Пример #1
        private BabylonMatrix ConvertMayaToBabylonMatrix(MMatrix mMatrix)
            var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mMatrix);

            // Retreive TRS vectors from matrix
            float[] position           = transformationMatrix.getTranslation();
            float[] rotationQuaternion = transformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion();
            float[] scaling            = transformationMatrix.getScale();

            // Switch coordinate system at object level
            position[2]           *= -1;
            rotationQuaternion[0] *= -1;
            rotationQuaternion[1] *= -1;

            // Apply unit conversion factor to meter
            position[0] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
            position[1] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
            position[2] *= scaleFactorToMeters;

            // The composed matrix
            return(BabylonMatrix.Compose(new BabylonVector3(scaling[0], scaling[1], scaling[2]),                                                            // scaling
                                         new BabylonQuaternion(rotationQuaternion[0], rotationQuaternion[1], rotationQuaternion[2], rotationQuaternion[3]), // rotation
                                         new BabylonVector3(position[0], position[1], position[2])                                                          // position
Пример #2
        private void GetTransform(MFnTransform mFnTransform, ref float[] position, ref float[] rotationQuaternion, ref float[] rotation, ref BabylonVector3.EulerRotationOrder rotationOrder, ref float[] scaling)
            var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);
            var mayaRotationOrder    = 0;

            MGlobal.executeCommand($"getAttr {mFnTransform.fullPathName}.rotateOrder", out mayaRotationOrder);
            rotationOrder = Tools.ConvertMayaRotationOrder((MEulerRotation.RotationOrder)mayaRotationOrder);

            position           = transformationMatrix.getTranslation();
            rotationQuaternion = transformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion();
            rotation           = transformationMatrix.getRotation();
            scaling            = transformationMatrix.getScale();

            // Switch coordinate system at object level
            position[2]           *= -1;
            rotationQuaternion[0] *= -1;
            rotationQuaternion[1] *= -1;
            rotation[0]           *= -1;
            rotation[1]           *= -1;
            rotationOrder          = Tools.InvertRotationOrder(rotationOrder);

            // Apply unit conversion factor to meter
            position[0] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
            position[1] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
            position[2] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
Пример #3
        void printTransformData(MDagPath dagPath, bool quiet)
            MObject transformNode = null;

                transformNode = dagPath.transform;
            catch (System.Exception)
                // This node has no transform - i.e., it's the world node

            MFnDagNode transform = null;

                transform = new MFnDagNode(transformNode);
            catch (System.Exception)

            MTransformationMatrix matrix = new MTransformationMatrix(transform.transformationMatrix);

            if (!quiet)
                MGlobal.displayInfo("  translation: " +
                                    MVectorToString(matrix.translation(MSpace.Space.kWorld)) + Environment.NewLine);

            double[] threeDoubles = new double[3];
            int      rOrder       = 0;

            matrix.getRotation(threeDoubles, out rOrder, MSpace.Space.kWorld);

            if (!quiet)
                MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("  rotation: [%f, %f, %f]\n", threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]));
            matrix.getScale(threeDoubles, MSpace.Space.kWorld);
            if (!quiet)
                MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("  scale: [%f, %f, %f]\n", threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]));
Пример #4
        private void GetTransform(MFnTransform mFnTransform, ref float[] position, ref float[] rotationQuaternion, ref float[] rotation, ref float[] scaling)
            var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);

            position           = transformationMatrix.getTranslation();
            rotationQuaternion = transformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion();
            rotation           = transformationMatrix.getRotation();
            scaling            = transformationMatrix.getScale();

            // Switch coordinate system at object level
            position[2]           *= -1;
            rotationQuaternion[0] *= -1;
            rotationQuaternion[1] *= -1;
            rotation[0]           *= -1;
            rotation[1]           *= -1;
Пример #5
        private void ExportTransform(BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, MFnDagNode mFnDagNode)
            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnDagNode.transformationMatrix);

            babylonAbstractMesh.position = transformationMatrix.getTranslation();

            if (_exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotationQuaternion = transformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion();
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotation = transformationMatrix.getRotation();

            babylonAbstractMesh.scaling = transformationMatrix.getScale();
Пример #6
        private List <BabylonAnimation> GetAnimationsFrameByFrame(MFnTransform mFnTransform)
            int start = Loader.GetMinTime();
            int end   = Loader.GetMaxTime();

            // Animations
            List <BabylonAnimation> animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            string[] babylonAnimationProperties = new string[] { "scaling", "rotationQuaternion", "position", "visibility" };

