private void TestStartingWithMacroOperationSingle(Type t, int rounds)
            for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++)
                MacroOpBase raw = (MacroOpBase)RandomPropertyGenerator.Create(t);

                ICommand cmd          = raw.ToCommand();
                bool     nullCommand  = cmd == null;
                bool     shouldBeNull = expectedNullCommand.Contains(t);
                //Assert.Equal(shouldBeNull, nullCommand); // TODO - reenable this once possible
                if (shouldBeNull || nullCommand)

                var serCmd = cmd as SerializableCommandBase; // TODO - this shouldnt be needed once all Commands have appropriate macro stuff set

                MacroOpBase entry = serCmd.ToMacroOps().Single();
                if (entry == null)
                    throw new Exception("Deserialized not implemented");
                if (!t.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(entry.GetType()))
                    throw new Exception("Deserialized operation of wrong type");

                RandomPropertyGenerator.AssertAreTheSame(raw, entry);