterity, Attribute.Intelligence) }, // offense // - damage: see also DamageStatMatchers { "chance to deal double damage", Damage.ChanceToDouble }, // - damage multiplier { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage over time multiplier", Reference.AsDamageType.DamageMultiplier.With(DamageSource.OverTime) }, { "non-ailment ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage over time multiplier", Reference.AsDamageType.DamageMultiplier.WithSkills(DamageSource.OverTime) }, // - damage taken { "damage taken", Damage.Taken }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage taken", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken }, { "take ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken }, { "damage taken from hits", Damage.Taken.WithHits }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage taken from hits", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken.WithHits }, { "damage taken from damage over time", Damage.Taken.With(DamageSource.OverTime) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage taken over time", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken.With(DamageSource.OverTime) }, { "take ({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage over time", Reference.AsDamageType.Damage.Taken.With(DamageSource.OverTime) }, { "damage taken from projectiles", Damage.Taken.With(Keyword.Projectile) }, { "damage taken from trap or mine hits", Damage.Taken.With(Keyword.Trap).WithHits, Damage.Taken.With(Keyword.Mine).WithHits }, // - damage taken as { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage from hits taken as lightning damage", Reference.AsDamageType.HitDamageTakenAs(DamageType.Lightning) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage from hits taken as cold damage", Reference.AsDamageType.HitDamageTakenAs(DamageType.Cold) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage from hits taken as fire damage", Reference.AsDamageType.HitDamageTakenAs(DamageType.Fire) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage from hits taken as chaos damage", Reference.AsDamageType.HitDamageTakenAs(DamageType.Chaos) }, // - penetration // - crit { "(global )?critical strike multiplier", CriticalStrike.Multiplier.WithSkills }, { "(global )?critical strike chance", CriticalStrike.Chance }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) critical strike multiplier", CriticalStrike.Multiplier.WithSkills.With(Reference.AsKeyword) }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) critical strike chance", CriticalStrike.Chance.With(Reference.AsKeyword) }, { "projectiles have critical strike chance", CriticalStrike.Chance.With(Keyword.Projectile) }, // - projectiles { "projectile speed", Projectile.Speed }, { "arrow speed", Projectile.Speed, And(With(Keyword.Attack), MainHand.Has(Tags.Bow)) }, // - other { "(global )?accuracy rating", Stat.Accuracy }, { "minion accuracy rating", Stat.Accuracy.For(Entity.Minion) }, // defense // - life, mana, defences; see also PoolStatMatchers { "armour", Armour }, { "evasion( rating)?", Evasion }, { "evasion rating and armour", ApplyOnce(Armour, Evasion) }, { "armour and evasion( rating)?", ApplyOnce(Armour, Evasion) }, { "armour and energy shield", ApplyOnce(Armour, EnergyShield) }, { "(global )?defences", ApplyOnce(Armour, Evasion, EnergyShield) }, { "minion maximum life", Life.For(Entity.Minion) }, // - resistances { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistance", Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) and ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistances", References[0].AsDamageType.Resistance, References[1].AsDamageType.Resistance }, { "all elemental resistances", Elemental.Resistance }, { "maximum ({DamageTypeMatchers}) resistance", Reference.AsDamageType.Resistance.Maximum }, { "all maximum resistances", Elemental.And(Chaos).Resistance.Maximum }, { "physical damage reduction", Physical.Resistance }, // - leech { @"(?