            Dictionary <string, List <BabylonAnimationKey> > keysPerProperty = new Dictionary <string, List <BabylonAnimationKey> >();

            keysPerProperty.Add("scaling", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());
            keysPerProperty.Add("rotationQuaternion", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());
            keysPerProperty.Add("position", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());
            keysPerProperty.Add("visibility", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());

            // get keys
            for (int currentFrame = start; currentFrame <= end; currentFrame++)
                // get transformation matrix at this frame
                MDoubleArray mDoubleMatrix = new MDoubleArray();
                MGlobal.executeCommand($"getAttr -t {currentFrame} {mFnTransform.fullPathName}.matrix", mDoubleMatrix);
                mDoubleMatrix.get(out float[] localMatrix);
                MMatrix matrix = new MMatrix(localMatrix);
                var     transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(matrix);

                // Retreive TRS vectors from matrix
                var position           = transformationMatrix.getTranslation();
                var rotationQuaternion = transformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion();
                var scaling            = transformationMatrix.getScale();

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                position[2]           *= -1;
                rotationQuaternion[0] *= -1;
                rotationQuaternion[1] *= -1;

                // create animation key for each property
                for (int indexAnimation = 0; indexAnimation < babylonAnimationProperties.Length; indexAnimation++)
                    string babylonAnimationProperty = babylonAnimationProperties[indexAnimation];

                    BabylonAnimationKey key = new BabylonAnimationKey();
                    key.frame = currentFrame;
                    switch (indexAnimation)
                    case 0:     // scaling
                        key.values = scaling.ToArray();

                    case 1:     // rotationQuaternion
                        key.values = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();

                    case 2:     // position
                        key.values = position.ToArray();

                    case 3:     // visibility
                        key.values = new float[] { Loader.GetVisibility(mFnTransform.fullPathName, currentFrame) };


            // create animation for each property
            for (int indexAnimation = 0; indexAnimation < babylonAnimationProperties.Length; indexAnimation++)
                string babylonAnimationProperty = babylonAnimationProperties[indexAnimation];

                List <BabylonAnimationKey> keys = keysPerProperty[babylonAnimationProperty];

                var keysFull = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>(keys);

                // Optimization
                OptimizeAnimations(keys, true);

                // Ensure animation has at least 2 frames
                if (IsAnimationKeysRelevant(keys))
                    int dataType = 0;                               // "scaling", "rotationQuaternion", "position", "visibility"
                    if (indexAnimation == 0 || indexAnimation == 2) // scaling and position
                        dataType = (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Vector3;
                    else if (indexAnimation == 1)    // rotationQuaternion
                        dataType = (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Quaternion;
                    else   // visibility
                        dataType = (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Float;
                    // Create BabylonAnimation
                    animations.Add(new BabylonAnimation()
                        dataType       = dataType,
                        name           = babylonAnimationProperty + " animation",
                        framePerSecond = Loader.GetFPS(),
                        loopBehavior   = (int)BabylonAnimation.LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                        property       = babylonAnimationProperty,
                        keys           = keys.ToArray(),
                        keysFull       = keysFull
Пример #7
        public void ResetLights()
            //<AmbientLight Color="White" />
            //<DirectionalLight Color="White" Direction="-1,-1,-1" />
            //<PointLight Color="White" ConstantAttenuation="1" LinearAttenuation="1" Position="0,0,0" QuadraticAttenuation="1" Range="0" />
            //<SpotLight Color="White" ConstantAttenuation="1" Direction="-1,-1,-1" InnerConeAngle="10" LinearAttenuation="1" OuterConeAngle="10" Position="0,0,0" QuadraticAttenuation="1" Range="0" />

            MItDag dagIterator = new MItDag(MItDag.TraversalType.kDepthFirst, MFn.Type.kLight);

            for ( ; !dagIterator.isDone; dagIterator.next())
                MDagPath lightPath = new MDagPath();

                MFnLight light     = new MFnLight(lightPath);
                bool     isAmbient = light.lightAmbient;
                MColor   mcolor    = light.color;
                Color    color     = Color.FromScRgb(1.0f, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b);
                if (isAmbient)
                    AmbientLight ambient = new AmbientLight(color);

                MFloatVector lightDirection = light.lightDirection(0, MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                Vector3D     direction      = new Vector3D(lightDirection.x, lightDirection.y, lightDirection.z);
                bool         isDiffuse      = light.lightDiffuse;
                try {
                    MFnDirectionalLight dirLight    = new MFnDirectionalLight(lightPath);
                    DirectionalLight    directional = new DirectionalLight(color, direction);
                } catch {

