public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser fromUser, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { string result = null; IEnumerable<string> commands; if (source is NetUser) { commands = from ICommand c in fromUser.Commands where c != this select c.Name; } else { //HACK: Need a better way to handle shoot commands = from ICommand c in fromUser.Commands where c != this && c.AllowedInPublic && c.Name != "shoot" select c.Name; } if (commands.Count() > 0) { result = "Your commands: " + new ListFormatter<string>(commands).Format() + "."; } else { result = "You have no commands right now."; } if(source is NetChannel) { IEnumerable<string> channelCommands = from ICommand c in source.Commands select c.Name; if (channelCommands.Count() > 0) { result += " Channel commands: " + new ListFormatter<string>(channelCommands).Format() + "."; } } return result; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length == 0) { return "Syntax: ##vote <name>"; } return game.Vote(from, from.Master.GetUser(args[0])); }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { Debug.Assert(game.Mapper[from] == member); if(this.AllowedInPublic && !(source is NetChannel)) { return "You have to issue this command in the channel."; } if(!this.AllowedInPublic && source is NetChannel) { return null; } VillageMember target = FindTarget(args); if (target != null && target.State == MemberState.Dead) { return args[0] + " is dead."; } string message = null; try { message = member.UsePower(power, target).ResultMessage; } catch (MafiaException ex) { return ex.Message; } if (source is NetChannel) { return null; } else { return message; } }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { game.RemoveUser(from); from.Commands.Add(new JoinCommand(game)); from.Commands.Remove(this); return "You have been removed from the game. To rejoin, use the ##join command."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { game.VoiceEveryone(state); from.Commands.Remove(this); from.Commands.Add(new VoiceCommand(game, !state)); return null; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if (bot.Games.Games.Count == 0) { return "There are no games going on right now."; } else { return "Current games: " + new Util.ListFormatter<IGame>(bot.Games.Games); } }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length == 0) { return "Syntax: ##add <name>"; } game.AddUser(from.Master.GetUser(args[0])); return args[0] + " has been added to the game."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length == 0) { return "Syntax: ##kill <name>"; } NetUser user = from.Master.GetUser(args[0]); game.Kill(user); return null; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(game.MaxPlayers != -1 && game.Players.Count < game.MaxPlayers) { return "Need another " + (game.MaxPlayers - game.Players.Count) + " players to start the game."; } game.Start(); from.Commands.Remove(this); return null; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return "Syntax: ##skip <powername>"; } VillageMember member = game.Mapper[from]; member.Skip(args[0]); return "Action " + args[0] + " skipped."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if (game == null) { return "Game does not exist."; } else if (game.Creator != from && !from.IsOpInChannel(game.Channel.Name)) { return "You are not the creator."; } games.Destroy(game); return "Game destroyed."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length<1) { return "Syntax: ##variant <name>"; } List<string> argList = args.ToList(); argList.RemoveAt(0); game.SetVariant(args[0], argList); return null; }
public override void Load(MafiaBotV2.MafiaLib.Village village) { base.Load(village); Faction town = village.Factions.First(v => v.Name == "Town"); Faction mafia = village.Factions.First(v => v.Name == "Mafia"); for (int i = 0; i < numTown; i++) { town.CreateMember("Town" + i); } for (int i = 0; i < numScum; i++) { mafia.CreateMember("Mafia"); } }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length < 1) { return "Syntax: ##opdestroy <name>"; } if(!from.IsOpInChannel(bot.MainChannel)) { return "You must be an op to use this command."; } if(bot.Games.GetGame(args[0]) == null) { return "Game doesn't exist."; } bot.Games.Destroy(args[0]); return "Game destroyed."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length < 1) { return "Syntax: ##create <name>"; } string gameType = "mafia"; if(args.Length>1) { gameType = args[1]; } IGame game = bot.Games.CreateGame(from, args[0], gameType); return "Game created! To join the game, go to channel " + game.Channel.Name + " ."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length == 0) { return "Syntax: ##deadline <seconds>"; } if(from != game.Creator) { return "Only the creator can set deadlines."; } DateTime executionTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Int32.Parse(args[0])); game.SetDeadline(executionTime); return null; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length == 0) { return "Syntax: ##modkill <target>"; } NetUser target = game.Players.Find(p => p.Name.ToLower() == args[0].ToLower()); if(target != null) { game.Mapper[target].Kill(); return args[0] + " has been modkilled."; } else { return "Unknown user " + args[0]; } }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { Debug.Assert(game.Mapper[from] == member); VillageMember target = null; if(args.Length > 0) { NetUser targetUser = game.Players.Find(p => p.Name.ToLower() == args[0].ToLower()); if(targetUser != null) { target = game.Mapper[targetUser]; } } member.Faction.UsePower(power, member, target); return "Action submitted"; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { if(args.Length < 2) { return "Syntax: ##replace <old> <new>"; } NetUser oldUser = game.Players.Find(p => p.Name.ToLower() == args[0].ToLower()); if(oldUser == null) { return "Player " + args[0] + " is not in this game."; } NetUser newUser = game.Channel.Users.Find(p => p.Name.ToLower() == args[1].ToLower()); if(newUser == null) { return "User " + args[1] + " is not in the game channel."; } game.Replace(oldUser, newUser); return args[0] + " has been replaced by " + args[1]; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { (game.Mapper[from].Outside as MafiaUser).SendRoleInfo(); return null; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { game.AddUser(from); from.Commands.Remove(this); return "You have been added to the game. To leave again, use the ##leave command."; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { return game.Village.Phase.Votes.GetVoteCount(true); }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { return "You can find help on how to use this bot on"; }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { return game.Unvote(from); }
public string Execute(MafiaBotV2.Network.NetUser from, MafiaBotV2.Network.NetObject source, string[] args) { return game.GetVoteCount(); }