<pool>({PoolStatMatchers})) per second to \k<pool> Leech rate", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.RateLimit }, { "damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers})", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage) }, { "attack damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers})", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage.With(DamageSource.Attack)) }, { "spell damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers})", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage.With(DamageSource.Spell)) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[1].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(References[0].AsDamageType.Damage) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) attack damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[1].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(References[0].AsDamageType.Damage.With(DamageSource.Attack)) }, { "damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers}) and ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[0].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage), References[1].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage) }, { "attack damage leeched as ({PoolStatMatchers}) and ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[0].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage.With(DamageSource.Attack)), References[1].AsPoolStat.Leech.Of(Damage.With(DamageSource.Attack)) }, { "damage dealt by your totems is leeched to you as life", Life.Leech.Of(Damage.For(Entity.Totem)) }, { "({PoolStatMatchers}) leeched per second", Reference.AsPoolStat.Leech.Rate }, // - block { "chance to block", Block.AttackChance }, { "chance to block attack damage", Block.AttackChance }, { "chance to block spell damage", Block.SpellChance }, { "chance to block spell and attack damage", Block.SpellChance, Block.AttackChance }, { "enemy block chance", ApplyOnce(Block.SpellChance, Block.AttackChance).For(Enemy) }, { "maximum chance to block attack damage", Block.AttackChance.Maximum }, // - other { "chance to dodge attacks", Stat.Dodge.AttackChance }, { "chance to dodge attack hits", Stat.Dodge.AttackChance }, { "chance to dodge spell hits", Stat.Dodge.SpellChance }, { "chance to dodge attack and spell hits", Stat.Dodge.AttackChance, Stat.Dodge.SpellChance }, { "enemies have chance to dodge hits", ApplyOnce(Stat.Dodge.AttackChance, Stat.Dodge.SpellChance).For(Enemy) }, { "chance to evade( attacks)?", Evasion.Chance }, { "chance to evade projectile attacks", Evasion.ChanceAgainstProjectileAttacks }, { "chance to evade melee attacks", Evasion.ChanceAgainstMeleeAttacks }, { "damage is taken from ({PoolStatMatchers}) before ({PoolStatMatchers})", AnyDamageType.DamageTakenFrom(References[0].AsPoolStat).Before(References[1].AsPoolStat) }, { "({DamageTypeMatchers}) damage is taken from ({PoolStatMatchers}) before ({PoolStatMatchers})", References[0].AsDamageType.DamageTakenFrom(References[1].AsPoolStat) .Before(References[2].AsPoolStat) }, // speed { "attack speed", Stat.CastRate.With(DamageSource.Attack) }, { "({KeywordMatchers}) attack speed", Stat.CastRate.With(DamageSource.Attack).With(Reference.AsKeyword) }, { "cast speed", Stat.CastRate.With(DamageSource.Spell), Stat.CastRate.With(DamageSource.Secondary) }, { "cast speed for curses", Stat.CastRate.With(DamageSource.Attack).With(Keyword.Curse) }, { "movement speed", Stat.MovementSpeed }, { // not the most elegant solution but by far the easiest @"movement speed \(hidden\)", Stat.MovementSpeed, Not(Flag.IgnoreMovementSpeedPenalties.IsSet) }, { "attack and cast speed", Stat.CastRate }, { "attack, cast( speed)? and movement speed", Stat.CastRate, Stat.MovementSpeed }, { "hit rate", Stat.HitRate }, { "brand activation frequency", Stat.HitRate, With(Keyword.Brand) }, // regen and recharge { "({PoolStatMatchers}) regeneration rate", Reference.AsPoolStat.Regen }, { "energy shield recharge rate", EnergyShield.Recharge }, { "recovery rate of life, mana and energy shield", Life.RecoveryRate, Mana.RecoveryRate, EnergyShield.RecoveryRate }, // gain // charges { "(?<!maximum |have an? )({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount }, { "(?<!while at )maximum ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum }, { "maximum ({ChargeTypeMatchers}) and maximum ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", ApplyOnce(References[0].AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum, References[1].AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum) }, { "chance to (gain|grant) (an?