                MObject               transformNode = lightPath.transform;
                MFnDagNode            transform     = new MFnDagNode(transformNode);
                MTransformationMatrix matrix        = new MTransformationMatrix(transform.transformationMatrix);
                double []             threeDoubles  = new double [3];
                int rOrder = 0;                 //MTransformationMatrix.RotationOrder rOrder ;
                matrix.getRotation(threeDoubles, out rOrder, MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                matrix.getScale(threeDoubles, MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                MVector pos      = matrix.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                Point3D position = new Point3D(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
                try {
                    MFnPointLight pointLight = new MFnPointLight(lightPath);
                    PointLight    point      = new PointLight(color, position);
                    //point.ConstantAttenuation =pointLight. ; // LinearAttenuation / QuadraticAttenuation
                    //point.Range =pointLight.rayDepthLimit ;
                } catch {

                try {
                    MFnSpotLight spotLight      = new MFnSpotLight(lightPath);
                    MAngle       InnerConeAngle = new MAngle(spotLight.coneAngle);
                    MAngle       OuterConeAngle = new MAngle(spotLight.penumbraAngle);
                    SpotLight    spot           = new SpotLight(color, position, direction, OuterConeAngle.asDegrees, InnerConeAngle.asDegrees);
                    spot.ConstantAttenuation = spotLight.dropOff;                     // LinearAttenuation / QuadraticAttenuation
                    //spot.Range =spotLight.rayDepthLimit ;
                } catch {
Пример #8
        public void ResetLights()
            //<AmbientLight Color="White" />
            //<DirectionalLight Color="White" Direction="-1,-1,-1" />
            //<PointLight Color="White" ConstantAttenuation="1" LinearAttenuation="1" Position="0,0,0" QuadraticAttenuation="1" Range="0" />
            //<SpotLight Color="White" ConstantAttenuation="1" Direction="-1,-1,-1" InnerConeAngle="10" LinearAttenuation="1" OuterConeAngle="10" Position="0,0,0" QuadraticAttenuation="1" Range="0" />
            lights.Children.Clear () ;

            MItDag dagIterator =new MItDag (MItDag.TraversalType.kDepthFirst, MFn.Type.kLight) ;
            for ( ; !dagIterator.isDone ; dagIterator.next () ) {
                MDagPath lightPath =new MDagPath () ;
                dagIterator.getPath (lightPath) ;

                MFnLight light =new MFnLight (lightPath) ;
                bool isAmbient =light.lightAmbient ;
                MColor mcolor =light.color ;
                Color color =Color.FromScRgb (1.0f, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b) ;
                if ( isAmbient ) {
                    AmbientLight ambient =new AmbientLight (color) ;
                    lights.Children.Add (ambient) ;
                    continue ;

                MFloatVector lightDirection =light.lightDirection (0, MSpace.Space.kWorld) ;
                Vector3D direction =new Vector3D (lightDirection.x, lightDirection.y, lightDirection.z) ;
                bool isDiffuse =light.lightDiffuse ;
                try {
                    MFnDirectionalLight dirLight =new MFnDirectionalLight (lightPath) ;
                    DirectionalLight directional =new DirectionalLight (color, direction) ;
                    lights.Children.Add (directional) ;
                    continue ;
                } catch {

                MObject transformNode =lightPath.transform ;
                MFnDagNode transform =new MFnDagNode (transformNode) ;
                MTransformationMatrix matrix =new MTransformationMatrix (transform.transformationMatrix) ;
                double [] threeDoubles =new double [3] ;
                int rOrder =0 ; //MTransformationMatrix.RotationOrder rOrder ;
                matrix.getRotation (threeDoubles, out rOrder, MSpace.Space.kWorld) ;
                matrix.getScale (threeDoubles, MSpace.Space.kWorld) ;
                MVector pos =matrix.getTranslation (MSpace.Space.kWorld) ;
                Point3D position =new Point3D (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) ;
                try {
                    MFnPointLight pointLight =new MFnPointLight (lightPath) ;
                    PointLight point =new PointLight (color, position) ;
                    //point.ConstantAttenuation =pointLight. ; // LinearAttenuation / QuadraticAttenuation
                    //point.Range =pointLight.rayDepthLimit ;
                    lights.Children.Add (point) ;
                    continue ;
                } catch {

                try {
                    MFnSpotLight spotLight =new MFnSpotLight (lightPath) ;
                    MAngle InnerConeAngle =new MAngle (spotLight.coneAngle) ;
                    MAngle OuterConeAngle =new MAngle (spotLight.penumbraAngle) ;
                    SpotLight spot =new SpotLight (color, position, direction, OuterConeAngle.asDegrees, InnerConeAngle.asDegrees) ;
                    spot.ConstantAttenuation =spotLight.dropOff ; // LinearAttenuation / QuadraticAttenuation
                    //spot.Range =spotLight.rayDepthLimit ;
                    lights.Children.Add (spot) ;
                    continue ;
                } catch {
Пример #9
        private List <BabylonAnimation> GetAnimationsFrameByFrame(MFnTransform mFnTransform)
            int start = GetMinTime()[0];
            int end   = GetMaxTime()[0];

