Пример #1
        public void TestSerializerScenarios()
            var mf = new MainFormMock();

            (new List <Tuple <String, Object, String> >()
                // test name, source data, expected result
                { "null", null, "null" },
                { "null string", (String)null, "null" },
                { "empty string", "", "\"\"" },
                { "string with special chars", "\"\r\n", "\"\\\"\\r\\n\"" },
                { "boolean true", true, "true" },
                { "25 (int)", 25, "25" },
                { "0 (int)", 0, "0" },
                { "123.45 (dec)", 123.45M, "123.45m" },
                { "0 (dec)", 0.0M, "0.0m" },
                { "red", Color.Red, "Color.Red" },
                { "scintilla case style", ScintillaNET.StyleCase.Camel, "ScintillaNET.StyleCase.Camel" },
            }).ForEach(m =>
                Assert.AreEqual(m.Item3, mf.SerializeValue(m.Item2), m.Item1);
Пример #2
        public void TestSerializerScenarios()
            var mf = new MainFormMock();

            (new List<Tuple<String, Object, String>>()
                // test name, source data, expected result
                { "null", null, "null" },
                { "null string", (String)null, "null" },
                { "empty string", "", "\"\"" },
                { "string with special chars", "\"\r\n", "\"\\\"\\r\\n\"" },
                { "boolean true", true, "true"},
                { "25 (int)", 25, "25" },
                { "0 (int)", 0, "0" },
                { "123.45 (dec)", 123.45M, "123.45m" },
                { "0 (dec)", 0.0M, "0.0m" },
                { "red", Color.Red, "Color.Red" },
                { "scintilla case style", ScintillaNET.StyleCase.Camel, "ScintillaNET.StyleCase.Camel" },
            }).ForEach(m =>
                Assert.AreEqual(m.Item3, mf.SerializeValue(m.Item2), m.Item1);