|1) ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.ChanceToGain }, { "chance to (gain|grant) an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers}) and an? ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", References[0].AsChargeType.ChanceToGain, References[1].AsChargeType.ChanceToGain }, { // Isn't really useful to parse, but if not, no damage related stat would be parsed, leading to // a ParseException because this is "on Hit with Claws". "chance to steal power, frenzy, and endurance charges", Charge.ChanceToSteal }, { "({ChargeTypeMatchers}) duration", Reference.AsChargeType.Duration }, { "endurance, frenzy and power charge duration", Charge.Endurance.Duration, Charge.Frenzy.Duration, Charge.Power.Duration }, // skills { "cooldown recovery speed", Stat.CooldownRecoverySpeed }, { "warcry cooldown recovery speed", Stat.CooldownRecoverySpeed, With(Keyword.Warcry) }, { "cooldown recovery speed for throwing traps", Stat.CooldownRecoverySpeed, With(Keyword.Trap) }, { "mana cost( of skills)?", Mana.Cost }, { "mana cost of skills that place mines or throw traps", Mana.Cost, Or(With(Keyword.Mine), With(Keyword.Trap)) }, { "mana reserved", AllSkills.Reservation }, { "mana reservation of skills", AllSkills.Reservation }, { "mana reservation of ({KeywordMatchers}) skills", Skills[Reference.AsKeyword].Reservation }, { "({SkillMatchers}) has mana reservation", Reference.AsSkill.Reservation }, { "skill effect duration", Stat.Duration }, { "skill duration", Stat.Duration }, { "buff duration", Stat.Duration }, { "warcry duration", Stat.Duration, With(Keyword.Warcry) }, { "curse duration", Stat.Duration, With(Keyword.Curse) }, // traps, mines, totems { "trap duration", Stat.Trap.Duration }, { "mine duration", Stat.Mine.Duration }, { "totem duration", Stat.Totem.Duration }, { "traps? placed at a time", Traps.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "remote mines? placed at a time", Mines.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "totems? summoned at a time", Totems.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "maximum number of summoned totems", Totems.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, { "trap trigger area of effect", Stat.Trap.TriggerAoE }, { "mine detonation area of effect", Stat.Mine.DetonationAoE }, { "trap throwing speed", Stat.Trap.Speed }, { "mine laying speed", Stat.Mine.Speed }, { "totem placement speed", Stat.Totem.Speed }, { "totem life", Life.For(Entity.Totem) }, // minions { "maximum number of skeletons", Skills.SummonSkeleton.Instances.Maximum, Skills.VaalSummonSkeletons.Instances.Maximum }, { "maximum number of spectres", Skills.RaiseSpectre.Instances.Maximum }, { "maximum number of zombies", Skills.RaiseZombie.Instances.Maximum }, { "minion duration", Stat.Duration, With(Keyword.Minion) }, { "skeleton duration", Stat.Duration, WithSkeletonSkills }, { "skeleton movement speed", Stat.MovementSpeed.For(Entity.Minion), WithSkeletonSkills }, { "golem at a time", Golems.CombinedInstances.Maximum }, // buffs // - effect { "({BuffMatchers}) effect", Reference.AsBuff.Effect }, { "effect of ({BuffMatchers})", Reference.AsBuff.Effect }, { "effect of ({BuffMatchers}) on you", Reference.AsBuff.EffectOn(Self) }, { "({SkillMatchers}) has buff effect", Reference.AsSkill.Buff.Effect }, { "effect of buffs granted by your golems", Buffs(Entity.Minion).With(Keyword.Golem).Effect }, { "effect of buffs granted by your elemental golems", Buffs(Entity.Minion).With(Keyword.Golem, Fire).Effect, Buffs(Entity.Minion).With(Keyword.Golem, Cold).Effect, Buffs(Entity.Minion).With(Keyword.Golem, Lightning).Effect }, { "effect of heralds on you", Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Herald).Effect }, { "effect of your curses", Buffs(Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "effect of curses on you", Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "effect of non-curse auras from your skills", Buffs(Self).With(Keyword.Aura).Without(Keyword.Curse).Effect }, { "warcry buff effect", Buffs(targets: Self).With(Keyword.Warcry).Effect }, { "aura effect", Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.Effect }, { "(?