            // Animations
            List <BabylonAnimation> animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            string[] babylonAnimationProperties = new string[] { "scaling", "rotationQuaternion", "position" };

            Dictionary <string, List <BabylonAnimationKey> > keysPerProperty = new Dictionary <string, List <BabylonAnimationKey> >();

            keysPerProperty.Add("scaling", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());
            keysPerProperty.Add("rotationQuaternion", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());
            keysPerProperty.Add("position", new List <BabylonAnimationKey>());

            // get keys
            for (int currentFrame = start; currentFrame <= end; currentFrame++)
                // get transformation matrix at this frame
                MDoubleArray mDoubleMatrix = new MDoubleArray();
                MGlobal.executeCommand($"getAttr -t {currentFrame} {mFnTransform.fullPathName}.matrix", mDoubleMatrix);
                mDoubleMatrix.get(out float[] localMatrix);
                MMatrix matrix = new MMatrix(localMatrix);
                var     transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(matrix);

                // Retreive TRS vectors from matrix
                var position           = transformationMatrix.getTranslation();
                var rotationQuaternion = transformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion();
                var scaling            = transformationMatrix.getScale();

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                position[2]           *= -1;
                rotationQuaternion[0] *= -1;
                rotationQuaternion[1] *= -1;

                // create animation key for each property
                for (int indexAnimation = 0; indexAnimation < babylonAnimationProperties.Length; indexAnimation++)
                    string babylonAnimationProperty = babylonAnimationProperties[indexAnimation];

                    BabylonAnimationKey key = new BabylonAnimationKey();
                    key.frame = currentFrame;
                    switch (indexAnimation)
                    case 0:     // scaling
                        key.values = scaling.ToArray();

                    case 1:     // rotationQuaternion
                        key.values = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();

                    case 2:     // position
                        key.values = position.ToArray();


            // create animation for each property
            for (int indexAnimation = 0; indexAnimation < babylonAnimationProperties.Length; indexAnimation++)
                string babylonAnimationProperty = babylonAnimationProperties[indexAnimation];

                List <BabylonAnimationKey> keys = keysPerProperty[babylonAnimationProperty];

                // Optimization
                OptimizeAnimations(keys, true);

                // Ensure animation has at least 2 frames
                if (keys.Count > 1)
                    var animationPresent = true;

                    // Ensure animation has at least 2 non equal frames
                    if (keys.Count == 2)
                        if (keys[0].values.IsEqualTo(keys[1].values))
                            animationPresent = false;

                    if (animationPresent)
                        // Create BabylonAnimation
                        animations.Add(new BabylonAnimation()
                            dataType       = indexAnimation == 1 ? (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Quaternion : (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Vector3,
                            name           = babylonAnimationProperty + " animation",
                            framePerSecond = GetFPS(),
                            loopBehavior   = (int)BabylonAnimation.LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                            property       = babylonAnimationProperty,
                            keys           = keys.ToArray()

Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Default space is transform
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mTransformationMatrix"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static float[] getScale(this MTransformationMatrix mTransformationMatrix)
     double[] scale = new double[3];
     mTransformationMatrix.getScale(scale, MSpace.Space.kTransform);
     return(Array.ConvertAll(scale, item => (float)item));
Пример #11
        void printTransformData(MDagPath dagPath, bool quiet)
            MObject transformNode = null;
                transformNode = dagPath.transform;
            catch (System.Exception)
                // This node has no transform - i.e., it's the world node

            MFnDagNode	transform = null;

                transform = new MFnDagNode(transformNode);
            catch (System.Exception )

            MTransformationMatrix	matrix  = new MTransformationMatrix(transform.transformationMatrix);

            if (!quiet)
                MGlobal.displayInfo("  translation: " +
                    MVectorToString(matrix.translation(MSpace.Space.kWorld)) + Environment.NewLine);

            double[] threeDoubles = new double[3];
            int rOrder = 0;
            matrix.getRotation (threeDoubles, out rOrder, MSpace.Space.kWorld);

            if (!quiet)
                MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("  rotation: [%f, %f, %f]\n", threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]));
            matrix.getScale (threeDoubles, MSpace.Space.kWorld);
            if (!quiet)
                MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("  scale: [%f, %f, %f]\n", threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]));