<!area of )effect of aura", Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.Effect }, { "effect of supported curses", Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.Effect }, { "non-curse auras from supported skills have effect", Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.Effect }, { "effect of curse against players", Skills.ModifierSourceSkill.Buff.EffectOn(Entity.Character) }, // - chance { "chance to (gain|grant) ({BuffMatchers})", Reference.AsBuff.Chance }, { "chance to fortify", Buff.Fortify.Chance }, { "chance to maim", Buff.Maim.Chance }, { "chance for attacks to maim", Buff.Maim.Chance.With(DamageSource.Attack) }, { "chance to taunt", Buff.Taunt.Chance }, { "chance to blind( enemies)?", Buff.Blind.Chance }, { "chance to cover rare or unique enemies in ash", Buff.CoveredInAsh.Chance, Enemy.IsRareOrUnique }, { "chance to impale enemies", Buff.Impale.Chance }, // - duration { "({BuffMatchers}) duration", Reference.AsBuff.Duration }, { "blinding duration", Buff.Blind.Duration }, // ailments { "chance to ({AilmentMatchers})( the enemy| enemies)?( on hit)?", Reference.AsAilment.Chance }, { "chance to freeze, shock and ignite", Ailment.Freeze.Chance, Ailment.Shock.Chance, Ailment.Ignite.Chance }, { "chance to cause bleeding( on hit)?", Ailment.Bleed.Chance.With(DamageSource.Attack) }, { "chance to avoid being ({AilmentMatchers})", Reference.AsAilment.Avoidance }, { "chance to avoid elemental ailments", Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Avoidance) }, { "({AilmentMatchers}) duration( on enemies)?", Reference.AsAilment.Duration }, { "duration of ailments on enemies", Ailment.Elemental.Append(Ailment.Bleed, Ailment.Poison).Select(a => a.Duration) }, { "duration of elemental ailments on enemies", Ailment.Elemental.Select(a => a.Duration) }, { "effect of shock", Ailment.ShockEffect }, { "effect of chill( on enemies)?", Ailment.ChillEffect }, { "effect of non-damaging ailments on enemies", Ailment.ShockEffect, Ailment.ChillEffect }, // stun { "chance to avoid being stunned", Effect.Stun.Avoidance }, { "stun and block recovery", Effect.Stun.Recovery, Block.Recovery }, { "block recovery", Block.Recovery }, { "stun threshold", Effect.Stun.Threshold }, { "enemy stun threshold", Effect.Stun.Threshold.For(Enemy) }, { "stun duration( on enemies)?", Effect.Stun.Duration }, { "stun duration (?<inner>with .*) on enemies", Effect.Stun.Duration, "${inner}" }, { "chance to avoid interruption from stuns while casting", Effect.Stun.ChanceToAvoidInterruptionWhileCasting }, { "chance to double stun duration", Effect.Stun.Duration.ChanceToDouble }, // flasks { "effect of flasks( on you)?", Flask.Effect }, { "flask effect duration", Flask.Duration }, { "life recovery from flasks", Flask.LifeRecovery }, { "mana recovery from flasks", Flask.ManaRecovery }, { "flask charges used", Flask.ChargesUsed }, { "flask charges gained", Flask.ChargesGained }, { "flask recovery (speed|rate)", Flask.RecoverySpeed }, // item quantity/quality { "quantity of items found", Stat.ItemQuantity }, { "quantity of items dropped by enemies slain", Stat.ItemQuantity }, { "rarity of items found", Stat.ItemRarity }, { "rarity of items dropped by enemies slain", Stat.ItemRarity }, // range and area of effect { "area of effect", Stat.AreaOfEffect }, { "aura area of effect", Stat.AreaOfEffect, With(Keyword.Aura) }, { "radius", Stat.Radius }, { "explosion radius", Stat.Radius }, { "melee weapon and unarmed( attack)? range", Stat.Range.With(Keyword.Melee) }, { "melee range", Stat.Range.With(Keyword.Melee) }, { "melee weapon range", Stat.Range.With(Keyword.Melee), MainHand.HasItem }, // other { "rampage stacks", Stat.RampageStacks }, { "chance to knock enemies back", Effect.Knockback.Chance }, { "knockback distance", Effect.Knockback.Distance }, { "character size", Stat.CharacterSize }, { "reflected elemental damage taken", Elemental.ReflectedDamageTaken }, { "reflected physical damage taken", Physical.ReflectedDamageTaken }, { "damage taken gained as mana over 4 seconds when hit", Stat.DamageTakenGainedAsMana }, { "light radius", Stat.LightRadius }, };